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Which door lock to choose

Among the variety of door locks, which is represented in the construction market, you will not immediately figure out which one is better to choose. They differ in appearance, degree of reliability and the principle of a locking mechanism. Each of them has its own requirements and recommendations for operation. The article will describe all the main types of door locks, their advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Four categories of reliability of door locks
  2. Selection of a door lock by installation method
  3. Selection of a door lock by locking mechanism
  4. Door lock with a latch

Four categories of reliability of door locks

Despite the fact that the locks are constantly being improved by manufacturers who increase their resistance to hacking, any of them will be able to open without keys. Therefore, this classification is conditional and speaks only of the duration of the time that will require the cracker.

  • First and second categories They are considered the most unreliable. You need no more than 5 minutes to open them. Recommended for installation on interior or office doors.
  • The third category. It will be able to detain the attacker for 10-15 minutes. But this is advisable only if the house is on the alarm and during this time the outfit has time to arrive.
  • The fourth category Most suitable for installation on the front doors. It will take at least half an hour to open such locks.

Selection of a door lock by installation method

Hinged locks

Regardless of the complexity of the locking mechanism, this type of lock is not difficult to break. It is preferred to install it on outbuildings or garages.

When choosing a hinged lock, it is necessary to clarify whether it is certified. This will give a guarantee of his reliability. In addition, you should pay attention to the key:

  • he should easily enter the keyhole and get out of it, without effort;
  • it is easy to unlock the mechanism, do not hang out and not scroll in it. This is especially important if children will use it;
  • the degree of complexity of the key for duplication.

Tip: It is desirable that the keyhole has protection from dirt and water. As a rule, this is a rotary plate that is relevant during the operation of the lock on the street.

The most popular are castles such as

  • Reinforced hinged castle Gerda. They are made of brass, so they have a long service life even with adverse weather conditions. They are presented in a wide range from reliable locks for the front doors, to small for bicycles.
  • Zircon. Designed for operation even at extreme temperatures. Its characteristics for the gap are 12 tons, which allows you to install it on safes and weapons cabinets.

Pave door locks

These are the door of the low -degree of reliability, but their installation will not require to crash into the door leaf, so they are recommended for wooden doors.

False locks are:

  • depending on the locking mechanism - cylinder or leaf;
  • electromagnetic (non -proceeding) or crossbar, the value of which varies from 1 to 5;
  • depending on the method of operation and design, the overhead locks can be electronic, which open from the magnetic pulse from a special device (for example, intercom) or mechanical, opening with a simple key.


  • first of all, easy and quick installation, which does not require special tools. During work that everyone can carry out, the door leaf is not damaged. Saving on the calling of the installer;
  • if the castle is damaged or damaged, it will not be difficult to repair or change it;
  • since the locking mechanism itself is on the inside of the door to get to it, the attacker will have to break the entire thickness of the canvas. If the door is metal, then this process will take quite a lot of time. But due to the unreliability of the design, it is not recommended to install it as the main one, but it will become an excellent alternative as additional protection.

But this moment can be attributed to the disadvantage, since there are households that penetrate the house through the window, and using the door as exit. Another disadvantage will be their unaesthetic appearance, which will spoil the beautiful door.

Small locks

  • This is the most popular view of the door lock. They are widely used both for the front doors and for interior, due to their hidden installation. It not only looks beautiful outwardly, but also makes them less accessible to crackers. The combination of a mortise locking mechanism and a strong steel door will best protect the house or apartment.
  • Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to mount them, because you have to crash inside the door leaf, they are considered suitable for doors of any type. But in the best way it is suitable for the iron door. This is explained by the fact that when installing in a wooden one, the housekeeper will not be difficult to get to the mechanism, but in the steel it is protected by a sheet of metal.

Selection of a door lock by locking mechanism

There is a second classification of the mechanisms of the door lock, which has a greater impact on the choice of a particular model. These characteristics of structures affect reliability and ease of use.

