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Installing plastic slopes with your own hands

An important stage in the installation of plastic windows design of window openings. Slopes for plastic windows are made of the same material as the windows, or perform the finish in another way. However, nothing harmonizes with the appearance of white windows from PVC, as neatly installed plastic slopes that hide all defects of window openings, mounting foam and fasteners. Properly designed slopes give the windows aesthetic complete look.

Table of contents:

  1. Why install plastic slopes? 
  2. The main advantages of plastic slopes
  3. Insulation of plastic slopes
  4. Independent installation of plastic slopes
  5. Installation of external slopes
  6. Installation of internal slopes

Why install plastic slopes?

Modern plastic windows can be considered perfectly installed only if they have neatly decorated slopes in compliance with the rules of sealing. Gently made slopes are aesthetic, they carry part of the thermal insulation load, preventing fogging of mounting seams. With illiterate decoration during ventilation of windows, due to temperature changes, the structure of building materials is destroyed and the attractiveness of window openings is lost. It is important to install the plastic slopes of external and internal ones in stages, according to all the rules, in compliance with the technology.

Those who are not very versed in terminology, recall that the slopes are side surfaces of the walls along the perimeter of the window opening, adjacent directly to the window frame. They are internal, that is, installed on the windows indoors, and the external, overlooking the courtyard of the house. The lower horizontal is usually decorated with a windowsill. But the lateral parts of the walls and the upper plane near the window requires thorough finish plastic slopes.

Until recently, the slopes were aligned and decorated with wood or plaster for whitewashing. Modern PVC windows are in harmony with the same finish. Since a lot of attention is paid to the quality of the decoration today, they prefer to put on internal slopes.

Old plaster slopes cannot fully ensure sound insulation and sealing, and from the cracks near the frame and under the windowsill it often passed, especially in winter. Under the destructive effect of the external environment, the plaster and the putty crumbled and became unusable, so I had to redo everything. With the introduction of new technologies for the quick installation of sealed windows from PVC, plastic slopes on the windows with your own hands began to make it easier than making window openings in the old way.

One of the additional complications in poor-quality windows remains condensate, which appears on the windows due to the difference in temperature. When the joint of the wall and the window frame is illuminated, the double -glazed window is too cold, and the windows cry, forming dampness on the windowsill. Competent decoration of slopes minimizes this factor.

Before the production of plastic windows with the problem of condensation, due to insufficient sealing, it was possible to cope with the slopes of drywall and mounting foam. They were more spectacular than plaster under white paint in the old fashioned way. This option gave better to insulation of the window opening. However, their main drawback is low moisture resistance, and the installation of plastic slopes solves this problem today.

Today, slopes made of plastic on windows from PVC with a double -glazed window are a universal solution to many problems. For their insulation, mineral wool is usually used to provide a window with effective hydro-, heat, sound insulation.

The main advantages of plastic slopes

If you compare the plastic, the finish plaster or slopes made of drywall, then the plastic can be called a lot of advantages:

  • durable operation;
  • the perfectly flat texture harmonizes with PVC windows;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • the ability to effectively close all the joint defects;
  • it is possible to use flexible platbands;
  • not the need for additional decoration and painting of the window opening;
  • moderate cost of finishing work;
  • effective thermal insulation of the opening;
  • the ability to complete the window decoration on the same day that the installation of windows from PVC or delay the finish to perform certain construction and design tasks;
  • pure work with fast installation;
  • in the presence of the tool, all the work can be done independently and quickly (in 2-3 hours);
  • the simple subsequent operation of the surface is easily washed and cleaned;
  • there is the possibility of choosing a color palette for any stylistic solution;
  • does not need additional leveling of the window opening after dismantling the old frame;
  • relatively low heat portion;
  • high moisture resistance and the possibility of unhindered fluid removal;
  • protectiveness from freezing.

Insulation of plastic slopes

When changing old wooden windows, dismantling can significantly destroy the window opening, so all the emerging voids must be filled in order to eliminate the slightest gaps. Sometimes the gaps are not visible, but in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window it is felt cold and mold is started, which indicates the depressurization of the seams after the installation or poorly performed installation of the window.

If you carry out the finish and installation of plastic slopes according to all the rules, then they must be correctly insulated so as not to transfer a portion of low temperature to the room. Effective thermal insulation is achieved in a rather simple way under a layer of plastic insulation up to the area of \u200b\u200badjustment of the frame to the window opening.

Several patterns of insulation of the plastic slopes and zones of the adjustment of the frame to the opening were developed. Today, heater of various types are used, and this assortment is enough to provide reliable protection of the window from negative external factors. The easiest way to solve the problem of effective window insulation in 2 ways:

  • fill the space with mineral wool or foam in the inside of the window;
  • at the junction of the window opening and the frame of their PVCs, pour the foam with mounting foam and close the finishing materials from the street.

Materials are offered for insulation today:

  • mineral wool;
  • foam sheets;
  • sandwich panels;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • izover or fiberglass.

Attention: the choice of insulation should be welded by the width of the clearance and features of the surface of the window opening and a joint with a PVC frame.

A small mounting gap within the range of 40-50 mm on a smooth surface is easier to warm with sheet foam, an isover or polystyrene foam up to 2-3 cm. With a small gap and some irregularities, mineral wool is used. Outside the window, the gaps are filled with ordinary mounting foam, it is also used for gross defects in the window opening after dismantling old frames.

