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Warm Devi Paul - Instructions, photos, review, video

The efficiency of heating of any object of residential or industrial purposes is possible using the Danish warm floor system Devi. It is installed in new buildings, old restored rooms for the main or additional thermal source. Davy system installations quickly heat the air masses. The warm layers rise up, cooling down, falling to the heat source down. The low speed of movement does not cause dust circulation. People with allergic reactions will feel comfortable. The range of heating cables and mats DEVI makes it possible to choose a system for any request: for a living room, bathroom, children's, for snowmings, for garages, drains, sports halls, etc.

Table of contents:

  1. Advantages of the warm floor of electric DEVI
  2. Warm gender Devi. Do -it -yourself installation
  3. Warm floors electric devi. The price of installation of the system and individual materials
  4. Warm gender Devi. Instructions for installing heating mats on their own
  5. Warm floor Devi for tiles
  6. Warm Devi Paul, reviews about the extraordinary use of the heating system

Advantages of the warm floor of electric DEVI

  • Light and convenient location of heating cables. The installation of the Davy system in the flooring of the floor allows you to make effective heating due to natural air convection. The room quickly warms up, creating a comfort zone in the legs and without overheating of the air in the head area.

  • There are no restrictions on design planning. When placing furniture in an ordinary apartment, the owners are forced to take into account the protruding radiators, to maintain a certain distance of the equipment to the heat sources, to leave large areas unused. A warm electric floor does not limit the owner in the design of the interior.
  • The perfect direction of heat flows. The factor is especially important for families with young children. They can play on the floor without risk. The heating of the floor and a certain distance from it is made stronger than the upper layers. The air itself does not create drafts, dust flows, does not overheat the body and allows you to run barefoot on the surface not covered with carpets.
  • Economical heating. Accurate adjustment of the temperature regime using thermostat reduces heat loss and saves up to 10-15 % of energy consumption. In addition, for the warm floor of DEVI, the installation price is much lower than the arrangement of traditional heating systems. Saving at the initial stage of installation is 20-25%.
  • The multifunctional use of the Davy electric heating system. Installation of the system has no restrictions on the purpose of the room, on the finish coating or on the material of the base.
  • Long working resource. Many years of experience of DEVI in the electric heating market allows the company to produce products with a quality guarantee and promise the operational period of the system for 50 years. The only thing that the owners will have to do over this period is to change the thermostat as the improved models appear.

Warm gender Devi. Do -it -yourself installation

The installation of an electric heated floor DEVI will not be difficult with independent work. In the absence of experience, it is recommended to attract professionals.

  • Information about frequently found errors when installing a warm floor:
    • Select the zones in the heating room and the zone without it. Planning is made for living space. Plots under furniture and plumbing can be excluded from the system.
    • The sold corporate cable has a certain length. When choosing a cable, longer than the required size, you will not have the opportunity to shorten it, cut it off. This is prohibited by instructions for products.
    • The first inclusion of the system, including test, is carried out after completely drying out the screed, adhesive solution used to lay cables.
    • Prior to the installation of the system, the surface is cleaned of construction and household garbage. The primer is performed.
    • Walking on a heating cable in heels or thick soles is not permissible. The cable shell has its own strength. With point pressing, it is damaged.
    • The installation of the temperature regime sensor is made in a corrugated tube. It is not masked with concrete solution, not hidden under the wallpaper.
    • By installing a warm cable floor, they constantly control the resistance indicator before and after the end. Reconciliation is carried out according to the data recommended in the passport.
    • When compiling a diagram of laying the warm floor of DEVI, the distances are taken into account to walls, overall objects, using them as guidelines.
    • The insulation of the warm floor is performed without air layers. The presence of air spheres leads to the failure of a separate cable or system completely.
    • The warm floor is not designed for heating and drying the screed or a solution of glue above itself. In 99 cases of the use of a warm floor, it is not for its intended purpose that leads to a breakdown.

  • The general principle of installation of the warm floor of DEVI under the screed:
    • Dismant out furniture, remove lighting floor appliances and office equipment.
    • Remove the old coating.
    • Mark the beacons, determine the highest point of the height difference, determine the zero point.
    • If necessary, align the base with a cement mortar or self -leveling mixture. Let him freeze. Grind 2-3 times.
    • On an even basis, seal the seams, recesses and defective areas. Remove garbage. Generate the surface 1-2 times.
    • Lay out thermal insulation material over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe system. Propher the joints with mounting tape.
    • On top of the insulator, lay the mounting mesh.
    • Determine the location of the thermostat. If necessary, make a withdrawal of an isolated connection point to the mains. The installation and connection of the thermostat is performed before installing the cable.
    • Put the cable on the mounting grid. The recommended step is 200-250 mm.
    • Prepare a cement solution from the finished mixture or mix yourself, withstanding the proportions of water, cement, sand 3: 1: 2.
    • Cover with the finish coating no earlier than five days.
    • After 5 days, make the initial launch of the warm floor system.

