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What fertilizers to make in the spring. Mineral fertilizers in the spring. What fertilizers are added to the soil in the spring. Nitrogen fertilizer in the spring

In order to get a quality crop in the garden and in the garden bed, the owners should pay due attention to the care of the soil, carry out timely preventive measures, regularly, fertilizers on time. The correct approach to this process is considered one of the main components of the successful vegetation period of plants, because having received nutrients in the spring, the Earth is gaining forces, which are enough for the entire harvest, until late autumn. About what fertilizers are added to the soil in the spring, types of top dressing for the soil, their features and rules for introducing into the soil, it will be discussed further in the article.

Table of contents:

  1. When to make fertilizers
  2. Types of top dressing
  3. Features and rules for making mineral fertilizers
  4. How to cook compost
  5. How are garden trees fed

When to make fertilizers

From the crop to the crop, the land plot is depleted, which means that without proper care it loses its properties, which directly affects the quantity and condition of the raised fruits. The depletion of the soil as a result leads to the absence of those who wish fruits, so the condition of the bed should be maintained from year to year. Some owners prefer to export humus to the garden in the fall, since they believe that all the necessary substances will penetrate into the ground and will positively affect it. Another group of vegetable growers prefers precisely spring top dressing, adhering to the opinion that the procedures performed during this period support the condition of the beds. To the second opinion, the majority is still inclined, because in early spring the garden can be fertilized with nitrogen materials, depending on which culture the landing site is being prepared.

It is important that it is difficult for an inexperienced gardener to correctly determine the timing of top dressing yourself, since there is no clear orientation on the calendar in this matter, it is necessary to rely on weather conditions, signs. For example, it is not recommended to feed top dressing on top of the snow, since it will lose its properties, it will decompose under the influence of moisture, it will be washed out, and during this time the soil will not absorb all the necessary trace elements. As for that very humus, some experts believe that when fertilizing in the fall, which still remains to be removed, it loses all its beneficial properties under the influence of low temperatures.

Therefore, the resource, which is intended for the garden, should be harvested not in the open territory, but somewhere in the barn. Unlike garden crops, vegetables, top dressing is carried out immediately before landing, garden trees require such measures much earlier, it is associated with a powerful root system of plants, which, even with partially frozen soil, can absorb all the necessary beneficial substances.

Types of top dressing

What fertilizers are better to make in the spring, this is not the only question that must be revealed to beginner vegetable growers, you should initially understand their varieties. All fertilizers that summer residents use are divided into two large groups - organic and mineral. The first includes humus, peat, bird droppings, in general, good, which in the village is available in sufficient quantities, which can not be purchased for a lot of money.

This series of resources contributes to a good loosening of the soil, feed it a number of useful substances. This raw material is usually made once every three years. The leader among the above raw materials is a rotted manure or humus, it is introduced in the amount of one ten -liter bucket per square meter of the garden. In its absence, it is replaced either by peat or compost, which can also be done at home. Organic top dressing positively affect the condition of the soil, however, if you do not calculate the necessary dose, you can cause huge harm to the Earth, but subsequently the plants that will be planted on it. A number of minuses of use of organics include:

  • specific, unpleasant odor;
  • with an excess, they can burn the root system of cultures;
  • require considerable labor costs;
  • plants can be infected with diseases, or threatened with pests.

This type of top dressing is difficult to find in places remote from farm organizations and rural villages, which is not very convenient for summer residents.

As for mineral fertilizers, they can easily be found and purchased in any specialized store, and working with them is quite simple, because they are designed for concentration, so the probability of overdating with top dressing is practically excluded. Their volume is calculated regarding the instructions provided, as well as with emphasis on a specific culture. To improve the crop, so phosphorus and nitrogen top dressing can be used, which are introduced into the ground immediately before planting seeds or in the early stages of their development. Despite the convenience of working with granular resources, many gardeners do not give their preferences to this group, based on the fact that these are all chemistry and such materials can adversely affect the human body. It is worth noting that mineral fertilizers, very well affect the crop yields, but at the same time they do not improve the condition of the soil, do not feed it. This is actually top dressing with microelements of only plants. For example, potassium -based substances accelerate the process of ripening of the fruit. In addition, gardeners can use complex top dressing, they can be purchased on trading shelves both in the form of a liquid and in a granular form.

Features and rules for making mineral fertilizers

Culture will not be able to fully develop and bring a qualitative crop of culture if the gardener fed the soil with mineral fertilizers of only one group, for example, nitrogen. This is due to the fact that each type of top dressing performs its functions and if, in the case of potassium, this is the formation of a powerful rhizome and an increase in root crops, then the nitrogen favorably affects the green mass of plants, and phosphorus increases the weight of the fruits and their dimensions. The use of these resources in the complex makes it possible to get a good, formed crop that will be well preserved and have characteristic, high -class taste.

