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Installation of the staircase of fakro with your own hands. How to mount and how to fix the attic staircase: technology features

To climb the attic, you can use various improvised means: lifts, stools, stools or similar devices. But the described option can be used once or twice, for constant use it is necessary to consider a more practical and convenient way. Among other things, this option is not entirely safe. Given all the above reasons, the need to create the best option was implemented by creating a convenient design from FAKRO. The Polish FAKRO company has designed an oversized, safe and easy design. This equipment is sold in a staffed form and this is very convenient. You can mount the attic structure quickly and simply. Raising the little things into the attic from this type of lift will cease to be a problem.

Table of contents:

  1. How to install a FAKRO staircase correctly
  2. DIY Factro Stair Equipment
  3. Options for the attic staircase
  4. A variety of extensible stairs
  5. How to mount the attic staircase
  6. How to make a attic staircase with your own hand
  7. Attic staircase Fakro installation, instructions for the installation of the staircase Fakro
  8. Instructions for assembling the attic staircase with a lid of the hatch cover
  9. How to install and fix the attic staircase

How to install a FAKRO staircase correctly

A staircase for access to the attic for Fakro is made of pine wood and has three or four sections. With the help of such structures, you can quickly and simply climb the attic. The appearance does not deteriorate the stairs, as it can be preserved at the top, under the ceiling. In addition to the fact that the aesthetic appearance will not deteriorate, it can be argued that the staircase saves space. And the fact that it is strong, functional and convenient, only enhances the fact that the use of fakro stairs is the right solution.

Basically, folding structures have three or four sections, depending on the height of the ceiling and a compartment for lifting to the attic. The design is similar in the form and works on the principle of nesting dolls, when the smaller parts are inserted into large and pushed into even larger sizes. This is very convenient, as a place is saved.

Most often, the rise for lifting is made of light varieties of wood, but there are metal structures. The price and operational capabilities have their differences. The height of the stairs is from two meters seventy centimeters to three meters twenty centimeters. The maximum possible weight that the structure can withstand is no more than one hundred and sixty kilograms.

The construction will not spoil the interior, since the structure cover is made attractively externally and does not need disguise or additional design. Such structures are considered simple in the issue of installation.

The product cover has a thickness of about 40 millimeters, lined on both sides, in the middle is insulated with special materials. The outside of the cover has no traces of installation work. The metal rod makes it possible to close and open the hatch, and the structural elements do not complicate the descent or rise with the load.

The staircase structure is stable and high -quality, mounting methods, thanks to which the compound elements are called, named Lastochkin tail.

DIY Factro Stair Equipment

In private dwellings there is a room that is located under the roof and serves, most often, a kind of warehouse. You can use free space in different ways, but in any case, it is necessary to consider a way to access the room under the roof. A staircase is needed, quite convenient, reliable and compact, so that everyone living in the house could use it without difficulties. A similar access option can be made with your own hand.

Thinking about the question of installing a folding system for lifting to the attic, it is necessary to carefully analyze some points:

  • it should be understood that the clerical space is limited and there can be no large choice of structures;
  • it is necessary to think through the purpose of the stairs, it must be safe, with a convenient descent and rise;
  • it is necessary to take into account all the sizes of the structure and think through the nuances.

Options for the attic staircase

There are many variations of the lifts that allow the rise to the attic space.

  • One of the most primitive options: a hatch without a lid and a bailiff. But this is unattractive and impractical.
  • Another option is a lift with one span. The design is very simple and reliable, but it occupies a lot of free space.
  • The third option is a two -span staircase, more compact, but it is more difficult to build it.
  • Another version of the screw lift, it takes up much less space than a single -span and looks very attractive, but such a staircase is not very functional to raise overall or heavy objects on it will be difficult.
  • The modern version is a folding staircase, this is ideal for small rooms, thanks to such a system, the space in the room is preserved and is not cluttered. In the collected form, the attic structure takes up very little space.

A variety of extensible stairs

There are several popular options for stairs that are going:

  • The scissors are laid out according to the accordion version, the material is metal.
  • The telescopic spans of the lift are shifted into each other, the material is metal.
  • Distributors are made of knees, gather sectionally one in another, material of wood or metal.
  • Automatic are activated using an electric drive, controlled remotely, wood or metal material. Making a folding type building is easy to have, just have a tool and instructions

How to mount the attic staircase

Depending on the size of the opening, the option of stairs is selected. The box is usually less than a few centimeters. Having learned the height of the room, they plan and calculate the length of the stairs for access to the attic, taking into account the angle of inclination and height. Before starting installation work, it is necessary to make temporary fixation of staircase equipment. To do this, two boards are used, which are nailed to the opening so that it is possible to lay the box.

