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How to paint the door correctly

It is quite possible to save the budget on buying a new door and refresh the interior of the room. To do this, it is enough to update the old door structure, adhering to the technology of preparation and painting the canvas.

All about the choice of paint, features of staining different types of doors and stages of painting work, is written in the article.

  1. Distinctive features of painting different types of doors
  2. How to choose materials for painting doors
  3. How to paint a wooden door correctly: technological process
  4. How to paint the doors from a massive pine tree: process features
  5. How to paint the door with paint: Useful tips
  6. Practical and durability of wooden doors varnish
  7. How to paint a door from the fiberboard: step -by -step instructions

Distinctive features of painting different types of doors

Old interior and entrance doors often have a high -quality box and a durable canvas. Various models, even those made of valuable wood species, eventually lose their original gloss. The layer of paint accumulated over the years spoils the appearance of the doors and needs reconstruction.

The easiest and most affordable way to update the input structure with new paint coating. Any home master will cope with this work, it is enough to know the features of the materials of the manufacture of doors, modern varnishes and colors, as well as observe the technology of painting.

The coloring process of different types of doors has its own characteristics:

  1. A massif of a tree. Doors from this material are smooth heavy constructions. This option transmits the natural structure of wood as much as possible. To update the array, you should choose a transparent varnish or glaze glaze. If the canvas is outdated, then the icing under the tree is suitable.
  2. MDF. The design of such a door consists of sheets of wood and insulation. Painting the MDF-door is quite simple, but before that, the surface should be carefully prepared.
  3. Filenced canvases. The frame is made of MDF, and inserts from thin boards or plywood sheets. Before painting, the structure will have to be disassembled into constituent elements. Due to the large number of joints, the phylene doors wear out faster and more often require update.

How to choose materials for painting doors

High -quality paints cannot be too cheap. In this case, savings are not justified. Sometimes shortly before the end of the expiration period, stores reduce the price of paint and varnishes. If painting a wooden door is planned for the coming days, then this option will save without losing quality.

Optimum doors paint

Thinking about the question: how to cover the door? It is necessary to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bpaintwork, their pros and cons. The range of all colors is customary to classify on transparent and opaque.

The first category includes varnishes, special impregnations and protective glaze. Processing with a transparent coating does not close the natural color and wood pattern, but on the contrary, emphasizes it.

Openuous colors include alkyd and oil coatings. Most often, nitro -painting, acrylic and alkyd enamel are used. Each of the listed colors has its own characteristics.

Alkyd enamel is the most affordable in price, presented in a wide range of colors and shades. After drying, a strong, resistant coating resistant to external factors is formed. The material is wear -resistant, economical in consumption and dries relatively quickly.

A significant drawback of alkyd paint is an unpleasant odor, holding in the room for about two days after staining. Evasions negatively affect the health of allergy sufferers and people with respiratory diseases. Alkyd enamel is not advisable to use in children's rooms.

Nitro -painting is characterized by high aesthetic properties, the color palette of materials exceeds acrylic/alkyd enamels. Significant advantages include high wear resistance and strength. However, nitro -painting is even more harmful to health than alkyd enamel. The evaporation of the paint is very toxic, the painting work is carried out only in well -ventilated rooms in compliance with safety precautions. Until the paint does not dry completely into the room.

Acrylic enamels on a water -dispersed basis are best suited for painting interior doors. The composition is easily applied, lies well, and when drying there is no unpleasant toxic smell.

Cons of acrylic paint: higher price and slight strength. To increase the wear resistance of the coating and preserving the aesthetic type on top, paint is covered with special varnish acrylic.

Lacques for wooden doors are more often used for array structures. Lacing, like painting with paint, protects the doors from humidity, bright light and other external influences. There are transparent and tinting varnishes. Some materials are used in conjunction with paints. The choice of a particular varnish depends on the result that must be obtained.

Tinting varnishing gives the door a certain shade. Transparent conveys the color of natural wood tone in tone.

