The house of the house is fraught with the solution of many technical tasks and acceptance ...
The house of the house is fraught with the solution of many technical tasks and acceptance ... |
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In recent years, the ceiling is gaining more and more popularity with decorative panels of various designs. The main reason is that there is no need to align, plastering and putting the surface of the base, but these works not only take a lot of time, but also take a lot of finances. Decorative panels look very aesthetically pleasing, quite strong and durable, and also extremely simple in installation, which can be performed independently in just one day. The first task that needs to be solved is not to get lost in the variety of proposals and make the right choice of materials. The main question is how to choose ceiling panels. What materials are panels from, what size, for which designs of ceiling systems they are intended all this is extremely important and determines the final choice. Last but not least, it is also necessary to pay attention to the color, texture, shape, moisture resistance, soundproofing properties and other characteristics.
Ceiling panels are divided into different categories according to different signs, for example, by the installation method, according to the material, in size and form, by the presence and absence of fasteners. The choice of the necessary panels should be started with the determination what type of fastener you are going to use, it will be a suspended structure or just gluing to the base.
By the method of installation, the ceiling panels are:
The choice of ceiling panels, depending on the installation method, is completely dictated by what kind of design you want to equip. If the ceiling is very low, and you do not plan to hide the communication ceiling, then choose the panels that are enough to glue to the base. If the height of the room allows, consider the version of cassette or rack ceilings.
From what materials ceiling panels are made:
In addition to ordinary decorative panels, there are acoustic ones with exceptional properties of shock noise, moisture-resistant, intended for use in rooms with high humidity, heat-insulating, heaters, lighting panels, perforated panels for better ventilation and others. Let's take a closer look at what panels for the ceiling are.
Cassette ceilings are a frame of longitudinal and transverse guides, in the cells of which decorative panels are inserted. The suspended systems of cassette ceilings Armstrong are so popular in our country that they are used everywhere, even with panels of other manufacturers. This is very convenient, since the dimensions are unified.
Panels Ceiling Armstrong Descriptions:
Panels for ceilings of this type I can be made of various materials.
Armstrong ceiling panels are made of stone wool processed in a special way. The method of wet molding is used, clay, perlite and various binders, starch, gypsum and processed waste paper are added to mineral fibers. The surface is painted in the required color in several layers. The main advantage of such panels is their amazing soundproofing property. The panels that are more used by latex are moisture resistant and suitable for installation in the bathroom.
Ceiling panel Baikal It is considered an economy class panel intended for installation in public places and municipal buildings at stations, in offices and other institutions. It has dimensions of 595x595 mm, a thickness of 12 mm, an edge of Board, a reflective capacity of 80 %, moisture resistance 70 90 %, sound absorption coefficient 0.1. The ceiling panel of Baikal has a characteristic white embossed surface with undirected and not concentrated wormholes. Please note that this type of panels is so popular that it is copying large quantities in China, but Chinese panels are thinner (7 8 mm) and less durable. The cost of Baikal panels is 1.5 cu
The ceiling panel decorative It is made in China. Outwardly resembles economy class panels produced in Europe by Armstrong and others, but at the same time the thickness of the panel is smaller, and the material density is larger (390-410 kg/m3). The dimensions of the panel are 600x600 mm, thickness 8 mm, the edges are even Board, moisture resistance 70%, refinery 75%, sound absorption 0.4. The front surface of the Decorative panel is white with non -directional wormholes and undivided perforation. The cost of decorative panels is about 2.25 cu
Lilia ceiling panel It is produced in Denmark by Rockfon, from the Rockwool mineral fiber, the glass chuckle is glued on the front side, which is painted in the desired color. This production technology allows you to successfully combine acoustic properties, fire resistance and moisture resistance. The dimensions of the panels are 600x600 mm, the thickness is 15 mm, the edges are straight, the reflector is 81.5 %, the low density is 90 g/m3. The moisture resistance of Lilia panels is 100 %, this means that even when you get wet, the panel is not deformed. Also, panels are not afraid of mold and fungi. Thanks to these properties, lily ceiling panels can be installed in various institutions, offices, trading halls, training audiences and production. Lilia panels cost from 1.65 cu
Ceiling panel oasis The production of Armstrong (Great Britain) has a rough surface of the front side without perforation. It has dimensions of 600x600 mm, a thickness of 12 mm, an edge of Board, moisture resistance 70%, light -outing 80%, sound absorption 0.1 0.2. The sandy rough surface of the panel is ideally combined with special lamps with a prismatic matte scatter. The price of such panels is 3 cu, so they can be safely set in offices, restaurants, cafes, gyms, libraries, clinics and other institutions.
