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Types of ceiling coatings

Many designs, styles and directions in the interior dictate their rules. A moderate Scandinavian style is best suited by a simple plain stretch ceiling, in the classic version you can not do without artisan forms of multi -level drywall ceilings. The construction market does not lag behind and offers more and more new solutions for ceilings. In the article, consider the types of ceiling coatings.


  1. Ceiling coating Armstrong
  2. Gypsum plastic coating
  3. Ceiling coating from plaster
  4. Suspended (rack) ceiling coating
  5. Foam ceiling
  6. Stretch ceiling
  7. Ceiling wallpapers

Ceiling coating Armstrong

Armstrong serves as a good solution for decorating ceilings in public places: shops, schools, offices or hospitals. It is a suspended cassette ceiling. Armstrong is only a manufacturing company, but having appeared on the construction market one of the first, eventually became a common name for all similar designs.

  • Ceiling coating Armstrong is made in the form of a lattice with the same in size cells from an aluminum profile of T-shaped. On the perimeter to the wall, it is attached to the supporting rails mounted on the dowel-gvo. On the ceiling area, the structure is held on suspensions.
  • Large institutions choose this ceiling system because it is the cheapest, while it looks good and performs many functions. But the price is highly dependent on the manufacturer, so a cheap Chinese analogue can be bought from 200 rubles/m2, but for the original Armstrong you will have to pay more than 1000 rubles/m2.

You still need to add the cost of installation to this price, which consists of a number of parameters:

  • installation of the frame;
  • thermal insulation laying;
  • a steamproof layer;
  • wiring and lamps;
  • fastening ceiling slabs to the frame.

The advantage and disadvantages of the ceiling system Armstrong


  • A simple and quick installation of the entire ceiling that does not require cleaning the room and taking out furniture. There is practically no garbage during work.
  • Beautiful and convenient, it will look harmonious in modern design and hide the draft ceiling with all communications.

  • He will not require attention during operation. And if necessary, the repair is quickly disassembled without damage and will be suitable for re -installation.
  • The design is very light and durable, allows you to make additional noise and thermal insulation of the ceiling.

To disadvantages It is worth attributing:

  • its low resistance to mechanical damage. It is easy to damage it if you throw something up;
  • when flooding from above, the plates become worthless, and their replacement is required.

Gypsum plastic coating

  • Today it is the most popular ceiling. In most cases, I use GKL to decorate the ceilings in apartments and private houses. It is environmentally friendly, vapor permeable and allows you to create not only perfectly even surfaces, but also bizarre forms that dictate the modern interior design.
  • This method of arranging the ceiling is so popular that there are many articles and videos on the Internet about how to do it with your own hands.

Nipso cardone ceiling photo

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Work on its installation can be done independently. This will require two physically strong people, since even a thinner ceiling GKL weighs a lot. But the lack of the need to pay for the installers will significantly save the family budget.
  • Many opponents of modern stretch ceilings of their PVC film choose drywall due to its environmental friendliness and vapor permeable properties, without creating the effect of thermos. The drywall itself consists of a solid, but fragile gypsum mass, on both sides of the glued cardboard. Therefore, in itself, he already serves as an additional sound insulation protection.
  • The cardboard, which is fastened with gypsum, depending on the class, has different impregnations that make it either moisture -resistant or refractory. This feature makes it wider to use it.
  • It is ideal in the room, with large changes in heights on the ceiling, which cannot be plastered.
  • The finished ceiling can be sealed with wallpaper, decorated with decorative plaster or painted in any color or even draw a picture.

  • Behind its frame, it is easy to hide the wiring, ventilation pipes. And the underground space and the ability to make a box and bend GKL in every way, make it possible to create complex, multifunctional backlight.

Now about the shortcomings

  • It is quite difficult to fix the drywall to the ceiling, since it has a large weight that must be held until all screws are screwed.
  • Further putty and gluing all joints and finish plaster in the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling will be required, which is also quite difficult to do on the ceiling without appropriate experience. All this will take a lot of time and leave a lot of garbage after itself.
  • With non -compliance with the technology of plastering of the ceiling from GKL, over time there is a high probability of cracks on it.

