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Facade construction grid: description and application

During construction work, the covering grid is widely used. The product serves to protect people and equipment from falling objects outside the object. After all, a brick or a segment of reinforcement flying from heights turn into a formidable weapon. With the help of a facade mesh, forests and facade of buildings from meteorological conditions are protected, minimizing their destructive effect on metal and wooden structural elements. But at the same time does not interfere with the weathering of moisture (air exchange). The article will talk about a facade grid for forests.


  1. The main characteristics of the facade construction grid
  2. The scope of the protective facade grid
  3. Advantages of facade construction grid
  4. Fasting elements for facade nets
  5. Installation of facade construction grid
  6. Practical and aesthetic
  7. Facade grid manufacturers



The facade decorative grid hides an unpleasant type of building, which has undergone reconstruction or new buildings, so as not to violate the architecture of the city.

It is also used to protect ditches and pits.


The grid is the cheapest and easiest way for the construction of fences of any purpose, since its installation/dismantling is performed without much difficulty. Its presence does not give a reason to abandon personal protective equipment. Wearing orange vest, helmets and protective glasses at construction sites is mandatory.



The main characteristics of the facade construction grid


For the manufacture of a seamless canvas, high -pressure tape polyethylene, as well as a thread of high strength from synthetic materials, is used. Particular nodular weaving provides the strength of the woven structure, therefore, when rupture, arbitrary bloom does not occur. The canvas can be cut for any size, additional edging is not required.

  • Parameters preservation.Special processing gives the material with high resistance to mechanical stress, resistance to chemical exposure, immunity to sharp temperature surges and a high level of humidity.
  • Installation features.Whole canvases are fixed with each other through special clamps. On the perimeter of some models, holes are provided that serve to connect several nets using the cord. The structure of the material allows you to stretch by 15 % on both sides.
  • Weaving density.The density should be at least 35 g/m, the maximum of this indicator is 200 g/m. For a construction site, a grid with a density of at least 75 g/m is optimally suitable, which completely allows protective functions, preventing the drop in building elements or garbage. Mesies with such strength are characterized by wear resistance. They are able to withstand high mechanical loads, which provides the opportunity to use them again. Material with a density of 35 g/m is used to protect the facades of buildings of small areas. The canvas can be used no more than 2 times. The service life and the degree of damage to the material will determine the possibility of its subsequent use, regardless of the initial strength indicators.

  • Manufacturing technology.The size of the cells can be completely different, each manufacturer tries to produce products with different sizes. Their standard value is 10x10 or 15x15 mm. Depending on the weaving technology, the cells form a triangle or square. Small -medicinal nets, as a rule, have a high shading coefficient. And the larger the size of the cells, the higher their throughput.
  • Color palette.The grids have plain neutral shades, usually it is green, blue or white, does not affect the strength characteristics of the palette (aesthetics). Inactive colors do not allow disharmony to bring to the architecture of the city. True, today it is possible to release paintings of almost all the colors of the rainbow.

It is worth noting that the exception is bright orange material, which is used to protect emergency sites. The zone is visible from afar and signals the danger.


When choosing a grid, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • density;
  • color;
  • the size of the cells;
  • length and width.


The price of a facade grid depends on the size and density of the canvas, on average the price is 10-12 rubles/meter.



The scope of the protective facade grid


In addition to direct purposes, resourceful citizens found a protective grid and other application:

  • summer residents cover greenhouses and trees, thus protecting green spaces from strong gusts of wind, birds and hail;
  • it is used as a protective agent of plants from exposure to direct sunlight (shading effect);

  • it can serve as a shelter of bulk or other goods during transportation with special vehicles;
  • used to build temporary aviaries for animals;
  • at sports fields, they perfectly act as a visible fence;
  • at ski resorts, nets are used to circle the border of the tracks.



Advantages of facade construction grid


The grid is made of durable polyethylene tapes or nylons. Special nodal weaving does not allow to bloom when the canvas is damaged, that is, the gap will be local. Light weight does not increase the load on the structure. The inappropriateness of the material by the corrosion process is determined by the lack of metal elements.

  • Functionality.The edges of the material with a denser structure are equipped with loops and holes, which provide light installation and make it possible to combine several nets into a single canvas. Some products have loops in the center that prevent sailing during operation.

