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DIY water water supply

It is unlikely that today someone will be satisfied with work or rest in the country, where there is no water. Wash the hands, nor to buy yourself, nor the garden normally water, but about ensuring the maximum comfort of living: a sink in the kitchen, shower and bath in the house, toilet, washing machine and other charms of civilization, and it makes no sense to speak. Therefore, the first thing that every summer resident cares about, autonomous water supply to the cottage. What is the diagram of the water supply system, how to choose the right pump or pumping station, how to mount and connect them, as well as laying the external and internal water supply, just an approximate plan of research and actions, and about this is our article.

  1. The water supply scheme of the summer residence
  2. What source of water supply to choose to choose
  3. Pumps and pumping stations for water supply how to choose
  4. DIY water water supply


The water supply scheme of the summer residence


The water supply of the cottage includes several elements that provide water from the source, deliver it to the room, accumulation and cleaning, heating and delivery to each consumer. Consider the approximate diagram of the water supply system of the cottage:

The water supply scheme of the summer residence

  1. Source of water intake (well, well or pond).
  2. The pipeline leading from the source of water to the household or house. Be sure to be equipped with a crane for reverse water drain from the system, in case of breakdown or departure in the cold season, so that the water in the pipes and devices does not freeze.
  3. Pump or pumping station for water collection from the source.
  4. Carriage filter and check valve in front of the pumping station.
  5. Reinforcement providing the normal operation of the system. This is a ball crane, manometer, pressure relay, etc.
  6. The hydraulic accumulator is a water container with which you can control the system, including and disconnecting the pump. In addition, in the accumulator there is always a supply of water in case of turning off the electricity.
  7. Filters of thin cleaning. Equipment for water treatment and water treatment. A set of filters is selected after studying the chemical composition of water from the source. This can be done in sanitary and epidemiological stations. By the way, filters can be installed to the hydroelectric boom so that only pure water has already in it. Water for watering the garden, washing the car and other technical needs does not need to be cleaned, so you can let the removal pipe, bypassing the equipment of water cleaning.
  8. Water heaters or boilers for hot water.
  9. Wiring water inside the country house. It can be performed in various ways: sequentially or with the help of a collector, when a separate pipe goes to each consumer.

This is just an approximate water supply scheme for a summer residence. It can be supplemented, removed some elements. For example, the accumulator is quite expensive, so many decide not to use it. The sequence of elements in the circuit can also vary slightly depending on the type of pump and the source of the water intake.


What source of water supply to choose to choose

The source of water supply to the cottage

The water supply system in the country always begins with the source. Well, if you purchased a cottage with a ready -made well or well of good quality. If there is no source of water on your site, then first you have to think about how to make it.

Before making a decision, what to build: a well or a well, and what depth, talk with your neighbors. Ask that they, whether they are satisfied with, whether there are enough water and what quality it is. Sometimes it is better not to become excessive, but to take advantage of the experience of others. You can also take a water sample for analysis from the neighbors to verify its quality.

Well - water supply

Well The most ancient artificial source of water supply. If the aquifer with a high-quality water, in a sufficient volume (for a family of 4 people) is in the range of 4-15 m depth, then it makes sense to equip a well. It will cost cheaper than the well, since you will have to pay only for materials, the rest can be done independently. It is also more durable than the well (service life of up to 50 years). And another undeniable advantage that in the absence of electricity, water in it can be scooped up with a regular bucket. There is one drawback of wells: high water can fall into it, reducing the quality of water. But this can be avoided by properly performing the waterproofing of the joints between the rings and the place of input of the pipe into the well.

In some regions, it is customary to beat the wells exclusively. They do this for various reasons: either good water is close (underground river or source), or on the contrary, soil waters are too low (more than 15 m).

Sand well and artesian well

The well for the sand It affects the upper layers of the sand horizon. This is the very first suitable water -bearing underground layer. It is located after a dense loam that filters soil, melt and rainwater. Due to the fact that in different regions this layer is at different depths, then the depth of the well on the sand can be from 10 m to 50 m. The water supply in such a well is 500 liters. The service life is about 5 years, since the filters are clogged with sand and silt. But this is very individual, because depending on the area at a depth of even 15 m you can get to the underground river, and the source is inexhaustible, and the filters are not clogged. The service life can reach 20 years or more. It is best to beat the well for the sand manually, and look for a place with grandfathers. As practice has shown, it is more likely to find an aquifer with quality water. If you use machine drilling, such a layer can simply slip.