Ceiling coating from plaster

Until recently, it was the most popular type of ceiling. And today a lot of ceilings in city apartments have been trimmed in this way.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastering the ceiling

  • Despite all the advertising of the cheapness of modern ceilings, plaster is the cheapest way. It is enough to buy only a primer and a mixture, without spending money on frames and other materials.
  • Cement and gypsum plasters are absolutely harmless.
  • For rooms with low ceilings, this is an ideal option, as it will not take extra centimeters from the height of the walls. As a rule, its layer does not exceed 2 cm.


  • Inexpensive plastering of the ceiling will be only if the work is independent. When hiring a malyar, its cost will be comparable or even higher than suspended structures. And much more than stretch PVC ceiling.
  • The use of plaster can only be on surfaces whose height changes are not more than 3-5 cm. Otherwise, the plaster may begin to fall off under its weight over time. And this is a direct threat to health and even human life.
  • Work with her will require experience. And if even a beginner can cope on the walls with the help of lighthouses, only a professional can do the ceiling.

  • As a rule, the ceiling after plastering is prepared for further painting or whitewashing, in both cases all the bumps that were allowed during operation will be noticeable.

Suspended (rack) ceiling coating

  • The popularity of suspended rack ceilings lies in their excellent performance and technical characteristics. They are in demand when decorating ceilings in apartments and in public premises. In addition, they are suitable for use not only indoors, but also outside.
  • The rails themselves are made of thin metal, but have different coverage and various color solutions, so that it turns out to create stylish and beautiful ceilings, both in living rooms and in bathrooms or on a veranda.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Universality. As already mentioned above, thanks to their characteristics, rack suspended ceilings can be mounted in stores, apartments, warehouses or summer cottages, where there is no heating in winter. The size of the room also does not matter, the frame can be assembled for absolutely any area.

  • The installation system is so perfect that all the little things are provided. Work on its installation will not take much time even with a person who first encountered such a task. And at the end in the room it will be clean. And importantly, no special tools, roulette, screwdriver, level and stationery knife are enough.
  • Long service life. This is due to the fact that the rails made of metal and covered with a protective composition will not break from the blow and do not spoil from possible moisture.
  • The frame itself is also made of a metallic profile, which means that the entire fire system does not ignite.
  • It is easy to care for, environmentally friendly and not allergic. If necessary, it can be disinfected and washed with domestic cleaning agents. It is not subject to mold, which is very important in wet rooms. This is a recommended ceiling coating for the kitchen.
  • Thanks to the frame mounting system, multi -level structures are created from the river ceiling, in which the entire wiring is hidden.


  • The height of the ceiling will be reduced by at least 10 cm.
  • The peculiarity of the installation of the rack ceiling implies the sequential fastening of all the strips. Therefore, during the repair, you will have to disassemble the entire ceiling coating completely, starting from the wall on which the finish bar is fixed.
  • Price. Due to the use of metal in the manufacture of metal, the price of a rack suspension ceiling is more expensive than plastic coatings. But given all its advantages and features, it is objective.

Foam ceiling

  • This is perhaps the most budget option of all existing ones. This is a thin tile of polystyrene foam in the construction market relatively recently. It is practically weightless and has a texture that allows you to hide the small irregularities of the ceiling.
  • Over the years, the variety of foam ceiling tiles is growing in order to catch the exacting preferences of customers. Not only color models, but also with a glossy surface began to appear on sale.

