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Pillow device for strip foundation

In order for the strip foundation to serve as a reliable support to the house as long as possible, you should strictly adhere to all technologies of its manufacture. The arrangement of the pillow under the foundation helps to increase the amortization qualities of the foundation and reduce the level of exposure to moisture on it. We will consider how to make a pillow for a strip foundation with your own hands.

Table of contents:

  1. Advantages of making a tape foundation for the home
  2. Pillow device technology for strip foundation

Advantages of making a tape foundation for the home

The strip foundation is most often used in suburban housing construction. In addition, it is also popular in the construction of cottages, outbuildings or cottages. This base can withstand any house, as wooden or frame, so brick or stone. It is because of the high fortress and reliability of the foundation that it is an excellent base for massive walls. In addition, this foundation also allows you to mount the basement.

The strip foundation is a reinforced concrete form that is laid along the perimeter of the building and in areas of the load -bearing walls and partitions. Thus, it is possible to exclude distortions or deformation of the house. Since, a correctly equipped foundation allows you to evenly distribute the load from the entire weight of the building.

The mandatory stage in the arrangement of the strip foundation is the laying of a sand-gravel pillow. It will provide his reliable protection against moisture, and in particular groundwater.

The choice of a strip foundation is primarily associated with the presence of a huge amount of earthwork, which are performed either manually or with the involvement of special equipment. In addition, to equip such a foundation, it will take a lot of physical effort and time, especially to harden it.

In relation to the technology of manufacturing a strip foundation, it can be three types:

  • prefabricated;
  • monolithic;
  • combined.

The first option is based on the installation of concrete blocks into the inside of the trench and their connection to each other using a solution based on sand and cement.

A monolithic option, although it requires more time and effort to build it, is characterized by higher strength and quality of the combined elements. The monolithic of the design is ensured by pouring the previously installed reinforcement of the foundation with a concrete solution.

The combined version of the strip foundation is based on the combination of the two previous options. The pile field is assembled along the upper part of the foundation, and its lower part is poured with concrete solution. Next, reinforced concrete blocks are installed.

Among the advantages of the strip foundation, we note:

  • The cost of construction work, in comparison with the quality of the foundation, is affordable;
  • A long service life - the strip foundation is able to serve its owners for more than a hundred years, the main rule is to observe the technology of its construction, in addition, this type of foundation can easily be restored and even partially or completely replaced;
  • Simplicity of work - if desired, all work can be done manually, although it will take a lot of time, it will be possible to save significantly;
  • The ability to withstand impressive loads is another significant advantage of the strip foundation, such a foundation is suitable for a house made of any materials;
  • The possibility of arranging the basement under the house allows you to equip an additional place for storing things or for relaxation.

Among the shortcomings of the strip foundation, we highlight:

  • the complexity of the work, the need for a large amount of time to solidify concrete;
  • the need to conduct accurate calculations of the depth of the foundation, the thickness of the pillows, etc.;
  • The occurrence of problems with the foundation in case of non -compliance with the technology of its construction.

The strip foundation needs to conduct very accurate calculations before its construction. Its depth and width should be clearly compared with the weight of the building and the type of soil on which it is erected.

The minimum value of the heel of the foundation is 0.3x0.8 m. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the quality and features of the dressing of two belts. In the presence of too weak reinforcing belt, there is a risk of dividing the foundation into several parts.

If the soil on the ground on which the foundation is built is solid, then the trench expands only for the installation of formwork. For soft soil, you should leave a small place with a thickness of about 12 cm, for filling it with sand. Using this pillow, it is possible to compensate for the progress of soil with seasonal changes in the area.

Pillow device technology for strip foundation

Before you understand the technology of making a pillow for a strip foundation, we suggest studying its functions. Sand pillow is capable of:

  • take moisture from the base of the foundation, thereby prolonging the duration of its operation, since moisture is capable of getting into the foundation through microcracks and destroy it;
  • evenly distribute the load from the building and transfer it to the soil, the sand pillow is the so -called intermediate layer, which opposes the compression of the soil under pressure from the weight of the building;
  • align the grounds to perform the subsequent filling of the foundation with a concrete solution;
  • With the help of sand, a complete replacement of the soil under the house is performed, if necessary, thus, it is possible to avoid swelling of the soil as a result of the temperature difference in the winter season.

Tip: If the soil in this area is characterized by a high level of moisture and if the level of groundwater is at a high level, then before arranging a pillow made of sand, the bottom of the trench, it is covered with waterproofing, for example, materials based on geotextiles. With it, it will be possible to prevent the erosion of the sand layer.

The construction of the strip foundation begins with the determination of its size, namely:

  • The load from the building and the level of freezing of the soil in a certain climatic region determine the depth of the foundation;
  • The material from which the walls of the house and their thickness will be made are key, when determining the width of the trench.

Please note that in any case, the width of the foundation is always greater than the thickness of the walls by at least 10 cm. In this case, it remains to determine which version of the strip foundation will be used:

  • melzagolized;
  • buried.

