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How to glaze with your own hands

The glazed balcony or loggia does not just give additional thermal insulation and protect from extraneous noise from the street. Such a solution makes the owner of square meters the owner of an additional (albeit small) room, which can be equipped with their own taste and according to needs. Many construction companies offer their services in this regard, as well as sellers of PVC and aluminum profile structures. However, often the financial situation makes us look for more advantageous options in terms of savings that involve most of the work or to do all it entirely on their own. The article will talk about how to glaze the balcony yourself.


  1. How best to glaze the balcony
  2. How to glaze a balcony with plastic windows
  3. Glazing the balcony with aluminum profile
  4. Get the balcony with wood
  5. How to glaze a balcony with your own hands with a heartless way


Important: glazing of balconies requires official approval in the relevant authorities. If you do everything according to the law, then first you have to take care of additional permits.

How best to glaze the balcony

There are a lot of ways, we will list all the main ones and give them a small idea of \u200b\u200bthem, which will determine in the direction of work in the future.

Get the balcony photo

  • Cold Glazing, regardless of the ways of opening the frames, suggests that the balcony can be used as an additional room suitable for living only in the warm season. This is the most inconspicuous option, since the designs made of aluminum profile, which are used for these purposes most often, are quite accessible. Among the positive qualities of this type of glazing is slight weight, so if there are doubts about the reliability of the support, then aluminum will be the right choice. The material is very stable to external influences, is not afraid of moisture and low temperatures, although it can still be deformed from sharp jumps. Sometimes for a cold method, wooden frames with one glass are used.
  • There is an option with warm aluminum profile. It uses double frames and double -glazed windows. And additionally it holds heat inside and does not let cold air from the street special plastic placed inside the profile. But such a design is almost not in demand due to high cost.
  • Usage rum made of wood It is considered a budget option, but time -consuming from the point of view of caring for them: you will have to update the paint once a year if the appearance matters. To reduce the cost of some use the former wood. With proper care, it will last enough. If income allows, then, as they say, once and for a lifetime, install wooden euro -covers. The technology of their production makes them durable, and they look very impressive.

  • Panoramic view Glazing suggests that special, additionally processed to increase the characteristics of glass strength, serves as the basis for assembling the fencing of the balcony from floor to ceiling. From the point of view of creating a spectacular space, this method occupies a leading position. Due to the thickness of the material, the apartment becomes protected from thermal losses and noise insulation indicators. The partition can be made of tinted glass and looks especially amazing when it is assembled without frames.
  • A perfect way glazing the balcony requires certain skills and literacy during installation. But the complexity is justified by the result when the output is light, like a weightless design of one glass. The absence of the frames is compensated by special guide profiles made of metal. It is in them that the glass sections are attached to them. Special hardened glass is used for such tasks.
  • PVC profile frames are a popular and practical way of glazing. The ability to install a double -glazed window with three air chambers significantly insulates the room especially in combination with a wider profile. The installation is simple and fast, and the service life is quite large, and all this splendor does not require complex care. Those who do not want to install plastic windows due to the fact that when opening the wings are eaten a lot of space, you can stop the option on the option with sliding wings.

  • If you want glazing a balcony with a design, then you should be very confident in the strength of the parapet, because the load on it in this case will increase in two directions at once.

Important: work on external decoration of the balcony with siding or other materials is best done before glazing. This sequence will facilitate the work on cladding.

How to glaze a balcony with plastic windows

  • This process does not represent much complexity, especially since the manufacturer itself takes measurements, so there should be no mistakes in this area. So, the finished PVC structures were delivered, it was decided to refuse the installation, what's next?
  • The dismantling of existing old wings is performed and along the way the balcony must be released from all objects and things that may interfere. The space of the balcony can not be called large, so ideally it is worth taking everything from it. What else is the stage of deep cleaning? All the nuances that require finalization and elimination during insulation, waterproofing and so on are immediately visible.
  • A wooden beam is fixed along the perimeter of the balcony using mounting dowels. When measured, the presence of bars is taken into account. That is, the height of the finished structure will be equal to the height from the barrel of the barrier to the upper plate minus the parameters of the crossbar. It is worth clarifying the representative of the supplier’s company, what thickness he lays into the calculations.

  • First, the PVC frame itself is installed without wings. First of all, the main and largest frontal part is mounted. And then the lateral. In order to save, many refuse glass in the side in favor of a sandwich panels. This, of course, is already a matter of taste.
  • From the side of the street under the frame, the tide is attached. If a balcony with a roof is glazed, then it is necessary to fix the visor. It is made under the structure and fixed with self -tapping screws, the cracks are filled with sealant. The visor will protect against moisture and its flow inside the profile and into the room. Therefore, the issues of dense fitting should be given more attention.
  • When the frame is set in level and fixed, you can proceed to the installation of the wings in places. After installation, you should check them for the fitness of the fit. An important indicator and smoothness when opening and closing. If everything is done correctly, then the frames will open easily and without force will close, getting into the opening tightly.