Advantages and disadvantages of the ceiling coating from foam

  • The price, of course, is its main advantage. It is she who plays a key role when the consumer wants to make cheap repairs in a short time.
  • It has small weight and minor dimensions, which allows you to transport it even in hands. And this is convenient if you do not want to pay for delivery transport.
  • It easily glues to the ceiling, holds reliably, and if necessary, it will not be difficult to quickly dismantle it or replace a separate tile.
  • It can stick to different surfaces and does not affect the height of the ceiling.
  • To disadvantages The fact that the tile can be polluted, dust settles on its surface. It is also unsuitable for operation in wet rooms or at temperatures, as it can be deformed and peel off. It will not hide the wiring, and when burning, it distinguishes toxic toxic substances that greatly affect human health or lead to suffocation. Therefore, it is prohibited for use in public places.

A variety of ceiling tiles

  • Pressed. On sale it is only white, but suitable for independent staining. It is made by pressing polystyrene blanks to a thickness of 6 mm, the price of this ceiling coatings is 20-30 rubles/m2.
  • Injection. A more durable option, since during production it is processed by high temperature. It is more convenient to work with it, as plates are easier to cut and do not crumble. The tile itself has a clear shape with a more embossed pattern than pressed. The thickness of the product is about 10-15 mm, and the price is 50 - 100 rubles/m2.

  • Extruded. The most reliable and strong of all types, despite the fact that its thickness does not exceed 3 mm. In the manufacture, the polystyrene strip is immediately covered with paint or with a special colored film, after which it is pressed. The design is a lot of design, from plain staining to imitation of wood, stone or any other finishing material. Outwardly, it is very easy to distinguish it from its analogues on a smooth shiny surface. With all these advantages, its price is only 30-50 rubles/m2.
  • Laminated ceiling tiles. Unlike ordinary, it has a protective laminated layer on the front side. This allows you to protect it from fading, and also increases moisture resistance and impact resistance. For cleaning, you can use a dishwashing tool without abrasive particles that can scratch it.
  • Seamless ceiling tiles. Its edges have no relief and edging. Therefore, when sticked, they form the appearance of a single canvas with patterns.
  • Mirror ceiling tiles. Unlike previous models, it is made not from foam, but from plastic. A very thin mirror layer is applied to the front side, which in no way affects the weight of the product. It is produced in the form of squares or rectangles. It is especially good in small rooms, allowing you to visually slightly increase the space and make it brighter.

Selection of suitable ceiling tiles

  • When the only principle is a low price, the choice should be stopped on a pressed tile. If desired, it can be painted with water -based paint. The ceiling coating from pressed foam is suitable only for rooms.
  • To create a single seamless surface of the ceiling, infectious foam tiles are suitable. Thanks to the perfectly even edges, its joints are almost invisible, and a relief deep drawing will help to additionally connect the whole picture together. It also lends itself to painting. But for such a ceiling you will have to pay three times more expensive.
  • Extruded tiles will be an excellent solution as a ceiling coating for the bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. In addition to the fact that it has good moisture resistance, it is easy to wash.

Stretch ceiling

These modern ceiling coatings are divided into two main types: tissue and PVC film.

  • If you choose from these two options, then the ceiling from the film will be cheaper. But when comparing with other types of ceiling coatings, its cost will be higher.
  • PVC ceiling has a roll width of only 3.5 meters, but this is not an obstacle to use in large rooms. If necessary, the canvas are connected by a weld, which is invisible and durable. The tests conducted that the seam place in strength is in no way inferior to the whole canvas.

  • Unlike it, the fabric stretch ceiling has no seams, so it is also called seamless. True, its use is limited by the width of the roll, which is equal to 5m. But, as a rule, this size is enough for typical city apartments.
  • There is a misconception that the fabric ceiling is more environmentally friendly and made of natural matter. In fact, it is made from polyetrous raw materials with polyurethane impregnation.
  • For any type of stretch ceiling, baguettes are mounted around the perimeter at a distance of 3-4 cm from the black ceiling. But today, special profiles have appeared on sale, which allow you to make an indent from the wall only 1-1.5 cm.
  • When installing a fabric ceiling coating, special equipment is not required, while when pulling PVC film, you need a heat gun, which will heat its surface to 70-80C. It is often recommended to close the windows and remove plastic utensils, but this is not necessary. The gun is able to purposefully heat only the canvas itself, and the high temperature will be felt only a few centimeters from its surface. The only advice given by professionals for a while to remove home plants that can be tied.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Regardless of the appearance, their main advantage is considered perfect smooth surface of the ceilingwhich is very difficult to achieve when plastering. This is especially noticeable when using glossy material.
  • Aesthetic appearance. In modern design of the premises, ceilings are assigned a large role. The stretch ceiling allows you to embody all ideas: multi -level structures with bends. Complex lighting systems, implying a large number of wires, are easily hidden in the inter -first space. In addition, PVC films themselves are already with decorative prints in the form of skin, marble or wood. According to this parameter, the fabric ceiling is very losing, as it has no more than 10 color solutions from force and looks like a plastered surface.

