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Do -it -yourself caisson ceiling

Kesson ceilings in our time received a second birth. This is not to say that the caissons in modern architecture perform the function of the supporting structure, but as an element of decor in modern interior design, they have been used in fact for a very long time. In many historical films, along with luxurious old locks, ceiling cassettes of a certain configuration and carved wooden beams that form peculiar cells and rectangular sections. Well, let's try to revive the caisson ceilings of extraordinary beauty at home?


  1. Features of cesson ceilings
  2. Types of caisson ceilings
  3. Do -it -yourself caisson ceiling

Features of cesson ceilings

The caisson (lacunar) ceiling is a special type of ceiling, which consists of recesses, beams and cells (Kesson - a polygonal deepening). Such ceilings are also called decorative. As for the caissons, they can be not only square, but also round. Among the caissons, transverse and longitudinal beams with ornaments, stucco outlets, cornices, borders, profiled transitions to the walls, painting on the surface of the ceiling are known.

Kesson ceilings were invented in ancient Greece. At that time, they performed a practical function rather than decorative - they reduced the mass of plates, thereby allowing them to relieve excess load from the beams. For beauty, they were simply decorated with patterns and modeling. This technology is very ancient. This is evidenced by the finds of archaeologists found during the excavations of the necropolis, when ceilings of this type dated the 7th century BC were discovered. e. In the days of the Renaissance, wooden caisson ceilings were popular. Then they finished the palaces.

Kesson ceilings can no doubt give a viewing look of any room, whether it be a living room, a bedroom, an office, a billiard room or a library. This type of ceiling decoration is also appropriate in the prestigious office, because it expresses the power and status of the company. In addition, the cesson ceiling looks great in a country house or cottage, decorated in a classic style. Such a ceiling allows you to make the structure easier and create good acoustics.

Most often, such a technique is used in rooms with high ceilings, where the impression of a huge space is created. Kesson ceilings are made in rooms, the height of which is at least 2.5 meters. In small rooms, such a ceiling will not look quite spectacular. You should also take into account the architectural style, but if you like to experiment and create something new, you can choose the caissons of different forms and styles (but, of course, such styles as high-tech and pop art do not allow such a ceiling design).

Kesson ceilings are an excellent solution for old -type buildings, the height of the walls of which is 3 meters close. However, in this case, another problem arises: sometimes I want to shift, lower the ceiling so that the room gets the right proportions, and the person does not feel locked in a huge box. Such wooden slabs of brown color, as in the photo of the caisson ceilings, will come to the rescue.

Kesson ceilings can be used not only for the arrangement of the ceiling vault, but also to decorate the internal surfaces of the arches. The design of the caisson ceilings skillfully hides the irregularities of existing supporting floors and eliminates the need to align the surface before finishing. Using this design of the ceiling, it will be easily hidden by ventilation boxes, air conditioning tubes and electrical wiring to lamps. The ceilings are ideal in terms of geometry and protected from various kinds of deformations.

Types of caisson ceilings

Making repairs in their apartment, few people think that the technologies and methods that are widely used today have an ancient story and have been invented a long time ago. Kesson ceiling is one of these techniques. This interesting technique allows you to make the home original and cozy, in addition, it has a rich history. Kessonic ceilings in essence are a variety of favorite suspended ceilings, which have already fed up and lost relevance.

Wooden caisson ceilings

Kessoni ceilings made of wood are very practical and beautiful. They look rich and unusual, creating the impression of luxury and comfort in your house. The tree is environmentally friendly natural material that you can use by making repairs, and not worry about the health of people close to you. Basically, a nut, ash, oak, and sometimes materials are much more expensive than the above are used for the manufacture of caisson ceilings. An unusual design is also created due to the fact that the natural pattern of the tree itself is always very beautiful and unique in itself, its texture is unique.

Such a ceiling will hide the irregularities of the ceiling (or the ventilation system) and will serve as a unique decoration of the room. But the price of caisson ceilings made of wood is very high and depends on the breed of wood and the complexity of the work. And if you have chosen inexpensive wood for the ceiling, then you can give the texture expressiveness and reveal its beauty even more by applying to cassettes, lining or varnish or stain panel. It is such processing that will give the most inexpensive wood varieties an impressive and elite look.

