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How to dismantle the air conditioner with your own hands. Dismantling of the air conditioner with the preservation of the freon. Dismantling the internal unit of the air conditioner

Services of specialists who serve split systems at home are not cheap, and as you know, to dismantle such devices without damage is much more difficult than simply disconnecting the household device from the network. When moving or simply sending the air conditioner to diagnose it, it must be removed from a permanent place, everyone can do this with minimal skills in working with electrical devices. In order to conduct this procedure, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of practitioners. About the methods of dismantling split systems, the features of eliminating the device without loss of freon, the intricacies of working with the device in winter, more details further.

Table of contents:

  1. DIY air conditioning methods. Features of working with different types
  2. Precautionary measures
  3. How to prepare for the dismantling of a cooler
  4. How to correctly disconnect the air conditioner
  5. Instructions for the elimination of the external air conditioner unit
  6. How to organize work with an internal block correctly
  7. Features of dismantling the split system in the winter period

DIY air conditioning methods. Features of working with different types

The disassembly of climatic devices becomes necessary in different cases, which are associated with the move, the purchase of new devices, planned repair procedures. Calling professionals each time is a fairly expensive pleasure, so based on the briefing of practitioners to remove the air conditioner at home, you can independently, when working with huge structures, you can ask for support from a friend. The basic principle of dismantling with your own hands is the orientation on the variety of the device, on the technological features of which the dismantling directly depends. More about this in the table.

Features of the dismantling of different types of cooler
Channel The workflow for the removal of equipment is particularly difficult due to the dimensions of the system. It is almost impossible to deal with the elimination of the device at home without the help of another master. Also, when working, you will need additional tools for implementing air ducts.
Cassette The reinforced protection of the block is considered characteristic of the devices of this group, which requires liquidation using special electrical devices. It has a huge weight. The process of disconnection consists of eliminating nozzles, refrigerants and extracting from the network.
Split system If the above devices can be removed in idle, the liquid is completely drained from them, then speaking of the split systems such frauds are excluded. Here the refrigerant must be collected in a separate form, starting from that pipe that is thinner, and after serving a thicker part. It is worth noting that for this type of climatic equipment, the presence of copper pipes is most often characteristic, which means that it simply cannot be promoted, it is necessary to use cutting and in this way to extract the system.

How to dismantle the air conditioner with your own hands? The question to which the masters give two answers, revealing a couple of working methods:

  • with the preservation of the freon;
  • without the conservation of Freon.

Having pumped out the liquid from the device for repeated launch, the material costs of refueling will be needed, so if the owners are interested in the further use of the cooler, they should consider the instructions for the first option and try to maintain the performance of the device as much as possible. This procedure is to collect a liquid in the external unit, about the intricacies of which will be discussed a little further. However, it is worth noting that, leaving Freon with whole, the owners carry out all the work in a completely environmentally friendly way, albeit slightly, but without harm to the environment.

Precautionary measures

In order to fully understand how to properly dismantle the air conditioner, each owner should get acquainted with precautions and understand that any deviation from recommendations, instructions and rules for working with climatic technology can lead to a freon or even worse, a capable device will be irrevocably released out of service.

Before making any implementation in the split system, the master needs to understand the elementary design of the cooler. The air conditioner consists of an external and internal block, which are interconnected by characteristic highways, in the amount of two pieces, inside which a refrigerant moves. When moving along a pipe with a small diameter, from the inside to the external, the state of the freon remains liquid, during circulation in the thick area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe, a gaseous mixture runs in the opposite direction.

So, if the owner tries to disassemble the device and disconnect the main routes in the wrong order, he will not be able to keep the Freon integral. Also, problems are related to the violation of the performance of the cooler depend on that:

  • whether moisture fell into the compressor;
  • whether copper pipes are protected from small particles that can lead to the operational breakdown of the device;
  • whether the drives on the thread remained intact, the repair of which is expensive.

There should be special marks on the terminals, focusing on which the master should turn off the wires. By mixing the marks, you can lose the real opportunity to successfully connect the device in a new place. Do not leave a too short drainage tube, as it is responsible for neutralization from the condensate system. Therefore, without calculating its dimensions, the owner immediately leads to the fact that it will need its complete replacement. To a number of situations that, when dismantling the air conditioner, can lead to expensive repair investments, is considered illiterate transportation of the climatic product, the owner should assemble all the fasteners and components in one container in order not to lose and not damage.

