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Before discussing how to choose a substrate under the parquet floor, it is worth understanding ...


What could be more comfortable, warmer and more refined than a wooden floor? Modern market ...


Bayer original architecture solution, a rounded ledge in the end part ...

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What articles do we need:

  • Detailed professional instructions with step -by -step photos to help readers deal with questions related to construction, site, design, etc. Articles should be written in an accessible language, interesting and competently.
  • Photo instruction. Phased performance with photographs. Each photo is a short description
  • Video instruction. Video showing the process of performing any work, such as building a house or garage. Or the choice of any tools, installation of light bulbs, sockets and so on. With comments and description.
  • Structure:
    • A small introduction that reveals the content of the article
    • Content for quick search for the necessary information
    • Instructions, photos and videos

The necessary requirement is uniqueness, i.e. Articles and materials written and shot for and previously not published.
Photos and videos should be of good quality (not shot on your phone).
Send us your suggestions, articles, photos and videos of materials at the address support@strport.ruWe will definitely consider them and answer you.