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Replacing the lower crowns of a wooden house with your own hands

Each owner of a wooden house sooner or later faces the need to replace the most important structural elements of the structure. Most often we are talking about the restoration of the lower crowns. This task is not easy, requiring certain theoretical knowledge, special tools and experience in such work.

  1. The need to replace the lower crowns of the house
  2. Ways to replace rotten crowns at home
  3. Phased repair of a wooden house: replacement of crowns
  4. Nuances of replacing the lower crown of the frame house
  5. Important points when replacing the crowns of a wooden and frame house

The need to replace the lower crowns of the house

Ling houses remain popular even with the appearance of modern, more practical materials and construction technologies. However, wooden log cabins have one significant drawback of the fragility of wood and its susceptibility to decay. The lower crowns of the building eventually become unusable.

If the construction of a wooden house is performed according to the mind, then the period of operation of the house without overhaul is from 50 years. But in practice this is not always the case. First of all, the lower crown of the house begins to collapse, in contact with water more than the rest of the structural elements.

The rapid decay of the lower crowns is a consequence of the use of poor -quality, unprepared material. Experienced craftsmen recommend using only larch when laying. This wood, oddly enough, over time when getting wet, becomes only stronger.

Often the construction of wooden houses is engaged in unprofessional builders who neglect the intricacies of the technological process. In addition, it is not always possible to control the quality of the material of the wood can not be suffered enough or prepared not in the season. An important factor is poor waterproofing made of inexpensive marks of roofing material. As a result, after 5-6 years, the homeowner is forced to resolve the issue of replacing the lower crowns and reconstruction of the construction.

Important! The house, erected from strong, qualitatively dried and antiseptic wood, in the presence of reliable waterproofing and wide roof overhangs that protect the walls from snow and rain, will last at least half a century without repair.

A visual inspection of the crowns will help to determine the need for repairs and the volume of upcoming work. When drilled with a hammer or upholstered ax on a log in some places, a deaf sound will be heard that the tree is spoiled from the inside. A more detailed idea of \u200b\u200bdestruction can be obtained by a little work with a chisel.

It is necessary to inspect 2-3 logs located above the embedded probability of their damage is also high. The assessment of the foundation state will be useful. Small cracks must be sealed with paper construction tape. If after time the stripes broke, then the base is deformed and you will have to replace the crowns and repair the foundation of a wooden house.

Ways to replace rotten crowns at home

The replacement of the lower crowns is strongly recommended to be carried out with the involvement of specialists. This process is technologically and physically very complicated. Errors of work can lead to the destruction of the roof, chimney, ceiling or the whole house. In addition, independent reconstruction of the house is unsafe for performers.

The repair technology depends on a number of factors: the technical condition of the foundation and crowns, the dimensions of the construction, the presence of free space near the house, the proximity of the location of the house buildings, the presence of a chimney, etc. It will be able to competently choose a method of reconstruction by weighing all the pros and cons, a master that has experience in performing such work.

Partial replacement of crowns without raising a house

Partial repair, the so -called point, is carried out if the wood began to bend in one or more areas of the lower belt of the crowns. In this case, it is impractical to completely change the crown.

Local repair involves the replacement of the exclusively damaged part of the log.

Pros of partial replacement of the crown:

  • simplicity of repair;
  • the work can be done independently, without involving professionals and special devices;
  • minor financial investments.

Cons of meadow repair:

  • the formation of additional joints in the joint increases heat loss;
  • the strength of the structure weakens.

The general procedure for partial replacement of the crowns:

  1. Identify the damaged area. Using a chisel, determine the degree of destruction. Clean the wood around the site and carefully examine.
  2. At a distance of 40 cm from the edges of the site, set the screeds with a height equal to two or three crowns.
  3. Night the boards with a thickness of 40 cm to the log house from the inner and outer side.
  4. Drill holes in the last and first tightened crown. Install the screeds-spilles with a diameter of at least 12 mm.
  5. Gently cut out the damaged part of the crown and remove it with a chainsaw.
  6. In the repaired crown, create cuts with a width of 2 cm. These holes are necessary for strong fixation of the log with a new site.
  7. Prepare a replaced area from the log. Its diameter and length should fully correspond to the cleaned element. On the insert, you need to make retaliatory cuts.
  8. Insert a new block. Put a bar and finish off the insert with a sledgehammer.
  9. In places, a rubbish from different sides to make three holes and drive the wades, which will make it possible to securely fix the old log and the insert.
  10. The cracks are packed up. As an option, you can use jute or moss.