Advice. When buying varnish, you should pay attention to the speed of drying. It is better to choose a quick -drying LKM. Such varnish does not spread on the surface and is harmless to health.

Choosing the color of interior doors

Today's assortment of colors allows you to realize the most daring design decisions on the design of the room. In modern design, three main trends in the painting of interior doors are visible:

  • delicate, light colors of blue, peach, green, pink, lavender color;
  • dark saturated shades of brown, cherry, blue, chocolate color;
  • bright colors orange, yellow, red.

When choosing a color, designers recommend adhering to some rules:

  1. Dark shades, such as cherries, red walnuts, dark chocolate will give the living room sophistication and luxury. Light tones are well suited for decorating a bedroom and a children's room, creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.
  2. The sleeping headset of the snow -white color is combined with the same white door decorated with golden Philiencs.
  3. For a wooden house, it is better to choose a massif doors covered with oil transparent impregnation.
  4. A classic interior with antique furniture can be supplemented with an artificially aged wooden door.
  5. The painting of the door frame should be either lighter or darker than the color of the walls.

How to paint a wooden door correctly: technological process

Necessary tools

First of all, you should take care of the tools. For work you will need:

  • bath for paint;
  • painting brushes;
  • gloves;
  • rags;
  • putty knife;
  • maslar adhesive tape;
  • sandpaper;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • the flashlight can be useful for a convenient search for defects on the door leaf;
  • starkets (4 pcs.) or goats (2 pcs.).

Of the materials will be needed:

  • putty;
  • primer;
  • paint or varnish;
  • solvent.

Surface preparation

It is more convenient to work with a removed canvas. Therefore, the door is previously removed from the loops and laid on the support, for example, on 4 stools. If the door is stained with an alkyd composition, then it is better to carry out work in the yard, on the terrace or balcony.

After removing the door, dismantle all the accessories. Factible handles and loops can be wrapped with paper, fixed with tape or wrapped with foil. Fix and glue the lock mechanism with tape.

In order to properly paint the door, you need to prepare it correctly. The quality of this stage depends on how exactly the paint will fall on the door. Preparation procedure:

  1. Remove the old paint, a layer of putty and primers up to wood. To facilitate the work, you can use a grinding machine, sandpaper, special washing for wood.
  2. Perform preliminary grinding. This will help remove small dents, scratches and the remains of paint. Grinding is carried out with a grinder, medium -grained emery. Pour the surface.
  3. Visible deficiencies in the wood are sparse with special putty. Pay special attention to the cracks between decorative elements and a canvas, a triber and a jamb.
  4. After the putty completely dried up, the door is re -sanding the door with sandpaper first medium -grained and then fine -grained.

Advice. The woods darkened over time can be lightened with a solution of chlorine bleach and water in a ratio of 3: 1, respectively.

Door painting scheme

The staining circuit depends on the design of the door:

  1. Shield door. Painting occurs in three stages. It is advisable to use the roller, it leaves no traces, hairs and ensures uniform painting. Coloring begins from the upper corner of the door in the transverse direction from left to right. After applying the first layer, painting should completely dry. The second layer is applied in the longitudinal direction, and the third in the transverse.
  2. Filenced door. First, all the recesses in the canvas are painted with the help of the brush. It is important to prevent excess paint. In the end, the entire door is painted with a roller, adhering to the painting of a shield structure in a turn.

Having decided on painting technology, you can proceed to further action.

The procedure for staining

  1. Put the prepared canvas horizontally, having previously covered the surface with polyethylene. Protect glasses in the door with masking tape.
  2. Color the small elements of a wooden door, phylenka and protruding details with a brush.
  3. Apply the first layer of paint with a roller.
  4. Leave the door until completely dry and repeat the coloring in the perpendicular direction.
  5. If you need to achieve a brighter and more saturated color, the door is painted in three layers.

How to paint the doors from a massive pine tree: process features

The advantage of an inexpensive pine is a pleasant aroma of needles, which adds peace to the house and promotes serene sleep. Pine belongs to soft species of wood, therefore susceptible to environmental influences. To make the material more durable and wear -resistant, it is necessary to protect it correctly chosen LKM.

