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We eliminate the blockage in the pipes with our own hands. Methods for removing blockages in pipes

Quite often, people meet with blocks in pipes. This problem is common around the world. In order to fix it and return the bypassing system to the visual performance, it is necessary, as soon as possible, to eliminate the problem. If you slow down, then in the future an unpleasant rotten smell can form to a terrible, which is difficult to get rid of. You can eliminate the blockage yourself, or with the help of a master-technology. But it is worth considering that these days the services of such a specialist will have a high cost, so the most optimal option would be to clean the pipes with your own hands.

Table of contents:

  1. What contributes to pipe clogging?
  2. Three simple ways with a small clog
  3. Mechanical method of cleaning pipes
  4. Improved devices for mechanical cleaning
  5. Chemical method of cleaning pipes
  6. Folk methods
  7. Cleaning the siphon
  8. Preventive measures
  9. Recommendations when choosing household tools to clean pipes

What contributes to pipe clogging?

In order to pollut pipes there are only five reasons, namely:

1. Errors were made during installation or the installation rules were not observed (for example, the pipe has an incorrect slope or a cement mortar was used in operation).

2. A foreign body that stuck inside the pipe.

3. Subsequently, long -term use of pipes, without proper cleaning, a rather thick layer of scale was formed.

4. Due to washing dishes, various pollutions enter the pipes and form a fat cork that prevents the flow of water from functioning normally.

5. The pipes were deprived of the necessary care, or it was carried out incorrectly.

Despite which of the reasons the blockage served, it needs to be urgently eliminated. You can clean both metal and plastic pipes.

Three simple ways with a small clog

Often people ask about how to eliminate blockages in pipes without resorting to heavy methods. And this is really possible, but only in the case when the cork that arose due to contaminants is not too large and not very dense. If the so -called first aid can eliminate the blockage, then you will not need the subsequent methods described in the article.

1. First of all, it is necessary to pour hot water into the drain hole, almost boiling water (if the pipes are made of plastic, then we just turn on the tap on the highest temperature and leave for 25 minutes). A cork that has not yet settled tightly can merge into the sewer. If the 1st method has not helped, we proceed to the next.

2. When the cause of the blockage lies in the frozen fat, then salt and soda will need to be used. In the vessel, mix half a glass of salt, one glass of soda and the same amount of water. Next, pour the resulting solution into the drain hole. We wait for 7-12 minutes to go through, and begin to work with a vantuzy. The last action is washed with running water.

3. This method is suitable for owners of vacuum cleaners with a built-in fraction of jail. If you are one of these lucky ones, then follow the following actions: wrap the vacuum cleaner pipe with a rag. It is necessary that it has the opportunity to tightly install in the drain hole. A powerful flow of air will simply push stagnation.

If none of the ways helped solve the problem, then a dense, large and already old cork has formed. But do not despair, there are methods for eliminating clogs in pipes that will help even in the worst cases.

Mechanical method of cleaning pipes

With mechanical cleaning of pipes, deposits in water pipes are shifted, which allows the flow of water to function normally. When eliminating the blockage with your own hands, the main tool will be a plunger. It must be firmly pressed to the drain hole in the sink with the water collected and crushed. What are the pipes cleaned? Everything is extremely simple, a hydraulic pole is formed, it acting on a cork, promotes its breakdown into small pieces that are freely carried away by a stream of water. The use of a lobby is a light and cheap way to eliminate blockage.

Recommendation: In the case when a person owns a two -section sink, when cleaning, he will need to simultaneously use 2 cables. While with the help of the first, the pipes are cleaned in one sink, another drain hole is closed with the second. Due to such actions, a great absorption force is created. In the absence of the 2nd vantuse, draining in another compartment of the sink must be closed using a wet rag, or, in extreme cases of the hand.

Also, you can use the services of a special plumbing cable. This tool is made of strong steel, equipped with a comfortable handle, and a spiral is located on the other side, or some have a brush at the end. Place the design in the pipe and simply scroll. The direction of movements does not affect the result (the blockage is pushed into the sewer from itself, and moving the cork is pulled out to itself). During cleaning, do not forget to serve water so that running water is washed away by pollution. Keep in mind that this method is more suitable for pipes made of metal. In such structures, in addition to blockage, the cable will help partially get rid of rust, and its use in plastic can lead to serious damage, due to excess mechanical pressure.

Not everyone on the farm has a plumbing cable, so it can be replaced with an ordinary hanger (made of metal). From it we will build a mini-circuit. To do this, we cut, using the nippers, so that at one end our design has a small hook.

Improved devices for mechanical cleaning

Devices that will be discussed further are most often acquired, with constant strong clogs. In working with metal pipes, such a machine will be an electromechanical device with a small diameter. The price of such an unit is quite large, so its purchase for the whole house will be the best option. After all, all apartment owners have been dealing with the problem of blockage, so the purchase of this device is advisable.

The principle of operation of the device is similar to a manual plumbing cable. But there are a couple of differences:

  • the working cable of the unit is longer and has a small diameter, which allows you to get to the most inaccessible sewage sites;
  • the installation owns many times more power;
  • all actions of the device are automated. It is enough to simply insert the cable into the pipe, press the power button, and then the car will do everything itself.

We eliminate the blockage in the pipes of plastic with the equipment of hydrodynamic washing of the sewage system. The use of this type of technology was deservedly called the most effective way in combating pollution that prevent the water supply.