Kesson MDF ceiling

The Kesson ceiling from MDF panels is the cheapest design, but at the same time a wonderful alternative to natural wood. If you correctly handle MDF panels, you will get an unsurpassed and chic result.

Another advantage is the ease of installation, which cannot be said about wooden cassettes. However, MDF panels are inherent in negative qualities as moisture exposure, high combustibility and low resistance to mechanical damage and deformations.


The plasterboard ceiling is cheaper with a gypsum plasterboard that will allow you to save your budget (do not confuse with a gypsum ceiling, because it implies manual modeling on the surface). This type of ceiling is suitable for you if your home is trimmed in Empire styles, Baroque and has large windows and high ceilings. A gypsum plasterboard ceiling implies that a frame will be made from drywall, which can be decorated with gypsum cornice.

You can also provide sockets as additional decor material. It is also convenient to sew the backlight system in such a ceiling. There is another technique for creating such a ceiling, the lack of a frame, but the caissons are made of drywall, all parts of the ceiling need to be joined by the type of puzzle so close that the structure looks whole and completed.


Kesson polyurethane ceilings are used mainly for decorative purposes. They are very light, which can not be said about wood -based designs, but also a little more expensive than them. You can make caissons to certain sizes to exclude expensive cutting and accelerating the installation process.

Kessons made of polyurethane with properly selected and located lighting will look very chic. These products also gained popularity due to the symmetry of all cassettes, the ease of giving them the desired shade, high moisture and fire resistant properties.

Cardboard caisson ceilings

Cesson ceilings made of construction cardboard are also widely used. It is customary to glue the beams on the carpentry glue, you can tighten them with a self-adhesive film that imitates some texture (wooden, for example). But you need to glue it when the ceiling is ready, that is, when all the beams are glued.

Do -it -yourself caisson ceiling

If you do not want to entrust such work to professionals, you can make a caisson ceiling with your own hands, carefully following the instructions and all the instructions.

Preparatory stage

Remember once again that caisson ceilings can be done not in all modern houses, because a similar design in houses with low ceilings will be superfluous and even more completely inappropriate. The height of the ceilings in the house should be at least 2.5 meters, then you will have a chance to experiment.

But if you have a great desire to create such a ceiling in your apartment, and the height of the ceiling makes you want the best, you can still take a chance, but choose thin panels and necessarily light colors. When working on a caisson ceiling, follow the general rule: the more spacious the room, the more you should use the beams for its design. For work, standard strips are usually used, which have a height and width of 12-15 centimeters, although it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceilings and the overall dimensions of the room.

Beams in apartments with low ceilings should be placed in the openings of doors and windows, which creates visual contrast with the indentations present and spreads the space. Remember that it is not recommended to equip the caisson ceilings in rooms with dark furniture and weak lighting, as they are able to create an oppressive, unpleasant environment.

It is also important to remember some secrets of installation of the caisson ceiling. For example, if you have chosen white color, and you decided to shift the ceiling a few centimeters down, you risk creating an unusual effect that the ceiling falls on your head. Be careful and attentive, choosing the color of the future ceiling. If you need to make the room less and more comfortable, stop on brown color, it will help create warmth and harmony.

Think about the composition. You can buy wallpaper with a beautiful ornament or create stucco decorations. You can use application and stencil painting, stick flowers, architectural details. The center of the ceiling is best made more elegant and bright.

Materials for work

First, draw a sketch and decide on the composition of the future ceiling. Do not forget to take into account the height of the ceilings in your house and the interior. Everything should be harmonious and neat. In order to determine how much material you need to create a caisson ceiling, find the center of the room and create a preliminary drawing by drawing the location of the plates.

Going to the store for materials, take a drawing with you. Remember that you need to carefully select the wallpaper to the ceiling, they can be very simple, or you can stop on wallpaper with a pattern, the main thing is that everything is combined. But the most win -win option is the light wallpaper that glue before arranging the ceiling.