Rigel door locks

  • The most fundamental difference from all other species is that long flat keys with slots are used to open. The movements of them should be carried out not rotational, but linear. The inconvenience of operation lies in a too overall manner, which is inconvenient to carry with you.
  • When translating, the crossbar means a valve or bolt. It is a key detail of the locking mechanism.

Rigel door lock

  • For the production of rods, a steel profile is used. The key cell is located in the center of the lock. When turning the key, the rods are rested and fixed.
  • Today it is a popular mechanism, they will be equipped with locks for any type of doors.
  • Relatively recently, electromechanical cross -country castles appeared on sale. Their design is modernized - it has an auto -lock and a door opening sensor. They are recommended for use in the garage.
  • Rigelia mechanisms are suitable for installing doors that open inward or outward. And when a castle is coupled, it is permissible to install them even on sliding models.
  • Recently, metal roller shutters have been gaining popularity to protect doors and windows in private houses. For them, special crossbars are sold, which are attached on the lower bar. If you put it on the engine or gearbox, you will get to block the mechanism itself, and not just rollers.

The reliability of the crossbar depends on the model.

  • The most durable is the electromechanical castle. His advanced mechanism significantly complicates the work of thieves.
  • Coded models installed on safes and metal cabinets have been tested for years. Possessing a very high degree of secrecy, in Sovokupi with armority, they will become an impregnable obstacle.

  • Cheap models of crossbar designs are easy to hack a simple master line. Therefore, it is appropriate to put them only on outbuildings, where nothing valuable is stored. In this case, the low price and ease of installation makes its purchase justified.

Electronic door locks

  • Once they were put only on modern cars of cars, now they are common at the entrance doors to the apartment or in the entrance.
  • Models of electronic locks of the middle price category are opened using magnetic programmed keys. More expensive electronic locks have a panel on which a combination of numbers or letters for opening the door is typed.
  • Today, many specialists are considered one of the most reliable. But this reliability is non -absolute and even such modern models have their disadvantages.

  • The electronic lock consists of automated electronics on control (which can also be hacked) and the locking mechanism (it should be closed even when electricity is turned off).
  • For a country house, this design is perfect. It does not have a keyhole, so it is absolutely not visible from the outside. Mount it around the perimeter of the door, which makes it almost impossible to determine its location for hacking. The opening method can be selected the most convenient: unlocking with a plastic card, a special keychain, fingerprints or code.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of electronic locks:

  • first of all, the convenience of use and a high degree of protection. Therefore, they are often used in the construction of office buildings, enterprises or control points. Some models are equipped with a working day accounting function;

  • there are mortise and overhead electronic locks on sale. The former, although they look more respectable, have their own flaw. In the event of a breakdown, it will not only be able to fix it, but also open it without special tools. So, it will not be possible to get inside the room until the specialist arrives and does not break the door;
  • almost all models of electronic locks can be programmed for different tasks. For example, thanks to artificial intelligence, you can find out the time of arrival or care for a minute, that is, the moment when they used the lock;
  • a simple housekeeper will not be able to hack him. It has a high class of classroom code, and the locking mechanism is made of a durable alloy.

The disadvantages include:

  • complex microcircuits located inside the structure are quite unstable and can fail;

  • the owner of the housing can forget the secret code, or outsiders recognize him. In this case, it will no longer be difficult to get into the room unnoticed for households. With such suspicions, it is better to play it safe and contact specialists for reprogramming the castle;
  • it is based on a crossbar of locking. All of them are unique, therefore, they will never be able to open them with a card from another castle of the same manufacturer.

Prices for electronic door locks depend on their functionality, brand and materials from which they are made. For example, the most modern models are equipped with the ability to work from a phone, a colored touch monitor, a large range of a keyboard, a large number of bolts, a direct connection with a security system, a sound warning signal about a low charge, the ability to block or turn off according to the signal.

