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Installation of lamps in a stretch ceiling

Day by day is the popularity of stretch ceilings. Perhaps there simply does not exist on the market of other materials that are able to make tension structures decent competition. But today we will not talk about the most stretch ceilings, but about how important it is to make the choice of lamps for PVC film correctly. After all, you can install not all sorts of lamps, but only meeting certain requirements regarding the appearance, power, etc.


  1. Features of lighting stretching ceiling
  2. Varieties of lamps for the stretch fabric
  3. Requirements for spotlights
  4. Calculation of the number of lamps
  5. Ceiling marking
  6. Installation of adjustable racks
  7. Installation of spotlights
  8. Installation of a chandelier on a stretch ceiling

Features of lighting stretching ceiling

When planning the lighting, you certainly want it to be uniform so that the light is not too bright, does not distort the colors, do not cut his eyes and do not interfere with perceiving the environment. Is it worth recalling that the Ilyich light, which is known to everyone, is suspended under the ceiling in a carbolic cartridge, cannot meet all the requirements. But along with this, even the most spectacular chandelier will not give the desired lighting, it will only attract excessive attention, and it will still not be possible to avoid relatively dark corners in the room.

All of the above problems can be eliminated using such spotlights for a stretch ceiling, which are shown in the video about lamps for stretch ceilings. The even and high -quality lighting of the working area in the kitchen, soothing soft light in the recreation area of \u200b\u200bthe living room, the lack of darkness and the comfortable environment for the eyes all this is fully achievable, provided that this special variety of lamps.

The backlighting of the stretch ceiling in integrated spotlights is performed according to one principle. A supporting structure called a stand is initially attached to the basic ceiling, on which built -in elements will subsequently hold. And only after stretching the canvas in it are openings of the required diameter, which are fixed with amplifying rings. After that, the heat insulating ring is glued if necessary and the spotlight is installed.

Varieties of lamps for the stretch fabric

The popularity of spotlights is continuously growing, their diversity is becoming wider. Most lamps that are used to illuminate traditional ceilings and lighting at home are also suitable for suspended ceilings. By the nature of the fastening, lamps for suspended ceilings are 2 varieties: with the inner and outer location of the light bulb.

What are the lamps

During external placement, the light bulb is below the level of the stretch ceiling and is separated from it with a platform. The overhead lamps have the same mounting method as the traditional chandelier are more preferable, because the light bulb is located not in a closed space and is cooled quickly enough.

Such lamps do not affect the time of the ceiling, it is better and brighter, as they have a wide dispersion angle, eat less the height of the stretch ceiling due to the outer placement of the light bulb. Among the disadvantages of overhead lamps, perhaps, the following can be noted: the protective thermal roller does not close the lamp with the lamp, this spoils the aesthetics a little.

The light bulb with an internal location is hidden above the level of the stretch fabric and almost does not protrude behind its level. Built -in lamps for suspended ceilings are mounted so that the housing along with the light bulb is built into the stretch fabric, and only a small visible part of the case called the decorative ring, or protective glass of the plafoner, is visible outside the ceiling.

Lamps with the internal placement of the bulb are less recommended for installation. The light bulb is inside the stretch ceiling, and this affects the process of cooling, in addition, the ceiling and thermol itself overheat. Pointed lamps have a narrow beam of light, which does not allow to illuminate a large area. With improper installation, irreparable changes in the type, characteristics and properties of the stretch fabric are possible.

However, in most cases they choose them, even agreeing to perform a number of hard restrictions: for example, the use of cast lamps, exclusively stamped. And they choose such lamps, since the point direction of light can change the usual fall of shadows in the room and create an interesting exposition of lighting. Thermal rings from the eyes are hidden by the side side of the lamp.

What are the lamps

Smeal and overhead lamps can have ordinary incandescent lamps, energy -saving fluorescent, LED and halogen. The main lamps for the stretch ceiling are MR 16 with a halogen lamp and R63 with an ordinary incandescent lamp.

Energy -saving fluorescent lamps are rarely used with stretch ceilings, since bulbs of this species have large sizes. Accordingly, the lamp with a fluorescent lamp when attaching the lamp to the stretch ceiling is necessary a significant distance between the base and stretch ceiling.