  • The speed of installation. The team of professionals will need no more than 3 Chests to make the ceiling in the room.
  • Long -term operation. As a rule, manufacturers set the warranty period of service within 10 years, but actually a stretch ceiling will last 50 years without repair and any care for it.
  • Water resistance.This can be appreciated by residents of apartment buildings and the last floors. Usually, when flooding from above, you have to do repairs, since not only the ceiling, but also the walls, and sometimes the floors suffer. If the stretch ceiling is mounted, then it is able to withstand the huge weight of water, not allowing it to penetrate the room. In this case, the PVC ceiling is stretched to the desired size, it will be enough to drain the water and pull the canvas again. But the fabric analogue will have to be thrown away.
  • Heat and soundproofing qualities.This becomes possible thanks to the formation of the airspace between the draft ceiling and the stretch.
  • Inability to form condensate.The pulled canvas is so thin that even in a wet room it has a temperature similar to the surrounding.


  • Price. It can be significantly different due to the manufacturer and the quality of the material, but in the average inexpensive price category, a square meter will cost 500-1000 rubles. It is impossible to establish it yourself, so the savings will not work
  • Damage due to high temperature. Therefore, manufacturers give strict recommendations on the power of the lamps, which are allowed to be used on a stretch ceiling. So, for halogenes, this indicator is 30 watts, and for incandescent lamps of not more than 60W. If you want to install more powerful lighting, the lamps themselves should be at a distance from the canvas by at least 15-20 cm.
  • Fear of temperature difference. Therefore, it is prohibited for installation in non -residential or unheated rooms. Here it must be added that in addition to negative temperatures, PVC ceiling does not respond well to a sharp cooling at only 5 degrees. And with an increase in the temperature in the room, it can be pulled and sag, so the area on the perimeter of one baguette should not exceed 20 m2.
  • The reaction to pressure drops.This effect is commonly called collapse. It often occurs when windows or doors open. This is caused by the resulting difference between the inter -final space and the main room.
  • The impossibility of cleaning.As a rule, stretch ceilings do not require cleaning, dust does not settle on them. But if for some reason a dirty spot appeared on it, it will be almost impossible to clean it.
  • High risk of cut. The stretch ceiling has high strength and is able to withstand the weight of an adult man. But in a stretched state, even a slight touch of a sharp object will cause a gap to it. It is no longer possible to fix this.

Ceiling wallpapers

In general, two types of ceiling wallpaper can be distinguished in the construction market.

  • Embossed wallpaper. These are Russian wallpapers for the ceiling that are sold in the usual rolls with a width of about 50 cm. They have only white color and are not suitable for staining. But the choice of textures is very great. In turn, it not only decorates the surface of the ceiling, but also allows you to hide its small defects. When using such ceiling coating, there is no garbage, but the first day the room must be protected from drafts so that the wallpaper does not peel off.
  • Foreign counterparts are more often called wallpaper for painting. They are produced of different thicknesses and different densities. Their main advantage is the possibility of coloring in any color. If it is waterproof paint, then the ceiling can also be washed. The quality of these products allows you to repain them up to 10 times without a deterioration in the texture.

Tip: When pre -primer, the ceiling and the use of suitable wallpaper glue, if necessary, will be easily removed, simply soaked in water and pulling the edge.





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