The multilayer walls, which are equipped with a heater approaching the window box, provide sufficient protection against external factors. In this case, it is not necessary to insulate the plastic slopes themselves, it is enough to eliminate all the gaps with mounting foam from the outside. If the structure has cold single -layer walls without thermal insulation, then it is recommended to make effective insulation of slopes with thermal cards laid on slopes.

A layer of insulation is fixed over the entire surface of the window opening, without crawling out of the seams. When installing slopes from plastic, the thermal insulation layer will be closed. Sometimes an additional layer of drywall is mounted for aligning downed plaster. Sheets of extruded polystyrene foam do not require additional processing when installing plastic slopes with your own hands.

When warming the slopes with a foam, the joint with a frame at the window opening is filled with cement mortar. Only after it all dries well, a layer of foam to 5 mm can be glued on an even surface. Outside, the window is protected by extruded polystyrene foam or other method. Any type of insulation should fit tightly to the surface. With external thermal insulation of window slopes, it is important to ensure moisture from the mounting seam.

Attention: The insulation of the slopes will not be effective if the thermal insulation is absent around the perimeter of the window, and the insulation is laid fragmented, only in problem areas with surface defects.

Next, consider how to install slopes on plastic windows.

To do this, you need a sheet plastic of 8 mm, approximately 6 m., As well as the starting P-shaped and F-shaped strip of plastic or F-ka. It is convenient to fix them on a wooden rail of 10 15 mm. Of the tools, you need a punch or drill, metal scissors, a building level, a square and a pencil for marking. Do not forget about self -tapping screws, white sealants or silicone.

Independent installation of plastic slopes

There are several ways to install external slopes of plastic windows and prepare the slopes themselves.

3 methods of manufacturing slopes from plastic are common:

  • from sandwich panels;
  • made of drywall covered with strong plastic;
  • from foamed plastic.

Sandwich panels with a porous structure do not form condensate, are not afraid of moisture, retain heat and are quite durable. They are produced of different types, including glossy and matte, as well as color and laminated for wood. There are different ways to consolidate external and internal slopes adjacent to PVC frames, and options for preparing a window opening with cutting parts for slopes from plastic.

1. Electric saw or scissors for metal are used to cut the sandals or a plastic panel of small thickness. The starting profile is mounted with dowels in the window opening during the installation of the window. Roads are attached to this basis. For installation, galvanizing brackets and a bilateral mounting tape are used. The brackets are fastened with self -tapping screws, and slopes are fixed close to the windowsill on their basis. It is better to smear the corners with silicone sealant.

2. Slopes made of drywall with lining PVC sheets are mounted directly to drywall with liquid nails. It is important to ensure that there are no defects and traces of deformation on the plastic. Their special glossy surface is susceptible to pollution, which is sometimes difficult to remove.

3. As an option, foamed PVC with a smooth front side is used. When cutting it, it can even be bend to the desired shape, using frequent radial incisions, they should be fixed with mounting glue. Otherwise, he has general installation rules with sandwich panels.

Installation of external slopes

Experts recommend external slopes to the windows from PVC from the Sentwitch Panel, the reliability of which is checked. The material easily withstands the influence of the external environment and is a reliable barrier from the cold, precipitation and temperature changes.

Before starting the installation of external slopes, it is important to make accurate measurements in order to exclude gaps and cracks. The height, width and length of the window openings are measured to transfer to the plastic sheet to hand over the cutting of the panels. After cutting 3 blanks with a disk saw or scissors for metal, you can proceed to the installation.

First, the upper horizontal part (sloping) is fixed, while its base is maximally packed deeper, and the space in this niche is filled with mounting foam. It cannot be allowed a lot so as not to crumble plastic, which is easily bending when the foam bursts with hardening. The slope must be pressed to the upper part of the opening, fixing with construction tape at the reference points.

When the horizontal slope is checked, you can mount the side parts in the same way, checking the parallelism and observance and vertical. Set the spacers. In the same way, plastic slopes in a wooden house are also mounted, but it is better to fix them with self -tapping screws.

The design should survive the two days so that the mounting foam is finally hardened. But if plastic stained, it is better to immediately cut the subtexts with a knife and wipe the slope with a rag dipped in a solution of vaults. After hardening the foam, the mounting tape and the spacers are removed. Next, a decorative corner is fixed with a sealant or transparent silicone.

Installation of internal slopes

Before installing plastic slopes indoors, it is advisable to complete the wall decoration. Plastic is mounted on a solid hard surface. If the plastered window opening crumbles in an old house when replacing a wooden window on PVC, then it is better to knock it down up to the base of the wall, and then level it and fill it with insulation. In new buildings, this is not necessary.

Wooden rails are attached along the perimeter of the installed window along the inner joint with self -tapping screws. They are convenient to use for leveling walls adjacent to the opening. Plastic slopes will be attached to them. The most reliable mount on the starting plastic profile. The F-shaped profile fixed by stapler brackets is also mounted on wooden rails.

Inner plastic slopes are installed on the finished basis, starting with the upper horizontal, under which it is recommended to lay mineral wool. Installation is largely similar to the described instructions for external slopes, and the gaps at the joints are also hidden with silicone or white sealant.

Attention: all work on the installation of plastic slopes is carried out on clean dry surfaces with low or moderate humidity of the room!

With a description of the above installation technologies, the installation of plastic slopes with your own hands is not limited, options are possible, for example, plastic slopes of the video:





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