For the arrangement of houses in areas with slopes or in places with problem soil ...
For the arrangement of houses in areas with slopes or in places with problem soil ... |
Protection of any structure from moisture penetration The most important event ... |
The roof is not just the protection of the building from the weather, but also the logical ... |
The veranda is always a practical and comfortable addition to private apartments. Properly equipped, it decorates the common architectural ensemble and protects the entrance to the house from atmospheric whims. Similar buildings are usually unheated. A closed veranda is a solid structure on a lightly light foundation with a glazed facade. An open veranda does not need sealing; All that is required is to give the selected material for lining the frame a complete neat look. The choice of the type of this room is entirely in the power of your taste, needs and capabilities. The only thing to remember: in the end, it is exactly what you can dream of only one way - by erecting the structure with your own hands.
A qualitatively built wooden or brick veranda will surely become your favorite place for evening summer tea parties and friendly gatherings; For peaceful leisure in an embrace with your favorite book ...
About how to build a veranda with your own hands and finally embody the dream of a cozy corner into reality - read on.
The construction of the veranda will allow you to quickly and inexpensively expand the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house.
It is best to build an extension in the end (facade) wall of the building. Recommended design dimensions 4-6x2.5 m.
The winter veranda, equipped with a hall of the hallway, with a correctly glazed facade part will significantly improve the heat and sound insulation properties of the monastery.
If all the stages of construction work - from A to me - you plan to carry out yourself, then the optimal solution will be the construction of a veranda using frame technology. The frame veranda does not require large labor and material investments in the arrangement of the foundation and the presence of the performer of virtuoso skills of the carpenter.
At the stage of compiling the necessary drawings (layout), it is necessary to take into account the features of some factory products, in particular window frames. After all, their size and quantity solve a lot. Be vigilant - otherwise the glazing of the veranda will subsequently become a real stumbling block.
The rational choice of a practical and thoughtful homeowner is, of course, a wooden veranda: the price of the materials necessary for the construction of materials does not bite and externally this design looks quite solid.
First of all, the plot allotted under the veranda must be leveled by removing the upper (about fifteen centimeter) layer from the soil. Then they begin to break up: marking vertical and horizontal boundaries of the future building.
Turn all sizes with an accuracy of a centimeter!
In the right places, pegs are stuffed along the axes, make a clip, pull the cords.
Now it is necessary to decide which foundation to make under the veranda. It is very difficult to unambiguously answer this question - after all, it all depends on how serious and significant the future building is seen by the owner. If a full -fledged room, then it is advisable to build the foundation the same as at the house and lay it to the corresponding depth. For easy construction, the best option will be the simplest column foundation.
In some cases, the foundation can be built from concrete blocks; To fasten them, use the cement of the M300 brand.
It is worth knowing! Between professional builders, hot discussions are often held on whether it is worth attributing to the veranda to the house and how it threatens. As you know, these designs have different weights and are in unequal operational conditions - accordingly, they give an unequal shrinkage. If the soils are very fluffy, the veranda attached to the house can tear. The result of such an incident is unpleasant - the impaired integrity of the walls, a distorted, mutilated structure. In order not to risk everything better to make a separate - the foundation, the walls, and the roof.
Let us consider in detail the technology of arranging a column foundation for the veranda:
Pillars should be laid under each of the corner racks of the frame.
The next stage of work is the construction of the frame.
For racks and bindings (upper and lower), it is recommended to use the bars with a cross section of 100x100 (80x80) mm or logs with a diameter of about 120 mm.
They begin to build a frame from the crowns of the lower strapping. The bars of bars are carried out by the half -term (direct castle).
The lower strapping is preferably double.
At the level of the second logs, lags and vertical racks on spikes (50x50) crash into the strapping. Fasten the structure with nails, brackets are mounted for additional reliability.
The optimal distance between the supporting racks is fifty centimeters, although in practice this figure is often much larger. Upper strapping and rafters are installed on racks; They are also attached with nails and metal brackets.
When the wooden frame is already completely ready, you can proceed to its upholstery. It is better to make the boards horizontal: the lining - close, non -core boards - overlap. You can also use any sheet materials, for example, slate sheets.
From the inside, the design can and should be thermal insulation - for these purposes, both rolled and slab materials are suitable. True, before insulation of the veranda, we recommend that you still consult with specialists; Perhaps in your situation, not all funds will be equally good. The insides of the construction of chipboard or drywall sheets are sheathed.
A qualitatively equipped warm veranda, unlike summer (open), can easily be turned into a significant room - for example, into an office.
The decoration of the veranda is a real field for creativity, so take this stage responsibly and wisely.
The roof is better to make a single -sided. The roof frame with one part should be based on the facade of the house, and the other is attached to the frame of the walls.
Roofing material can be used any of your choice - metal tile, soft tiles, pr. The perfect option would be its complete identity that already decorates the roof of the house (including the color scheme).
To form the final floor of the veranda, boards 30-35 mm thick and 75 to 125 mm wide are the best suited. Their front part should be perfectly smooth, without roughness. Between the lags, on which the coating will be attached, thermal insulation material should be laid.
Before laying, wooden material should be processed with special protective equipment!
All of the above instructions and recommendations will allow you to build a computer and reliable classic wooden veranda.
Fans of innovative decisions and development in the field of construction and repair will probably be interested in the possibility of building a veranda from polycarbonate.
Polycarbonate is a unique structural material that easily replaces any elements of the roof and walls and allows you to create unique arched structures.