Warm floors electric devi. The price of installation of the system and individual materials

  • The Devi set for a warm floor with a two -core Deviflex cable is used to lay on a concrete surface and installation of complete or local heating. The average price of the cable per 1 linear meter is $ 12.5. The manufacturer produces sets with a minimum length of 7 m. The maximum cable length is 170 m.
  • Heating with mats is used for thin floors, under cover. 1 m2 of a two -core mat costs $ 146. The size of the mats starts from 0.5 m2 and ends with the maximum platform of 12 m2.

  • Special heating mats for Devidry wooden coatings are available with connection to a socket, a switching unit, a cable-ultrarator from 250 to 2000 mm. The cost of heating surfaces varies from the area and from the connection method. On average, 1 m2 costs $ 112.
  • Devi thermal controllers average price $ 62.
  • Installation of the warm floor of DEVI in professionals costs the client $ 200-235 per m. Sq.

Do not immediately close the topic of heating the floor. Just divide the cost of installation by the number of heated days. You will see the difference in favor of the electric heating of the floor: the cost of communal heating is 15-20% higher than that of the individual.

Warm gender Devi. Instructions for installing heating mats on their own

First stage:

  • The possibility of an electrical supply is checked for connecting a warm floor. The power of all devices included in the network is summarized.
  • The permissible value of the current machine is checked. Powerful mats consuming more than 2 kW are connected with a separate eyeliner and installed for them an automatic machine.
  • Without unfolding the mat, measure the resistance of the cable. Check the result with passport data on the material. The error is allowed +/- 10%.
  • Check the state of the surface for laying the mat. In the presence of cracks, bulges or hollows, level drops, a screed is carried out by self -leveling solution.
  • On the prepared surface, cleaned of debris, make the location of furniture, devices, plumbing. From these areas, make a retreat 50-100 mm. Perform the same indent from the walls. It is strictly forbidden to install furniture and office equipment for the heating mat.
  • Put the mat into the marked site. At the point of turning the material in the other direction, the grid is cut, and then a turn is made. The cable is not cut.
  • Having made sure that the U -turn the mat allowed to accurately and tightly lie down the material to the surface, mark the site under the corrugated tube with a temperature sensor. The onset of the line of the strobe is located in the heating zone, in the middle of the turns of the cable on the mat. Extend the line to the installation site of the sensor. Bring the wire for the current in advance.
  • Turn the mate and cut along the intended line a 20x20 mm strob and a plot under the mounting box.
  • Remove garbage.
  • Make the surface of the base.
  • Close the end of the corrugated pipe with electrical tape or tape and insert it into the strobe.
  • Install the mounting box for the thermostat.

Mata installation:

  • Link the surface with adhesive substance, stick a prepared mat.
  • Measure the resistance of the insulation, heating element, verify with initial indications, put the record into the warranty certificate of the data sheet.
  • In the coupon into the laying scheme, bring the location of the main and auxiliary elements of the mat, indicate the indentation from objects and walls.
  • Connect the thermostat and check the operation of the heating mat.
  • Disconnect the system until the upper finishing layer is installed.
  • Start the installation of tiles. She will be protecting the cable and electric parts from random mechanical damage.

Warm floor Devi for tiles

  • If the heating zone exceeds 4 m2, then the heating mat is previously covered (tightened) 1-2 layers of glue for tiles. The recommended thickness of the glue layer is 5-7 mm. Instead of glue, a self -leveling composition for a warm floor is used.
  • Give the glue or composition to dry completely. The grasp and hardening time is indicated on the packaging to the building material.
  • Bring the tile to the working area. Put it from the edge from the mat.

  • Put the tiles on a special glue. Carefully attack each site, but do not press. It can be expelled from under the edge of ceramics by slight pressing and holding for 1-2 minutes.
  • After the installation of tiles is completed, 3-3.5 weeks to dry out the adhesive solution.
  • Turn on the installation and operate the floor heating.

Warm Devi Paul, reviews about the extraordinary use of the heating system

  • The user built a Turkish bath. He made it using the Devi heating system. The method turned out to be simple, light and economical. The main element of the Hamam bathhouse is a massive marble block, heated from below to 450. The user installed a warm system under stone, chose a mat with an isolated surface and an area of \u200b\u200b0.5 m 2. To the floor, in the benches over the walls and in the lower part of the walls also installed the Davy system, Only cable. The secret of the bath is heated in combination with high humidity.
  • For heating the stone, a DEVI cable of 300 W/m2 was used. For benches and floor, he used a 200 W/ m2 cable.

  • In England, a 100 meter bridge was built with the help of the Devi cable system. During construction in a concrete base, a Devi FLEX cable with a capacity of 200W/ m2 was laid. The total length of the cable was 33.5 km. All installation work took 3 days. Heating is provided in cold weather, when sidewalks icing.
  • No one wondered how soldiers stand against the Kremlin wall for several hours of motionless standing on the hood in severe frosts. It turns out that the Devi heating cable is laid in the glass structures of the foundation. The heating site is small 0.5 m2.

According to the director of the company, the decision to install the system of this brand came after several years of unsuccessful operation of the heating system of a competing company. Constant malfunctions, failure of important nodes, made people idle in fierce frost. After replacing the equipment with Davy cables, there were no problems with heating.

Video about laying devi mats:





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