Mineral top dressing does not have approximate leadership doses, here the owners need to be clearly guided by the instructions in which the name of the plants is initially prescribed for which fertilizer is intended. Experienced summer residents, which grow vegetables in large -scale quantities, regularly analyze the soil, according to which the terms and number of auxiliary substances are regulated.

What mineral fertilizers need to be made in the spring? Since it is in the raw materials, with a potassium composition, there are all the necessary trace elements for the formation of a strong rhizome should start feeding with it. Additionally, top dressing of this nature increases fertility and preserves the soil microflora. During the appearance of sprouts and the direct development of the stem and leaves, the plants are fed with nitrogen. But already at the stage of the formation of fruits and their direct maturation, the use of phosphorus is allowed. See additional information about mineral fertilizers in the table.


   Features of mineral fertilizers



The material is able to maintain its properties for a long time, while the action is manifested very quickly. It dissolves well in water. Recommended for introducing for all cultures in the spring. In the summer, cabbage, greens and cucumbers are treated. The dose is recommended for 1 square. m. 1 -1.5 tablespoons.
  Urea 1 sq.m. 2 tablespoons are applied. One of the best nitrogen fertilizers, which is suitable for processing vegetable and garden crops. In the summer, it is used for spraying from pests.


The material is intended for introducing to the soil, before organizing a seasonal dump. Belongs to a number of the most budget feeding.
  Superphosphate is double Recommended for fertilizing plants in the second half of summer. It contains a dual dose of nutrients, due to which a reduction in the dose during processing requires.

According to the recommendations to professionals, each summer resident who grows vegetables on their own must keep records of preventive procedures, it is important not only to fix the type of top dressing and the period, but also to mark the territory on which the operation was performed. In addition, it should also be noted that if all plants react well to nitrogen fertilizers, even if the resource was introduced with a slight overabundance, then the soil overexidation of phosphate elements adversely affects cultures. This is evidenced by a change in the color of the leaves, the appearance of typical dark green spots.

How to cook compost

What fertilizers to make in the spring when planting crops, if preference remains with organic matter? A compost is included in a number of natural substances, the recipe for the preparation of which at home is quite diverse. So from the remains of leaves, tops, mowed hay and even household residues an excellent top dressing will come out.

1. The most popular belongs to a peat product for which a large composition of nitrogen, which is so necessary for vegetable and garden crops, remains characteristic. So, for the preparation of organic mass, one part of the manure and one part of the peat is connected, which are laid in layers and covered, without additional tamping of the bacter. Adds perfection of phosphotic flour, the required amount of which per ton of compost is 25 kilograms.

2. From tea tea leaves, potato cleaning, tops of plants, foliage, dry grass and other waste, the owners produce no less useful compost properties. This assembly material begins to be prepared since the summer, collecting in some design all this mass it is regularly watered with dung slurred. I do not recommend covering this raw materials, since when fertilizer in the spring, excess nitrogen can form in the spring.

3. The compost vermocultivations begin to cook in the winter, often since the end of March. To obtain organic material, hay, paper, and straw are placed in the container, which complement the ground and watered with water. In the block with the mixture, ventilation should be established, since after a day the cultures of earthen worms can be launched into it. After, weekly, and even several times a week, waste is added to the raw materials - eggshells, tea brewing, potato cleaning.

By introducing organic top dressing on the bed of gardeners should not be guided by the principle, the more, the better. This slogan of vegetable growers is false, because the oversaturation of soil does not allow plants to fully bear fruit and violates their structure.

How are garden trees fed

What fertilizers are introduced in the spring under fruit trees? The answer to this question is directly related to the age of the plant and what exactly the stage of development it arrives. So if the tree has recently been planted required by the development of the root system, it takes root, which means that it is necessary to use phosphate resources. Nitrogen substances are demolished only at the stage of plant growth, in moderate quantities. When calculating the number of fertilizers is important for gardeners and take into account the amount of crop that they expect. So I recommend extending the period of fruiting trees, so beginners in this matter should consult with experienced specialists in advance, so as not to harm the variety during its violent formation.

Thus, we can say that the use of modern technologies, special resources for the soil, the use of organic resources allows gardeners, even on the poorest soils to receive a satisfactory crop. However, in order not to harm cultures, the gardener should pay due attention to the study of information about what fertilizers to make in the spring when planting vegetables, since in this process there is no place for approximate calculations, several grams of excess substance can destroy the roots of the plant, and turn the soil into an unusual for growing fruits. With the improper distribution of a mass of materials, they have an even number of disadvantages, known pluses.





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