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How to make a canopy for a house with your own hands. How to make a canopy above the porch quickly and cheap

In the construction area, there are a large number of various projects that are aimed at creating a home -made canopies with your own hands. In this article, we consider some of the possible options for the construction of this type of extension above the porch and tell all the nuances of the workflow, which will be based on such materials as wood, polycarbonate, etc. Without fail, we highlight the main tools that will be needed during the construction.

Table of contents:

  1. Types, forms of design of awnings to the house with your own hands
  2. How to make a canopy for a house with your own hands from polycarbonate
  3. List of necessary materials and tools for creating a canopy of polycarbonate with your own hands
  4. Stages of work on the construction of a canopy with your own hands
  5. Recommendations for the manufacture of a canopy of wood to the house with your own hands

Types, forms of design of awnings to the house with your own hands

Many experienced craftsmen and beginners in this matter speak of how to attach a canopy to the house with their own hands, because, due to the variety of building materials in the modern market, these designs can have a very diverse configuration. A highly popularity among consumers was gained by polycarbonate, which protects well against sudden rains, and also firmly opposes the snow cover in the winter. The same varieties of visors are distinguished relative to the used basis:

  • stone;
  • forged;
  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • Combined.

As a combination, roofing materials such as slate, corrugated board, etc. can be used. In addition to such functions as shading and precipitation, a good canopy should also fit into the common landscape design of the surrounding area as harmoniously as possible. Therefore, they often practice the manufacture of multi -level structures, and hinged structures are used as a budget option. One of the most common classifications of awnings is considered to be divided by purpose. Read more about this in the table.

Classification of canopies attached to the house for the purpose
For the veranda This type of protective elements, as a rule, are placed either on the back of the house, going into the garden, or is built from the facade of the structure. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory allows you to make such a canopy, then the veranda itself can be used as a recreation area.
For terrace   A canopy over the house with your own handsfor a terrace can be made in several versions. A simple way to build a hinged element is the construction of a single -sided structure, for example, from polycarbonate. This will be able to even an inexperienced master, in addition, in construction stores you can purchase a ready -made design that just needs to be assembled. Genacetal buildings are considered a more complex option, they most often have a roof similar to the house. Based on their very layout of the terrace, and most often they are corner or through the entire building, a canopy can only cover part of the room.
For cars Polycarbonate car awnings are popular among car owners. They are attached to the house in order to cover cars from sunlight or protect from rain in a passive state. Many factories offer quite simple, but strong designs for an acceptable price. When choosing this type of product, it is equally important to pay attention to the stylistic parameters of the extension.
Marquis Marquis is peculiar adjacent awnings that are divided into drawners, with racks and baskets. The first type functions at the expense of the built -in electric drive and in the absence of hosts, with unnecessary, is stored in a collected state, in a special penalty. The second have an auxiliary point of the support, due to which they differ in endurance and are able to hold heavy loads. The third type is a frame covered with fabric. In shape, basket canopies can be semicircular and rectangular, complemented by stiffeners.

Thus, a canopy to the house with your own hands is a structure that is rich in its diversity, but before choosing a particular form of the design, it is worth considering its purpose, as well as to clearly realize the purpose of the building, calculate its functionality in advance.

How to make a canopy for a house with your own hands from polycarbonate

Such a polymer as polycarbonate is perfect even for beginners in the construction area, in addition, it has good operational qualities and has a fairly affordable price. It is easy to cut and process it with a tool, and the variety of types of material allows you to fit the structure from it to any environment of the suburban and private territory. For those who are going to produce a visor at home for the first time, experts recommend taking a single -slot version of the structure as a basis, and then decide on the very type of basic material. To choose a home canopy with your own hands, projects photo recommend using a variety of construction portals, on which you can take an online consultation on any question of interest.

Polycarbonate is divided into cellular (cellular), monolithic and profiled. The first is considered the most common in the field of private and commercial construction, is of insignificant weight and low cost. Due to plasticity, the polymer is suitable for the manufacture of structures of various shapes and is available for even one master. As for monolithic polycarbonate, it differs in its strength, and outwardly similar to glass both transparent and color, but is considered more resistant to load. The profiled polymer is used as roofing on the roofs, and its characteristics are no worse than a monolithic species.