The crown, consisting of several sections, is less durable in comparison with the whole. Therefore, some experts recommend using such a technology in extreme cases, or as a temporary solution.

Replacing the lower crown of the house with brickwork

To replace the lower crown with brick masonry to turn out in two ways: with raising a wooden house and without lifting. The choice of one or another technology depends, first of all, on the type of foundation, age of construction and budget reserved for repairs.

If the house has no reason and stands directly on the ground, then raising the entire building is not necessary. Without lifting, you can reconstruct the crowns if the column foundation was laid during construction.

Repair sequence:

  1. The affected areas are cut through the technology described above.
  2. A brick foundation is laid.
  3. The surface of the foundation is brought to intact logs.
  4. If necessary, to replace not one, but several rows of crowns.

Advice. It is advisable to start the work from the corners of the house to cut off the connections in the ends and install a strong support.

A more costly and laborious way to raise the house with jacks. Using a hydraulic or screw device, a lifting is raised, repairs of a log house are performed and masonry is started. General algorithm of actions:

  1. Raise the building in the corners.
  2. Install a temporary support for angles.
  3. Remove the old foundation at home.
  4. Build brickwork, lay waterproofing and lower the building.

Raising a wooden log house with jacks

With independent repair, they often resort to technology with the rise of the house with a jack. Advantages of the method:

  • the optimal ratio of the cost of work and its quality;
  • the ability to update the waterproofing layer of the foundation;
  • high reliability.

The drawbacks of the jack method include:

  • the need for certain skills and knowledge;
  • clear observance of work technology;
  • the duration of the process;
  • when using jacks, later new joints appear.

The easiest way to raise the house on a column foundation. The base of the jack is set between the support supports, for example, with concrete blocks. At first, the old log is cut. If the plans for replacing several crowns, then several logs are cut at once.

When replacing the two lower crowns, two logs are cut, the jack is installed so that it rests on the log of the third row.

When reconstructing the house on the tape foundation, the raising order is somewhat different, partial destruction of the base will be required. From the corner of the house you need to retreat a distance of about 1 m and hire a plot of 40 cm wide. The height depends on the type of jack.

When raising the building, you must adhere to some rules:

  • for less distortion, it is advisable to raise the house from all sides at the same time;
  • on each side of the house you need to make two or more niches depends on the size of the structure;
  • the location of the niches at the same distance from the corners of the house.

Important! After the repair of crowns in the house with a strip base, the integrity of the foundation is violated, which leads to a decrease in its strength.

Phased repair of a wooden house: replacement of crowns

Preparatory events

The house from the log house must be carefully prepared for raising, namely:

  1. Take furniture, household appliances from the house. In general, the house must be released as much as possible.
  2. From the windows, remove the wings and frames, remove the doors and door boxes. This will facilitate the design and protect windows/doors from damage and possible distortion.
  3. Disconnect the wooden floor from the walls. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account:
    • the floor, which is cut above the embedded crown, which is not planned to be changed, can not be removed;
    • lags, cut into the embedded crown, must be disassembled, installed supporting pillars under the lags, and then separate them from the lower crown.
  4. The fireplace or stove available in the house is usually installed on a separate foundation. If this norm is not observed, then raising a house without damage to thermal equipment is impossible.
  5. Separate the chimney of the furnace/fireplace from the roof and floors.
  6. The intact crowns of the house must be fixed and fastened. Boards with a thickness of 40 cm are nailed vertically around the perimeter of the building, a step of fastening 50 cm. Boards are nailed both from the outer and inside of the house. The lower end of the board is fixed to the lower remaining crown, and the upper one, respectively, to the upper crown. This measure will protect the house from deformation during the rise.

The order of lifting the log house: columnar and strip foundation

Step -by -step up of the house on a column foundation:

  1. Mark the location of the jacks and cut the areas in the lower crowns. Niches must correspond to the dimensions of the lifting device.
  2. To measure the height of the jack with a raised/drowned rod and compare this value with a distance from log to the ground.
  3. If necessary, make an undermining for placing a jack.
  4. Equip support for installation of a jack. As a platform will serve as a concrete block or shield of boards.
  5. Place the jack by putting a metal plate between the jack head and the lower log.

