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DIY foam ceiling

In the process of repair and construction work, developers cannot do without the use of reliable and practical materials that guarantee the durability of a residential or economic building. As for the decoration of the ceiling plane, there is a rather large mass of methods and options. Successful and suspended systems, wooden structures and other materials are successful. To finish the ceiling, foam tiles are most often used, since it differs in advantages such as the low price of foam ceilings, simple installation and maintenance, water resistance, thermal insulation, as well as the environmental cleanliness of the material.


  1. The concept of foam ceiling
  2. Making tiles of foam
  3. Advantages of foam tiles
  4. The choice of ceiling tiles
  5. Foam installation technology
  6. Foam ceiling

The concept of foam ceiling

The cheapest and simplest ceiling coating, which is installed without the help of installers, is foam plates. Such tiles can have any color color, just be white or laminated with a transparent film.

Foam plates can be standard 50x50, as well as 100x16.5. If you want to install such a ceiling in the kitchen, it must be laminated with a film. With the help of this technology, it is possible to hide various defects and bumps of your ceiling.

The slabs are glued to any processed surface. When creating decorative foam ceilings, special glue will use it correctly, so that, if necessary, the tiles can be safely peel off. The disadvantages of such a ceiling are poor moisture tolerance, they are short -lived and may turn yellow.

Making tiles of foam

Foam is an environmentally friendly product that does not have the properties of release toxic substances. That is why it is used in houses for the structure of the ceilings. It is also a thermal insulation material that will reduce your costs for heating the premises.

Foam ceiling is suitable for the corridor, living room and bedroom. The size of the tile for all manufacturers is a standard 50 by 50 centimeters. Tiles are made in three ways as extruding, stamping and injecting. To find out in more detail watch the video about the ceilings of foam.


Material for manufacturing - pre -molten foam. The method of vacuum-termic molding from the molten substance forms tiles. They are resistant to mechanical loads and durable.

To make the product a certain color, various dyes are added during manufacture, which provide a clear, high -quality color. This method requires high accuracy to obtain the correct geometric characteristics. Therefore, in the end, you get a very expensive foam ceiling with a smooth surface.


Of all types of tiles, the material that is made by stamping is the cheapest. Production is carried out using special stamps, the source material is foam.

The resulting materials have high granularity and are produced in white. But such tiles can be laminated and covered with various substances that give a luxurious appearance. Provides light installation, you can apply paint. A fragile, not resistant to moisture, the tile practically does not absorb the sound.


The finished tile in white, but perfectly tolerates painting with substances on a water-dispersion basis. It is also called tiles without seams. This is an innovation in the construction market. Used in public and domestic premises.

Despite its name, the seams are still present, although with a thickness of less than 1 millimeters. Therefore, after installing a foam ceiling with your own hands, it is recommended to close the seams. To do this, choose high -quality putty or grout, sealant. In any way, do not use a silicone, suitable acrylic option. Silicone sealant turns yellow over time, no one needs it.

Advantages of foam tiles

Foam plates that are customary to cover the ceilings are distinguished by such advantages:

  1. Waterproof, are not covered with mold;
  2. Absolutely different design, cheap, wear-resistant, not bad heat and sound insulation;
  3. Practical, easily wash with the help of detergents;
  4. The surface is waterproof, with waterproofing;
  5. Resistant to temperature difference;
  6. With any type of damage, they are easily replaced without the need to do the complete dismantling of the ceiling;
  7. It will be perfectly combined with drywall, and a variety of coatings and patterns on a foam ceiling will give it an expensive look;
  8. With the help of such a tile, the visibility of a seamless design is created.

The choice of ceiling tiles

Before purchasing these products, you need to know what it happens. The tile is divided into three types: extruded, injective, pressed. All species are made of polystyrene foam, but in various ways.

Regardless of the species, before fixing the foam to the ceiling, you must look at the corners of the material. They, like the edges, should be even, and the angle of 90 degrees. Do not allow any dent and rounding. To check the coincidence of the edges, fold the tiles in a column.

To check the quality and strength of the material, take the tile over the edge and shake: good material should not break under your own weight. When choosing a tile, buy with a margin of about 15-20%, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling.

We figured out the criteria for choosing foam tiles, now let's look at the qualities of each species. Remember that extruded material is used in any room. This is the most expensive of the polystyrene tiles, however, despite this, it has many disadvantages: the presence in its composition dangerous for the freon ozone layer, the lack of clear geometric shapes, the uneven surface of the wrong side.

The injection surface allows you to create the visibility of a seamless ceiling coating. It is distinguished by good waterproofing and excellent sound insulation, resistant to temperature difference, easily washed, does not burn and has increased strength. It is produced exclusively in white, but is able to transfer painting on a water -dispersed basis.

The large thickness and porosity of stamped tiles provide low noise - and thermal insulation properties. The disadvantages also include its instability to water, high fragility and inaccuracy of its geometric shape.

