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With your own hands

Buildings and crafts made of wood occupy an important place in national culture, this includes home utensils, furniture, architectural elements and so on. After all, the processing of the forest is one of the first crafts to be mastered by a person in antiquity. Wooden platbands on the windows an important element of the log house. They serve not only a kind of decor, but also cover joints, seams, minor disadvantages. But intricate, ornate patterns decorating them carry a deep semantic load. The article will talk about how to make platbands on the windows with your own hands.


  1. History of the appearance of platbands on the windows
  2. The value of some patterns on platbands
  3. How wooden platbands did earlier
  4. How platbands do the windows do now
  5. Types of threads on window platbands
  6. How to make platbands on the windows



History of the appearance of platbands on the windows


If the facade of the building is a face, then the windows of his eyes. After all, the word score from the Old Russian language sounds like on the face.

  • It is believed that the custom of decorating at home with carved products is borrowed from superstitious sailors. In those days, any ornament, a separate element on the ship was of great importance.
  • Any owner wants to ensure the safety of his home and one of the ways to protect against the outside world of that time protection with special signs and spells. Initially, these were the simplest zaruses, primitive figures: circles, triangles, crosses. Thus, since ancient times, man tried to enclose his home from evil spirits, adversity and natural elements, endowing symbols with magical properties.

  • Over time, simple signs were transformed into more complex ornaments. The technology of applying patterns itself also evolved. Certain rules for their location on the house were formed.
  • Initially, these peculiar amulets were intended for windows and doors, since it was the unclean force that could penetrate these openings. Much later, openwork carvings began to be finished and other parts of the structure of the cornice, pediments, horse, corners of the log house, the railing of the porches.



The value of some patterns on platbands


Despite the huge variety of elements in patterns, some of them are repeated more often. It is worth noting that such images can be recognized on embroidery. In order for the born child to be great, the family is strong, a woman is fertile on towels, sundresses and roasters, magical symbols drawn in patterns were embroidered.

Unfortunately, after centuries, the original meaning of archaic ornaments is lost and forgotten. Therefore, to read the spells, to penetrate into their meaning is almost impossible. Only a small fraction managed to solve:

  • Wings For the most part, they are found in the upper part of the platbands in the center vertically located, along the edges of which there are wings. They mean a deity that protects and endlessly. The operated circle or the sun is a sign of the incessant journey of the sun along the sky, where light defeats darkness.
  • Bird It is the keeper of the time of the past, present and future. According to other sources, the spirit of a deceased person instills in birds and in this form the ancestors appear before people. Thus, the wooden figure of a bird protects the dwelling from troubles.

  • Sun Associated with life, energy, universe. The luminary protects the house from external negative influences, fills the home with peace. The number of rays is also of great importance. It is known for certain that 4 rays meant fire and a home.
  • Snake Often depicted on platbands. This cold -blooded reptile is associated with fertility, earth, water element. The snake is also associated with the renewal, heavenly fire and, of course, wisdom.

  • Cross It originates from the time of paganism. The symbol can be interpreted as follows by a vertical line means spiritual perfection, and horizontal material goods, thus, forming harmony between higher and pressing needs. There is also an opinion that the cross indicates the cardinal points, the change of seasons, speaking of the cycling of life and the cyclicality of the passage of constellations.
  • Herbs, color. Outlandish vegetation personifies the inextricable unity of people with nature, what a person understood and appreciated so well in ancient times, but, alas, we are not.
  • The value of the so -called earrings, vertical elements on the lower bar of the platband that spoke about the hospitality of the owners.


Today, carriers of grains are collecting information that serves the basis for creating new schemes for platbands on the windows. Masters are trying to restore the historical heritage and instill it in the current generation. They try to show how the simplicity of a log house with the grace of wooden lace is combined.



How wooden platbands did earlier


  • It was believed that wood, even after processing, retained magical properties. Therefore, the joiners had their own signs and beliefs. For example, lonely trees or growing on abandoned tracts and intersections were not suitable for work.
  • Each area was characterized by its own pattern and design style, its own implementation technique is characteristic. In different regions, the joiners used a certain type of thread (deaf, sculptural, overhead, slotted). And the further the cities and villages were, the more obvious the difference was.

  • With the development of communications, ornaments and manufacturing methods began to be actively mixed, that is, drawings inherent in a particular area began to be used in others.