A fairly interesting solution for a stretch ceiling is built -in lamps with LED bulbs. However, they cannot be used as the main working lighting due to limited power, but the decorative backlight will be quite welcome.

In addition to traditional lamps, you can make your choice in favor of the LED tape, which is customary to install behind the canvas. It is able to create a soft illumination of certain functional zones of the room, for example, along the perimeter of the room or in other part of it.

Requirements for spotlights

Not any lamp can be built into the stretch ceiling, regardless of the desire of the owner. Built -in lamps for a stretch ceiling must meet certain technical requirements.


First of all, lamps for the stretch fabric should be round. Moreover, this applies to a greater extent to the landing hole, which is required for installation in the stretch ceiling of the lamp. It often happens that a square landing node has a square or other shape of the lamp inside. A similar spotlight is also suitable.

The case of each lamp must have a landing flange from the inside. Pay attention when choosing a lamp to the difference between the internal and external diameters of its body. This indicator should be at least 10 millimeters. This is necessary so that the lamp installed in the tension canvas covers the thermo -insulating ring glued to the ceiling. Otherwise, the protective ring will protrude beyond the lamp, and it will be noticeably naked.

It is desirable that the bulbs of built -in lamps are covered with special light -resistant paint to eliminate the penetration of light over the ceiling. If you use other lamps in the lamps, the stretch ceiling can shine through, while a small light areola will be created around the lamp.


When choosing lamps for a stretch ceiling, be sure to take into account the restrictions on the power of the lamps of the lamps and the restrictions that relate to the distance between the surface of the stretch ceiling and the lamps, since the PVC film when heated over 60 degrees can be deformed or melted. Therefore, the installation of double thermocores is recommended.

To exclude the risk of damage to the stretch fabric from severe heating in the place where the lamp is in contact with it, select the lamps of the pollution, the power of which is less than 60 watts, or halogen lamps with a power of not more than 35 watts. With additional thermal insulation, you can use more powerful lamps in spotlights.

If the overhead lamps have an external part far out of the stretch ceiling level, where a strong lamp is located, then power restrictions can be neglected. In some cases, they make up no more than 70 watts. An alternative option is an energy -saving light bulb, which almost does not heat up.


The distance from the base surface to the stretch fabric with the internal placement of lamps takes 6-7 centimeters for halogen lamps and 9 - 12 centimeters for incandescent lamps. The distance from the overhead lamps to the surface of the stretch fabric should be at least 15 centimeters, but it is better if this indicator reaches 20 - 40 centimeters.

The contact of the hull ceiling and a spotlight is unacceptable to avoid pouring the canvas. In the photo of the stretch ceilings, you can see the gap between the canvas and the side of the lamp. On the other hand, the maximum diameter of the hole, which is allowed to be cut for the installation of the lamp in the stretch ceiling, is 15 centimeters. It is recommended to install in a room where there is such a type of lamps, dimmers are regulators of brightness of light.

When selecting spotlights for installation in the bathroom, kitchen and a room with a pool, it is advisable to take special lamps with dust and moisture protection. Such products usually have ip65 labeling on the package if the manufacturer uses European standards for marking lighting equipment.

Gagenic bulbs in spotlights can be 220V or 12V, only for the latter you need to use a transformer, the power of which is greater than the total power of the connected lamps. Each lamp is best connected, from the position of subsequent operation, to the transformer at 60 watts.

Calculation of the number of lamps

It is advisable to buy lamps of the same type for each type of lighting. When installing lamps in the tension canvas, remember that the light from the lamp goes down, illuminating the area of \u200b\u200babout 1.5 - 2 square meters. Therefore, the number of lamps should be correctly calculated. And, based on practice, one lamp is recommended to be installed on 1.5-2 square meters of the room.

It should be noted that the ceiling structure is not recommended to oversaturated with built -in lamps. Many built -in lamps are able to destroy the entire design to the base and bring unattractiveness to the surface of the ceiling, as well as provoke the appearance of defects in the canvas. To highlight the bright design of the ceiling, the so -called dancing lamps use it in framing it, from them the flows of light are directed in different directions, dancing at the same time.

Ceiling marking

Previously, even before fastening the stretch ceiling, you need to decide how to place lamps on the surface. This is especially true when it is planned to create a ceiling with several levels. Select each level into a separate lighting circuit and distribute light sources, respectively. So, we will take the distance between the lamps of one meter, the removal from the walls by about 60 centimeters.

