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The vast majority of residents of the metropolis, realizing the advantages of life in private ...


The construction of the house begins with the foundation, and the overhaul is impossible without ...


Foam is a sought -after building material, which is massively used ...

paints and varnishes

A sufficiently popular material in construction is the OSB, a focusing and overall slab, which is characterized by its lightness, strength and
According to statistics, not a single construction event is complete without the use of metal as one of the most common and reliable materials.
As you know, metal is a material that is unstable to corrosion, therefore, a primer is used to protect it from this unpleasant phenomenon. Except
Structural paint is a fairly popular finishing material used to cover the walls or create a laminated layer. Term
To date, there is a huge selection of roofing materials, and their number is increasing every year. But there are a number of materials whose
Standard gray slafers does not attract attention with its appearance at all. However, painting it in certain colors suitable for your