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DIY sliding doors

In the modern interior there is a place not only of non -standard decoration and building materials, but also to the doors of the original shape, for example, sliding doors. And this is not always due to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer, often such conditions are dictated by a forced need when several doors on adjacent walls cannot be opened at the same time. A reasonable solution of sliding interior doors, especially since today there is all the necessary components on sale for this.

Table of contents:

  1. What does the construction of sliding doors look like
  2. Why preference is given to sliding doors
  3. The main advantages of sliding doors
  4. What fittings are needed for a sliding mechanism
  5. What is important to know about the installation of a sliding interior door
  6. Installation process
  7. Features Installation of a guide gutter

What does the construction of sliding doors look like

Developers, designers and technologists offered a wide variety of door design for the modern building materials market:

  • sliding doors on rollers and guiding gutter;
  • swing doors on hinged loops;
  • sliding doors-harmonious doors.

All of them have their own options - sliding doors photo:

The most popular are such varieties:

  • sliding and swinging;
  • single and double;
  • with a threshold and without it;
  • whole -driven and combined.

Sliding doors have a different type of fastening, but mainly move along one wall on rollers along the guide fixed at the top or below, for example, sliding doors of the video at the end of the article.

Structurally sliding doors are a fairly simple block, where the door leaf along the guide gutter moves along the wall by means of the roller mechanism when opening.

The door leaf is also distinguished by the decorative properties of materials:

  • laminated chipboard;
  • veneered;
  • all -driven;
  • glass;
  • composite;
  • filencial;
  • mirror;
  • with molding, etc.

Falled parts can only be on the outer side of the door so as not to interfere with the movement along the wall. The sliding door sometimes becomes secret, hiding the study in the interior with confidential information and whether a spare exit. They can be hidden in built-in furniture or near a wardrobe. These doors work as ordinary or can be driven through an electric drive from a remote control.

The roller mechanism to the door is mounted below or from above, and they move along the guide fixed under the door or above, depending on the structure. The sliding door scheme looks like this:

One interior door can move to 2-4 sets of rollers for sliding doors. The guides can also be more than one, especially if several door leafs are closed. This design also includes decorative panels closing the mechanism and door accessories, including:

  • brushes,
  • pens,
  • dobed,
  • platbands.

If you started repairs in the apartment, pay attention to the possibility of using the design of the sliding interior door. Perhaps this will not seem difficult to install sliding doors with your own hands.

Why preference is given to sliding doors

1. The sliding doors were invented by the Japanese, and there they meet everywhere, even in villages. This is probably due to seismic activity even after a small earthquake is disturbed by the horizontality of the walls, and the door does not adjoin hermetically, distortions occur. The door moving on rollers along the guide gutter more tightly adjacent to a slightly inclined wall when there are limiters. This is one of the reasons why in the old housing stock they sometimes change swinging to modern sliding doors.

2. It was also mentioned above that in the adjacent wall it is not always convenient to use two or three swing doors if they open on one side, encountering one inner corner.

3. Another reason why they prefer the design of the door on the rollers saving space. Sliding glass doors, for example, not only pass more light into the room, but also do not require places for opening/closing. The door leaf can calmly move the bed or closet, without interfering at the entrance and without knocking on the furniture. In a small cramped room, this often becomes the most optimal option for saving space.

4. For zoning the space of the system of sliding doors, it is also used quite widely. The sliding glass door becomes not only a decorative decoration but also an excellent method of dividing space into functional. They look much more elegant and lighter than massive wooden or drywall partitions, preserving the illusion of the integrity of the room.

The main advantages of sliding doors

Interior doors at the roller mechanism should be justified in the interior, that is, thought out both in design and in expediency. You need to think about them at the stage of repair planning or even during the construction of the house. You can even, like public buildings, equip sliding doors with a movement sensor or sensors reacting to approaching, so that it themselves open before the owners of the house. This design can only be entrusted to professionals, but a simple door on the rollers is subject to any home master.

Attention: Remember that it is necessary to observe cleanliness and audit the roller mechanism so that the door does not jam! During the upper mount, it is much easier to clean around the sliding door with a vacuum cleaner.

Important advantages of such a door:

  • the simplest method of closing sliding along the walls;
  • the door does not react to drafts;
  • savings of space;
  • the ability to automate the process with a remote control, which is very convenient for the disabled;
  • there is no need for thresholds during the upper mount of the guide and roller mechanism;
  • the lower guides can also replace the threshold if they are sunk into the floors.

But this design also has its disadvantages:

  • not every door leaf is suitable for a sliding type;
  • the door leaf does not fit too tightly against the wall, forming the gaps;
  • expensive fittings and roller mechanism (above hinged loops);
  • the movement of the roller mechanism is often accompanied by a small noise that can irritate some family members;
  • in a private house and apartment it is not used on the front door and in the premises of the balcony, loggia, terrace leading to the outer space;
  • lower sound insulation indicators;
  • it has a low heat barrier and requires the installation of a special seal.

Attention: not all types of sliding doors are suitable for independent installation, for example, radius (pushed in a circle).

