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Elimination of bloating of individual fragments of laminate with your own hands

The laminate is a fairly popular finishing material that has excellent performance. However, during the use of laminate coating, a number of situations arise, as a result of which a bloating of this material occurs. We will learn about how to correct the bloating of the laminate.

Table of contents:

  1. Laminate - features of the material and its advantages
  2. Laminate bloating - Elimination: varieties of laminate coating
  3. What to do when bloating: causes of material deformation
  4. Bloating from water - how to fix
  5. How to restore laminate after bloating: incorrect installation technology
  6. How to eliminate bloating laminate

Laminate - features of the material and its advantages

The popularity of the laminate as a finishing cover for floors is explained primarily by its good operational characteristics and a variety of colors. The appearance of the laminate is comparable to individual stripes similar to a parquet board. However, the cost of the laminate, compared with the parquet, is many times less.

The word laminate passes from the technological process of manufacturing this material, which is called lamination. The material in the end is covered with a film that protects it from exposure to various factors.

Considering the structure of the laminate, we highlight several of its layers, each of which has special properties:

1. For the manufacture of the upper layer of the laminate, a transparent film based on melamine or acrylic resins is used. They provide protection of the material before abrasion, dust, temperature changes. The composition of this coating determines the quality of the material, its category and wear resistance.

2. The next layer is a colorless paper on which a pattern that determines the texture of the laminate is previously applied. It can be stone, wooden, tile surface.

3. The third layer of it acts as the basis of the laminate. It is a high -speed fiberboard, which has a certain strength and rigid characteristics. The end parts of this layer have key compounds, with which the slabs are fixed with each other. The quality of this layer determines the level of sound and thermal insulation of this material, as well as its resistance to moisture.

4. The lower layer of the laminate has the shape of a thick paper, on which a stabilizing film is applied, preventing the effect of moisture on the material from the inside. In addition, the main functions of this layer are the prevention of coating deformation and increased rigid characteristics.

When choosing a laminate, carefully inspect its structure. High -quality material will be distinguished by wear resistance, resistance to high loads even scratches. In addition, the laminate is not exposed to high temperature, it is easily set, and if necessary, it is dismantled.

The material is distinguished by environmental safety, harmless to health, so it is great for decorating children's rooms. The cost of such a coating is at an average level between linoleum and parquet. Although some high -quality laminate varieties even exceed the parquet board in cost.

The laminate does not need special care, to clean it with a sufficiently wet rag. And if scratches and mechanical damage appear, this is all eliminated using a polish.

The main requirements for laying the laminate are its dryness and ideal evenness. It is not recommended to lay a laminate in the kitchen or in the bathroom, since excessive moisture gradually destroys the material and leads to its deformation.

Laminate bloating - Elimination: varieties of laminate coating

In order to eliminate the bloating of the laminate, it is necessary to determine its type, the characteristics of which determine the operation of the coating and the cause of the appearance of bloating.

First of all, they distinguish the laminate in relation to its classes:

1. The most high -quality material is the thirty -third class material. If you dip this material in water for two hours, then this will not affect its operational characteristics. The scope of use of this laminate is limited by buildings with high operational load, such as shops, hospitals.

2. In offices and in buildings with less cross -country ability, laminate 32, 31 grades is used. This coating is also resistant to moisture, scratches and mechanical damage.

3. For residential premises and houses, it is preferable to choose a laminate 23, 22, 21 classes.

4. A lower -quality material is relevant for use in the bedroom or in a low -cross -country room.

In addition, the laminate differs in the type of surface and happens:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • in the form of tiles;
  • wood;
  • textured.

What to do when bloating: causes of material deformation

When choosing a laminate for the home, always check the seller certificates confirming his quality. Otherwise, poor -quality material, without serving you and can be covered with waves. In addition, bloating is characteristic precisely for cheap and low -quality laminate varieties. High -quality materials tolerate moisture well and do not let it into the board.

In order to understand how to remove bloating on a laminate, we will get acquainted with the reasons that provoke this process:

1. The first and most common cause of bloating is the incorrect coating installation technology. If you do not leave compensation gaps between the wall and the laminate, then in the end the coating will be covered with waves. The interval between the wall and the board should be from 1 to 1.5 cm. The number of such gaps determines directly the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. These gaps provide compensation for the expansion of the material when the temperature regime or humidity is changed. In the absence of this kind of gaps, the canvas is most often swelling near the wall.

2. Excessive moisture is the main factor in the bloating of the laminate. If you accidentally pour a cup of water into a high -quality laminate, it will not swell. However, prolonged contact with moisture leads to the destruction of the laminate without the possibility of its restoration.

3. The low quality of the laminate is also the reason for its deformation during the operation of the coating. Saving on the laminate for the premises, you will have to spend money on its restoration or, in the worst case, a complete replacement of the flooring.

4. The laminate should be installed using a floating coating fixation technology. Installation of moldings fixing the laminate directly on the floor leads to its bloating.