  • Convenience.The material for the convenience of transportation, storage and storage is available in compact rolls. The width of the grid can be from 3 to 10 m, the length is up to 100 m. The roll can be from 75 to 400 m. The minimum package weight is not more than 0.5 kg. Up to 8 such rolls will fit in the trunk of a passenger car. The canvas in the rolls of a large capacity is doubled in width.
  • Durability.Thanks to solid material and special weaving, the canvas is protected from the gap. If one has happened, then the resulting damage does not extend further. Long -term functionality (repeated use) is provided by the UV stabilizer that protects premature burnout. In general, the grid is resistant to precipitation and alkali, and therefore can be used at any time of the year.
  • Dielectric.During the construction or reconstruction of the building, there is an urgent issue of safety during electrical communications. Since polyethylene is not a conductive material, its use is free. This material does not distort mobile signals, radio waves.
  • Ecology.The mesh cells hold most of the construction dust inside the facility. Thus, preventing them from spreading in the atmosphere, settling on the surface of reservoirs and soil. It is worth noting that the material itself does not contain toxic substances.



Fasting elements for facade nets


Fixation of the paintings between themselves or fastening to structures is carried out through additional elements.

  • Plastic screeds (clamps) Used to fasten several strips of grid. With their help, the material is also installed to the facade or forests. If the mounting interval is approximately 30 cm, then about 700 screeds will be needed.

  • Plastic clamps (eyelets) They are used in cases where there are no working holes on the material. Such mounts do not destroy the integrity of the canvas. Installation is carried out after 1-1.5 m, the step depends on the wind load provided. Special tightness is achieved through the simultaneous use of clamps and a bilateral buttonage tape.
  • Kapon polyester cord It is characterized by high tensile strength, resistance to solvents, abrasion and adverse weather conditions.
  • Capricon cord synthetic It is characterized by excellent indicators in strength properties, and also has chemical resistance to many reagents, perfectly opposes abrasion.



Installation of facade construction grid


  • Covering work of high -rise buildings should be entrusted to specialized firms. Industrial climbers with the required qualifications and practical skills are equipped with the necessary equipment. Thanks to the knowledge and experience of the work, they will be carried out qualitatively in compliance with all building codes and rules.

  • Installation is performed for a working day, since untouched areas can break away a strong gust of wind. Subject to all conditions, the canvas will not hang shapeless bubbles, but will fit tightly to the facade of the building. A well -installed facade mesh will last up to 1 year.
  • The dismantling of the material is also carefully carried out. The professionalism of lifers avoids the rupture of the canvas, which in turn will make it possible to use it again.
  • The fixation of the material on one -story buildings can be performed by the efforts of construction teams. Often, the canvases are mounted vertically, but if necessary, a horizontal arrangement is possible.



Practical and aesthetic


In addition to the main purpose, the covering grid can perform an advertising or information function. To do this, a compositional material with any image is applied to it. Thanks to the jet printer, drawings and inscriptions are bright and persistent.

It is possible to print the logo of the construction company directly on the net, which will undoubtedly arouse interest and attract new customers. Thus, you can declare yourself as a solid, modern developer.



Facade grid manufacturers


  • This product is widely represented on the market italian companies. Their difference is effective shading. Some models can absorb 90-100 % of sunlight. Such nets are used for shelter from viewing and air flows. But due to standard sizes (1-1.8 m) of paintings, using them on large-scale projects is inappropriate.
  • Korea It offers a very economical solution for construction problems. Products are characterized by good performance. A diverse lineup makes it possible to choose nets for the required parameters.
  • Russian manufacturers I am pleased with the optimal ratio of price and quality. The most common sizes with a low degree of shading are ideal for any construction sites.

  • Grids made of polyethylene and polymer threads of various density from czech companies They will find their application at under construction objects. It offers both light, functional nets for protecting the facade and canvas, where the shading coefficient is 55%.



The law of the use of facade construction grid

In Moscow, as well as other large cities of the country, the use of facade nets is mandatory at all construction sites:

  • buildings of any number of storeys;
  • buildings undergoing reconstruction;
  • built structures.

The color of the grid is not regulated. The owner of the construction site chooses at his discretion.

Failure to comply with the order will lead to administrative responsibility.








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