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How to wash stretch glossy ceilings

Of course, you can’t call a room with a glossy ceiling of a simple and gray! Any room, be it an office center, a pool in a sports complex, a cinema hall or a city apartment, still transformed beyond recognition. Such a ceiling will become a bright color accent or dominant contrast of the house. Under one condition for competent care of the glossy stretch ceiling.


  1. Ideal operating conditions
  2. The frequency of care for a glossy ceiling
  3. Choosing a cleaning tool
  4. The choice of detergents
  5. How to wash a glossy ceiling

Ideal operating conditions

Stretch glossy ceilings are practical, durable canvases that do not require special care. Stretch glossy ceilings are made of PVC film by an unsuccessful material, which is impregnated at the production stage with a special solution, which pushes dirt and dust from the surface. Manufacturers at least guarantee 15 years of operation of suspended ceilings without any problems.

Glossy stretch ceilings have received a wide range of applications. Such a ceiling is afraid of only low temperature and its sharp changes (below minus 5 degrees), as it can crack. But such a situation is destructive for many finishing materials.

The air temperature inside the house should not be less than 0 or more plus 50 degrees Celsius. Agree, in any apartment the temperature does not go beyond this framework. That is, stretch ceilings can be put in a country house or in a country house with an autonomous heating, the owners of which rarely appear there in winter.

The film is not at all afraid of moisture and fungal infections at all, it does not absorb moisture and does not condenses evaporation, therefore it is used both in residential and technical premises.

In addition, stretch ceilings can also be equipped in the settlements of mountainous areas that are subject to the threat of earthquakes. After all, polyvinyl chloride is distinguished by plasticity, stability and is able to withstand certain shifts.

Also, glossy ceilings allow you to create curved structures. The glossy canvas is supple and elastic, so designers often create such ceiling projects when curved structures and non -standard geometric shapes can be used. Choosing a glossy, narrow canvas, you can safely choose projects of a complex composition, even multi -level, where they will use different textures and many colors.

Just remember that pieces of canvas should not have sharp corners. Such a restriction is required so that the stretch fabric serves for a long time, does not spoil and does not rush when the hosts decide to wash the glossy stretch ceiling.

The frequency of care for a glossy ceiling

Observing simple rules for the care of a stretch glossy ceiling, you can achieve an even longer period of their useful service. Remember that it is recommended to take care of the stretch ceiling immediately after they got into your house. Since stretch ceilings are a smooth film coating, which is subjected to antistatic treatment, they will not need frequent care. It is believed that it is enough to clean the surface once a month with a vacuum cleaner, and rinse the canvas with a soap solution once every two years.

To determine that it is time to start cleaning the stretch ceiling, you need to look at the canvas. If the gloss has lost his former shine, faded, then the time has come to think about cleaning or washing the ceiling. When caring for a stretch glossy ceiling, do not be afraid that you can cause any damage to the surface, because professional installation helps to protect the fabric from sagging and the occurrence of defects during cleaning.

Pay attention, first of all, to those areas that are most contaminated. This applies to a stretch ceiling in the bathroom where condensate accumulates, as well as coating in the kitchen, where there are many fat spots. If drops from aggressive liquid hit the ceiling surface, then remove them without waiting for their drying.

Choosing a cleaning tool

Before washing stretch glossy ceilings, you need to choose the right working tool. It is recommended when using a vacuum cleaner to work using a smooth wide nozzle and at medium power. Avoid the use of brushes, because their villi are able to scratch the surface of the ceiling.

If it seemed to you that the nozzle is not smooth enough, you can vacuum the glossy ceiling at a distance without touching the surface. With this method, the power of the vacuum cleaner should be increased, since otherwise it will not be possible to clean from the dust that gathered on it.

A good alternative to a vacuum cleaner is to clean the ceiling with household napkins made of microfiber. It is more convenient to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen with a microfiber napkin or a soft sponge moistened in a washing dish for dishes. After that, do not forget to wash the coating with clean water and wipe it dry so that there are no divorces left.

If you do not have a device for cleaning or washing the ceiling at hand, you can use an ordinary mop, which you need to pre -wrap a rag. Durable properties of a stretch ceiling allow this to do this without damage to the coating. However, be careful with such manipulations, because the film is installed in the ceilings, and it can break with a strong press, despite decent strength.

The choice of detergents

To clean the most polluted ceiling places, you can use detergents. When choosing cleaning and detergents, it is necessary to take into account what material the tension canvases are made of, because various products have specific properties. Quite often, detergents are not suitable for a specific ceiling in their chemical composition. They can cause softening of the coating, which passes into ugly wrinkles, a change or complete disappearance of color and other troubles.

Therefore, experts strongly recommend the cleaning product first to try on a small and inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe surface. The test for the harmlessness of the detergent drug is simple: apply a drop of this substance and wait 10 minutes of this time is enough to find out the degree of safety of the tested product. If the structure of the material from which the canvas is made calmly reacted to the selected substance, you can start work in full.

For glossy ceilings, special detergents are produced: various aerosols and polishes that contain alcohol. Such compositions are guaranteed to not leave soap stains on the ceiling, and they will not complicate the work. It is enough to spray the product on a rag and apply to the ceiling with light circular movements. However, do not use alcohol -containing substances on a glossy ceiling with photo printing.

You can wash the tension ceiling with an ordinary liquid non -abrasive agent. You can use any detergents for dishes, the main thing is that acetone, kerosene and abrasive are not present in them. It is also necessary to abandon all kinds of powders and creams with any hard particles, including soda.

For glossy ceilings, a means of washing windows are also suitable. Consumers speak very well about the widely advertised tool Mr. muscle. Dilute the substance in warm water before washing the glossy stretch ceiling with a napkin.

Opponents of aggressive chemistry will advise you to rinse the stretch ceiling with ordinary warm water with the addition of simple soap or washing powder, stirring it well in the water until all its components are completely dissolved. In addition, you can prepare a solution with yourself, in which 10% of ammonia will be present.

Facular alcohol can also be replaced with another ingredient that is in every house vodka. The optimum temperature of such a solution is from plus 30 to plus 40 degrees, this will prevent the delay of the washing process of washing dirt will be washed out by one movement of the hand. It is enough to simply wipe the ceiling with this solution without pressure, then wipe the surface dry. Also remember that detergents are best applied to the surface of the glossy ceiling, and not on a rag or sponge.

How to wash a glossy ceiling

In some cases, for cleaning from the surface of the stretch ceiling of dust and the return of the shine, it is enough to wipe the surface with a dry soft rag, which does not have a pile. But in order for the gloss to sparkle for a long time, as a new one, and pleased you in a festive one, you should remember and fulfill several main requirements on how to care for a glossy stretch ceiling.

Rule No. 1

Rule No. 1 consists in the use of a soft sponge. All hard sponges, not to mention brushes, can scratch the gloss, deform the canvas and even break through the film. Pre -moisten a soft sponge in a light soap solution so that there is no stains on the surface, because then they will have to be washed off. The ceiling is best washed with light circular movements and move in the direction of the weld. After such processing, you need to wipe the washed surface with a dry flannel cloth. You can also take microfiber fabric, which perfectly absorbs moisture.

Rule number 2

You already know that the ceiling needs to be washed without much pressure, and even more so without the use of piercing and cutting objects, because with a careless pressing you can tear the coating. Experts advise removing all the jewelry before washing stretch glossy ceilings so as not to scratch the surface by accident. Yes, and the decorations themselves are sorry to spoil during work.

In no case, it is not recommended to scrape or scrape the ceiling with some hard objects, for example, when the mud and fat clusters are removed, because with this effect there will be scratches. But on the other hand, you should also not politely polish the gloss, because you can accidentally deform the film, remember that it should not come into contact with the base with a black ceiling.

And finally, remember that in case of damage to the surface of the stretch ceiling, do not try to carry out the repair yourself. Prior to the arrival of a specialist from an organization that made the installation of PVC film, you can glue a torn place with tape, but no more. Experts will repair or offer partial or complete replacement of the canvas. In the case of flooding the ceiling, turn off the lighting devices and call the specialists of the companyman.





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