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A steam generator for Hamam. Calculation of a steam generator for Hamam. Connecting a steam generator for hammam

In order to pamper themselves after a difficult working day, many owners of country houses are increasingly creating in their ownership hammam, a Turkish bathhouse, which, along with the domestic version, occupies no less leading positions. But it is worth noting that the main element of a foreign type of steam room is a steam -forming device - a steam generator. It can be bought as a ready -made form, and completely made it with your own hands. About how to do this correctly and how to correctly install the device in Hamam, we will talk further in the article.

Table of contents:

  1. What is a steam generator? Varieties of steam generators
  2. Choosing a steam generator for Hamam
  3. How to make a steam generator for a Turkish bath with your own hands. Phased assembly of the device
  4. Installation of a steam generator in Hamam
  5. What can cause a wagonator's malfunctions? Prevention of breakdowns

What is a steam generator? Varieties of steam generators

The steam generator for Hamam is a device whose principle of operation is the formation of steam, by heating water under the influence of combustion of fuel or the influence of electricity. Based on this, this technique is divided into two large categories:

  • fuel;
  • Electric steam generators.

Look more about the varieties in the table.

  Types of steam generators
Fuel Electric
Fuel devices are a device that manifests itself in the process of combustion of fuel (gas, diesel), as a result of which thermal energy is released, which contributed to the heating of water and the release of steam in large quantities. This type of device is characterized by a fairly high efficiency of efficiency (more than 90%). To a number of their advantages, you can add: a wide range of adjusting modes and the ability to function in those places where the use of electricity is not provided. The principle of operation of the devices included in this group also consists in the release of steam by heating the liquid, but here this occurs due to electric current. Such devices cannot function without connecting to electricity. In steam generators for hammam working from the network, water is heated in several ways: due to the heater, direct flowing of current through water, using high -frequency microwave radiation. It is worth noting that if good quality wiring is connected to the electric steam -former, then you can hope for its long -term. As a rule, devices of this category are small in the dimensions, while their power is characterized by impressive indicators.

Hamam, characterized by the release of a soft, safe steam, a distinctive feature of which can be called small -sized, can be called small -sized.

It is a small vapor-forming gas equipment that can be significantly saved on electricity, in addition, most devices operating on liquid fuel are absolutely mobile and can function not only from the central gas pipeline, but also with the help of gas cylinders, the combustion of propane-butane. The steam generators from this row are amenable to adjust the regimes, as well as the pressure of pressure. To do this, they additionally connect pumps with a supplying effect.

A decent position in the modern market is occupied by vapor -forming devices from the Finnish manufacturer Harvia, as they are considered absolutely safe and convenient to use.

Based on the technological features of the models of this brand, the owners of baths, hammams and paired can acquire compact models that can be mounted both in public institutions and in private ones. The method of operation of such structures is quite simple, because they work from the network switch. The steam generator of Harvia for Hamam can be purchased by affordable pricing policy, their cost varies in the region of 75,000 - 250,000 rubles.

Choosing a steam generator for Hamam

When carrying out the purchase of transformative equipment for the Turkish bath, the owner is recommended to pay attention to the technical characteristics that are realized models, namely such parameters as:

  • device power;
  • principle of operation;
  • the presence of an adjusting apparatus;
  • Support for economical work;
  • accessibility of interchangeable details to a particular device;
  • the presence of a certificate of quality, warranty coupons, etc.

The steam generator for hammam can be bought both in online stores and in real representatives, but for this you need to know the full area of \u200b\u200bthe Hamam room in order to calculate the necessary capacity of the equipment. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the mains, which dominates the bathhouse, the power supply must correspond to the power of the steam -former. And yet, if you pay the money for a standing model in which a good adjusting device is provided, which allows, if necessary, to change the level of humidity in the room, the power of the pair, etc.

Do not forget about the information about the manufacturer, ask the reviews of them, find out how difficult it is to find components for interested device, in which areas you can contact the service centers. It should also be noted that before payment, owners are recommended to check the quality certificates for equipment, and the configuration of goods with the data submitted in the package of documents.

Choosing a steam generator for Hamam, which would correspond to a high level, they advise you to take a closer look at the models from such world manufacturers:

  • Eos;
  • TYLO;
  • Helo;
  • Harvia et al.

Devices from these brands comply with generally accepted quality standards and provide complete comfort and comfort in public and private hammams.

For example, devices from the German brand EOS are known for their professional, automatic system for cleaning from scale, which significantly extends the operational period of equipment, which means that its price justifies the quality. Also, models included in the trading series of the manufacturer are distinguished by their perfect design.

