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There are a large number of foundations. The choice of one or another option depends primarily on the characteristics of the soil and the size of the building under which it is built. The strip foundation on stilts combines the advantages of two foundations: strip and pile. We will consider further about the features of its structure.
This type of foundation is relevant when the soil has increased humidity. If after rain falls, the water continues to be held in the upper part of the soil, for several days, then to arrange the building, an exclusively pile-lental type of foundation is used. The use of the tape in the connection with the piles allows you to evenly distribute the load from the building. Piles, in turn, are the so -called anchors that stabilize the building, in the process of excessive soil moisture.
The pile-lental foundation involves a combination of two options for the foundation: pile and strip. The pile foundation is equipped in the process of installing screw piles in specially prepared recesses. And in order to give the structure a greater stiffness, it is strengthened by the arrangement of fine -sized strip foundation.
Connection of two technologies allows you to achieve such advantages:
However, the construction of this type of foundation involves detailed calculated operations to determine the depth of the pile, laying the strip foundation, the number and place of the installation of piles, etc. In addition, on this version of the foundation too large piles are not recommended. This option of the foundation does not involve the arrangement of the basement under it.
The main difference between the pile-lental foundation, and the usual strip foundation, is that the building rests only on the sand pillow, but also on the piles, thereby reducing the overall load on the soil and preventing its uneven subsidence. The piles, thereby, transmit the load of harder soil, which is deeper than the strip foundation is laid. Type, size and cross -section of piles, selected individually, and depends on the geological features of the area.
The difference between pile and tape foundation on stilts is that the tape, the so -called grillage, allows you to build a brick house or a building made of stone and blocks on stilts. At the same time, the load from it will be distributed evenly. The tape, which is equipped on this type of foundation is installed in a finely packed, buried or unsuccessful position.
The most common option is a finely trimmed tape, the depth of the tape is from twenty to forty centimeters. At the same time, piles use brownish, with a round section and additional reinforcement. The tape, in this case, is based on a pillow made of sand and gravel, the height of which is about twenty centimeters.
Keep in mind that this option for the foundation is used if the soil on the site is characterized by high or weak heaving. The tape is located on weight, that is, higher than the zero mark, if the soil is special fluffy.
Before starting the manufacture of the foundation of the pile-lanter type, a number of operations should be carried out aimed at determining the width of the tape, the diameter of the piles and the depth of their laying. In addition, the number of piles should be calculated, which will evenly distribute the load.
It is preferable if this work is carried out by specialists who previously engaged in detailed calculations. Since the duration of operation of the entire building directly depends on the correct calculation of these characteristics and it is not recommended to save at this stage.
In the process of calculating the strip foundation on stilts, the load that will be assigned to it should be taken into account. In addition, the soil examination should be carried out for the content of moisture, clay and other interspersed in it.
When conducting calculations, such characteristics as:
This foundation version is based on the use of brownish piles, the bearing capacity of which is more than 1.5 tons. Therefore, for the average in size of the building, 40-50 such piles are enough. The installation of such a foundation is made quite quickly and does not require special costs for its implementation.
The laying of the piles is carried out so that their lower part is located lower than the level of freezing of the soil. In order to provide additional protection for piles from moisture and freezing, they are covered with roofing material. Ruberoid is also able to reduce soil pressure on piles in severe frost.
The foundation on brownizer piles is most often equipped with two technologies:
The second option is relevant for the soil with very high heaving. The first option involves deepening a monolithic grillage for twenty centimeters to the ground.
The device of the strip foundation on stilts involves the following stages of work:
1. Completion of calculations for the foundation.
We recommend this stage to entrust to specialists, since, in order to independently conduct calculations, a lot of literature related to the soil and its features should be re -read. In addition, it is necessary to explore the soil for the level of moisture content in it. Based on the results obtained, the width of the tape for the foundation, the depth of piles, the type of piles, the material from which they will be made are determined.