The option of manufacturing a tape foundation of the trapezium form is possible. In this case, the lower part of the foundation is slightly wider than the upper. The supporting characteristics of the base are preserved, and the amount of concrete necessary for filling is reduced.

In order to equip a sand pillow in a strip foundation, you will need the presence:

  • large sand, preferably river;
  • gravel, the fraction of which is determined individually;
  • pebbles;
  • concrete or reinforced concrete.

Instructions for the performance of work related to the manufacture of a sand pillow for the strip foundation:

1. Dig a pit or a trench previously defined in the size project.

2. Equip its bottom as even as possible, the work is most handful manually.

3. Pour the bottom of the boiler with a layer of sand no more than twenty centimeters. Gradually moisturize the sand, compacting it with special mechanisms.

4. The quality of the compact is checked as follows: if there are no traces of shoes left on the surface, then the tamping is considered completed.

5. The thickness of the sand pillow layer is determined at the design stage. The presence of distortions or irregularities on the sand pillow is unacceptable, since they will contribute to the drainage of water in one or the other.

The choice of sand for arranging a pillow for a strip foundation should be treated with special seriousness. The material should not be too small or dusty. In addition, the content of a large number of clay impurities in it is not welcome.

If there is weak soil on the construction site, we recommend that you strengthen the surface with a sand-gravel composition, which is forty percent of sand, and sixty of gravel.

If the walls of the house are made of light materials, then too strong tamping of the pillow is not required. Otherwise, it is better to use a special machine. At the same time, tamping is carried out in several layers, gradually, watering each layer with water. A pillow of sand combined with gravel is less shrinkable than sandy.

Clay soil is not suitable for building a pillow for a strip foundation, as it will make the soil in the winter too chubby, which will lead to greater destruction of the foundation.

The sand pillow for the strip foundation is laid on the bottom of the trench, 100-200 mm thick. This is followed by a tamping and moisture of this layer. The following funds are used to perform compacts:

  • A skating rink or an area vibrator is appropriate if a significant area of \u200b\u200bwork is foreseen, and the foundation width is more than 60 cm;
  • Homemade units will help to tamp the sand in private housing construction.

Sand is watered with water only if the soil under the foundation does not differ in special humidity. On weak soil, it is preferable to abandon the water, while the sand that is laid in the trench should be previously moistened.

In addition, preliminary hydration of sand before laying it will help to wash the clay that is contained in it. The maximum value of the height of the sand pillow for the construction of the strip foundation is about 65 cm. This value changes in one direction or another in the relationship with the state of the soil in this region. The optimal value of the sand pillow is twenty centimeters. According to some experts, the height of the sand pillow is equalized by the value of the width of the foundation, multiplied by three.

In addition, consider the fact that in width, the pillow should be 12-15 cm more than the very base of the foundation on both sides.

In some cases, a pillow for a strip foundation is made of concrete. This option is selected if the soil of the area does not allow you to install a pillow from the sand. In addition, the reinforcing cage is more convenient to install precisely on a concrete base.

Among the advantages of a concrete pillow, we note:

  • the ability to install the strengthening frame on a stiffer surface with a more maximum strength;
  • In winter, on a concrete base it is much easier to install formwork and fill the foundation.

After the geodetic marking of the territory is completed, the sand pillows are installed, the thickness of which does not exceed 14 cm, and the width is 35 cm larger than the width of the foundation itself. Next, the surface is prepared by the concrete method. For these purposes, low -quality concrete is also used, which is also called skinny. It is possible to use the composition based on sand with cement.

Next, installation is carried out on the finished base of finished blocks from reinforced concrete, so it turns out the finished base for the foundation.

Keep in mind that the height of both sand and concrete pillows should be such that the foundation does not violate the horizontal integrity of the previously dug trench. Digging the trench, consider exactly the centimeters, the size of the pillow of sand or concrete.

The manufacture of concrete pillows to strengthen the foundation also allows you to reduce the costs of high -quality concrete, with which the reinforcement is poured.

In the presence of a basement or basement in the house, a sand pillow should be installed throughout its area. Since the soil is capable of destroying not only the foundation, then the base of the basement.

Tip: the higher the thickness of the sand pillow for the foundation, the lower the level of heaving, will overtake the soil in the winter season and spring. In addition, the sand pillow under the basement will provide reliable protection of his floor from moisture and destruction.

We should not forget that in addition to arranging a sand pillow, the foundation needs mandatory waterproofing. For this, its surface is glued with roller bitumen materials and bitumen mastic. If on the strip foundation it is planned to build a frame house, then first install the embedded elements in it, with which the foundation will be connected to the building.

There are situations where the arrangement of a sand pillow is not performed. If dense soil is under the house, such as clay, loam. In this case, moisture will accumulate in the sand, falling through it into the foundation. In this case, the arrangement of the drainage system will be required, which will remove moisture from under the base of the foundation. For these purposes, gravel is used.

The construction of the sand pillow should be accompanied by additional waterproofing, otherwise, the pillow is not able to protect the foundation from the destructive effect of moisture.

Pillow for the strip foundation of the video:





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