5. The poor -quality basis for laying the laminate leads to its deformation. For example, quite often a laminate is laid on an old parquet floor. However, before starting installation work, it is necessary to prepare the basis for the laminate: to close all the cracks on the floor, to get rid of old boards, replacing them with new ones, etc. Only in this case, the laminate will last you for a long time and efficiently, and will also not be subjected to swelling. To correct such a drawback, the coating, restoration of the base and its installation are most often carried out. However, this is possible only in case of fixing the material with a locking connection, but not for the laminate laid on glue.

In some cases, the material is bloated on the surface of the joints. Reasons for swelling of the laminate:

  • the use of an inappropriate substrate, the type of which is determined by the load on the surface and the thickness of the material itself, for example, for laying on the floor of the laminate, 6 mm thick, a substrate is used, the thickness of which is 2 mm, if necessary, in the installation of a denser substrate, stop on cork its variants or special fiberboard;
  • The absence of proper care of the laminate also leads to the appearance of swelling of the joints, first of all, when performing cleaning, avoid excessive accumulation of moisture on the floor;
  • A low-quality NDF-plate, located inside the panels, also leads to such consequences, choosing a laminate, stop at the option with an high-densed stove.

Bloating from water - how to fix

If water spilled onto the surface of the laminate, then you need to act based on the situation. First of all, the shedding of a small mug of water to the surface will not cause a bloating of high -quality laminate. Therefore, in such a situation, it is enough to remove water from the floor, wiping it with a dry rag.

If the amount of water was more than one cup, it is necessary to dismantle the coating and remove moisture from the base of the floor. After that, the dried laminate is installed in place.

In some situations, most often with high -quality material, it is enough to wait a certain time so that the laminate after swelling falls into place.

To remove excessive fluid from the underground base, perform the following actions:

  • dismantle the skirting board from the side of the liquid;
  • at the place of resting the laminate against the wall, apply marking, according to which the panel will be dismantled;
  • remove the designated areas with a grinder or saw;
  • Dismantle the stove and get rid of the liquid on the base of the laminate.

In this case, you get the space between the wall and the floor of a few centimeters. Keep in mind that the skirting board must completely block it.

If the amount of fluid that came to the surface is excessively large, then it is recommended to perform such actions:

  • dismantle the coating;
  • Wipe the water if it is on the floor;
  • Replace the substrate under the laminate;
  • Install the panels in place.

Laminate is dismantled in several ways. If the water spilled near the baseboard, then it is enough to dismantle it, pull out the first lamella and disassemble the laminate in the damaged area.

When the liquid gets on the floor in the center of the room, you should carefully cut one of the lamellas with a grinder, extract it and disassemble the damaged part. Next, it is necessary to install a new panel on which the lock was cut in advance. To fix the panel, use special glue or sealant. If the laminate panel differs in color from the floor, change it in places with lamella, located under furniture.

The full dismantling of the floor is more difficult, however, in some cases it is also necessary. To do the work, initially dismantle the skirting board. Next, start disassembling the laminate, while signing each lamella and dividing them into three groups, left and right -wing and central. Remove the water from under the base, change the substrate for the laminate and install the material in place.

How to restore laminate after bloating: incorrect installation technology

If the joints between the panels and the wall were not sustained during the installation of the laminate, then in this case it is necessary to perform such actions:

  • dismantle the plinth;
  • In the place of a tight fit of the laminate to the wall, make markings;
  • In these areas, cut the lamellas in such a way as to get a gap of 15 mm;
  • Keep in mind that the skirting board must hide the resulting joint;
  • Pay attention to the presence of a gap between the laminate and the heating pipe, if it is absent, then equip it in the same way.

Another reason for swelling of the laminate, fixing the skirting board on it or other accessories. Keep in mind that the skirting boards are fixed directly on the wall, but not on the floor. The remaining elements, such as door locks, require fixing from on the screed. For this, a hole is made in the floor.

In the presence of a wave -shaped bloating of the laminate, repairs are carried out through the manufacture of grooves, which allow the laminate to level on the floor.

How to eliminate bloating laminate

In order to prevent the bloating of the laminate, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations for its choice and operation.

1. Choose a high -quality laminate, since it is he who is able to withstand the prolonged effect of moisture on the floor surface, regardless of whether this water is hot or cold. Options of cheap laminate swell under the influence of moisture instantly and are not subject to restoration.

2. If you install the laminate yourself, then carefully study the technology of its installation. Pay attention to the presence of compensation clearances, which allow you to compensate for the expansion of the material under the influence of moisture or temperature fluctuations.

3. In the process of mounting a laminate, it is recommended to smear its joints with a sealant. Thus, it is possible to prevent the divergence of lamellas and additional protection of the coating from moisture is provided. This option will require a lot of effort and money to buy a sealant, however, a spilling a cup of water on the floor, you will be sure that moisture did not fall under the laminate.

4. During the installation of the floor in rooms with a high level of humidity, we recommend that you stop at the purchase of moisture -resistant boards. Thus, it will be possible to prevent bloating with lamellas.

5. Additional protection not only from moisture, but also from mechanical damage, provides laminate wax or paraffin. They are applied directly to the floor.

Thus, adhering to these recommendations, it is possible to prevent bloating and damage.





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