2. Fulfillment of the base of the foundation for the foundation.
This stage involves the preparation of the site: cleansing it of vegetation, the maximum possible leveling. Further, with the help of a rope and peg, marking under the foundation is performed, the installation site of brownish piles is determined.
3. Drilling wells for piles.
After determining the installation site of each pile, it is necessary to equip holes for them. The main condition for determining the depth of the installation of each pile is its laying below the depth of freezing of the soil. The depth of freezing of the soil can be learned from its studies or a special map, which indicates this indicator for a certain area.
4. Preparation of wells for the installation of piles.
Inside the previously prepared well, it is necessary to place a roofing material that is carefully fixed in it. At the same time, it is advisable to install the roofing material in two layers. If the condition of the well is in the future is quite stable, then it is not necessary to install a casing. However, if the soil on the site is quite marshy or contains a lot of clay, you should take care of the installation of casing pipes that will give piles greater rigidity. To fill the free space between the pipe and the base of the well, sand is used.
5. Installation of a steel frame.
Inside the pipe or well, it is necessary to lower the frame made of steel reinforcement. Keep in mind that he should not rest against the bottom of the well in any case.
6. Fill the wells.
At the next stage, the previously prepared base is poured with a high -quality concrete solution. Do not save on a solution for the foundation, since the duration of operation of the whole house directly depends on its strength. It is preferable to use factory concrete, if this is not possible, then it should be made independently using a concrete mixer. Carry out each pile separately, while not allowing breaks in the process of filling one pile. In order to get rid of air in concrete and ensure its compaction, use a concrete vibrator. Thus, the design will acquire additional rigidity.
The upper part of the well is not filled, since part of the reinforcing frame should further connect with concrete tape. After the concrete solution is hardened, the sand base should be equipped on the surface of the future strip foundation.
7. Production of the tape.
Next, it is necessary to collect the formwork. For its manufacture, use a finished board. A previously prepared reinforcing cage is installed inside the formwork, which is poured with the same concrete solution as the piles. Keep in mind that the use of reinforcement is mandatory, as it increases the resistance of the foundation before high load and makes it more flexible. In addition, with the help of reinforcement, the grillage is carried out with piles. Next, you should wait at least three weeks until the concrete is completely captured, and only then continue to work.
If we consider what is better - screw piles or a strip foundation, then you should familiarize yourself with the advantages of each type of foundation. An excellent combination, two of the above options is a strip foundation on screw stilts.
Rifle piles differ from brownish piles, their design. The lower part of the brownish pile has blades, with which it easily screws into the soil. For the manufacture of supports, steel is used, most often a cast type. The option of brewing ready -made elements is possible, however, such piles are less durable than cast. Pile foundations are characterized by high bearing capacity, so they are quite popular. Adding a tape to this foundation version increases its rigidity and strength.
If the soil belongs to clay, loamy, peat, marshy type, then the foundation of a strip type with brownish piles is mandatory on it.
Among the advantages of the strip foundation on stilts, we note:
However, the installation of screw piles in rocky terrain is particularly difficult. Since in the process of installation there is a risk of breakdown of the blades. Thus, the bearing abilities of such a foundation are significantly reduced. The foundation on screw piles does not allow to build a basement or basement under the house. In addition, the sewer system and the water system need additional insulation. In order to protect the surface of the pile seam from corrosion, they need additional processing using bitumen mastic.
Additional installation of a strip foundation on the base with screw piles implies the following advantages:
However, the arrangement of the strip foundation involves the implementation of complex operations for the preparation of concrete solution, the manufacture of reinforcement, the installation of formwork, pouring, etc. Also, after its manufacture, you should wait for about a month in order for concrete to acquire additional strength.
Therefore, if a building made of stone, brick or blocks is built on soil with high heaving, then a combination of tape and pile foundation is a great option that will make the foundation with a motionless, strong and stable base for any structure.
The foundation strip on stilts video: