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Marble crumbs in the interior

Floors made of marble crumbs are most often found in the halls of public buildings. But in a private house or a spacious apartment they are sometimes used by designers. Certain features, how to correctly enter such an unusual coating in the interior, exist, as well as the nuances of the creation. The article will talk about how to make mosaic floors from marble crumbs.


  1. Properties of marble
  2. Why is it worth paying attention to the floors of marble crumbs?
  3. Do -it -yourself marble crumbs
  4. Paul care of marble crumbs
  5. The cost of marble crumbs
  6. Floors made of marble crumbs in interiors: Features of choice

Properties of marble

Deep inside, in the very bowels of the Earth, a wide variety of processes went for a very long time. Under the influence of pressure and significant temperatures, some materials underwent significant changes, changed their structure and properties. Marble is just one of those breeds that turned out to be such a transformation. Recrystallization of limestone and dolomite with various impurities has become a unique stone, from which the ancient architects and builders of our time, it is possible to create real masterpieces.

  • In nature, there is red, black, green, white, yellow and gray (bluish) marble, such a diverse palette is enough to make unique objects of art and decor.
  • The material is characterized by low water absorption, good density and hardness. It is simple to process, and thanks to this, the light saw many marble sculptures. But to create floors, marble is extremely rarely used by such a coating will cost very expensive. But the baby is completely different.

  • When stone extraction in the quarries, pieces of various fractions are formed. Based on the size of such crumbs (from 0.1 to 15 mm), they are divided into dust, flour, screening and marble crushed stone.
  • According to decorative properties, each fraction is attributed to one of three classes: gray, white and colored.
  • From crumbs of various colors and sizes, they create floors with interesting drawings and texture. Marble mosaic floors are popular, and a combined coating of crumbs and tiles is often found.

Why is it worth paying attention to the floors of marble crumbs?

In addition to the fact that the flooring of marble crumbs is very attractive, it is appreciated for a number of other qualities.

  • High wear resistance should be noted in the first place. Such floors have become a real find for places where a large number of people of the hospital, state institutions, and schools pass throughout the day. Marble baby allows you to create a good anti -vandal coating that is difficult to split.
  • It is easy to care for the floor, it is hygienic and environmentally friendly, this is another reason why it can often be seen in medical and children's institutions.
  • Marble will not lose color under the influence of sunlight, is not afraid of moisture and is resistant to abrasion.

  • Disadvantages are also available, but implicit. Opponents of the marble floors say that they do not create an atmosphere of comfort and heat in the living room. The room with such a coating is more like a museum exhibition hall than a comfortable living room. There is a well -founded answer to this: the ability to create design and the ability to understand how various elements of furniture and decoration will not be combined with each other.
  • An experienced designer will be able to choose a pattern and the correct combination of colors so that the floor does not look alien against the background of other objects. It will not be treated with cold and official interiors, and it will become the real pride of the owners of the house.
  • The peculiarity of the material initially assumes that it will not be possible to create a warm floor along which it is pleasant to walk barefoot. With this fact, you need to come to terms and just competently choose a room where you can create a floor covering of marble crumbs.

Marble baby floor video

  • The cost of such floors is also capable of scaring a potential buyer. But the price is justified by the cost of the extraction of natural material and its almost eternal life.
  • If you evaluate all the pros and cons of floors made of marble crumbs, it turns out that such a coating is almost ideal for the living room, dining room, hallway or kitchen.

Do -it -yourself marble crumbs

The creation of a marble crumb floor will require minimal skills and some tools:

  • concrete mixer (can be replaced with a drill with a nozzle);
  • container for kneading the solution;
  • electric shield;
  • a vacuum cleaner (better construction, a model for domestic use should be powerful);
  • grinder;
  • bulgarian;
  • felt circles;
  • abrasive stones of various granularity (230 325 and 60 80);
  • end diamond circle;
  • level;
  • grater;
  • rule;
  • powder for polishing surfaces.

An impressive list is explained by the fact that the work is carried out in 4 stages:

  • preparation of the base;
  • marking under the pattern;
  • paul filling;
  • finish finishing work (grinding and polishing).

How to prepare the base for the floor?

  • The requirement for the black floor is standard: even monolithic surface. Ideally, if it is a cement-sand screed. Its strength should not be called into question, all cracks are pre -seized.

  • For better adhesion, the surface must be made rough. This part of the work is performed using an electric shock. After that, the resulting dust should be removed, and slightly moisten the surface with water.
  • It is assumed that before starting with an electric shock, the level of the future floor is already indicated, and all the necessary marks are applied to the walls around the perimeter of the room.

Marking for the picture

  • If a concrete floor with marble chips is supposed without a pattern, then the installation of the beacons is carried out at a distance of a meter or one and a half, as for ordinary filling. The material is selected to your taste: pipes, rails or a metal profile easily cope with this task.
  • Special marking rails are installed so that then create a conceived pattern on them. They can be made of polymeric materials, glass or brass. To obtain a clear homogeneous pattern, the marking rails should be put to the same height in level, they are attached to the cement mortar.

Marble crumb floors technology

  • Filling the floor with marble chips passes in two stages. First, a layer of one cement mortar is created, which is carefully leveled by the ironings. He must harden, but not freeze completely.
  • For the mosaic composition, stone flour, chips of larger fractions, water and cement (M 400) are required.
  • To obtain brighter shades, coloring pigments are added: ultramarin, chromium oxide, ocher. Before adding marble crumbs to the solution, it should be washed well with water, and then dry. So she better grabs with the rest of the components.

How to make a solution of marble chips for the floor:

  • 1 part of stone flour is poured into the container;
  • 1 part cement is added to it;
  • 1 part of the marble crumb of a large fraction (10 15 mm);
  • 1 part of medium -sized marble grain (5 10 mm);
  • 1 part of fine -fractional stone (from 2.5 to 5 mm);
  • if required, then the pigment is added at the same stage.

Stages of work

  • Now all dry ingredients are mixed, and only after that you can gradually add water. Experts recommend adding liquid from a watering can, the amount is installed by eye. The solution should not be liquid, the correct consistency is a rigid inactive mass. An approximate norm of water is half the volume that was measured out of dry components.
  • The finished composition is distributed according to the intended drawing and leveled. If in the process of pouring from the first cement layer milk oozes, it is expelled from the surface with rubber spatulas. A solution with marble crumbs is distributed to the level of separation rails, compacted by ironing or a light vibration plate (up to 75 kg).

  • When the surface is leveled and smoothed, the rails are carefully removed, and the resulting furrows should be filled with a solution and finally smoothed the floor surface. For five seven days in a row you need to moisturize a new coating (after spraying water, the floor is covered with a film). It is enough to repeat the procedure once a day. After a week, you can start the fourth stage of the finish.

Marble crumb floors technology video

  • Grinding of marble crumbs. At the first stage, a rough peel is carried out with wet sand. When the sand is removed, you can continue the procedure. This time, stiffly and more sparing grinding is performed in stages (abrasive stones of various granularity are used). A polishing powder under rotating felt circles will complete the process of creating the floor. He will acquire an aesthetic appearance, smoothness and shine.

Paul care of marble crumbs

  • No secrets need to know. There are no special detergents, and they are not required. Ordinary wet cleaning is enough to maintain the floor clean.
  • The compositions have been developed for additional protection of the surface from abrasion. They are produced in the form of varnish and are easily applied. Is such an addition to the floor in a private house required? If this is not a hall where a person with dancing is held every evening, then, probably, such a reinsurance will be excessive.
  • Strengthening impregnations or sealants for concrete surfaces are successfully used on marble floors. The question of the need to acquire them is left at the discretion of the owners.
  • But the glitter will have to return the glittering over time. For this, re -polishing is used.

The cost of marble crumbs

It is very difficult to name the average price per square meter of marble crumbs. The fact is that, depending on the region, prey, color and fractions, the cost of coatings can vary greatly.

  • The floors of the middle price category can be found in online stores from 500 or 700 rubles. For m.
  • The best quality, texture and colors can be obtained if the cost per square meter of 1000 rubles is laid in the estimate.
  • As for the costs of hired workers, construction teams usually assign the price for the services of the equivalent value of the material (if no additional actions are required).

But, nevertheless, the floor made of marble crumbs will cost several times cheaper than coating of marble tiles and will become a worthy alternative to him.

Floors made of marble crumbs in interiors: Features of choice

Everyone who is ready to sacrifice the means and the opportunity to walk barefoot on the floor in the living room should be aware of the main design solutions that will allow coating from marble crumbs to look naturally and noble in the interior.

Bulk floors marble

  • Marble floors go well with a variety of niches, protrusions, thresholds and steps. In small spaces, they look unnatural, so they never do them in a small hallway, but the spacious hall of a private house is completely different.
  • If underfoot a coating of marble crumbs, then it needs to be flaunted. It makes no sense to invest in a chic floor in order to make it with large -sized furniture. When it comes to the living room, the sofa and chairs in this case are placed on the walls, leaving the center of the room free. You can move a little from this rule if the floor is not decorated with drawings or the pattern is repeated over the entire surface. Then you can evaluate the beauty of the flooring according to small fragments.
  • It is necessary to support the idea of \u200b\u200bstone on the floor with other objects similar in texture. Small figurines, flowerpots, bas -reliefs, sculptures need to be placed in niches and placed around the room, decorative stucco molding is welcome. It is not necessary to choose products from granite or marble. Glass and other types of natural and semiprecious stones look no worse.
  • If it is not possible to create a whole one of marble crumbs, it can be laid out a small panel, beating it like a non -trivial carpet. Around it, a bulk floor, tiles from budget collections and even a wooden coating will look good.
  • In large rooms, you can combine various types of coating. Glass mosaic, ceramic mirror and matte tiles go well with marble chips. But when creating such a complex composition, a professional designer can not do without services.
  • As for the drawings, it is easiest to create graphic patterns with clear straight lines and contours. Floral ornaments and curls in the spirit of the rich oriental carpet are more difficult to make.

  • So that the room does not look like the chambers of the Snow Queen, it is worth choosing warmer shades of crumbs. The same color scheme must support the textiles on the windows and in the upholstery of furniture. Chic and elegance of classic interiors allow a shiny floor surface and rich drapery.
  • This does not mean at all that coatings made of marble crumbs do not place in modern decor. To do this, you need to choose abstract drawings, combine a stone with other types of flooring.

Any, even the most daring design solutions can be embodied in stone. Brash crumbs, albeit notable, but not the most expensive way to make your home, office, store stylish and unique.





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