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Installation of screw piles: step -by -step instructions

The foundation is the main part of the building, holding the entire load on itself. Among the wide variety of foundations, the pile is particularly popular. Qualitatively installed piles provide long and uninterrupted operation of the foundation. We will consider how to install screw piles and how to screw the screw piles about how to screw it.

Table of contents:

  1. Rifle piles: features and advantages
  2. Screw piles photos and varieties
  3. Installation technology of screw piles: features of the pile foundation
  4. Do -it -yourself screw piles
  5. Calculation of screw piles and their installation
  6. Installing screw piles with your own hands
  7. How to make a screw pile: technology and features

Rifle piles: features and advantages

Piery piles differ from standard piles in that they have a trunk and a certain number of blades with which they deepen into the ground.

The scope of the screw piles is not limited to the foundations of low -rise buildings, they are also used for such purposes:

  • the arrangement of the foundation for the mast;
  • manufacturing of frame structures, such as warehouses;
  • installation of light structures in the form of advertising shields or fences;
  • as a basis for hydraulic structures;
  • places requiring the exclusion of vibration in the process of building the foundation;
  • grounds for temporary buildings or pavilions;
  • additional strengthening of a monolithic foundation;
  • manufacturing of industrial -type greenhouses;
  • The foundation for capital buildings.

Among the advantages of using screw piles during the construction of the foundation, first of all, they highlight:

  • significant savings in material costs compared to monolithic types of foundations;
  • All work can be carried out in one, maximum two days;
  • A great option for work on soils with certain difficulties;
  • good strength and high stability before loads;
  • The landscape of the entire territory practically does not change;
  • The manufacture of the foundation is carried out at any time of the year, regardless of the weather or climate of this region;
  • The minimum service life of this foundation is 45 years;
  • use in the process of building pier or berths;
  • The ease of distribution of load -bearing loads.

In addition, the installation of a screw pile foundation, in some cases, involves a complete refusal to perform work related to the ground. In order to build such a foundation, special equipment or equipment is not required.

This foundation is a great option for the construction of houses that are located on inclined surfaces or near rivers and even seas.

Of particular relevance is this foundation in the urban area. So, in the presence of a rich communication system, it allows you to build a building, while without destroying the natural landscape and other neighboring structures.

Also, the foundation based on the screw piles allows you to continue to work on the construction of the house immediately after they are installed. This foundation, unlike the strip, does not need additional time to uphold. In addition, with the help of screw piles, they build additional extensions and rooms near the house, that is, its design can change throughout the work.

Also, the construction of the foundation on screw piles allows you to get an environmentally friendly base for the home. The pile design allows for a certain ventilation, and for its repair it will require less funds than for the reconstruction of a monolithic foundation.

Among the shortcomings of the screw piles are highlighted:

  • the inability to use rocky or large -columnar type on soils;
  • the possibility of subsidence of the soil and deformation of the structure, when installed on previously unexplored soils;
  • the susceptibility of poor -quality piles of corrosion and their gradual destruction;
  • The possibility of building only small houses.

Screw piles photos and varieties

In relation to the design features of screw piles, they are:

1. Designs with wide blades - they have one or two blades designed for the implementation of no more than three turns. This option is suitable exclusively for the construction of lightweight structures.

Another variety of piles with wide blades is characterized by the presence of more than two blades. Such piles are installed on responsible nodes, bearing walls, fences, hangars, which have more than two floors.

2. The second option is piles that have a barrel in their composition with a large number of blades accumulated on it.

Some devices are modified for installation in soils in a harsh climate. Thus, their design consists of a screw blade, which is welded to the surface of the barrel itself.

Such options are installed on stone, hard -hardened soils. With their help, buildings with a lightweight design, fences, etc. are built. The presence of a cast tip simplifies work on this type of foundation.

The diameter of the screw piles is calculated based on the total weight of the building, the load that it must withstand and individual characteristics of the area.

In terms of structure features, screw piles are:

  • cast;
  • welded.

The second option has the form of a steel pipe on which the blades are installed and welded. One part of the pipe is distinguished by the presence of cone -shaped. In addition, special anti -corrosion compounds are used to process the material.

To form a cone and blades, special plasma cutting is used, characterized by high quality of work. Screw piles have different, however, in the construction of buildings that contain no more than two floors, the most popular piles with a diameter of 10.8 cm.

Among the welded screw piles, their varieties are distinguished:

  • Piles used on rocky soil provides excellent adhesion of the foundation and soil;
  • for buildings related to low -rise construction, such piles have an open type of tip, with which pile is well fixed on the surface of the soil;
  • Piles with a closed type of tip are less common.

The cast version of the pile is made in certain conditions and involves a stronger design that can withstand huge loads. These piles have a longer service life than welded. In addition, the cost of such piles is also an order of magnitude higher.

Among the cast piles should be highlighted:

  • piles with medium blades easily penetrate melt soils;
  • Piles with a small diameter are used in eternal -free soils;
  • The standard type of piles is common when erecting small residential buildings.

Screw piles material - most often for their manufacture, steel is used, which is treated with anti -corrosion solutions before installing the piles.

