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The homeowners who want to hide the irregularities of the ceiling surface recommend paying attention to one of the most effective ways to implement this idea to install stretch ceilings. They demonstrate not only high decorative characteristics, but also practicality, the highest strength and resistance to moisture. But, despite all the recommendations, many prefer to abandon their installation, mistakenly believing that after installing the stretch ceiling there will be problems with the installation of the cornice. However, experienced craftsmen continue to tirelessly refute the statement that stretch ceilings and cornices are incompatible things, motivating this by the fact that there are many varieties of cornices and methods of installation, and each owner will certainly be able to choose the option that is most suitable for him. But here there are difficulties. When installing a stretch ceiling, it is important to remember that it is represented by a thin polyvinyl chloride canvas, which is not able to withstand heavy loads, and therefore, it is recommended to previously install a reliable support under the cornices for suspended ceilings, as a thick plywood or wooden beam. Despite all the difficulties that occur during the installation of suspended ceilings, the demand for them is growing steadily, and given the fact that now the non -standard method of attaching the cornice is not in fashion, but to the ceiling, the relevance of this issue is not in doubt. If you have chosen a stretch ceiling, which cornice to prefer in this case and how to correctly establish the answers to these questions in this material.
The stretch ceiling and cornice are two complementary elements that are important to competently combine with each other. This is due to the fact that the cornice is an integral detail of the interior, which allows you to advantageously emphasize the style and beauty of the home, filling it with additional comfort and comfort. Due to the fact that at present, manufacturers offer a large number of varieties of suspended ceilings, they occupy a stable niche in the market of building and finishing materials and are in great demand among those who appreciate the comfort and comfort of their house. Before fastening the cornice to the stretch ceiling, it is necessary to carefully consider everything to the smallest details, while choosing the necessary variety of the cornice, determine the method and place of its fastening. It is important to remember that cornices for suspended ceilings can be attached not only directly to the ceiling, but also to the wall and at the same time, in the case of using designer chips, each method can be effective in its own way. So, let's talk about everything in order.
Carnes for suspended ceilings photo
First of all, we will deal with the varieties of cornices, a large number of which can often confuse an inexperienced master. First of all, it is important to know that, speaking of cornices, the design of which implies their attachment to a stretch ceiling, experts imply two absolutely opposite structures with various functional purpose. Masters offer to distinguish:
Curtain for curtains, the functional purpose of which is not in doubt. Speaking of a stretch ceiling with a cornice for curtains, it is important to remember that the mounting of the cornice to the stretch ceiling is accompanied by a number of difficulties consisting in the creation of such conditions that the ceiling cornice for stretch ceilings does not tear the polyvinyl chloride film;
The cornice for hidden backlight is a profile made of polystyrene foam, the fixing of which is carried out using ordinary glue. Further, the installation of such a cornice involves gluing the LED tape, which is attached to the wall or to the inner surface of the cornice.
Important! Montagist specialists do not support the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing all cornices into models designed for ordinary and stretch ceilings. This is due to the fact that in both cases we are talking about the same analogues, only in the latter case the cornices should meet previously designated requirements, namely, to be attached to a pre -established support.
Despite this, there is a separation of cornices for suspended ceilings according to the method of their attachment to the following options:
The difference between these options also lies in their value. If wall cornices are the most budget option, then ceiling cornices, being the most complex design, need larger material investments.
Important! Despite the fact that the cornice intended for suspended ceilings does not have a fundamental difference from the traditional fasteners, if you have installed stretch ceilings that are not prepared for the specific installation of cornices, you will have to partially dismantle the system or by the traditional wall cornice.
Consider the main advantages of wall cornices:
Ceiling cornice It is a flat tire, the design features of which imply a fastening to the ceiling. When installing ceiling cornices for suspended ceilings, you can realize several goals:
Important! If your interior needs any highlight, an extraordinary solution that is beneficial to complementing an integral interior, you need to give preference to ceiling cornices for stretch ceilings that emphasize the interior, visually increase the height and size of the ceilings, and also add originality to the premises.