In fact, the machine copies the principle of operation from the professional devices of public utilities: an unit is brought to the drain hole, which supplies water under large pressure (depending on the manufacturer can reach 145 atmospheres). Under the influence of liquid, the cork is very quickly destroyed and the blockage disappears. Included with the device is a sleeve (length allows you to get rid of blockage even in the farthest corners of the sewer) with a special nozzle. This sleeve moves at the expense of the current direction of the water used, so the owner of such a machine will not have to apply much effort during cleaning.

One of the most famous manufacturers of such equipment is Kerher. The cost of such a device is naturally not small, but it is worth noting that the unit pays off quickly. By the way, the design of the design can be used for prevention, it, in turn, will ensure an almost complete disappearance of the possibility of blocking the blockages.

Do not forget that after using any mechanical method of cleaning, you must definitely wash the tubes with boiling water, in a rather larger volume.

Chemical method of cleaning pipes

Recently, people most often give their vote to the chemical method of cleaning. In this regard, many new products have appeared on the shelves of stores to eliminate blockage. And since their assortment is huge and every day increases, they were classified as follows:

  • funds in liquid form (it is best to use this particular type, since it acts softer, and also convenient to use);
  • dry products (on the appearance of a loose powder);
  • acidic;
  • alkaline.

The type of material is affected by the type of material from which pipes and the cause of the blockage are made. But the most popular among buyers for a year has been universal for a year. The basis in their composition was taken acidic compounds, which easily corrode pollution of any type. The most famous manufacturer of such a mole.

There are a number of tips on how to properly use the chemical method of cleaning:

  • first you need to pour boiling water into the sink and withstand for 25 minutes;
  • next, add a cleansing solution to a couple of watches;
  • be sure to wash everything with cool water at the end.

It is always important to remember that any household chemicals (even mole) are aggressive, and therefore any work with their use must be carried out extremely neatly and carefully. Any actions carry out exclusively in protective gloves and observe all up to one rule indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Folk methods

The problem of sewage pollution exists even with its appearance, therefore, in the old days, folk methods of removing blockage in the pipes that are used in our days were invented. The most common among them is the use of soda and vinegar. To apply this method, it is necessary to do the following:

1. Pour approximately 200 grams of baking soda into the drain hole, pour vinegar in equal amounts on top.

2. Close the hole with the cork so that the foam does not begin to go out.

3. The foam, which is the result of a chemical reaction, effectively begins to corrode all pollution, while eliminating the blockage.

Soda can be replaced by alka-stasser, he can also clean the not very clogged pipes. We throw 2-3 tablets into the drain hole, and then fill the 1st mug of vinegar. After 3 minutes, we serve hot water through the pipes to contribute to pushing the dirt. In addition, using Alka-Zeltzer in addition, get rid of an unpleasant odor.

Cleaning the siphon

Many men know that in addition to eliminating the blockage in the pipes, it is necessary to clean the siphon. This process will allow you to get rid of accumulated garbage and eliminate an unpleasant odor.

The cleaning procedure includes the following actions:

  • On the floor we have a rag (well absorbing moisture) so that it is right under the siphon;
  • Put the pelvis on top of the fabric, it will help to avoid pouring contaminated water on the floor;
  • Unscurately unscrew the bolt nut, after which we remove the flask;
  • After the previous action, the water will begin to flow into the pelvis;
  • The siphon must be washed under running water, carefully removing the entire accumulated plaque from the walls;

When installing the structure back, make sure that the drain pipe does not rely on the flask in any case. This is a very important point, since the water supply can be disturbed. In order to check how sealed all the connections are, you need to open the crane and fill in the water supply.

It is worth noting that this kind of cleaning can act as a prevention, but for this it must be carried out once every 4 months.

Keep in mind that in the absence of positive results after applying all of the above methods, it is necessary to cause plumbing. Apparently, the cork formed at a great depths, and clogged through the chur tightly.

Preventive measures

One of the most common ways to block the pipes fat. It gets into the sewer after washing dishes and settles tightly on the walls. If the clogs in the pipes due to fat deposits occur regularly, then the installation of the fatter will be the best prevention. The design is attached to the sink. The device filters the waste that contributes to the sewage pipes.

The principle of operation of the fatter is very simple and consists of 2 stages:

1. Water polluted with particles of fat enters the 1st department where cleaning is carried out from various types of garbage.

2. In the second section of the unit, water is cleaned of fat and removed into sewer pipes, thereby ensuring the long and carefree operation of the water supply.

In addition to installing a special unit, you should adhere to a couple more recommendations on prevention:

  • do not pour fluids into the sink, which includes culinary fat;
  • before the start of washing, clean the dishes of food residues;
  • once a week, remove the blockage in pipes at home using a plunger or boiling water.

Recommendations when choosing household tools to clean pipes

  • during the choice, pay attention to the active substance (acidic or alkaline);
  • the intensity of the product depends on the concentration of the main substance (the larger the concentration percentage the less time);
  • it is forbidden to overexpose the product in the pipe, since this can cause the destruction of the walls of the pipes, due to the presence of aggressive substances in a solution;
  • after the end of the exposure, it is necessary to rinse the sewer pipes with cool water;
  • pay attention to the purpose of the product. The prevention mark means that this solution can only be used in pipes with a slight blockage. Therefore, it is more rational to use them once a week, in order to avoid emergency situations. With a complete blocking of water drain, it is necessary to buy funds on the label of which are indicated: they are able to work in standing water.

After reading this article, people will not wonder how to remove the blockage in the sewer pipe on their own, and thereby save money on repair. But always remember, the best remedy for blockages is timely prevention.





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