Installation technology of screw piles: features of the pile foundation

The sphere of the invention of the pile foundation is connected with the military industry, since it was here, with its help it was possible to build strong supports or buildings in the shortest possible time.

Later, the use of a pile foundation has spread to the construction of low -rise buildings. Now, there are new types of piles that allow you to equip not only foundations for lightweight houses with their help, but also multi -storey buildings.

Most often, the use of a screw pile foundation is associated with:

  • the arrangement of the foundation on the complex terrain;
  • the presence of a large amount of moisture in the soil;
  • the presence of an already equipped landscape;
  • lack of opportunity to carry out excavation work;
  • replacement or restoration of the foundation;
  • Too deep freezing of the soil.

Do -it -yourself screw piles

The main part of the screw of the pile foundation are piles. They look like an ordinary steel pipe made of metal with a minimum thick of four millimeters. The sharp end of the screw pile has a cutting blade, which allows you to screw. Two, three people are enough to install the pile.

If the construction object is characterized by the presence of certain changes or other loads, it is recommended to use piles, the sharp end of which is equipped with two blades. Thus, any construction will gain additional power.

The average value of the diameter of the blades is from 20 to 80 cm. The appearance of the pile is compared with a large screw, its diameter is from 5 to 35 cm. The length of the pile directly depends on the area in which it is installed, this value ranges from two to ten meters . Minimum piles are suitable for arranging fences or installing advertising shields.

In addition, the option of installing a hollow or whole pile is possible. Due to the perpendicular placement of pile blades, it is possible to avoid loosening the soil. The average value of the bearing capacity of screw piles is from 5,000 to 25,000 kg.

In the ratio with the type of installation of screw piles, such projects should be highlighted:

  • Installation of a single pile - are used in the process of extension of a certain building to an existing object;
  • Standard location - installation under the structure of columns or basic building structures;
  • Installation of pile ribbons - used for arranging residential buildings;
  • A field from piles - used in low -rise construction, allows you to equip a more powerful foundation than pile ribbons.

If the piles are installed under a wooden house, then they should have a cast tip, which is characterized by power and durability.

In addition, pay attention to the protection of the material from external stimuli. The option of carrying out test screws is possible, in the presence of damaged areas on the surface of the pile, you should refuse to buy this material.

Please note that the best coating is high -quality resin on a polyurethane basis. In addition, the use of galvanized piles is distinguished by a high level of reliability; hot galvanizing is used to process them. In addition, they have both external and internal protection.

Calculation of screw piles and their installation

After buying piles and checking their quality, an important process of installing them follows. First, the installation site of each pile is determined, the marking of the site is made. After the preparation of the territory, the deepening of each pile in the soil follows. This will require two, three people, depending on the size of the pile.

Keep in mind that the weather or time of the year practically does not play roles in the implementation of this process. Therefore, work can be carried out at any time.

Before buying piles, you should clearly decide on their size. If the building consists of one floor, then the material with a diameter of 10.8 cm is enough. Such piles are easy in size and ease of installation.

Next, calculations are made to determine the number of piles necessary to ensure the strength of the foundation. If heavy materials are used during the construction of the house, or if the building has more than one floor, the amount of material for the construction of its foundation should be increased.

Installing screw piles with your own hands

The arrangement of the foundation begins with the study of the soil on which the building is built. Thus, it is possible to determine at what depths the groundwater is laid, and what soil layers are present in the area.

If the work is carried out manually, then one of the people monitors the quality and evenness of the collar of the pile, while the others, carry out its direct installation. After the pile is installed, it is cut in accordance with a certain level and poured with concrete solution.

When the concrete froze for each pile, a metal structure in the form of a head is installed. In order to evenly distribute the load around the entire perimeter of the building, a strapping of piles should be carried out. In order for the foundation to acquire additional strength, a channel is used for these purposes.

Keep in mind that in the process of work on uneven soils, piles will differ in height, but they should be located at the same level. To install one average in size pile, enough for half an hour.

How to make a screw pile: technology and features

In order to independently make high -quality piles, vast experience with a welding machine is required. However, if it is planned to build a small warehouse or outbuilding, home -made piles will significantly save on the construction of the foundation.

The drawing of a screw pile will help determine the number of blades and the process of its manufacture. For work, a hollow steel pipe is required, the diameter of which is from 7 to 10 cm. In addition, the presence of a tip and blades is necessary.

For the manufacture of the tip, you should bend the metal sheet in a conical shape and cook it in the seam.

The junction between the blades and the tip must be cleaned using sandpaper. In accordance with the depth of freezing of the soil, the length of the pile is determined. For these purposes, special formulas and calculations are used.

On the pile, that is, the pipe is welded in the form of blades and tip. Further, the entire structure is treated using an anti -corrosion solution.

In addition, it is possible to use bitumen mastic or primer, designed to apply to metal surfaces.

On top of the pile, you need to equip a hole for the installation of scrap, which will provide its installation in the soil. The installation interval of homemade piles is 50 cm.

Rifle piles Installation Video:





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