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Half -drying device device

During repair, the process of finishing the floor is considered an important stage. For this purpose, it is customary to use materials such as carpet, linoleum and tiles. However, without preparing the surface of the floor under the flooring, the installation of materials will be simply useless. The first stage in the preparation of the floor is the arrangement of the screed. There are several types of screed. However, the semi -dry screed of the floor is most popular and is not unreasonable, because it allows you to achieve a perfectly flat surface.


  1. The concept of a half -dry screed
  2. The advantages of a half -dry screed
  3. Disadvantages of half -dry screed
  4. Preparation of the base for screed
  5. Preparation of the solution
  6. The isolation device
  7. Installation of lighthouses
  8. Paul concreting
  9. Semi -dry care

The concept of a half -dry screed

In modern construction, an alternative to dry and wet screed, which is familiar to everyone, is a half -dry screed. First of all, its use is associated with the desire to accelerate the process of formation of the base for flooring during the construction of houses. The technology of a half -dry screed in a certain way is designed to use additional special equipment, but it can be successfully formed with your own hands.

In general, there is nothing new in the technology of half -dry screed. This is a familiar solution of sand and cement, simply with a small water content. It is customary to knead the mixture to a state when the mass can be crumpled in a fist so that it does not flow. Such mixtures are more likely to be poured onto the base than poured. To give the coating of strength, it is recommended to reinforce it with fiber - polypropylene fibers.

At the moment, there are a variety of technologies for performing a half -dry floor screed, depending on the desired final result. If you plan to lay different communications on the floor, then the thickness of the screed must be significantly increased. This is especially true for situations with an uneven sex.

The advantages of a half -dry screed

The main advantages of this method are reduced water consumption in the manufacture of the solution. When arranging a half -dry floor screed, you do not need to wear rubber gloves and poke around in the dirty slurry. The second advantage follows from this - a reduction in the risk that an excess of water will flood neighbors or fall into the ceiling. The time of complete drying of the material has also been reduced, and further work can be proceeded faster.

A semi -dry screed will help you achieve an almost impeccably flat surface. An absolutely smooth base is 100% ready for laying parquet, linoleum or other flooring. If you use a grouting machine in the process of work, then there will be no voids and cracks on the screed.

When working with a semi -dry screed, it is not necessary to use waterproofing materials, because it itself excludes the possibility of leaks. Since the water in the screed is only a third part as necessary for the hydration of cement, the screed dries very quickly, at the end of the fourth day it will be already fully prepared for laying the flooring.

Despite the small thickness of the screed, which can be achieved thanks to reinforced fibers, which are contained in its composition, it is highly impressive and resistant to mechanical loads. Compared to the habitual sand and cement screed, a half-dry floor screed with fiber-fiber has minor loads on the supporting structures.

Work is easy to carry out outside and indoors in any conditions: at a temperature of minus 5 - plus 40 degrees Celsius and humidity 60 - 95%. The laying of a half -dry screed can be done on inclined surfaces and on the surface with bulges. You can form a semi -dry screed around the holes and pipes that are available on the floor. The main advantages of a half -dry screed include a low price of a half -dry floor screed.

Disadvantages of half -dry screed

Along with many advantages, the arrangement of a half -dry screed is associated with some inconvenience. Since the mass is not fluid, it is very difficult to knead it without special equipment. Therefore, it will be very difficult to make a semi -dry screed with your own hands. The technology is quite new, therefore, the opinions of specialists are still diverge on many issues. Even the high brands of a solution for a semi -dry screed can be spoiled by the favorite technique of many builders, which consists in a valve of water for a simpler alignment.

Such a coating should not be subjected to moisture. If there was little water, and the process of cement hydration did not have time to end, then the crystals when water gets will grow again, which will inevitably provoke cracking and deformation. Another drawback of a half -dry floor screed: with insufficient compaction, it can creak and color under the coating.

Preparation of the base for screed

Before arranging a half -dry screed, you need to carefully clean the floor, close cracks and chips. If detachment is observed in the thickness of the base, it is recommended to clean them and plunge only then the resulting surface can withstand the load during future use. To make the foundation device reliable and high -quality, it is necessary to set at an arbitrary height zero level.

If this stage of work is not performed with due thoroughness, then you can’t get a flat surface of the finished flooring. To increase the accuracy and quality of creating a half -dry screed with your own hands, you should use a special tool with a laser level. If this level is not, then ordinary water is suitable.

Preparation of the solution

On sale you can find a ready -made dry mixture for screed, however, you can prepare a solution with your own forces with components such as river sand, Portland cement, plasticizer and fiber fiber. It is customary to make a solution in a mixer or any suitable container.

The semi -dry screed of the floor with cement is performed with the addition of special polymer material of propylene fiber. Prepare such a solution and prepare it for filling. According to the reviews of the semi -dry screed of the floor, it should be present a little water, and therefore the most important rule when arranging a half -dry screed is not to overdo it with the liquid.

To determine the required amount of water in the solution, you can use the simplest way: take the mixture in your hand and squeeze it. Moisture should appear in this case, and the mass itself should remain quite a whole lump. This will be the most optimal moisture level in the solution.

The isolation device

The walls and partitions of the room when equipping a half -dry floor screed must be isolated using a polypropylene tape. The upper edge of such a tape should be located above the level of filling the mixture. In this way, you will be able to prevent negative effects on the screed, which are observed in the process of compressing the mass and its expansion, as well as the occurrence of damage to the screed in the joints with the wall.

Installation of lighthouses

The floor laying procedure requires the installation of special beacons using a leveling rail. Such beacons play the role of certain guides, because it is precisely due to this that the plane of the solution is aligned. It is important to establish all the beacons accurately, because the quality and evenness of the screed depends on this after completion of the work.

The installation of lighthouses is carried out in parallel, between them the distance should be such that the rack used, it turned out to be overlap on them. In addition, it is necessary to install the beacons so that they are reliably fixed in this position and do not mix.

Paul concreting

When leveling the floor, the solution must be filled with the entire area, including the one where you installed the beacons, which after filling remain in the screed. Comers the surface in the process of performing work using the prepared preliminary rule.

To increase efficiency in the process of grouting a half -dry screed, it is best to use a special grouting machine. Thanks to such a tool, you can well align the floor surface and strengthen the surface of the mechanized half -dry floor screed, increasing quality and reliability. It is important to finish the grout before the mixture begins to grasp.

In order to prevent the occurrence of shrinkage cracks, it is necessary to cut special shrinkage seams, which help to avoid the formation of deep faults in the finished surface. The depth of such seams should be at least a third part of the depth of the laid layer. Such seams can be created using the Rail-Raid used earlier.

Semi -dry care

Modern semi -dry screed requires special care after laying. For better and efficient grasp, according to the description of the technology of a half -dry floor screed, on a large area the created screed must be covered with a layer of polyethylene. So you will be able to save the optimal microclimate under the film and exclude the premature appearance of cracks. Another option is regular watering with a half -dry screed with water.

After 12 hours, the half -dry floor screed will calmly withstand an adult. After 94 hours, you can safely lay the flooring on a semi -dry screed. It is important throughout the entire period of grasping to control the state of the floor surface so that there are no cracks and other defects that worsen the state of the future flooring.

Thus, the modern semi -dry screed is the most optimal and effective way to create a qualitative basis for further laying the flooring. Watch the video about the semi -dry screed of the floor, and you will understand that the technology of arranging the screed itself is a relatively simple procedure, which each developer can perform without a special construction formation.





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