The advantages of steam -former from the manufacturer Tylo are a universal connection mode of three phases of the mains, compactness, as well as a fairly convenient and simple interface.

In addition, devices are safe for comfortable, cozy, regular use. Owners of this branded equipment are able to create the most original interiors in the steam room, since Tylo devices are distinguished by their original ornaments.

How to make a steam generator for a Turkish bath with your own hands. Phased assembly of the device

Hamam is often called a gentle version of the Russian bath, since relatively low temperature regimes (about 40 degrees) dominate here, but a huge amount of soft steam is formed, which contributes to the relaxation and healing of the human body. As it turned out, it is customary to receive steam in a Turkish bath due to the operation of a steam generator, which can not only be bought in a store, but build it yourself. So, the home model will consist of the following components:

  • water vessel;
  • Ten;
  • evaporation chambers;
  • adjustment apparatus.

Additional details in the process will be:

  • tubes, on both sides of which there is a thread;
  • nuts that will be used with pipes;
  • a pipe intended for the selection of steam;
  • gaskets;
  • The barrier that is needed to serve steam to the steam room.

From the tools, it is necessary to prepare - a drill, a set of keys, roulette, a welding machine, etc.

You need to start the workflow with the choice of water container. To this end, they use hasterings, gas cylinders, cans, etc. When developing a steam -forming model at home, it is not recommended to strive to get a too powerful device, there will be enough unit, with indicators from 3 to 5 kW. In the prepared tank, holes are drilled and a heating element is attached to it. Depending on the power of the chosen heater, there may be several, the main thing is that in the process of heating they do not interfere with each other.

Additionally, another vessel, which is necessary for the flow of fresh water into the Hamam system, is mounted with a container for heating water. The tubes for the connection are inserted into the holes prepared below the holes under the heater. They are twisted by nuts. In order for the operation of the equipment to be coordinated in the second vessel, special marks are made, by which the minimum permissible and maximum water level is determined.

It is very convenient for this purpose to use a pan from a double boiler, then at the stage of preparing the selection of steam, you will not have to do a large amount of work, but you only need to create a hole in the lid, which will insert a pipe to which a steam selection hose joins.

It is worth noting that the steam generator for Hamam +is not recommended to be placed directly in the steam room, it will be better if it is taken to the next room, since a high level of humidity can lead not only to problems of the device and to the fire.

The main thing is to make a hose that brings steam in hammam, as short as possible so that the steam flows do not have time to cool. It is also important to test home -made equipment before it is completely launched. To do this, first you need to dial a full tank of water, to the maximum mark and leave it overnight. Thus, the owners will determine the presence of leaks.

Installation of a steam generator in Hamam

By purchasing a hammam steam generator, installation instructions are most often attached complete with equipment. It is needed so that the masters are guided by the sequence of actions and be able to get one hundred percent return of the purchased device. So, a number of special requirements regarding the installation of the steam -former include the following points:

  • The system should enter the system, the optimal temperature regime, about 65 degrees;
  • The pressure range should vary around 10 bar;
  • There should be a drainage drain;
  • Access of an electric network of sufficient power.

Based on the model, the steam generator is placed either in a horizontal suspended state, or located on the floor, the main thing is that when all starting pipes are connected, there are no overshoots of the material, which can provoke the formation of condensate. As for the steam -drive pipe, the installation of a steam generator in Hamam requires its high -quality thermal insulation.

What can cause a wagonator's malfunctions? Prevention of breakdowns

Steaming, like any technical equipment can be damaged. Their reasons are most often become:

  • prolonged absence of water in the tank, in the operating mode of the device;
  • The combustion of Ten, due to the instability of the mains or excess scale in the container;
  • low -quality equipment, fake parts of the factory assembly, etc.

Models that are characterized by a fairly high price and are intended for large industry are more advanced and previously equipped with special protection against electricity jumps, and from dry operation.

It is worth noting that steam generators that were mounted independently at home require special care.

For example, in order to save the separation under water from the resulting scale, it is necessary to pour from time to time into the liquid department, which includes vinegar and citric acid. This method is considered quite ancient, but effective. As for the factory designs, if it is necessary to have preventive measures or the breakdowns that have arisen, it is better to contact specialized service centers with them, since it often happens that it is quite difficult to get components on them in the usual market, and not appropriate elements can only harm.

Картинки по запросу Парогенератор для хамама

Thus, we can say that hammam is a relaxation that is available even to people with problems of the cardiovascular system, due to their soft microclimate. And it is precisely the steam generators, both purchased and homemade, allow it to support it. Thanks to such equipment in the Turkish bath, ideal parameters of humidity and soft atmosphere suitable for a healthy rest are supported. Watch more information at the video:





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