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Laying plywood on a wooden floor

The arrangement of plywood floor is primarily by strength and stability before deformation. Such a floor is a great option for further finishing: laying laminate or parquet. Plywood is able to hold more than 30 % heat, therefore, when installing this base, heat losses are significantly reduced. We will talk about the features of laying plywood on the floor.

Table of contents:

  1. Following plywood on the floor: advantages and disadvantages
  2. Plywood for wooden floor - choice of material
  3. Laying plywood on a wooden floor - Ways to perform work
  4. Technological features of plywood installation
  5. We lay the plywood on the wooden floor - recommendations
  6. Installation of plywood on the surface of an old wooden floor
  7. Installation work on laying plywood on the base of the lag

Following plywood on the floor: advantages and disadvantages

The use of a floor that has a plywood coating is primarily with strength and reliability. In addition, it is not prone to deformation and will serve its owner for a long time.

The option of arranging the white floor from plywood is possible, that is, the use of this material as the main finish or black coating, on which laminate, linoleum or parquet board will be laid.

Keep in mind that the main floor from plywood will have small defects in the form of joints, between its sheets. Although, subject to the installation technology of plywood, when conducting its high -quality grinding and further finishing using paintwork, such a floor will receive a rather presentable appearance.

Although, in most cases, plywood is used precisely as a draft floor, for the construction of which chipboard was previously used. If we compare this material with the plywood, then it loses to it in non -emotional and moisture accumulation. The use of moisture resistant plywood can withstand even a slight flooding of neighbors.

Among the advantages of laying plywood on the wooden floor should be highlighted:

  • environmental safety of the material that is suitable for installation in premises of any purpose, including children's and medical institutions;
  • high strength characteristics provide a reliable base for further flooring;
  • good thermal insulation indicators, since plywood does not pass heat, but preserves it indoors;
  • sound insulation, plywood is used to improve the soundproofing characteristics of the room;
  • High stability before the influence of moisture is explained by the fact that the plywood is used in the process of building floors in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in the toilet;
  • Available cost - leveling the floor with plywood is one of the most profitable and economical options;

  • The simplicity of laying and the quick time periods are explained by the fact that plywood fits on any, previously leveled base.

Despite the undeniable advantages of plywood, it has several drawbacks, namely:

  • instability before the fire and spread of fire, since plywood is a wooden material, the level of its fire safety remains quite low;
  • The cost of the material is slightly higher than that of similar materials in the form of chipboard IDP;
  • Alignment with plywood by several centimeters increases the height of the flooring, if the room has a rather low ceiling, this option is not suitable for it.

Plywood for wooden floor - choice of material

The minimum thickness of the plywood laid on the wooden floor is one centimeter. Preferably, choosing the thickness of the plywood to proceed from the thickness of the further finished coating. Plywood should always be thinner.

In addition, when installing plywood in a room with high humidity, you should pay attention to its labeling and choose a moisture resistant in nature.

When arranging the floor in a non-residential room, the use of FSF-marke plywood plywood will be an excellent option. It contains formaldehyde glue that gives it high stability before moisture. The use of this material in residential premises is a certain danger of the release of formaldehyde, which harm health.

A more environmentally friendly option would be to buy fc markes plywood. Its cost is slightly lower, it is harmless to health, although it is slightly inferior to the previous option as moisture resistance.

To equalize the floor, there is enough material that has grinding only on one side. Thus, the polished side is on top, and finishing finishing is carried out on it.

Laying plywood on a wooden floor - Ways to perform work

Plywood is attached to the wooden floor in two ways:

  • lag;
  • Wheel.

The first option is required more physical and temporary resources, since for its implementation it is necessary to build a lavage base. For the manufacture of lag, boards with a minimum thickness of 4 cm are used, and 8-10 cm wide. The minimum distance between the lags is half a meter. The upper points of the lag should be at the same level. Plywood is laid on the lags like brickwork. That is, the seams do not intersect with each other. Thus, it is possible to avoid the appearance of deformation of the final sex.

The extreme sections of plywood are located on the lags and are fixed on them using self-tapping screws, the installation step of which is 250-300 mm. Keep in mind that between the sheets they leave compensation gaps of two millimeters.

If the installation of the lag and plywood coatings are performed correctly, then the floor will last its owners for a long time. In addition, the choice of this method allows you not to pre -level the base for laying plywood. The alignment of the draft floor is carried out directly by lags.

Installing the lag in a room with low ceilings is unacceptable, since in this case, the space decreases by 80-100 mm.

If the wooden floor does not have large differences in height, then it is preferable to choose the option of laying plywood with glue. This type of plywood should have a minimum thickness of 1.2 cm. All work begins with cleaning the base from dust and dirt. Next, plywood cuts are carried out, all its parts are installed on the floor and adjusted according to the specified sizes. With the help of a drill, holes are made to install screws. Next, the sheets are removed, and the base is primed using a special solution.

In the process of mounting sheets, each of them is impregnated with the help of special glue, the layer thickness of which is about three millimeters. Fixation of plywood is carried out by screws. Compensation gaps between the sheets are 3 mm. Thus, it is possible to get a flat base for laying the final floor quickly and less costly.

Technological features of plywood installation

For cutting plywood, you need to compare it with the floor. Keep in mind that near the wall, plywood does not fit close, but mounted with an indent of 1 cm, and the gaps between the joints of the sheets are 2.5-3 mm.

After sawing the sheets into rectangular or square parts, their end areas are checked for the absence of exfolved elements or irregularities. In the presence of a spoiled edge, the workpiece must be replaced.