What fittings are needed for a sliding mechanism

Roller mechanisms for sliding doors have several varieties, and not all of them can be used in everyday life. To choose the right roller mechanism for moving the door along the wall along the guide, it is important to decide in advance:

  • with a type of door;
  • the material from which the door is made;
  • amplitude of traffic along the guides;
  • sliding doors sizes;
  • the number of moved door leafs (2-3 doors along one wall can move on one guide).

The number of guides depends on how many door leafs will move, and by which vector. For example:

  • cascading doors;
  • compartment;
  • harmonic;
  • radius doors.

The main differences in systems are the total weight of the design and the difference in the general load on the door movement mechanism. For example, light metal sliding doors of the accordion, a wooden or glass door will have different loads due to weight. And the easier, less and simpler design, the more primitive a roller mechanism is needed.

In some designs of non -discipline sliding doors, the roller mechanism is attached from above, and in heavy wooden doors, as a rule, 2 gutters are provided from above and below. It will be necessary to prepare and align the walls so that the door does not hurt for defects.

At the cascading door, 2 roller mechanisms are mounted on each panel, and 2 guide gutters are enough. For cascading doors, 1 lower gutter for each canvas is needed.

It is important to consider that:

  • we need a special set of roller fittings not only for sliding doors. Metal guide gutter and rollers with fastening, but also a boxed stand, where the door leaf should include in a non -working position;
  • the door leaf is usually chosen more than a doorway, that is, about 5-8 cm wider and a little larger in height to block the passage entirely;
  • it is important to think in advance where to fix the door handle and whether it will be a lock or separately;
  • you will need a cash (from the side and from the top of the door frame) and the finish nails for fastening, as well as the limiters of the door leaf;
  • pull the bar 50x50 mm under the lower bar and the inhibits are slightly wider than the gutter;
  • fastening is made by anchors and samors (fastening of the beam on the wall);
  • it is also necessary for work the main carpentry tool.

Those who are interested - how to make sliding doors should first watch the video that is at the end of the article.

What is important to know about the installation of a sliding interior door

1. Be sure to use a plumb line and level (better universal construction). Skewers can lead to the fact that the door will crawl along the guides without opening.

2. Experts recommend all work by preliminary marking so that there are no annoying errors, which are then problematic to eliminate.

3. Horizontal marks on the wall are best set by a laser and blame the line with a pencil. But it can be noted directly on the door leaf, if it is perfectly rectangular.

4. Before installing the guide gutter, check the horizontal again using the level.

5. The denser the door to the wall, the higher the sound insulation, so during the repair it is worth making sure that the wall is perfectly flat, especially along the movement of the canvas.

Attention: in a wooden door, all holes for locks and handles must be done in advance by marking, and it is better to hide the latch under the lock with a chisel after completing the door installation so that there are no discrepancies!

Installation process

There are several ways how to independently install sliding doors in the apartment.

And the easiest method of fastening will be considered more detailed:

  • we fasten the guide gutter to the timber for the bar with self -tapping screws, where there should be pre -drilled holes, with an interval of about 20 cm;
  • from the bottom of the woody door leaf (easier to mount), prepare a groove for rollers so that the door does not deviate during movement, and clean the holes with the tool;
  • the guide groove at the bar is strictly horizontally attached to the floor so that there are no inaccuracies when used;
  • the roller mechanism is inserted into the guide groove in the floor exactly under the upper bar, observing the vertical;
  • with the help of a partner on the lower rollers in the guide groove, put the door leaf, providing the vertical position of the door in order to further attach it to the upper rollers;
  • we fasten the box on the side of the door frame with vertically metal corners, and this is closed with with inquiries;
  • close the side and top of the doorway with cash, nailed with furniture or decorative nails;
  • so that the door leaf does not fall out of the gutter, fix the limiters.

Only after the door is completely installed, you can fix the rest of the accessories, door handles and finishing parts if they are provided by design:

  • molding,
  • mirror,
  • lock.

Features Installation of a guide gutter

1. The guide gutter (or guide) is set along the pre -planned line. The method of fastening depends on the design of the roller mechanism and the material of the guide. There are fastening options:

  • to the floor;
  • to the wall below;
  • to the wall on top of the doorway (with a restless mount).

2. There are guides that are fixed either on a wooden beam or specialized brackets.

3. It is important to leave a small interval between the guide gutter and the wall - the opening door will not be rubbed for cashing on the doorway.

4. Some designs of the roller mechanism of sliding doors with a high height of the doorway are attached to the floor and to the ceiling. And it makes sense to fix light glass doors only on the upper bracket for an immaculate type of installation.

5. Under the usual door leaf, there are enough 2 videos under the edge, and on the Harmosoma door you need rollers for each support of the wings.

6. Sliding glass doors I have a slightly different attachment mechanism 2 metal paws for clamping glass, which are tightened with screws. It is recommended to install thick door glass with the upper and lower guide.

7. For a denser fit of the door to the edges, you can additionally stick dustproof brushes or anthers, like a wardrobe.

8. It is recommended to glue a rubber tape for a quiet door to the metal rail.

Tip: do all the work with 1-2 partners to support doors during installation.

The choice of a decorative canvas is not limited, except:

  • expediency,
  • your taste and imagination,
  • general interior design.

Beautiful sliding interior doors will become one of the most memorable jewelry in the atmosphere of your home!





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