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Metal is a rather popular material used in the manufacture of fences. This is primarily due to its mechanical strength, accessibility and ease of installation. There are a large number of metal fences of fences made of metal. We will consider them further about their features and installation technology.
Metal fences are increasingly used as fences or separation of the territory. Metal is an easy to process the material with which you can build fences of various forms. In addition, such advantages of metal fencing should be noted:
Metal fences differ in the type of material from which they are made. The simplest, easiest and most economical solution will be to use the rabitsa grid for the manufacture of fences. The height of the fence will turn out about 1.5 m, with its help it will be possible to divide the site into several zones and protect them from extraneous invasion.
Welded sectional fence - differs primarily for a long life, but the cost of such a fence is quite high. Such a fence has an attractive appearance and functions as the main fence for the site. For the manufacture of sections, special pipes are used that improve the quality of operation of the fence. To decorate such a fence, forging and a variety of decorative elements made of metal are used.
The most popular option is fences from corrugated board. The cost of their construction is lower than in sectional, and the quality and duration of operation are at a high level.
The corrugated board has the shape of a steel profiled sheet covered with a layer of zinc. Thanks to this, it is stable before corrosion, ultraviolet, retains its color well. For staining corrugated board, a special enamel on a polymer basis is used.
The fence made of corrugated board is distinguished by the following advantages:
Another option for metal fencing is fences from a metal picket fence. For the manufacture of such a fence, a picket fence and crossbars painted with polymer paint are used directly. Thus, it is possible to choose a fence of the color you need.
Unlike a wooden picket fence, a metal fence will last several times longer. Since the metal is more stable before moisture, temperature changes and other external stimuli. However, the cost of such a fence is also higher than wooden. A steel picket fence looks very beautiful in combination with brick supports.
We offer to familiarize yourself with the features of installing steel pillars for a metal picket fence. In this case, the pillars perform the function of supports. They are made both of metal and other materials, such as wood, concrete or brick.
Most often, steel supports in the form of pipes are used with a diameter of about 60 cm. Consider that the steel picket fence is heavier than wooden, so the supports should easily withstand the load from the fence, wind and other mechanical damage.
Steel pillars - a universal option for both installing a picket fence and for a fence from a grid or corrugated board.
In the process of installing metal fences and pipes, the presence of:
Previously, the site is cleaned of vegetation and garbage. Next, marking is made on it. Using the cord, the installation site of the supporting pillars is determined. With a competent calculation, it will be possible to prevent the bending or skew of the protective structure.
Next, you should calculate the number of posts installed on the site. The method of installing one or a lot of column depends primarily on the type of fence, its weight, as well as on the individual characteristics of the site.
The easiest and most popular method is pouring the supporting pillars with a concrete solution. This method is suitable for soil with the optimal moisture content. Initially, you should dug the hole under the pole, install the pillar and pour the remaining space with a concrete solution.
In order to facilitate the drilling process on the site, water is used that softens the soil. If the height of the pillar is not more than 150 cm, then the depth of the hole will be no more than half a meter. When installing higher pillars, you need to equip a hole with a size of 70-80 cm.
If the soil on the site is characterized by low heaving, then it is enough to drill a hole with a drill and set the support. However, the hole should be drilled in a strictly vertical direction.
However, if the soil on the site is characterized by a high moisture content, then you will need to use a different method for installing support pillars. In this case, the pillar should be set below the level of freezing of the soil. In addition, before starting the installation of the pillar, at the bottom of the pit should be equipped with a crushed stone pillow with a thickness of about 18-20 cm.
Thus, it is possible to equip the so -called drainage system and manage to soften frosty fusion on the soil. To fill the last 15 cm of the hole, a concrete solution is used.
The second method of installing steel supports implies their clogging into the ground. This method is often used on soil with low stones. For clogging, a special design is used, for the manufacture of which a steel pipe and a weight located at its end are used. The blow should be strictly on the subject axis, so that in the end to get a flat support.
After installing the supports, the installation process of a metal picket fence follows. For its fixation, a profiled pipe is used, 4x2 cm in size. The option of using pipes with a large section is possible, however, this option is the most optimal.