Many amazing examples of wooden architecture in the village, village or the old part of the city and a century later delight with their depth, imagination and skills of artisans.



How platbands do the windows do now


Today, such a window jewelry can be made not only from an array of wood, but also not quite natural materials: PVC, metal, plywood, laminated MDF.

  • Of course, modern technologies allow you to make a product that reproduces both the texture and the texture of the tree. In addition, like a natural forest, they have a very decent life. Innovative materials make it possible to decorate the windows of absolutely any shape, which, unfortunately, is not available to wood.
  • Companies offer ready -made solutions for window openings, it remains only to set the necessary sizes. But, nevertheless, many companies work with the consumer individually, where the client will help the client to choose the ornament to taste or with pleasure will make this decoration according to its finished sketch.
  • Fans of real materials, those who believe that the warmth and love of a person is transmitted to wood during work should contact the carpentry workshop. It should be noted that the price of such a platband on the window is very high from 5,000 rubles.



Types of threads on window platbands



Flat carvings


It is based on cutting lines in the outline of the pattern, drawing. As a rule, this technique is rarely used independently. The ornament is supplemented by wedge -shaped cuts, embossed carving or painting, reviving the overall composition.

It can be distributed to two subspecies:

  • geometric threadit consists in performing straight and curved lines. Elements are pronounced geometric in nature. The process is concluded as follows: the knife-kosyak is installed under the slope to the surface clearly on the drawn line and is carried out on the board with pressure. Such a manipulation is called an incision. The incision is performed from the opposite side to the cut. Despite the apparent primitiveness and the fact that only a couple of main tools (a knife with a mowed blade and a chisel in the form of a crescent) will be needed to perform this type of thread, the work requires certain skills. It is worth noting that the flaws here will be more difficult;
  • contour thread Description of the image with a liner-high. To perform a more complex pattern, the thickness of the groove may change - to be wider or already. The work is carried out using an additional set of cutters, a chisel sharpened at a variety of angles.

To achieve a clear line, without chips, slices you need a hard hand and a sharply sharpened tool. Typically, the office of the ornament is carried out in one call, while it is necessary to observe the angle of inclination of the blade. In this case, the depth of the recesses will be one, which will give the drawing of distinctness and accuracy.



Plant -relief thread


It is a more developed contour type of thread. In this case, the edges of the elements are additionally processed, creating a certain illusion of the relief. But ultimately, the relief height corresponds to the depth of the background. The main motives for this method of execution are a plant ornament, images of animals. The complexity of the reproduced pattern determines the number of tools. In some cases, masters use up to 60 chisels, cutters, knives of various sizes and profiles.

The initial work is similar to the contour technique, but here the further execution of the ornament is based on the processing of the edges of the circuit, conditionally of which there are 3 subspecies:

  • carving with blocking contours. As follows from the name of the edge of the element, that is, it is rounded. Only the border of the groove from the side of the ornament is slightly flooded, and from the side of the background is slightly stronger. Such cutting forms an interesting game of chiaroscuro;
  • pillow pillow. The edge of the recess adjacent to the pattern is rounded, while the background is chosen almost a fan, forming a semicircular bulge, reminiscent of a beaten pillow. A slight decrease in the level of the entire plane in relation to the ornament is allowed;
  • substracts with a selected background. This method implies a complete selection of the background at an equal depth around the pattern. Thus, it seems that the element is overhead.



Sredular thread


On a wooden plane forms a very light ornament due to the lack of a background. Such a skillfully made cutting can be called openwork (from the French language through), since the finished product resembles lace. Sometimes the workpiece is attached to a wooden or fabric basis of contrasting colors, in such cases it is customary to talk about it as an overhead element.

  • Typically, for slots, they use a columnar, a mini-nozzle, a jigsaw and other power tools, for example, a drill with a drill or a feathee nozzle. Filigree decoration is carried out manually using the same cutters, chisels, jambs.
  • Spring thread is not limited by ornamental themes, here you can perform as simple geometric shapes, so images of people and animals. Openwork elements combined with other types of threads make it possible to create a more complex and spectacular art form. To carry out such work is possible for a master of the highest class.


Although the house thread varies by type, it is practically not used separately. In the manufacture of carved decorations, various techniques and technologies are used. The embossed pattern smoothly passes into geometric constructions, and then transforms into elegant lace. One technique replaces another, harmoniously interwoven plots.



