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Interior trim of the balcony with drywall. Installation instructions for drywall on the balcony with your own hands

When planning to engage in the lining of the balcony, many people are inclined to use drywall for this. This material allows you to construct both parts of the functional plan and decor elements. The use of drywall material for lining the balcony will correspond to three tasks, most often put forward to the material for internal work: high strength, reliability, accessibility of installation. In order for the final result of the lining of the balcony to be pleased, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for using drywall, step -by -step instructions.

Table of contents:

  1. Advantages of drywall on the balcony
  2. Types of drywall for lining options
  3. Interior trim of the balcony with moisture -resistant drywall
  4. Instructions for the installation of drywall material
  5. Installation of drywall on the balcony
  6. Tools for installing drywall on the balcony

Advantages of drywall on the balcony

In order for the balcony to be able to perform additional functions and ceases to be only a pantry for unnecessary things, it is necessary to produce the interior decoration of the balcony. This will turn the balcony into a small cozy room for relaxation, breeding flowers and even a gym. Increasingly, masters are used to decorate walls indoors with drywall. This is due to the large number of advantages inherent in the material:

  • Drywall is rightfully considered an environmentally friendly material that is completely safe for humans, does not have a negative effect on human health and nature as a whole.
  • Due to the high soundproofing characteristics, you can use not only for lining the balcony, but also for use as interior partitions.
  • Easy to work with material drywall is easily cut, which allows you to form objects of any size and shape from it.
  • Light weight sheet of drywall can align large surfaces, due to the low weight, installation is easily and effortlessly.
  • The ability to lay pipes, electrical wiring, pipes or air conditioning.
  • The ability to align the walls with the help of material can even be aligned with very uneven walls, you do not need to mess with the solution, wait for drying, tie work to the warm season.
  • The ability to produce any surface decoration after plasterboard lining can be used on top of any material. On top, you can not only apply paint on the sheets, paste it with wallpaper or plastered. It is possible to finish with a decorative stone, gluing tiles and using everything that fantasy will tell.
  • Fire safety material does not ignite when contacting fire, does not become a source of smoldering and isolation of poisonous vapors.
  • Air permeability is a feature of the material is the ability to pass air movement, which allows you not to stagnate air and not create an unpleasant odor.

But despite the advantages that make the use of drywall justified, there are also a number of disadvantages when using the material:

  • The material is very fragile, this requires careful transportation and mounting.
  • High moisture absorption, some varieties of drywall need drying before use, which consists in the fact that the material should stand before use for several days, but there is absolutely moisture -resistant drywall. Also, when in contact with water, the material deteriorate. When decorating with such sheets, do not forget about waterproofing.
  • With constantly high humidity, the likelihood of mold or fungus appears to avoid this to avoid the walls with a special antiseptic.
  • Due to the features of mounting drywall, in which it is necessary to use the frame, putty material, the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room is reduced.

Types of drywall for lining options

There are three varieties of drywall:

  • Normal drywall of white material for use in typical residential buildings.
  • Fireplane drywall material is pink or light red, intended for installation in living rooms with high fire safety requirements. Used in rooms with a source of fire, public organizations, offices.
  • Moisture -resistant drywall material of green or blue. Recommended for use in rooms with high humidity.

Interior trim of the balcony with moisture -resistant drywall

The usual drywall consists of three layers. In the middle of the sheet there is a gypsum layer, and on both sides of it a very dense cardboard. Hence the name of the material. GIPS is a special material that is easily crumble, so cardboard reliably protects the inner layer from damage and destruction. Previously, the material had very low moisture resistance, but with the development of technology, they came up with a protective layer that reliably protects the sheet from the aggressive effect of moisture in the room. The material can be wiped with a dry sponge, wet cleaning is also acceptable. You can distinguish moisture -resistant material from the usual one by color palette and special marking. The material with a protective moisture -resistant composition has a greenish color, while ordinary drywall is grayish white.

As a result, the ability to resist moisture is more than ninety percent compared to classic drywall. The thickness of the sheets ranges from six to twenty -four millimeters, and the width of the sheets reaches from sixty centimeters two meters up to a meter by four meters.

Even in the presence of a protective layer, over time, when contacting water, the material will be destroyed, so it is recommended to paint the sheets with paint or close with plastic.

For finishing the balcony, it is recommended to use moisture -resistant drywall. A balcony, a place with high humidity, so standard drywall sheets are not suitable. And sheets of moisture -resistant material are saturated with a composition that prevents mold and fungus. The remaining characteristics of moisture -resistant drywall are the same as that of the usual one. The only difference is greater weight.