Panel ceiling filigree German production has a smooth surface on which a shallow perforation is applied. The dimensions of the panel are 600x600 mm, thickness 13 mm, moisture resistance 70%, refinery 80%, sound absorption 0.65, has a straight edge, costs 1.875 cu a piece.
Most panels made of mineral fiber are in the same price category, so you need to choose them based on the preferences of appearance and technical characteristics, such as sound absorption. The advantage of mineral wool ceiling panels is their heat -saving property.
A mirror ceiling, a matte glass ceiling, a stained glass window, an art painting can be realized with the help of glass ceiling panels, which can be either from silicate glass and from acrylic (plexiglass). Such panels are available in size 600x600 mm, which allows them to be used in Armstrong suspended systems.
Recently, matte glass ceilings are exceptional popularity. If you place light sources behind the panels, then, refracting through the glass and scattering, the light will fill the room with a warm glow and create an atmosphere of a cozy sunny day. The application of the matte glass of the pattern using sandblast allows you to create a unique design. Glass panels are easy to wash, are not afraid of moisture and fungus, they can be installed in the bathroom, kitchen and pool.
Aluminum ceiling panels are produced both for cassette ceilings with an open system and for ceilings with a closed system. The front surface of the panels can be matte, glossy, with a mirror layer (metallized) or polymer spraying, of various colors. It can also be smooth, rough, perforated. The advantages of aluminum panels are fire safety, durability (up to 50 years), high wear resistance, exceptional moisture resistance and ease of care.
Panels for closed systems are made with bent edges to insert them into the groove of the guide profile and sniff tightly there. The ceiling from such panels looks almost like a single surface on which fasteners do not stand out.
LED panels for cassette ceilings perform not only a decorative function, but are also lamps. The panel case is made of aluminum alloy, LEDs are located around the perimeter of the housing, which radiate light into the ends of a special LED lens. Behind the lens there is a reflective film, which redirects the light flow down, and the additional diffuser evenly redistributes the light over the entire surface of the lamp.
The light from such a panel is soft, uniform, without constant flicker, which can irritate the eyes. It is convenient to mount LED panels in rooms with low ceilings, since they do not require much installation space and are visually capable of increasing the volume of the entire room. The dimensions of such panels are different: 200x200 mm, 300x300 mm, 600x600 mm and even with a round diameter of 240 mm. The price of LED panels depends on the size and power and ranges from 90 cu. Up to 300 cu a piece.
A separate category of ceiling panels can be distinguished by panels from soft fiberboard. A bright representative of this category is ISOTEX ceiling decorative panels. The dimensions of such panels: with a width of 300 mm and a thickness of 12 mm, the length can be 1800 mm, 3000, 3600, 4200 mm. From all sides, the panels are equipped with a spike-paz system, so they are interconnected easily and quickly, like a laminate.
ISOTEX ceiling panelsthey are made from the ISOPLAAT sound-insulating plate and covered with foil paper. There are only 4 color solutions of such plates, each of them has a relief pattern of a white plastered surface, imitation of wood, imitation of in -depressed wood. The ceiling panels of the isosetex are absolutely environmentally friendly, they can be used in children's rooms, hospitals and other living rooms, they create warmth, comfort and extinguish noise and shock sounds in the room. The approximate cost of acoustic panels istex 15 cu for m2. Installation of panels is carried out on a crate or glue.
Reese ceilings are narrow long panels fixed to the frame. Most often, panels for such ceilings are made of aluminum, galvanized steel and plastic. On each panel there are at least two edges of the spike-paz system that allow you to easily mount them on the ceiling.
Ceiling panels for aluminum rack ceilings are more popular than any others, since this material allows you to solve many problems, has excellent operational characteristics and can be painted in any color, including silver metallic, chromium and gold.