How to prepare for the dismantling of a cooler

How to dismantle the air conditioner? Before proceeding directly to the responsible process, an inexperienced master needs to carefully study the material regarding the accompanying fraud. Next, you need to prepare a tool kit, which, as it turned out, is not simple, familiar elements for the home, but also special equipment. Drill, manometer, pliers, various nozzles for the electrode, keys of different markings, all this must be placed on the working area. Do not analyze as they say by eye, because this is fraught with a number of consequences, which were mentioned above.

The main task is still the construction of actions in which the preservation of Freon intact is a priority, or is not fundamental. Often there were situations that without briefing the owners filmed the cooler and did not expect that downloading a new substance forms a large problem that a professional needs to solve at least to begin to diagnose the breakdown of the device, refuel the air conditioner, and in total this is a considerable figure, but it will not be possible to avoid avoiding avoiding specialized assistance. In addition, the type of refrigerant used will affect the cost of service.

How to correctly disconnect the air conditioner

Most owners are interested in the further functioning of the split system, so they are as worried about how to dismantle the air conditioner without loss of freon. In any case, before starting this process, the sequence of disconnecting the device should be clarified. You need to start with the fact that the device is transferred to a special cooling mode. Using a hexagonal key, the owner must turn the smallest crane on the external block, it is he who is responsible for the supply of freon to the device.

This procedure allows you to create a vacuum in the system and release gas from it. After the complete release of the coladon, the second crane is screwed, which differs in larger sizes. Having closed the valves in the working mode of the device, it is allowed to turn it off from the network, however, the presence of gas is previously checked. After disconnect the external and internal blocks, while paying due attention to fixing elements and their integrity. Cranes require additional protection, they are treated with special plugs, in order to avoid clogging during transportation.

Difficulties with disassembling the external unit can occur among residents of high -rise buildings, in this case the presence of the assistant is mandatory. Sometimes the owners have to pay for special equipment services. The outer unit is disconnected after removing the mount, at this moment the air mass can penetrate into the inner compartment, so by disconnecting the device does not recommend holding it in another place for a long time disconnected, the oxidative process may begin.

Instructions for the elimination of the external air conditioner unit

By disassembling the cooler at home, it is worth remembering that introducing a number of features to the external and internal block. Working with the disconnection of the outer part, it is necessary to understand that in the process you will need the maximum confidence that Freon remains intact, so the use of specialized measuring devices and a set of tools is rational. However, it is worth noting that such resources are quite expensive, their price even exceeds the cost of calling a professional professional. It is allowed to start dismantling only to those owners who have free access to the cooler, if the place of residence is determined by the floors of more than the second, then only trained masters should be done by this work. Having free access to the system should be guided by the following recommendations:

  • before disconnecting the fasteners using the marker, you need to mark the terminals, since in the future you will have to reinforce them again;
  • translating Freon, creating a vacuum, screwing the taps must constantly have a pressure gauge with you and control the presence of gas;
  • the cable of the air conditioner is promptly excised from the network after performing all the manipulations related to the preservation of the freon.

The latter is carried out by the extraction of fasteners, after which the cooling product can be transported to the destination.

How to organize work with an internal block correctly

Particular attention is required to work with the internal contents of the air conditioner, since it is in this compartment that such important parts as evaporator, wires and fragile latches on them are located. All frauds in this section should be carried out with particular clarity and caution, so as not to hurt and not damage important elements. It happens that it is difficult to get to the inner block, due to an uncomfortable location on the wall, the cover of the device can open badly. In this case, it is recommended to use a screwdriver, with a characteristic tip, similar to a cross and passatigs.

So you can simplify the task with inconvenient extraction. Here, the presence of the assistant will not be superfluous, since when weakened by screws, the air conditioner must be maintained, until completely removed from the wall.

Features of dismantling the split system in the winter period

The frequently asked question is related to how to dismantle the air conditioner in winter, because due to the prevailing low temperatures during this period, overtaking the liquid, creating a vacuum is not so simple, and the oil in the compressor will become thicker. At home, those owners will be able to cope with this task, whose owners are coolers of modern models with additional capabilities - the compressor heated, are equipped with a unit that is able to slow down the fan rotation, or the owners who have skills in working with similar systems. In addition, this process requires the use of a special refrigerant collection system, which operates on the principle close to the pressure gauge.

As a conclusion, we can say that it is not recommended to proceed with the disassembly of air conditioners at home without preparation if the use of the device is later expected. This is due to the fact that the dismantling process is built on a number of nuances, and in order for it to be crowned with success to organize the presence of special devices. Since they cost a lot, I recommend that owners pay the services of competent masters, which with a guarantee to maintain the cooler in a able -bodied state.





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