They include hacking protection. If you enter the wrong password or to incur someone else's reading device, the signal enters the security station, where the castle is registered. Most electronic locks operate from the 220 V network, but there are battery models. To prevent its failure, it is recommended to install a voltage stabilizer on the network from which it works.

Coded locks on the door

  • More recently, most entrances of apartment buildings were equipped with such castles. Their convenience lies in the absence of a key that should not be carried with you. It is enough to remember a simple code that can be easily programmed.
  • But over time, the paint on the buttons that are used most often begins to wash. And the opening mechanism itself to seize. Despite the fact that they were replaced by modern analogues of magnetic intercoms, they still remain in demand in places with high cross -country ability.

Advantages of mechanical code locks

  • Due to the low price and high bandwidth, they are perfect for installation in warehouse and industrial premises, as well as offices and apartment buildings. It is enough to install the castle and it will not need to give out the keys to everyone;
  • for their operation, unlike electronic code locks, electricity will not be required. They are easy to repair, and spare parts are cheap to them;
  • due to the simple design, they practically do not break and do not fail, but at high negative temperatures they can begin to seize;
  • the code locks are produced both overhead and mortise. For the installation of the latter, the door thickness should be 3-5 cm.

Suwl door locks

  • This is a classic type of door lock. The principle of design is the code plates and a strong core. It is not possible to physically break such a castle, but an experienced attacker will be able to choose a master made a master made. How much time he will need for this depends on the number of Suvald. The more there are slots on the key from the castle, the more code plates in the mechanism of its castle, and, therefore, higher its reliability.
  • They are made in the form of mortise and overhead models. If the first is perfect for the entrance doors to the cottage or apartment, then the latter will be more appropriate at the garage gate.
  • Despite the fact that the locks have a number of shortcomings of long keys and a rather low degree of reliability, they are not only released, but also improved every year.

  • When choosing a leaf, you need to focus on an important criterion. The distance between the string of the tail of the crossbar and the groove of the code plate (levalds) should be at least 0.5 0.6 mm. If this indicator is smaller, then to turn the key will need to be made more effort and over time, this will lead to jamming of the entire system. And with higher indicators, the risk of hacking increases with the help of a master key.

The advice, which door lock to choose: according to the examinations of locks, according to their reliability, it was determined that the main locking mechanisms for the front door should be cylinder locks, and levils can act as additional ones.

The advantages of leaf locks

  • Durability. Rather, the key will break or bent over time, but the leval plates themselves will remain unchanged. The return spring is also a reliable element, if it fails, then, as a rule, the cheapest models. Therefore, they rarely need repair or replacement;
  • but if there is a need for repair, then it will be easy to do without significant financial costs. With such breakdowns, the repair of a cylinder lock will be much more expensive;
  • progress does not stand still and in the struggle for the buyer, manufacturers of leaf locks do not cease to improve them. So, now models with reinforced crossbars made of high -strength steel are appearing;
  • in addition, special repair kits from interchangeable code plates are sold, which can be used independently. If the castle begins to open more effort to open the castle, this is the first sign of wear of the locking mechanism. To do this, the old sowalds are extracted through a special hole in the castle and new ones are put in their place.

Cylinder door locks

  • The great popularity of castles of this type is justified by the totality of advantages, including the high reliability of the structure, to which it is almost impossible to choose a master line and a convenient size of the key for unlocking.

Tip: When choosing a cylinder lock, you need to pay a key. It is desirable that it be made with bilateral side perforation.

  • The name of the castle suggests that the main part of its mechanism is a cylinder (in everyday life is often called a larva). It can be secret or code. The locking mechanism in it costs a crossbar. Thus, when turning the unlocking key, the cross -drive is acting for closing and opening.

In addition to its main components, it consists of:

  • metal or steel durable case;
  • return springs;
  • a fist that moves the bolt;
  • spring -top pins. They either block the mechanism relative to the lock of the lock, or are in contact with the key.