Metal supports and profile are painted in the same color as the picket fence. The steel picket fence has the shape of elements of a certain length, for the manufacture of which galvanized steel is used, a large number of picket fiber colors are distinguished, both bright and more calm and unsaturated. Most often, a galvanized layer is applied to the surface of the picket fence, 0.5 cm thick.
The main requirement to obtain a high -quality fence is the correct marking and installing supports. Further actions are the same and involve the fixation of the picket fence on the profile.
The aesthetic type of fence determines the distance between the pickets. Therefore, before their installation, you should determine the length of the fence between the supports and divide it into the width of the picket fence. Compliance with large intervals is impractical, since due to too much load, there is a risk of sagging a fence.
In order to prevent the rapid wear of the picket fence, it should be placed at a certain distance from the soil. The optimal value of 10 cm. The option of building a dull fence is possible, in which the picket fence is located at a minimum distance from each other. The air version of the fence involves the location of the picket fence at a certain distance among themselves.
To fix the elements of the fence, the presence of fasteners in the form of screws or special bolts with washers will be required. Wasis will help prevent damage to the galvanized coating and picket fence corrosion. It is possible to use special mounts, the same as the picket fence itself.
Galled fasteners is the best option for installing the picket fence, since its service life is the same as at the fence itself. Follow compliance with the same interval between the stacks, otherwise, the fence will look asymmetric.
Before starting work, the total perimeter of the fence should be determined, based on this indicator, it will be possible to calculate the amount of material for work. In addition, columns will be required, from 150 to 250 cm long. The installation interval is about 3-4 meters. It will also require the presence of metal lag or wire, with their help it will be possible to fix the net.
Keep in mind that before installing the grid, support should be painted using special paint with anti -corrosion effects. Next, the supports under the grid are installed. Initially, the pillars, then the lags, and then the mesh are mounted.
Pillars should be installed first in the corners. Follow the evenness of the installation of the supports. They should be strictly in an upright position. The depth of the pit for installing supports is about 50 cm. Crushed stone is used to fill the supports and, if possible, a concrete solution.
To check the height of the installation of all supports, use the water level. Next, the lags are mounted. To fix them, bolts with nuts are used on the surface of the supports. After that, the grid is installed and fixed using aluminum wire. Lower grid fixation is carried out using special brackets. The option of using clamps made of plastic is possible.
Installing a fence from corrugated board includes certain stages, such as:
The first stage is very important, since it is on the quality of its execution that the evenness of the fence depends. The maximum interval between the pillars is 300 cm. In order to determine the required number of supports, the perimeter of the fence by 3 m should be divided.
As supports, a square or round cross section is used. The minimum value of the square pipes is 5x5 cm, and the round - 7 cm. In order to avoid moisture in the columns, the lower and upper holes should be brewed.
The depth of the pit under the poles is about 100 cm, and about 15 cm wide. For these purposes, it is preferable to use manual drill. The depth of the holes for the installation of supports depends on the height of the fence.
Pillars should be well fixed on the ground, since in addition to the weight of the fence, they are amenable to mechanical influences and wind power. The bottom should be filled with medium -fractional gravel, about 20 cm thick. Next, the pillar is installed and it is filled with concrete solution.
In order to install the pillars, use a plumb line. For additional fixation of the supports, weld steel rods to them and also pour concrete. After the concrete is hardened between the supports, the lags are mounted. Most often, steel pipes are used as a lag. If the height of the fence is more than 1.6 m, then two lags are enough. Otherwise, three lags should be installed. Lags are fixed on supports using a welding machine. In order to protect them from moisture, they are covered with an anti -corrosion solution.
Please note that if the installation of the fence is carried out in the spring, when the soil is oversaturated with moisture, then it is better to pre -build a fine -trimmed strip foundation. With it, the fence will become more durable and stable. If this is not done, then a sagging fence is possible. The final stage is the installation of corrugated board on the lags. The sheets are joined with each other in a small overlap. In order not to get hurt, put on gloves, as the corrugated board is quite sharp.
To cut sheets, use exclusively scissors for metal or hacksaw. The use of a grinder will lead to the destruction of a galvanized coating and to the appearance of metal corrosion. In order to fix the corrugated board on the lags, special brackets are used, the same color as the material itself.
The fence from the corrugated board is a practical, inexpensive and simple installation solution for the manufacture of the fence. In addition, subject to all installation technologies, such a fence will last you for more than ten years.