Ceiling panels Albesrussian production of high -quality products, which are not inferior to analogues of respected foreign manufacturers. That is why they are chosen by buyers in all of the CIS. Different decorative panels decoration are performed in the factory, the front surface can be painted in any color from the international coloring table RAL. White, chrome, gold, blue, black, red, matte shades and glossy, imitation of wood, granite, chameleon, aged copper all this is possible for aluminum rack panels.
Albes panels have a strict shape, even rectangular edges, the width is of different 85 mm, 135 mm, 185 mm. There are panels for both a closed ceiling and open.
The closed system involves a dense location of the rails, so there are no gaps. The second system involves the presence of an interval, which is closed by an insert, 15 mm wide. The cracks that remain the remaining during installation can be covered with inserts, or can be left open, then the ceiling will turn out to be corrugated.
Such panels are mounted on a frame made of galvanized steel or aluminum. Strength, moisture resistance, frost resistance, ease of installation, the ability to install any equipment in the inter -ground space, resistance to mechanical and chemical effects all this makes aluminum panels universal. They can be installed both in residential premises, and in bathrooms, kitchens and public buildings.
PVC ceiling panels are two modifications for rack ceilings and panels mounted on a crate. Unlike aluminum, plastic panels are less durable, so when choosing it is necessary to pay attention to the ribs of stiffness. There should be quite a lot of them, and they should be strong. Many manufacturers reduce the number of stiffeners to reduce the cost of the product and reduce its weight so that it can be fixed without a crate, but it is very controversial and dangerous.
Fastenous grooves of plastic panels are performed in various ways. So called seamless panels They have even edges, after the installation of the joints of the panels are inconspicuous. Relief panels They are connected so that a relief seam forms between them, which resembles a lining. This type of panel is recommended to be installed in rooms, the wall and ceiling structures of which change their size, decreasing and expanding. The sliding of the spike on the groove of the panel allows you to ensure that the suspended ceiling does not deform. Seam after installation panels with a rustic It resembles a seam between the slabs of the ceilings, neat and small.
Color and textured solutions of plastic ceiling panels are very diverse. The surface can be matte and glossy, plain and with a pattern. Dear panels imitate natural materials fabric, mat, skin, wood and can have a relief pattern. When buying, it is necessary to carefully examine the front surface of the panels, since scratches, dents, damaged laminating layer and spots are easily left on them.
MDF panels are attached to the ceiling on the crate using a construction stapler. A variety of color solutions, moisture resistance, ease of care and installation makes it possible to install such panels in any room, including with a high humidity level (laminated panels with a protective film). Before installing the surface of the ceiling and the back of the panels, it is advisable to treat with antifungal agents. In the shape and size of the MDF panels are leafy, over the entire length of the room, and in the form of plates of square or rectangular cross -section. The second type of panels allows you to perform the ceiling in the form of a drawing from panels of different colors and textures.
Modern innovation decorative heating panels on the ceiling confidently gained popularity. They allow you to create an ideal climate without drafts in the room and save 40% on heating.
ZEHNDER ceiling panels - Water infrared ceiling panels produced in Germany. The room in which such panels are installed quickly warms up and quickly cools, the temperature in it is distributed evenly, and alternative energy sources can also be used without tied to electricity. ZEHNDER panels are modules of various lengths, but the same width, so they can be combined into a product of any required length. The module connection is made using special fur-fitting. The pipes inside can be made of copper, steel or galvanized steel. The side sides of the panels have a special profile, which allows them to be mounted in suspended structures such as Armstrong.
The main argument for the use of ZEHNDER ceiling panels is their unique efficiency. They are often used in restaurants, cafes, cinemas, public buildings, offices, hotel halls and other rooms that are difficult to heed in the usual way due to their large area.
The choice of ceiling panels in the modern market is so great that it is not difficult to get confused. First of all, it is necessary to determine the design of the ceiling system, then decide from which material the panel is more suitable in one case or another. For example, mineral wool panels and panels made of soft fiberboard are suitable for thermal insulation and sound insulation of the room, and aluminum panels or glass are suitable for rooms with high humidity and aggressive operating conditions. The economical option is plastic panels and MDF panels. The ceiling can also be supplemented with LED panels of the lamps, as well as diversify the surface with patterns or perforation.