Artesian wellit uses water from a limestone layer, which can be located at different depths, from 35 to 1000 or more meters. In limestone rocks, the water is high -quality, its minimum supply of 1,500 liters, and the maximum is practically not limited. Most often, such wells are rarely arranged for personal needs and a maximum of 135 m depth. Firstly, it is necessary to obtain permission for an artesian well and register it, since this aquifer is considered the property of the state. Secondly, its arrangement is much more expensive than a well for sand and lasts from several days to a month. The artesian well excludes the possibility of high -watering and groundwater, and its service life is close to the well, i.e. 50 years. It makes sense to beat the artesian well with other neighbors.

If you decide to equip a well, not a well in the country, be sure to ask for the calculations of its debit. This is necessary in order to choose the right pump or pump station.


Pumps and pumping stations for water supply how to choose


The right choice of pump for summer water supply is one of the most important tasks.

There are pumps submersible and superficial. Submers are still called deep, they can pump water from a depth of 10 to 150 m. They are placed in deep wells or wells. Superficial pumps are installed in the house or householding, they pump from a depth of up to 9 m.

To arrange water supply in the country, it makes sense to purchase a pumping station, which already includes a pump, a hydraulic accumulator, a pressure relay and a supplying hose. Often such a station can be purchased everywhere.

Pumping station with built -in ejector

The most common is a pumping station with a centrifugal self -consuming pump with a built -in ejector. Such a pump can absorb water from a depth of up to 9 m and supply it up up to 40 m. Run the pump into the operation is very simple: we open the lid of the filler hole, pour water into it so that it pours over the edge, close and turn on the pump. First, he will pump air, and then supplies water into the system. The advantage of such a station is the low sensitivity to the air in the system, it is enough to open the crane/valve on the pump to steal it. Such an unit for water is suitable from a well or a well of a small depth. It can be installed in a pit or caisson directly above the water source and supplied with water up to 40 m, or it can be installed in the house if the well or well is very close.

Pumping station with external ejector

Pumping stations with a centrifugal self -consuming pump with an external ejector Used to pump water from deep wells or wells (up to 45m), or located far from the house. The stations themselves are installed in the house or householding, two pipes are carried out from it, at the end of which the ejector is attached, and lowered into the source of water. One pipe is supplied to the ejector to create absorption, and the second is supplied to the house. The disadvantage of such a station is the sensitivity to the air in the system. And the advantage is that the station can be placed inside the house, and the ejector in the water intake source at a distance of 20 40 m from the house.

Installation of a pump with an external ejector

When choosing a pump, pay attention to an extremely important characteristic suction height. Some indicate a height of 8 m, and on others 20 45 m. Consider that the suction height of a pump of 8 m does not mean that it cannot be used for a well with a depth of 15 m. The fact is that even in a deep well is much higher, on A depth of 2 6 m. This is due to the fact that the depth of groundwater is higher than the depth of the well, and according to the rule of the communicating vessels, the water in the well rises up.

Before making water supply at the cottage and buy a pumping station, calculate the performance of your water source, check the level of the mirror, the pressure in the system and the volume of water consumption. For uninterrupted support for the house with water the performance of the pumping stationit should be lower than the performance of the water source (well or well), but more possible consumption/water consumption. To make water consumption, you can use the data from the table by simply pricing water consumption in several consumers that can work at the same time. Next, it is necessary to calculate the pressure loss depending on the length and diameter of the pipeline.

Water consumption for plumbing

Important! You can find out the performance of a well or well experimentally by pumping out from it with a motorcycle and ordinary surface pump and measuring its quantity. The mirror of water can be recognized by lowering the nut into the water source on the rope, and then measuring the length.

After receiving the necessary data, you can proceed to the selection of a pumping station, all parameters will be indicated in the passport. Pay attention to the presence of a check valve and input filter.


DIY water water supply


The arrangement of water supply with your own hands is not such a difficult task as it might seem. Let us accept that we already have a source of water supply, or got from the previous owners, or you yourself dug a well or drilled a well. It remains only to perform all the installation of the pump, pipeline and other equipment.


Installation of the external water supply in the country

Outer water supply in the country and well

For the well. First of all, it is necessary to dig a trench from the foundation of the house to the well, preferably without bends. Since in winter the pipeline can freeze, it must be placed at a depth of 1.5 2 m (the depth of freezing of the soil in the Russian Federation). You can lay the pipe above, but then it should be carefully insulated, for example, wrapped in an electric heating cable.

Laying water supply from the well

In the second ring of the well, we make a hole for the pipe. By the way, you can use plastic pipes, PVC, polyethylene, polypropylene, steel and others. It is advisable to choose those that do not crack from frost. We connect the pipes with a diameter of 32 mm among themselves. At the bottom of the trench, pour a layer of sand 15 cm.

