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If you purchased a suburban site and decided to independently engage in construction ...


Quite often, people meet with blocks in pipes. This problem is common ...


Quite often, during the repair, there is a need to dismantle the old floor ...

The main types and thickness of the substrate for the laminate

The most important requirement for the surface on which the laminate will be laid is carried out is evenness. According to the established standards, the gap between the rail and the surface should not correspond to the size of more than 2 millimeters, this affects the choice the thickness of the substrate under the laminate. If the floor complies with the established standards, this does not mean that you can start laying the material. The sound from the heels on the concrete floor is not a very pleasant phenomenon. You will also expect an increase in the gaps between the stripes, which will lead to the appearance of an unpleasant knock. The inconvenience will be delivered not only to you, but also to neighbors from below. In order to avoid such troubles, it is worth equipping your floor with a special litter.

There are how many types of materials that are used to cover the floors before installation, it is recommended to use the litter. The thickness of the substrate under the laminate depends on the quality and type of the selected coating. Now the masters are preferred from foamyliemilene and polystyrene.

The first species is most popular. Resistance to moisture, the presence of chemical stability, antiseptic properties and sound insulation, far from a complete list of its properties. Laying a substrate of polyethylene foam, does not create special difficulties during work. It is easily amenable to mechanical influence, the minimum amount of waste, a long service life and significant savings. It has the ability to slide after several years. Thickness from 2 to 4 millimeters.

Polystyrol -based coating is a beautiful insulator for heat and noise. It is relevant to use in houses to save heat and in apartments to eliminate noise from neighbors. High density in comparison with the previous material does not have the tendency to tear. Combines the qualities of polyethylene film. The thickness ranges from 2 to 8 millimeters.





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