Instructions for the installation of drywall material

In order to independently make a balcony in the absence of experience, it is necessary to study theoretical rules and the order of work. It should be noted that the procedure for fastening drywall consists of three consecutive actions:

  • mounting of the crate;
  • laying of insulation and vapor barrier;
  • installation of drywall sheets;
  • finish.

Before starting work, old coating elements are removed, the surface is cleaned of pollution. If there are cracks, then it is necessary to apply the mounting foam. The surface of the balcony is treated with an antiseptic against the development of fungus, mold, insects.

The start of work on the lining of plasterboard sheets begins with mounting metal profiles. The whole structure will be attached to them.

The instructions for lining with drywall of the balcony look like this:

  • pre -cut the sheets according to the necessary dimensions, immediately prepare a niche for lamps, connectors;
  • the sheet is installed from the corner and go to the center, the screws are screwed through twenty centimeters, deeply shed in drywall sheets, while trying not to damage the fragile material;
  • at the end of the work, the material is covered with a primer, the seams between the sheets are putty;
  • if desired, the surface of the sheets can be covered with a layer of paint, stick the wallpaper, experts advise specially to do this, additional insulation will help extend the service life of surfaces from drywall sheets.

But it is better to dwell on each of the stages.

Installation of drywall on the balcony

Before starting work, preparations for the process of casing are carried out. The place on the balcony is completely freed from objects, furniture. Carry out the sheathing sheets before the balcony is glazed, inappropriate. First, double -glazed windows are installed and only after that proceed to the installation of drywall. When all the old sheathing or decoration is removed, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier from foil, film or special membranes.

Before installing the frame, the issue of insulation should be solved. The balcony is a place that requires complete insulation: floor, walls, ceiling. If you insulate part of the balcony, there will be no special effect. Do not save, it is better to insulate comprehensively. To do this, use a special material with the ability of thermal insulation. The main requirement for the material will be low vapor permeability. An ideal solution will be the use of polystyrene foam. The thickness of the material should be from fifty centimeters. But you can use any other insulation, they must meet the following requirements:

  • be resistant to mold, fungus;
  • be moisture resistant;
  • should not require additional processing;
  • should be easy to carry out installation;
  • have a little weight.

Minvat and glass wool also meet these requirements.

The finish of the balcony with plasterboard sheets has a number of stages. It is necessary to follow the recommendations, this will help to carry out the skin correctly and quickly:

  • the installation of the frame around the perimeter of the walls begins so that everything goes correctly on the floor, the guide profile is laid;
  • the maximum load will fall on the frame around the perimeter, because of this, the mount is often made every ten centimeters;
  • after the rating profiles are inserted along the profile floor, frequent fastening is also performed here;
  • after installing the frame, they proceed to the installation of profile sheets.

mounting drywall sheets is a quick and pleasant stage. It is only necessary to remember that the material is fragile and when twisting with a screwdriver you should not use maximum strength. It should also be borne in mind that the back side is applied to the frame, the one that is covered with a protective layer. There should be no wide cracks between the sheets, but if it is impossible to achieve such an effect, they are closed with putty.

After the sheets are fixed, the points of joining the screws must be thoroughly subsided. After these works, surfaces are primed. Playing drywall on the balcony is recommended to extend the life of the material. Among the existing options for paints, it is recommended to use water -based. In construction markets, only white paint is offered, but there are a lot of kings to give it the desired color. Everyone chooses an option, starting from their color preferences. If you choose paint, then consider this feature: matte paint will help to hide the defects of the surface, and glossy will emphasize irregularities. To apply paint to the surface of the sheets, it is best to use a roller. Experienced craftsmen advise the first layer to apply horizontally, as follows with vertical strokes. You can not wait for the layers before applying the next.

Tools for installing drywall on the balcony

The use of drywall for decoration of the balcony is becoming an increasingly popular option. The inexpensive cost of the material and the ease of installation makes this method widely applicable. For work, you will need to prepare such a tool:

  • construction level, plumb line;
  • roulette;
  • marker;
  • insulation;
  • hydraulic and vapor barrier;
  • lobby, hacksaw;
  • profiles;
  • kryzuvka for metal;
  • a hammer;
  • punch;
  • screwdriver;
  • drywall;
  • mounting foam;
  • putty.

The plasterboard walls on the balcony will be very practical. There will be even surfaces in the room, with proper hydrolyo and thermal insulation work, the temperature regime will make a cozy place for relaxation or work from the balcony.

If you still have questions about the interior decoration of loggias and balconies, about installing drywall on the balcony, watch the video. It tells in detail what stages of work, their sequence, special attention is paid to the requirements for the material and the algorithm for consistent actions to skin the balcony. At the end of the work, you will get a great result: a cozy balcony with an original design made by your own hands.





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