Drilling crane of water supply in the country

Important! Installation of water supply in the country implies that it is necessary to bias the pipeline towards the water source. If in winter the cottages do not use, then all the water from the system must be drained. To do this, at the bend of the pipes in the well, the drain valve should be installed.

Turn the pipe section into the hole in the ring, bend the pipe and lower it down to the surface of the water. Inside the pipe we insert a mesh filter. We have a pipe at an altitude of 30 40 cm from the bottom of the well. To fix the pipe, pump out all the water from the well by the pump, drive the pin into the bottom and fasten the pipe to it.

Then it is necessary to carefully waterproof the hole in the ring so that the supreme water does not fall through it. We fill up the pipes into a trench of 15 cm with a layer of sand, then with soil, and around the well at a distance of 1.5 m a 40 cm deep, we perform a clay lock.

For wells. All work on digging trench and laying pipes are no different. That's just over the well itself it is necessary to equip either a pit or a caisson so that the pipes and a pump do not freeze, if it is supposed to be installed directly above the well.

Dachi water supply using a well

Consider the installation of Kesson. We dig a well pipe 2.5 m depth and 2 times a width of the diameter of the caisson. We compact the bottom of the chip and pour concrete with a layer of 20 cm, it will keep the severity of the caisson. Install the caisson in the pit. Cut the well pipe at an altitude of 50 cm above the bottom of the caisson. At the same depth, we perform a hole in the caisson for laying the pipeline. Next, you need to connect the pump station.

Pour the caisson from the outside with a concrete with a layer of 30 40 cm, then fill it with sand and cement mixed, and the remaining 50 cm with soil.


Connection of the pumping station to the well


If the pump is remote, then it can be installed directly in the caisson. If the water is close, the well, too, then you can install the pumping station in the house, and in the cesson or pit to get only the supply pipe and connect it in the well pipe. Here you should also provide a tap for draining the system down.

As an example in the caisson, install the pump, connect it to the well pipe, we connect the pipe leading to the house to the pump itself. But the rest of the equipment: a hydraulic accumulator, control relay, filters are installed in a house or outbuilding.


Connection of the pumping station to the well


For wells located close to the house and with a high level of water, you can use a pumping station with a suction height of up to 9 m. It can be installed in the house itself, in the household or in the well itself. But for deep or distant wells, you can use a pump with a remote ejector, then the station itself can be installed in the house, and the ejector is lowered into the well.

The room where the pumping station for the well will be insulated or heated, the temperature should be at least +2 C.

Connection of the pumping station

Before entering the pump, set a water drain, a rough cleaning filter and a check valve. Then there is a pump, after it a thin cleaning filter with cutting taps on both sides. This is necessary to replace the cartridge in the filter. Then the hydraulic accumulator, and after it you can install the water treatment system and water treatment.


Installation of the internal water supply in the country


After all the elements of the pumping station, water cleaning, etc. 32 mm pipe we lead to a cold water collector. In the collector, we install ball valves and connect 25 mm pipes leading to consumers or consumer groups (as the internal water supply scheme suggests).

For internal wiring, you can use steel pipes, metal -plastic, polypropylene and corrugated stainless. The latter are the most expensive, but also extremely simple in installation. The optimal in price and quality will be a water supply of polypropylene pipes. They are connected with each other and with fittings using an electric gun that is very easy to work, and it can be rented.

Installation of the internal water supply in the country

Important! The complexity of the installation of the water supply in the country is that in the winter, when the room does not heat, it is necessary to drain the water from the system. To do this, the entire pipeline must be mounted with a slope.

Hot water supply in the country can be provided using a boiler or boiler. If the main gas is summed up, it makes sense to install a gas water heater. If not, then you can use an electric boiler. By the way, for the uninterrupted supply of hot water to the proper volume, provided that the gas boiler is used, it is also necessary to purchase an indirect heating boiler. For a family of 4 people, the volume of the boiler should be from 100 to 200 liters.

Water heater for a summer residence

On the back of the cold water collector, we take the pipe to the water heater. We connect here. We lead a pipe with hot water out of the water heater, where we also install ball valves and a water drain tap.

In this article, we examined the variant of a stationary water supply in the country, which can be used both in summer and in winter. It is only if the house does not heat up in winter, and its heating is turned on only when someone arrives, for example, once a week, then before the onset of frosts and before each departure in winter it is necessary to drain water not only from the system, but also from each consumer. Even from the toilet tank, washing machine, etc. For a summer water supply, such difficulties are not needed. It can be made of garden hoses, interconnected and laid out on the surface of the Earth. After the end of the season, water merges from the hoses, they are twisted and cleaned in the householding until the next season.





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