There is another classification of cornices for suspended ceilings, according to which the cornices are distinguished by the materials used:
Important!Recently, the construction market offers another type of ceiling structures combined cornices. They are made of basic material and secondary decorative elements, which are often overhead, which allows them to replace them depending on the appearance of the room.
A distinctive feature of ceiling cornices is the simplicity of their installation. When it is necessary to fasten the ceiling cornice on the capital concrete ceiling, the difficulties, as a rule, do not occur. However, if the cornice is attached to the stretch ceiling, the master has a more difficult task, which, at first glance, is not solved. But, despite this, experts still offer several ways to solve this problem:
Important! If you need to fix heavy curtains, experts recommend abandoning the ceiling cornice in favor of a wall structure or cornice-string, which involves fixing fasteners on opposite walls.
The installation of ceiling cornices is an ideal way of harmonious design of the ceiling surface and creating a harmonious appearance of the room. Despite the fact that the installation of the cornice on the stretch ceiling is a more expensive and laborious event, in contrast to the installation of their wall analogues, the installation of the cornice on the stretch ceiling allows you to add that highlight that will make it unique and luxury. As already mentioned, there are two ways to install ceiling cornices visible cornices and hidden, which are an even more time -consuming option, unlike the previous ones.
The installation of the visible cornice on the stretch ceiling involves the installation of a special platform on which the cornice will be mounted. For the manufacture of this platform, installers offer to use a wooden block, which is attached to the concrete base of the ceiling at the place of fastening of the future ceiling cornice. Please note that the thickness of the bar must correspond to the distance between the concrete base of the ceiling and the PVC-film of the stretch fabric, which is necessary so that the auxiliary bar remains unnoticed. On the PVC film, it is necessary to note the place of fastening of the cornice and subsequently install the additional strengthening of the canvas there, which will subsequently prevent its gap. Read more instructions for the installation of the visible ceiling cornice will be given further.
The installation of hidden ceiling cornices is the most original and functional way to decorate the window opening. The invisible ceiling cornice is hidden in a special niche, and its fixation is carried out to the concrete base of the ceiling. Separately, it is worth noting the functionality of this installation method. It has long been known that the traditional concept of 2 carnis for suspended ceilings implies not only the installation of the structure that serves as a holder for curtains, curtains and other options for decorative window paintings. The know-how of modern design is a cornice that performs the function of additional ceiling, most often LED lighting. They are made from a profile made of lightweight materials, the installation of which does not require additional professional skills. The design of hidden ceiling cornices is arranged in such a way that the master has the ability to put an auxiliary ceiling lighting into the space between the wall and the inside of the profile, which will perform its main function.
If you decide to install the ceiling cornice, in the process of its installation, you must observe a number of some nuances:
This installation method is one of the simplest, and even a novice master can fulfill it.
Important! If you prefer the open method of fastening the cornice, before installing it, treat a wooden beam with an antiseptic. This is important because in the future, air access to wood will be difficult, in connection with which it is necessary to prevent its decay. Experts recommend that you prefer deep -permanent compounds and process twice.
The installation of a cornice in a hidden niche is a more time -consuming process and is accompanied by a number of difficulties. In the process of installing the cornice in a hidden niche, it is important to clearly observe the instructions of the specialists, performing all actions in a certain sequence. Despite the fact that this method is more time -consuming and costly, it allows you to create an original and non -standard interior design that implies the so -called curtains soaring in the air, which descend directly from the ceiling.
The installation of a visible or hidden cornice in the stretch ceiling is not the most difficult mounting event and can be performed by you independently, without the help of professionals. However, in order to correctly implement it, it is necessary to correctly decide on the most suitable method of its installation and fastening, so that you are most harmonious in write this interior part in its general stylistic concept.
Installation of carnizamna stretch ceiling video