First of all, you need to buy blanks from which you will create a design of a caisson ceiling. The simplest option in creating a caisson ceiling will be the purchase of ready -made individual squares (modules that will play the role of caissons) that glue on the ceiling. Over time, of course, they can peel off, and this is a great drawback of this option. The step of the caissons should be from about 80 to 100 centimeters for the standard ceiling height.

To create a caisson ceiling in ceremonial rooms, a pine or other natural wood is most often used, a woody plate is also suitable for ceilings of residential apartments, which is easier to use and processed. A similar material, which will be additionally applied with a natural veneer of beech, spruce or oak, will acquire a bright texture and attractive appearance. In addition to wood and light wallpaper, you will need glue paint, high -quality glue for wood, nails, saw, square and an exact ruler.

Paste of support beams

For greater reliability of fixing materials, it is necessary to primed the surface of the ceiling. If the primer is absorbed very strongly, then the surface should be covered after drying with another layer. It is recommended to glue the wallpaper under the cesson ceilings. Select a drawing with a small structure or plain. It is better to glue the wallpaper together, smooth them using a special plastic spatula.

To get started on the surface of the ceiling, create marks on which you will apply the lattice structure. Decide first of all with the location of the central bar, which, depending on the configuration of the space, passes in the middle of the ceiling or slightly deviates to the side.

The main part of the caisson ceiling is the support beams that have a complex boxed structure: they are nailed to the ceiling in a certain order, creating an ornament. Having decided on the location of the main part of the kesson ceiling made of wood, you should proceed to the manufacture of a box -shaped beam: cut along the length of the ceiling of the bar, on the sides of which small planks are nailed at an equal distance.

Then attach the collected frame with nails to the ceiling, carefully checking the design plan. After that, it is recommended to measure the dimensions and cut the strips that will close the sides of the structure. Finish the work on the frame, closing it from the bottom of the board, which exactly adjacent. To fasten the components of the design of the caisson ceiling, nails are most often used, but you can combine small fragments with wood glue. The main thing is to choose reliable brands and impeccably follow the instructions of its application.

Next, make boxes and place them to the central structure in parallel, according to the developed sketch. When all the longitudinal strips are attached to the ceiling, it is necessary to go to the installation of transverse structures, work on this requires great attention. Apply them strictly according to the launched marks, attach particular importance to the processing of angles that adjoin the longitudinal details of the grate. Wooden caisson ceilings only with thorough processing of components will look solid and festive.
To process the cracks, you can also use thin profile rails that are used in different ways, but in any case, new expressive accents are added to the design of housing. In addition, you have several more surface decoration options. You can entirely cover the already installed caisson ceiling with paint. You can also paint the structure partially or several colors of different colors. In addition, for this purpose, you can use a specially designed film.

Gluing ready -made plates

If you work with ready -made slabs so that the patterns and drawings come out beautiful and even, attach the first tiles in the center of the room, so it will be easier for you to navigate. It is necessary to glue the ceiling caissons using mounting glue, at this time it is important not to stain the wallpaper. Check the proportionality of the angles of your room. If some angle is wrong, fasten the caisson, retreating a few centimeters. You can draw lines on the ceiling on which beams will be placed. Fix the slabs using brackets, and their connection with inserted spikes.

Insert spikes will not be strong enough and reliable. For complete fixing, purchase decorative rails. They need to be inserted into the cracks between the plates. It is best to choose double rails. The thickness of the rails that will pass along the walls should close all the indentations and disadvantages. This will help the room find the desired features. If you use gypsum elements in your work, fasten them with self -tapping screws, and for cardboard beams use building glue.

Now you know how to make a caisson ceiling! Having created such a design with your own hands, you will understand the many subtleties of this fascinating process and learn to create unique ornaments of the decor elements of your home. The presence of the created beams and modeling performs an exclusively decorative role, however, like the entire caisson ceiling, because in modern houses its practical function fades into the background.





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