Some designers reluctantly use doors from a massive pine in the interior due to the presence of knots. This drawback can be adjusted using a tint stain. The tool will not violate the drawing of wood, but will give a noble shade.

Before staining, the surface must be thrown, polished. Smolly streams and pockets should be removed, the door leaf is fucked.

Slot painting a pine door:

  1. Pushing. The door, both new and old, must first be treated with sandpaper.
  2. Clean the surface of dust.
  3. Grind the canvas. The primer promotes uniform application of paint and additionally protects the wood from decay. For better antiseptic protection, it is recommended to use special impregnation.
  4. Morking. With the help of a roller, apply a stain of the desired shade on the door. For complete painting, the texture is suitable for opaque colors.
  5. Cover the door with varnish.

How to paint pine doors correctly: video

  How to paint the door with paint: Useful tips

  1. Before painting doors, the structure must be carefully examined and repaired. During the operation of the veneered doors, the material can be removed at the bottom. The coating should be neatly separated from the door base, smear the inside of the veneer and the canvas with special glue, press the elements with clamps. To ensure a dense and even fit of veneer, you can lay boards or pieces of plywood on top. The painting should be proceeded only after the glue dries completely.
  2. Stop and stain the door frame often has to be removed without removing it. In order not to stain the adjacent surfaces, they must first be closed with masking tape.
  3. During staining, it is necessary to squeeze a roller with paint well so that the surfaces do not form streams.
  4. The streams from the brush will be removed with an ordinary sponge. It is enough to get wet the places of the flows and walk in a roller.
  5. The loops and the castle are not painted, but left in its original form.
  6. The ledge of the box, often in contact with the door during opening/closing, is recommended to be painted 2-3 times, as these parts are regularly wiped.
  7. Before use, new brushes must be combed out and kept in water for several hours will soften the bristles.
  8. The painting protective tape from the door leaf or places adjacent to the box should be removed immediately after staining. If this is done after the LKM dries, then part of the paint will be removed with the tape.
  9. In the process of drying, it is necessary to exclude the likelihood of direct sunlight, midges and dust on the painted surface.

Practical and durability of wooden doors varnish

Consider the technology how to paint the door with varnish:

  1. The first stage is preparation. The order of preparatory measures is fully consistent with the technology of painting.
  2. Mix the selected varnish directly in the jar to obtain a homogeneous mass (during storage of LKM, the material can delay). Stiring is performed very slowly so that the bubbles do not form.
  3. The first layer is primer. It is performed by diluted varnish, diluted with water or solvent (depending on the type of base). The primer is applied along the structure of wood with a brush. When painting, you can not stop, otherwise a spot forms on the surface, which will have to be emphasized.
  4. After drying the primer, process the door with a small skin to remove the bulging wood fibers.
  5. Applying a layer of varnish. This layer is applied in the cross direction with the previous one.

The door is opened with varnish until a perfectly smooth surface is formed. You will have to apply at least three layers.

How to paint a door from the fiberboard: step -by -step instructions

DVP is very porous material, so before painting it must be primed. This will reduce paint consumption and increase the wear resistance of the coating. As a primer, ordinary olifa is suitable, which must first be heated to a temperature of +40- +50C.


  1. Remove the door from the loops, lay it horizontally, clean from debris, dust. Wipe the surface with a rag moistened in alcohol.
  2. Apply several layers of the primer. Careful impregnation will significantly increase the strength and water resistance of fiberboard. Olifa can be replaced with a primer mixture with fungicides/insecticides. Such compositions are deprived of an unpleasant odor and they are enough to apply them in one layer.
  3. Visible cracks are putting and leave the door until completely dry.
  4. Pull the surface with sandpaper.
  5. For staining, alkyd, oil, acrylic or water -proxy paints are suitable. When choosing a composition, you must take into account the type of fiberboard. For example, waterproof fiberboard will repel paints on a water -soluble basis.





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