Plywood is laid exclusively in a checkerboard pattern. The sheets are attached to the base with the help of self -tapping screws. The installation step of which is 200 mm. To facilitate and accelerate the installation, it is necessary to carry out numbers of sheets and create holes for installing screws.

Next, the blanks are removed, the base is cleansed and its treatment using an antiseptic. Now it remains to directly install the plywood.

Instructions for the installation of plywood on a wooden floor:

1. Plywood is installed on the floor about pre -marked space. To fix the material on the basis, they use self -tapping screws or screws with plastic dowels.

2. Prepare holes in advance for the installation of screws and carry out their zenkovka. This procedure will improve the appearance of the structure and hide all the hats of self -tapping screws.

3. Paul from plywood is subjected to grinding, then compounds are applied to it that improve the qualities of moisture -pushing and wear resistance.

4. After their drying, a finishing floor is made.

By laying plywood on the floor, it is possible to align any base made of wood. The main rule of the long -term operation of the floor is compliance with all technologies for its installation.

We lay the plywood on the wooden floor - recommendations

The procedure for laying plywood on a wooden base is especially relevant if previously a high -quality wooden floor has already served its life and has defects in the form of deformation, irregularities, and drying out. With the help of plywood, the restoration procedure will pass quickly and efficiently.

Before starting work, you should carefully study the base of the floor, check it for the lack of deformations, bending. If the latter is present, then the wooden floor is subject to complete disassembly and repair.

If the cause of the malfunction was the lags, then it is enough to only lay the plywood. Keep in mind that plywood is unstable before abundant humidity and too high temperatures, it, like any tree, is prone to drying and deformation, under the influence of these factors.

To check the wooden floor for humidity, this procedure should be carried out:

  • Install a small piece of polyethylene film on the floor;
  • Leave it indoors for 64 hours;
  • After this time, inspect polyethylene, if there are no condensate masses on it, then the floor is suitable for installing plywood, otherwise, it is better to refuse plywood.

Installation of plywood sheets is made so that one point has a maximum of 3 joints. Therefore, with the help of individual sheets, they are adjusted by the size of the room and filling niches.

Keep in mind that the presence of damper seams is mandatory, they are about 1 cm. After the numbering of all the squares laid on the floor, it is recommended to draw up a certain plan-scheme on which the sequence of their location will be depicted.

If the surface of the floor is characterized by perfect evenness, then it is permissible to use a plywood, the thickness of which is about 8-10 mm. Otherwise, it is recommended to use material with a thickness of more than 12 mm.

Experts advise cutting square parts from plywood, 600x600 mm in size. Thus, it will be possible to get the best number of damper sutures. In addition, it is such cutting of plywood that will detect the deformation of the material that is not visible in a whole sheet.

Prime is the procedure for covering the floor with special compounds that improve its antiseptic properties and its adhesion with glue for the installation of plywood. In the ratio with the circuit, each of their sheets is installed on the site intended for it. Self -tapping screws are used to fix plywood. They are mounted in the extreme sections of the square and on its diagonal parts. From each edge you need to retreat at least two centimeters to fix the screw.

Try to drown the hats of self -tapping screws as much as possible so that they do not spoil the appearance of the coating. Keep in mind when choosing fasteners, the fact that they should be thicker than the thickness of plywood three or four times.

When all parts of the plywood are fixed, grinding the finished floor. For these purposes, a parquet -grinding machine or sandpaper, a large fraction is used.

Installation of plywood on the surface of an old wooden floor

This method reveals to its voters the following advantages:

  • lack of need for additional material, time, money to arrange lag;
  • Lack of increase in floor, when working in a room with low ceilings.

Installation of plywood on the floor made of wood seems possible if there is no creak on it, and the boards are not prone to bending.

Even in the presence of cracks between the boards, laying plywood seems possible. The plywood laying procedure is as follows:

1. Pre -cut squares are laid on the old floor, be sure to achieve the displacement of the seams and do not allow crossing the joints in one place.

2. Prepare holes for the installation of screws. In the presence of cracks between the old boards, they are filled with glue or sealant.

3. After laying plywood on the floor, using the construction level, align the base.

4. In addition, the horizontal check is carried out by a rail, which is applied to the floor in its different areas and is checked for evenness.

5. The rule and surface of the plywood should not have a gap, more than two millimeters.

6. Next, all plywood is listened with a wooden bar, which knock on its surface. Determining areas that have the exfoliation of the material.

7. In the presence of deaf tones, the procedure for installing these parts should be redone.

8. If a sonorous uniform knock is heard on the surface, when tapping, then plywood is laid correctly.

Installation work on laying plywood on the base of the lag

Although the base is from the lag and is characterized by the complexity and complexity of the installation, the installation of plywood on its surface is of higher quality. Since, in this version, not only the installation of plywood is performed, but also the insulation and sound insulation of the flooring.

The plywood installed on the lags must have a thickness of at least 1.5 cm.

  • setting all the lags and their installation in the ratio with the level;
  • filling the space between them with the help of sound -illegal and thermal insulation materials;
  • installation of communication systems in the form of pipelines and wires of electrical wiring;
  • Installation of plywood squares, their fixation on the surface of the lag.

If it is planned to further equip the floor with parquet, then the plywood installed on the lags should be high -quality. When finishing the floor with laminate, after plywood, a shock -absorbing substrate is installed, which provides additional leveling and maintaining heat in the room.

Before installing the parquet board, a thorough grinding of the coating is carried out, which eliminates the presence of changes and irregularities between the individual parts of the plywood. After grinding to clean the surface, a vacuum cleaner is used.

Plywood on the wooden floor video:





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