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Do -it -yourself balcony trim

The balcony in a modern apartment or private house is several precious additional meters that can be turned into a pretty rest for relaxation, a luxurious winter garden or a convenient office. It doesn’t matter whether you equip just newly purchased new square meters or decided to breathe a new life into a tight old small -meter, repair and finishing the balcony will create a joyful mood in your monastery and make every square centimeter of its area beautiful and functional.



  1. Pinvestigation of repair and final work on the balcony
  2. Video finishing the balcony
  3. Types and features of materials for finishing the balcony
  4. Design and Balcony decoration options


Sequence of repair and final work on the balcony

High -quality finishing of the balcony is necessary even if you plan to equip a utility room on it, dry linen or leave in the form of an open space for relaxation in the warm season, because it is much more pleasant to use a clean, neatly designed room or space, and store unnecessary trash in it and it. Thoughts will not arise.

In the realities of our disagreed climate, balconies are still more often glass and insulated. Moreover, unlike loggias, where it is enough to glaze only one outer wall, it is necessary to insulate and sheathe three external walls on the balcony.

At the first stage, a metal or wooden frame is equipped around the entire perimeter of the balcony, which will become the basis for the installation of a window system, external and internal casing.

After the installation of the crate, the balcony must be glazed by choosing one of three possible window systems:

  • wooden;
  • aluminum;
  • plastic.

Wooden and aluminum window systems are more durable and environmentally friendly, and the plastic option is the most budget. To glare a balcony, you need to choose a two -chamber double -glazed window, since a single -chamber will not protect in proper from winter cold, street dust and noise.

As a material for the walls that protect the internally room of the balcony from precipitation, cold and dust, use leaf materials, for example, waterproof plywood or galvanized metal, which are attached to the frame with self -tapping screws, and the cracks are blown with mounting foam.

On the outside, the balcony is sheathed with lining, siding panels or other moisture-resistant finishing material.

From the inside of the balcony room, a layer of waterproofing film is attached to the frame of wooden rails, and a layer of foam, mineral wool, isolone, foam -lane, etc. is glued to it with liquid nails. On top of the insulation layer, another crate from the rails is created, on which you can mount any of the finish finishing materials:

  • plastic panels;
  • lining;
  • siding;
  • drywall;
  • moisture -resistant plywood.

The floor insulation is performed in the same order as the walls. As a finish coating, a board, laminate, linoleum, and ceramic tiles are used.

Designer advice: laying a laminate or ceramic floor tile diagonally visually expands a small space.

Video finishing the balcony

How easy and pleasant it is to work with modern tools and finishing materials demonstrates video: finishing the balcony with panels and Euro -car


Types and features of materials for finishing the balcony

Work on arranging a balcony is best done in the warm season. So, you glazed a balcony and created a reliable barrier that will protect against penetration of dust and moisture, it remains only to choose the optimal material for the finish.

Balcony finishing with panels

If, when choosing finishing material, the cost is a determining factor, then the finishing of the balcony with panels is the best option.

The main advantages of plastic panels:

  • moisture resistance;
  • wide range of colors and colors;
  • simplicity of laying;
  • ease of care is easy to wash.

Due to the wide range of colors, plastic panels can be created by plastic and multi-color surfaces that mimic wood, wallpaper, ceramic tiles, textiles, etc. Equipped with a spike-puzzle with a castle system, the panels are easily mounted and attached to the crate with a special fastener plate.

Considering that the panels are designed to finish the interior, it is recommended to use them as a finishing material for the balcony only if it is well insulated. At low winter temperatures, a narrow connecting plate can deform or even break and damage the entire sheathing, especially this phenomenon is relevant for panels with a width of 200-250 mm.

For this reason, for the decoration of balconies, both external and internal, they often use plastic panels 96 mm wide, which are called plastic lining. They are strong and frost -resistant while wide products made of colored plastic are characterized by quite high fragility.

Balcony trim with lining

No matter how the construction market tried to surprise consumers with modern technological materials, and the interior decoration of balconies with natural wood lining remains the most popular in Russia. She is

  • aesthetic;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • easily mounted.

The lining is called the strips of various breeds of natural wood, and the widespread term Euro -carrier only means that the sizes of these planks comply with European standards and they are equipped with a convenient castle installation system.

When choosing a lining for the finish of the balcony, it should be borne in mind that a wooden coating needs regular care. Before laying, the material must be treated with drugs against bacteria, fungi and insects, and during operation every two or three seasons, update the varnish or oil-boom coating.

Under the influence of high temperatures and sunlight, the wood is dry, so too long strips should not be used when decorating walls and floor of the balcony. Even the floorboard, and narrow wagons are all the more so, more than 3 m long with temperature and humidity drops, can dry out and deform relative to its own axis. But all these eliminated shortcomings are fully compensated by that unique warm atmosphere in the room that only wood can create.

Balcony finishing with siding

Siding is a modern composite finishing material that externally resembles a Eurolagon. Thanks to such excellent performance as

  • durability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • fire -resistance;

siding is more often used for external decoration of facades, including balconies and loggias. Siding does not burn, but only melts, its panels are equipped with a castle system, and it can be attached to the crate with liquid nails or other glue for external work.

Balcony trim with drywall and plywood

Moisture -resistant drywall or plywood is used as a finishing material for the walls of well -insulated and covered balconies, if designer solutions involve the finish coating from tiles, mosaics, natural stone, decorative plaster, cork panels, etc.

These sheet materials are attached to a pre -prepared wooden or aluminum crate and after puttying, perfectly even warm walls are obtained.

Design and Balcony decoration options

Having devoted only a few days to the comfortable arrangement of the balcony, you can, among the greenery of the warm winter garden equipped on it, observe the flight of snowflakes outside the window in the winter. If you like the elegant open terrace on the balcony, then the best place for gatherings with friends of summer evenings over a cup of coffee, a glass of wine and endless conversations cannot be found.

When decorating an open summer balcony, special attention should be paid to the floor. For it, you can choose any floor tile or frost -resistant linoleum, which do not deform under the influence of low temperatures and high humidity, but at the same time they are easily washed and do not burn out in the sun.

In other cases, the choice of material and possible options for finishing the balcony depend on your budget and the style of the interior of adjacent rooms. For example, a balcony with wall decoration with wooden lining looks like a natural continuation of the country style kitchen.

A balcony is perfectly combined with a high-tech room, which is sheathed with plastic panels in a white-beige gamut.

A cozy spacious balcony with impeccable wall decoration, comfortable armchairs and amazing views from panoramic windows will become an exquisite addition to the living room in a classic style.






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