Important! To raise the house, you will need at least 4 jacks. They are installed two from the opposite sides of the house chosen wide sides of the building. The distance to the corner of the house is about 1 m.

Rise of a log house on a strip foundation:

  1. In damaged crowns, cut the niches under the lever (block, jack or log). The lever should freely go to the underground of the house, so the floor must be disassembled in advance.
  2. Place the jacks outside the building near the foundation.
  3. Take a lever into the niche, and put a stack of boards or a concrete block under its inner end.
  4. Place the outer edge of the lever on the jack.
  5. Raise the lever with a jack. When the house begins to rise, it is necessary to put the wedge on the foundation.

Important! Using the combination of lever-string, you can lift the sides of the house in turn. In addition, after replacing the crowns, it is necessary to close the gap through which the lever was driven.

The algorithm for replacing the crown of a wooden house

The next stage is the direct replacement of the crowns. Any crown consists of the lower and upper logs connected in the corners. The jacks are installed with emphasis on the upper logs, and the lower ones can easily be removed. In their place it is necessary to put temporary supports that propagate the upper crown.

Further work:

  1. Gently lower the jacks with the upper crown. Remove the bandage log.
  2. Prepare two logs to replace the upper elements of the lower crown. The tree must be thoroughly processed and accurately fed so that the fit is dense.
  3. Put the upper log on the jacks, and cover with hemp material on top.
  4. The jack is raised to the stop, a new log should press tightly to the response of the upper log.
  5. Raise the jack with the house and remove temporary supports from other walls.
  6. Replace the lower log of the strapping in the same order as the upper.
  7. Repair the foundation, improve its waterproofing and lower the house.

Nuances of replacing the lower crown of the frame house

Installation of the frame house is carried out on a mortgage crown made of timber and logs. The technology of restoration of the lower crown is largely similar to the replacement of the strapping in the house from the beam. However, there are some important nuances:

  1. Before raising the house, it is necessary to dismantle the skin of the facade.
  2. The frame of the house needs strengthening. At the level of window blocks on both sides of the building, fix the boards (thickness 50 cm). For fastening, long bolts or studs with a diameter of 14 mm are suitable.
  3. The technology for lifting the frame house with jacks is similar to raising a building from logs. Difference: the house on the strip foundation will not be possible to raise with the help of a lever - the base will have to be partially destroyed.
  4. After raising the house, the frame is fixed on special supports from a beam with a thickness of 100*80 mm.
  5. The supporting stand should be recorded on a concrete block, a blind area, or dug into the ground to a depth of 15 cm. Step of placing racks 2 m.

Important points when replacing the crowns of a wooden and frame house

  1. For waterproofing the foundation, it is not recommended to choose a roofing material. Its service life in conditions of high humidity is up to 4 years. It is advisable to purchase a Euro -ruble - the material is a little more expensive, but an order of magnitude stronger.
  2. The lower crowns should be treated with chemical preparations before laying that prevent the processes of decay.
  3. On the roof of the house, you should install metal visors that reduce snow/rain on the walls of the house.
  4. Work should be carried out in compliance with safety precautions:
    • raising the house cannot be carried out in windy weather;
    • lifting mechanisms (winches, jacks) must be working and have a carrying capacity of at least 5 tons;
    • support racks must be made of high -quality material without gross knots and deep cracks;
    • under the raised house, resting on racks, it is forbidden to stick hands; If necessary, additional safety bars are installed.
  5. When planning the reconstruction, it is important to take into account the final cost of replacing the crown of the house and evaluate the feasibility of work. For a small house with an area of \u200b\u200b6*8 m, according to preliminary evaluation, the costs of materials will amount to about 10 thousand rubles, and the work itself will cost about 20 thousand rubles. Thus, replacing the crowns of the house (price with unforeseen costs) will be at least 30 thousand rubles.

Log house: replacement of the crown. Video





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Are there any specialists ready to do such work (Moscow)? My tel +7903-297-70-71, Elena. Call Votsap.