How to make platbands on the windows


Undoubtedly, in order to decorate the windows with products of their own manufacture, you must have the experience of the carpenter and at least the initial thread skills. But, nevertheless, it is quite possible to carry out the planned in a simpler version, applying the maximum effort and desire.



The choice of wood breed


  • The forest is selected not only depending on its longevity, resistance to various weather conditions. This characteristic will not play in favor of the cutter, for example, oak and beech are famous for their solid wood, but they are not suitable for carving. To create even the simplest, simple pattern, a lot of time will take.
  • For these purposes, it is better to take birch or pine boards, they are of course harder than fake or alder, but the sections are more neat, and the relief is clear. Wooden nut is ideal for thinner lace threads, apple and cherries of small overhead jewelry.
  • Special impregnations, varnishes will help to extend the life, and you can emphasize the natural texture with a stain. But obvious defects are hidden with ordinary paint, usually white or sky blue.



The main provisions


Depending on the type of thread and the complexity of the selected ornament, either a minimum of the tool or its full set will be required. It is only necessary to build up here from the level of skill or your own confidence in the final result.

Capaches drawings on windows


  • The most popular was openwork thread, since it does not require special skills to perform it. In addition, it is almost impossible to spoil the platband. In view of the simplicity of manipulations, the manufacture of the product is free of any home master.

Tip: In the absence of experience, the pattern should be selected without the presence of small elements and detailed details. The design of the picture should be distinguished from the distance, and for such work, a subtle tool, patience and a lot of time are needed for such work.

  • The tree is living material, it breathes, so the patterns should be located if possible along the fibers, this will help to avoid cracking the thread in the future. This deplorable result can lead to the finest bends and endings of the ornament.



Stages of work


For the work you will need: a drill and drill of different diameters, a lobby manual or electric, sandpaper, olifa and lumber directly.

  • Typically, the thickness of the workpiece is 30-40 mm, the width is arbitrary, here it is worth starting from aesthetic preferences. In the classic version, this parameter can be in the range from 15 to 30 mm. The length of the side boards is equal to the height of the window, and the length of the upper and lower bar its width.

  • Before starting work, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper to absolute smoothness. Then it is necessary to cut the blanks for angular joints. This can be performed in half a berel or a spike-paz type fastener, this method is suitable if a cut of the ends of the board is made at an angle of 45.
  • Beginning cutters are recommended to choose patterns containing large holes and elements. If there are artistic skills, then the ornament is applied directly to the wooden surface. In other cases, the picture you like is printed on a printer with a scale of 1: 1 and already using tracing paper is transferred to lumber.
  • In a more simplified version, a stencil is prepared, with which the pattern is transferred to the work surface, thus forming a repeating pattern. It can be a simple flower with 5-6 petals or a variety of geometric figures of interesting, but simple shapes.

  • Separate elements that are subject to sampling (removal) for convenience are shaken or painted over. To enter the junction of the electrician, holes are drilled in the required places.

  • Working with this tool, you do not need to make efforts in the hope that it will go faster. On the contrary, excessive pressure will lead to a canopy of the file. If the passage of the canvas is difficult, then perhaps it simply became dull.
  • If desired, the kokoshnik can be built up by a separately prepared element. For fastening, only synthetic glue is used. In the same way, earrings (hanging parts) to the lower bar are fixed.

  • After all the cuts were carried out, they must be passed with sandpaper. The dust from the product is removed by compressed air or a building vacuum cleaner. You can emphasize the natural texture with the help of a heated olifa. If desired, paint is applied to the platband.
  • In this way, the overhead option is made, where the slots are carried out on the board 1 cm thick, and then glued to a thicker base. With this option, the pattern seems deeper and more voluminous, especially if you paint the upper or lower element of a kind of sandwich.
  • For fasteners of blanks, nails without hats are used. But before fastening, it is recommended to apply the adhesive composition to all joints for greater reliability. The use of screws for openwork platbands should not be used, thereby you can damage, break the thin line between the elements of the pattern.
  • So that the kokoshnik does not become a place for collecting melt or rainwater it should be installed with a small bias. Visually, this will be imperceptible, but such a drainage system works quite efficiently.


The platbands of a wooden house are inherently the art of our ancestors, the Golden Fund of National Heritage. They amaze with diversity, carry a culture of many times. Wooden architecture, including carved details in it, namely platbands, skates and so on, made it possible to express feelings, emotions of that time in this way.







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