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Gate for cottage: choice and installation

The installation of the gate in the country allows for reliable protection of the main building from the penetration of unauthorized persons into it. In addition, the gate perform an aesthetic function, they decorate the site. We will talk about the varieties and features of the installation of the gate for the gate.

Table of contents:

  1. Gate for a summer residence - functional features and advantages of installation
  2. Varieties of the gate and fence for the cottage, their characteristic
  3. DIY gates to the cottage: manufacturing technology

Gate for a summer residence - functional features and advantages of installation

The presence of a gate in the country is characterized by a large number of advantages, among which it is first of all that should be highlighted:

  • ensuring the safety of a summer cottage, both in the absence and during the presence of the owners on it;
  • creation of an impression of the cottage itself;
  • improving the presentability of appearance;
  • Obtaining the opportunity to drive into the yard by a car.

Several varieties of gate for the cottage are distinguished, which differ both in terms of execution and in constructive characteristics. The ratio with these factors also determines the cost of the gate. In addition, it is much cheaper to build a gate yourself than to buy finished products. However, this option is relevant only if a person has experience in this matter. Otherwise, the result is not always satisfactory.

Varieties of the gate and fence for the cottage, their characteristic

In relation to the material from which the gates are designed in the country, they come:

  • steel;
  • wooden;
  • metalloprofile;
  • forged;
  • corrugated person;
  • plastic, etc.

Using steel gates allows for the maximum safety of the summer cottage. However, such gates are quite heavy, inconvenient for installation. In addition, they are exposed to moisture and prone to corrosion, so they need additional processing with special compounds.

Gate made of wood - very rarely used as fencing structures for summer cottages. They are most suitable if the building itself is also made of wood. The wooden gates have a low service life. They are quite prone to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and temperature difference, therefore, under their influence, they tend to dry out and crack.

The presence of forging ennobles the appearance of the gate, makes them more aesthetically attractive and elegant. However, for the manufacture of such gates with your own hands, special experience with special equipment will be required.

The corrugated board is used to build a gate and fence quite often. This is due primarily to the cheapness and ease of installation of this type of gate. The design has a small weight, various options and color solutions of finished products are possible, in addition, corrugated board is perfectly opposed to external environmental factors.

Plastic gates are also distinguished by a variety of shapes and color solutions, they tolerate moisture and a sharp change in temperature regime quite well. However, such gates are quite light, unstable in front of the wind and are subject to mechanical influences.

Depending on the size of the country gate, they differ in the ratio with the type of vehicle that will be located on the site. In order for the passenger car to travel freely into the courtyard, enough gate, up to 270 cm wide. For a truck, this value increases to 360 cm. The height of the gate is determined individually and depends on the preferences of the owners of the cottage.

In relation to the appearance of the gate, they are completely closed or have certain areas through which the territory of the courtyard is visible.

Depending on the method of opening the gate, they are:

  • swing;
  • sliding;
  • sliding;
  • lifting.

The process of choosing one or another option depends on the own preferences of the owners of the cottage and on their financial well -being. The most optimal and affordable option is a swing -type gate. However, they, in turn, are quite inconvenient to use in winter, as they need additional snow removal, before opening. In order to open the sliding or sliding option, it is not necessary to clean the snow.

The swing gates for giving are distinguished by the lack of complex work mechanisms, so they have the most affordable cost. Because of this, this version of the gate is the most common. For their independent manufacture, a minimum of time and effort is required. The option of arranging this type of gate is possible with a special mechanism that ensures their automatic opening.

To install such gates, the presence of a large amount of free space in the yard is required, since they have a rather high opening radius. Thus, with a limited amount of space in the courtyard, this variant of the gate is inappropriate.

The main parts of the swing gates are the supports on which their installation, awnings and the mechanism of locking joints are made. Since the main load from the canvas falls on supporting mechanisms, during installation, they should be well fixed in the ground. To do this, a trench is digged with a depth of more than 100 cm, which is further concrete. Previously, a waterproofing material is installed inside the holes.

The sliding gates to the country do not need an additional place inside the courtyard of the summer cottage. Since special mechanisms push the gates on the fence. At the same time, there are two options for execution of the gate data:

  • with automatic opening;
  • With a manual type of opening.

The first option implies the management of the gate using the remote control. This method is quite convenient and does not require a person to leave the car. Automatic systems are distinguished by a long service life and the ability to transfer both low and high temperatures. In the process of installing the gate, they need a special cable in the eyeliner that regulates their work. In the presence of snow, to open the gate, its cleaning is not required. Holding the sash is carried out by roller mechanisms, both above and below.

For the manufacture of these gates, various kinds of materials are used, but corrugated board remains the most popular, since it has a certain strength and lightness. Forged or wooden gates need additional strengthening, since their weight is quite high. In order to build such a gate yourself, it is enough to make two canvases, but the mechanisms for adjusting their work are bought separately.