The cost of cylinder door locks is highly dependent on their design features that affect reliability and functionality. The most expensive modern models have a smooth drive and are equipped with a large number of code pins from hacking.

Five types of cylinder locking mechanisms

  • Stiftic one -row. On sale they are represented by shut -off or code models. As raw materials, steel or brass is used for their manufacture. The principle of operation lies in a number of spring -loaded pins passing through the cylinder and the lock of the lock itself. Each of them is divided into two unequal parts, so if the key is placed, the pins will interfere with unlocking, blocking the cylinder. When opening by the native key, the end parts of the pins are exactly at the border of the cylinder with the body and, as a result, the first easily rotates.
  • Stifte bilateral. As you can see their names, the mechanism is located in two rows and a bilateral key is needed to open them.
  • With rotary pins. A rare type of lock, is a rotary code structure.
  • Cross -shaped. Due to the special location of the pins inside the castle case, visually the keyhole and the key to it look crucial. This is a reliable mechanism consisting of four rows, in each of which from two or more pins.
  • With conical mills on a unlocking device. The pins are placed in it in various planes, which makes this type of cylinder castle one of the most reliable, thanks to the possibility of creating a large number of code combinations.
  • Framework. Their design provides for special spring extension frames with cloves. When the key is entered, these cloves leave the groove, giving the cylinder the opportunity to turn. Such models are more compact, but have a lower degree of reliability.

Advantages of cylinder locks:

  • the compact size of the key, which makes it convenient for socks in pockets;
  • high reliability and protection against unlocking with all kinds of master keys;
  • when damage, it is enough to replace only the cylinder, without dismantling the entire castle body;

  • secret that allows you to unlock the castle with the help of keys. To date, there are expensive models that have millions of such combinations.

But if it is almost impossible to open them simple, then the attackers found a way out. These locks are hacked with acids, vibration dampers, or simply with physical strength.

Door lock with a latch

The function of the latch is especially relevant for the interior door lock. It allows you to fix the door without closing it with a key. Locks for entrance doors will often be equipped with latches. Although it is convenient when closing, a distracted person, slamming the door, can forget to lock it. And some mechanisms when slamming automatically block the locking mechanism, and it will not be possible to get inside without keys.

Advantages of the latch on the interior door:

  • the door will not clap in the presence of drafts;
  • with a crooked door box, the door leaf will not open under its own weight.

Varieties of the latches

  • Faler door latches. In order for the latch to work, you will have to make an effort. For example, press the handle or push the door more. Often they can slam with a sharp gust of wind during draft. The handles are located on both sides of the door. The principle of action is the presence of a mowing tongue, which, when closing touching the response, is gently hiding and jumps into a fixing depression. Mechanisms are found only in metal models and can have two latches at once. They look like locks with long pressure handles, they can often be seen in residential and office premises.
  • Magnetic door latches.Unlike the first, closing and fixing the door occurs more smoothly and without effort from the person. They are produced both very cheap models for installation on cabinets, and in expensive locking mechanisms. The door equipped with a magnetic latch lock will never slap, even with a draft. To close it, slightly slightly push, and the door, reaching the door box, will smoothly close by itself. It is especially convenient when the hands are busy and there is no way to close the door.
  • Roller latches. The latch looks in the form of a video, which is held in the opening of the lock, fixing the door in a closed position. It does not interact with the locking mechanism, but works independently. Therefore, these locks are not recommended for installation on those doors that need to be closed.
  • Electronic latches. They are suitable for installation on those doors where uninterrupted power supply is possible, otherwise they can simply be blocked. Their main advantage is the ability to control at a distance.


It is also worth mentioning the screw locks, but their simple designs are suitable only for the basement or utility room, in which it will be nothing valuable. They will rather create the visibility of the castle than help prevent hacking.

Door locks video





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