Foam installation technology

So, you are interested in how to fix the foam to the ceiling. Remember - the ceiling in the room can be done with your own hands. Foam is an inexpensive and very practical material. Polystyrene tiles can be laid on drywall, wooden, concrete, in general, on any ceilings. The work is performed in stages.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work includes a lot of operations. First of all, you need to stock up on the right tool and materials. For independent work, you will need a minimum set of tools: knife, scissors, spatula, level, roulette and flywheel. To buy materials, we measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling and purchase them with a margin, you will also need glue and a framing frieze.

Before laying the tiles, the surface should be carefully prepared. It is necessary to clean the ceiling of whitewashing, align and promp the irregularities. If there is a fungus on the ceiling, then the place should be cleaned and treated with an antiseptic. To attach foam to the ceiling, adhesives are used by creative, acrol, PVA and many other special adhesives.

Before pasting to evaporate moisture, it is necessary to withstand the tile in a dry room for 3 days. Having checked the accuracy of the corners and the perimeter, the ceiling from the center to the edges is marked. To do this, it is convenient to use a beaten cord, with any dye.

When performing markings, consider the type of tile location on the ceiling (diagonal or longitudinal rows). Using the diagonal rows, you visually increase the ceiling plane, but this is a more time -consuming process. The panels are recommended to be placed from the center of the room.

Playing the ceiling with panels

The result of all your work done depends on how the foam glued to the ceiling. To get started, the tiles are cut with a knife or scissors in the required size. Then, using adhesive substances, the material is performed. At the same time, follow a few recommendations:

  1. De -energize the wiring before work;
  2. Work in gloves so as not to stain the tile;
  3. Glue is applied diagonally and the perimeter of the tile (20-30 points);
  4. Five minutes withstand the glue for solidification;
  5. When gluing, press the material tightly;
  6. Remove excess glue with a damp cloth.

For the tile to be fixed on the ceiling, at the time of the glue drying, use bilateral tape. At the end of the work, it is necessary to remove the gaps between the ceiling and the walls. The polystyrene plinth for the ceiling is perfect. Special corner elements will decorate the room. In addition, there is an insert for a chandelier where the wires will hide. It is desirable that all this be decorated in a single style.

Care for polystyrene tiles

Any white tile turns yellow over time to avoid this, it is necessary to prevent sunny, ultraviolet rays. But there is another option. After they made a foam ceiling, to increase the service life and give a certain beauty, the tile must be covered with water -based paint. If the tile is moisture resistant, you can wipe it with a wet cloth or sponge, if not, then clean the dust with a vacuum cleaner.

Foam ceiling

Each developer wants to make his house more comfortable and chooses the interior to their liking. This also applies to decoration, in particular ceiling decor. For design, use many options for stained glass, gypsum, mosaic, painting, etc. Just look at the photo of decorative ceilings from foam! Indeed, in the construction market you can now find everything you wish for a unique and luxurious decor of your ceiling.

There are two options for decorating the ceiling with your own hands. In a simple version, a standard surface is used, in a complex surface with additional structures. In addition, two methods of design are distinguished: simple and complex materials with different and multi -level structures.

Simple decor

The easiest hand trim is a whitewashing ceiling with painting. It is clear that the surface is preliminarily prepared and primed. After that, only paints. Paints can be selected for your choice and mix. Do not buy a lot of colors at once, because the color in the photo of foam ceilings can differ significantly from the purchased and the shade after mixing can disappoint you.

Therefore, first try to paint a small area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling, if everything suits you, then continue working in the same spirit. Such a finish can be repainted many times, draw on it in any form. Be sure to supplement glue ceilings with various skirting boards or moldings. This will add even greater beauty.

Complex decor

It is performed using gypsum, various designs, stretch systems. Such methods of decoration are quite possible to do with your own hands. The advantage of such a finish, it will hide all your defects in the ceiling surface.

Additionally, for decor, you can use caissons of any shape, peculiar recesses in the ceiling of various geometric shapes. The ceiling, trimmed with such elements, is called caissonized. The lack of designing such a ceiling - with such a decor, the height of the room decreases.


The smaller your room, the lighter the tone of the paint for finishing the ceiling is lighter. And vice versa. This unwritten rule is intended for premises that require visual increase or decrease in space. The color of the ceiling should differ from wall decoration by at least two shades. In the low and small rooms of the baseboard for the ceiling and cornices should not be more than 100 millimeters in width. A pre -thought -out lighting is a prerequisite for the decor.

Now you know how to glue the foam to the ceiling, and got acquainted with the main types of ceiling tiles. Choose the corresponding type depending on the qualities of the ceiling that you plan to achieve after the repair. The ceiling pasted with foam tiles in your house will give your room elegance and unusual. As well as a do -it -yourself work, and saving funds will deliver real pleasure to the employee!





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can you do it with it

can sound insulation be done with him? What exactly is the thickness?