You can make a canopy to the house with your own hands according to the drawings that are presented on the Internet, but at the same time it is important to pay attention not only to the type of polycarbonate, but to its required thickness, take into account the bending radius, as well as technical indicators. If a person has special skills, then the working project can be individualized by clarifying the places and number of supporting racks, etc. Also, a properly developed drawing at the initial stage of construction allows you to correctly calculate the materials that need to be purchased, so that there are no extra costs or did not have to re -purchase.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "навес к дому своими руками"

List of necessary materials and tools for creating a canopy of polycarbonate with your own hands

In order for the cheap canopy to the house with their own hands have good strength, professionals recommend constructing it using a metal frame, and acquire a polycarbonate with a strength of more than 6 mm. So, the list of necessary materials and tools for creating a canopy with your own hands looks as follows:

  • polycarbonate;
  • shovel, for harvesting pits for concreting racks;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • Bulgarian and discs to it;
  • thermal -shirts for fastening the polymer;
  • roulette and construction level;
  • sand, cement, gravel;
  • Profiled pipe with a cross section of 80*80.

In order to obtain a strong base, when building a canopy, racks are used, they are also embedded or supports, they are poured with cement mortar, therefore it is additionally necessary to prepare a container for its preparation, as well as purchase paint and brush for painting metal structural elements, thus protecting them from corrosion damage .

Stages of work on the construction of a canopy with your own hands

To build a canopy in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands and after a few working days to see the result of his work, the owner needs to perform such stages of the construction process:

1. Calculate and prepare the site.

2. Install racks.

3. Collect the design of the frame.

4. Fix the polycarbonate sheet.

Stage 1. According to a previously prepared or selected drawing, the master needs to mark the working area using a rope and pegs. Some workers, places of the basics, mark pouring chalk, others additionally clog the reinforcement, regularly checking the notes with a diagonal level to avoid distortion of the structure. The territory should be cleaned in advance of possible garbage to prepare a sand pillow on it. To do this, remove the upper layer of soil and fall asleep with gravel, tightly trampling the stones.

Stage 2. In places of future supports, pits of the corresponding depth (1 - 1.2 m) are dug. Usually in this process, either a shovel or a manual drill is used. It is with the installation of the foundations that the installation of the future visor made of polycarbonate begins. Before inserting the support into the pit and concrete, it must be made in the ground a gravel pillow, and then pour the rack with a solution. A layer of stones should be about 20 cm. For the preparation of the mixture for filling, a percentage of 4: 1 (sand: cement) is used. So that the voids between the stones are tightly filled with the prepared solution for the consistency should be liquid, and not thick. Pour it to the level of land. To continue the mounting process, you must wait until the concrete dries.

Stage 3. Next, a canopy to a house from polycarbonate with your own hands is created due to the assembly of the frame. To do this, longitudinal crossbars are attached to the installed supports, they are called Mauerlatians. If the owner allows the budget, he can purchase such designs in the finished form. The purchased elements are fastened with special bolts, and the design collected in home conditions requires the presence of a welding machine, with which parts are connected. All places of joints degrease, after which the metal surface is painted.

Stage 4. At this stage, the master works with the polymer, cuts it on the necessary pieces, puts it on the surface, performs fastening, sets end strips, etc. Sheets up to 8 mm thick can be cut with an ordinary construction knife, and a more durable material is processed with electric saw. Fasteners are located on a profile sheet with a step of about 40 cm. Special metal strips are used as a polycarbonate connector.

Thus, a canopy attached to the house with your own hands will be performed perfectly only if the owner does work by step by step by using not only theoretical materials, but also watching a video with practical recommendations on the installation process.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "навес к дому своими руками"

Recommendations for the manufacture of a canopy of wood to the house with your own hands

A canopy of wood to the house with your own hands provides protection for the adjacent territory to the building, and also protects against sunlight. But be that as it may, this hinged element should be stable, durable and reliable, therefore it is often made precisely from such material as wood with a combination of roofs from corrugated board, soft tiles, etc.

It is worth considering that the canopy should be made under the slope so that the precipitation does not linger on it.

Popular among consumers are single -to -shut -shaped wooden awnings, as a rule, they are fixed to the facade of the building. But there are cases when the design is attached to vertical supports exhibited on the sides of the house. To create a wooden visor, both a wall -bearing beam and bars for racks will be needed. Separately purchased boards for rafters and a roof base. The installation of wooden supports is carried out according to a similar instructions described in the option with polycarbonate. The rafter system and the crate are assembled by the PAZ method in the groove.

The collected wooden frame is intended for attaching roofing material. In this case, this is corrugated board. When buying it in a construction store, it is necessary to clarify the thickness and brand, the choice of color is assigned exclusively to the taste of the owner. By laying it on the boards should be attentive to the mount and as tightly fixed with self -tapping screws. Roaming should withstand the mount line, have a good aesthetic appearance.

Pay attention to the screws, their length should correspond to the chosen brand of the roof and the cross -section of the beam used to make the crate.

It is worth noting that such a frame also requires additional processing, for this purpose a variety of varnishes are used, etc. Means to prevent the process of rotting of wood. Choosing a canopy for the house with your own hands, projects, which is offered a lot, the master should take into account his abilities, and in case of uncertainty in his own abilities, hire a professional team.





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