The lamps must be distributed so that the installation sites do not have to be installed on the installed baguettes, and withstand a distance of 25-30 millimeters from the edge of the opening to the point lamp to the nearest baguette. When the lamps are located on the stretch ceiling, also take into account the presence and placement of a chandelier on the ceiling. With simultaneous use, spotlights can be taken to the sides. Or, built -in lamps, divide the contours of lighting of various functional zones.

Installation of adjustable racks

Naturally, the stretch ceiling is not able to withstand such a load as lighting devices, due to this, the preliminary step when installing spotlights is installed by the installation elements and special adjustable racks, due to which the instruments are fixed. The stand consists of 2 guides and a special ring, which has an inner diameter, which corresponds to the planting diameter of the point lamp. The guides provide the ability to adjust such a ring in height.

Performing the indicated procedure, it is necessary to ensure such a placement of the embedded so that their body does not interfere with the subsequent installation of the stretch fabric. More often adjustable racks are fixed to the basic base using screws and dowels. The lamp, which is inserted into the hole of the stretch ceiling, is located on the rack, which is fixed to the main ceiling.

Installation of spotlights

After that, you need to perform electrical work, which consist in laying the cable to the installation site of each device. After a series of preparatory work and the installation of the stretch ceiling, you need to start the installation of lamps in the stretch ceiling to the final part. For this purpose, it is necessary to fix (glue) a round profile directly onto the fabric in the places of placement of fasteners, which is designed to install lamps.

Before fastening the lamps, you need to cut holes in the canvas for the future lamp along the inner contour of the round profile. The holes in the PVC film need to be cut accurately to avoid defects in the canvas during installation.

Then, using the adjusting screws, you need to put the fasteners with the material of the ceiling, remove the electric conductors through the obtained holes and connect the devices. In the design of the lamp there is a thermal insulation ring, which must be put on the housing before installation. It is necessary to regulate the heating of the tension material of the ceiling and the separation of the lamp from the surface of the material.

When installing the PVC film on the surface of the ceiling, drag the wiring into the holes. In order for the lamps on the ceiling to be fixed evenly, after installing them, you need to perform the adjustment procedure of the lamps, then you can screw the light bulb into all lamps and check the stretch ceiling for the correctness of the lighting.

With competently arranged spotlights, the lighting will not vomit the eyes, but powerful. If the stretch ceiling has a large area, then to improve the operation of the lighting system, you can install a transformer that is designed to save electricity and the ability to install low -power lamps with low current consumption.

Installation of a chandelier on a stretch ceiling

The most popular type of attachment of a chandelier on a stretch ceiling is the use of a ceiling hook. This fastener is created as follows. In the concrete ceiling, you need to fix a special hook and check the reliability of its fastening using the premises of a special cargo on it. After that, you need to make a wiring, install a stretch ceiling, cut a hole in it in it in the center of the hook and glue a special thermal ring.

The main mount for the stretch fabric is a standard ceiling bar. To do this, mark the center of installation of a chandelier, pull a special thread, which will be attached into the profile with a glazing tape. Next, measure the chandelier cup and the length of the ceiling mount and saw off the beam. The beam should be made a little more than the cup of the lighting device so that the chandelier does not stagger.

Next, measure the distance from the base to the lace and set the beam exactly along the thread, prepare the wiring and install the stretch ceiling, cut the hole in the center and glue the thermo-ring. At the center, attach the ceiling mount to the beam and install the chandelier.

If it is necessary to fasten large chandeliers, use such a mount as a cross fastener. Such mounts are registered mainly for chandeliers in the form of a flat square or large plate, parallelepiped or oval, which fit tightly to the stretch ceiling. Install this fasteners as follows. Everyone is done in the same way as when installing traditional ceiling fasteners, only you need to attach to the plywood beam, which has an area of \u200b\u200bslightly larger the base of the chandelier plate, or attach the plywood to special suspensions.





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Anonymous ( fast registration on the site)

the installation itself is nifiga not

the installation itself - nifiga is not visible, the point was to shoot

Tell me how to fix it

Tell me how to fix the crookedly installed lamps in the stretch ceiling? It was not installed clearly in a straight line.