To carry out such work, it is recommended to attract an assistant so that the work is performed by two employees.

For work, you need to stock up on the following tools:

  • hacksaw on wood;
  • drill;
  • wrench;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • wedges;
  • leg-split;
  • corner;
  • a step -out manner.

How to make a attic staircase with your own hand

For home craftsmen who are not afraid to make objects with their own hands or accustomed to protect the family budget, you can make the attic staircase on their own. Those who know how to work with a tree or at least approximately know how to work with a carpentry tool can make a wooden attic on their own. It will turn out to be simple and without excesses, but strong, functional and inexpensive. Fragments of the structure can be prepared using metal rods and pipes. In this case, the design will be even stronger. For independent manufacturing of the structure, you will need the following material:

  • bars for the bowstring;
  • the length of the vertical bars (the height of the room is plus a meter of length to the overall result);
  • bars for steps;
  • material for hatch cover.

It is worth calculating in advance the right number of loops, hinges and similar material. Specialist practitioners recommend purchasing ready -made equipped fasteners and fittings, it will be a little more expensive at the cost, but no important part is guaranteed not taken into account.

It is necessary to stock up on the necessary tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • punch;
  • corner.

It is necessary to work only with dry wood. Given the functional features of the stairs, this is extremely important: a wet tree can deform the structure, it will not fold. It is also worth taking care in advance about processing the surface of the future staircase from insects and a firewall.

Attic staircase Fakro installation, instructions for the installation of the staircase Fakro

In order to establish the structure, it is necessary to perform a number of consecutive actions:

  • they begin to install the structure from the attic side, for this, before lowering the stairs to the opening, you need to attach bars with twine, like temporary supports;
  • after that, a staircase is neatly inserted into the opening, and to regulate the depth of lowering, special wedges are installed under the supporting bars;
  • horizontality is being verified by using the construction level, if necessary, indicators are adjusted;
  • between the side surface of the box and the opening, spacers of wood are installed, all indicators are checked using the level, attention is paid to the equality of diagonals, holes are drilled and fixed with screws;
  • it is worth paying attention to the fact that after fixing the box at the walls there should not be bends and irregularities;
  • когда все нужные манипуляции сделаны, нужно разложить лестницу, все зазоры между коробом и стенками проема заполняются специальным материалом для сохранения тепла;
  • after that, the side fasteners in the hatch cover are weakened, the staircase extends to the very end and the bolts system are delayed;
  • the height of the stairs is checked and adjusting is made if necessary, after the equipment is laid out, it must form a straight line;
  • after careful measurements, the excess element must be sawn down;
  • if the required size of the structure falls on the step, you should take the ability to adjust the height on the side surfaces.

Instructions for assembling the attic staircase with a lid of the hatch cover

All varieties of stairs that are disconnected by the hatch cover have a lighter stationary mount system. Speaking about the sequence of actions, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence:

  • two boards are attached at the bottom of the attic, taking into account the fact that the distance between them is less than the length of the opening by several centimeters;
  • the staircase is started from below and is located on auxiliary boards, the lift is temporarily fixed for further work;
  • it is necessary to align the supports, check the corners of the box with respect to the walls;
  • after work on fixing the staircase, it is necessary to lower the flight down, but not to open the stairs;
  • the gaps between the structure and the wall are filled with thermal insulation material;
  • after that, the hatch cover is installed and the length of the stairs is adjusted;
  • the very last stage is the installation of handrails and the fence near the hatch cover.

How to install and fix the attic staircase

Before installing the staircase made by your own hand, it is necessary to correctly decorate the ceiling hatch. It should be such that the design can freely move back and forth.

The algorithm for installing the stairs is as follows:

  • broaches are attached to the hatch cover, the loops attach it to the ceiling, the loops must be selected powerful, able to cope with a large load with the weight of the lid and the entire stairs;
  • a reliable cheekld is used to fix the hatch;
  • most often, two or three segment staircases are used, each span is made separately;
  • the steps are attached using spikes and durable glue, for reliability, you need to apply self -tapping screws;
  • hinges can be purchased or cut independently, it is important that in the unfolded state the steps are at the right angle;
  • all elements are neatly and reliably interconnected;
  • for a tight closure of the hatch, it is necessary to install the brackets.

The resulting model will not be different from the branded staircases. With the correct manufacture and mounting of elements, the contract will be qualitatively versed and collected. You can get useful skills and save money significantly.

If there are still questions about the installation of the staircase of fakro with your own hands, the video after the article will help you understand this issue and carry out a high level.





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