The cheaper option is the installation of sliding gates with a manual way to open. This method is less comfortable, but does not require a special expensive mechanism that ensures the opening of the gate.

The installation of the lifting gate is relevant primarily in garages. Their principle of action is based on leafers, but not to the sides, like that of sliding, but to the top.

In order for not only cars to the country site, but also people, a gate is installed in addition to the gate. For its manufacture, the same materials are most often used as during the construction of the gate. Metal gates with a gate gate are characterized by ease of use and are widespread in many summer cottages. The basic requirements for the gate:

  • free and comfortable opening;
  • The presence of a special lock that ensures its closure during the absence of the owners in the country.

The standard width of the gates is about 90-100 cm. The height is determined by the height of the gate, since the gate is at the same level with them. For additional comfort, guests who have come to visit in rainy weather, a small canopy is installed at the gate.

DIY gates to the cottage: manufacturing technology

For independent manufacture of swing gates, a minimum of effort and time will be required, in comparison with other varieties of the gate of the dacha. In the process of work, the master has the opportunity to adjust and independently determine the appearance of the product.

In order to make a gate with a gate gate, you will need the presence:

  • Bulgarians, for working with metal surfaces;
  • wider, shovels;
  • welding apparatus;
  • equipment with which pits will be equipped with pillars;
  • concrete solution;
  • steel corners;
  • Material for gate sheathing.

These elements are basic, in the course of work, you will need to supplement them. Work should start with the drawing up of the drawing of the future gates. This process is performed independently or the finished drawings of the gate are selected. In addition, it will be necessary to determine the material for the manufacture of the gate, their size, configuration.

Gate for giving photo:

In order to sheer the finished frame made of metal, the presence of profile sheets will be required, which on the one hand is quite light, and on the other, makes the gate more attractive than ordinary steel sheets.

Many options for this material are distinguished, which differ in color, the shape of a relief surface. The option of replacing profile sheets with polycarbonate is possible. The gates of this material are also highly attractive. Keep in mind that no matter what material is for the sheathing of the gate, they must have a paroor, that is, it is easy to open and close.

There is the possibility of equipment this goal by an automatic system. In this case, it is necessary to take into account first of all their size and degree of sailing. The degree of load on the surface depends on the size of the gate.

Designs with a linear drive are more affordable, compared with lever -action systems. In addition, the power of linear systems is also higher, so we recommend that they give preference to them.

In the process of opening the gate into the courtyard, linear systems have limiters that control this process. Installation of a linear drive is possible only if the interval between the place of installation of fasteners and the central loop is up to six centimeters. Otherwise, the installation of lever systems will be required.

The main stage in the installation of the gate in the country is the arrangement of pillars that can hold the canvases. To do this, you need to dig a hole about 1 m deep. Thus, the supports will reliably hold the canvases. After installing the pillars, they are concreted. Keep in mind that this needs to be done only after checking the design for evenness.

For proper preparation of the design, the presence of a profile pipe is required, the minimum size of which is 10x10 cm. In addition, the option of using bars made of wood or concrete poles is possible.

In order to concrete the pillar, the presence of river sand, cement and gravel is required. Keep in mind that after the work, you should wait at least a week before grasping and drying of concrete. Only after this time, work continues. Otherwise, not frozen concrete to collapse, the pillars will lose evenness and the gates will be deformed.

The option of lining the pillars with brick is possible. It is relevant if the house or fence is also made of this material. To perform work, additional surface reinforcement should be carried out. In order for the brick to hold well on the surface, you will need to install steel corners.

Profile pipes before use need additional preparation. First of all, in the presence of rust, you should get rid of it by stripping. For these purposes, you will need the presence of a grinder on which a steel brush is installed. Next, the surface is degreased with a solvent or gasoline and covered with a primer. Such actions will help prevent the rapid destruction of metal with moisture and improve the clutch of the paint with the surface.

The next step is staining a steel pillar, while the color of the paint is selected based on the color of the gate or the structures close to them. Please note that the paint should be designed to work with metal surfaces. After the supporting pillars are installed, the process of welding the main frame begins. From the pipes, the formation of the gates of the required size is formed. Keep in mind that you need to take care of the quality of the joints and prevent falling into the water pipes. After the manufacture of the outer frame, its additional strengthening is made. To do this, over the entire frame with an interval of 25-30 cm, additional pipes are welded, which ensure the rigidity of the structure.

Further actions are associated with the lining of the frame in previously selected material. For these purposes, use rivets or screws. In the process of installing the swing gates, welding of special loops will also be required, with which they are mounted on the surface of the pillars. The presence of bearings will ensure uninterrupted operation of the mechanism over a long period of time. Automatic gates to the cottage are equipped by installing a special drive, after the completion of the main installation work.





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