It is important to think over the options for opening the wings. This design will have to be washed, and it is better to plan it so that from the tear -off section can easily be obtained to the neighboring deaf. It is unlikely that anyone wants to risk their lives, leading cleanliness.

  • Outside, it is convenient to hide the joints with premature decorative elements. They can be purchased independently, or included in the kit when ordering in a company supplies a frame from PVC. All gaps from the inside are sealed with mounting foam. When it dries, it is cut, a protective film is removed from the frame and sash. Further, work continues on the final decor of the room.

Get the balcony of the video

Glazing the balcony with aluminum profile

Another plus in favor of a light aluminum structure is a sliding opening system. It saves place, however, because of it, there are problems with the fruits of the lumps in winter. If the choice is still made in her favor, then we learn how to glaze the balcony correctly.

  • We dismantle the previous glazing.
  • If the parapet is made in the form of metal handrails, then on top of them it is necessary to install an apron made of galvanized steel. If the fencing is concrete, this is not required. The profile will stand right at it.
  • The visor is mounted.
  • The window sill is installed.
  • Anchor plates are installed in the opening of the frame. Using anchor bolts, a frame structure is installed on them.
  • The tide is attached to the frame.
  • Sales are installed in the openings.
  • All seams are sealed using mounting foam and closed with tinkers (optional)
  • As the final stage, accessories are adjusted. The sash should be parted smoothly, without emitting a roar. This indicates the correct installation.

Get the balcony with wood

Well, if the home master has carpentry skills. Then the option with glazing with wooden frames is reduced. After all, he can use wooden bars, glazing and ordinary glass with a thickness of 4 mm to collect the wings, supplying them with the simplest fittings from the nearest store. However, in the absence of such talent, you can order an inexpensive finished product in the workshop. Then you can start installing.

It is important to consider that a large design can sail. Therefore, despite the external attractiveness of large and wide openings, this unpleasant effect should be remembered.

  • The preparation has already been written above, so we miss this stage.
  • There are no special tricks in the installation of such a design, moreover, the process itself differs little from the installation of PVC profile. Using metal fasteners and screws, we install a wooden frame without frames.
  • The tint, the visor and the windowsill are installed similarly to the previously described methods of glazing.
  • The seams are discouraged and hidden subsequently under the finish.
  • The wings are fixed in their places, accessories are debugged.

For a long time, it was the only way to glaze a balcony in Khrushchev. Of course, such glazing will never become an object of envy of neighbors. But it can be carefully and fixed reliably from dust, falling foliage and a couple of degrees, change the microclimate on the balcony.

How to glaze a balcony with your own hands with a heartless way

  • A very spectacular type of glazing, but also a method requiring certain efforts and courage. The first thing many homeowners fear for when they offer them this option is security. If we are talking about installing glasses in full growth, then it is possible to provide for a certain removable structure reaching a meter in height, and attached to the walls or floor at a time when children play on the balcony, for example, children play. It is quite easy to cook from small diameter metal pipes.
  • The second not quite desirable effect from a magnificent viewing of the surroundings is the same beautiful view of private life in the apartment. Especially in the evening with the light on. Those who do not want to provide neighbors and random passers-by the opportunity to observe a reality show live, you can choose the following rescue options.
  • Think over the system of curtains or blinds. The second option will turn out to be expensive, given the non -standard sizes of the opening, and with the fabric solution you will have to suffer.
  • You can still choose the type of glass with one -sided transparency at the planning stage. They look good, on sunny days they are very good, but in the fall and cloudy winter weather, such glazing brings longing due to low throughput of light. As an option, the presence of such glasses can be combined with ordinary ones.
  • If we are talking about the non -ramous glazing of the balcony only in the part where most people are used to seeing the window opening, then the difficulties described above do not arise.

Important: glazing to the floor involves the dismantling of the parapet. Before performing work, it is necessary to make sure that the demolition is legal and will not cause negative consequences for the whole house.

  • For all its attractiveness, the panoramic method requires additional insulation costs, well, you should not choose it if a wonderful view of the factory complex or dull neighboring multi -storey buildings opens from the balcony.
  • An aluminum panoramic profile will cost cheaper, but its quality to maintain heat, let’s say, strive to zero and should think carefully before installing it.

There are many options, but each of them can be realized on their own. Therefore, glazing of the balcony can be ranked to the type of work on which you can save.





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Thanks to the company

Thanks to the company, we are glad that our choice fell on this company, we were going to make repairs in the apartment for their parents for a long time, but hands did not reach. And when the conscience had already eaten me from the inside I looked at a lot of firms, companies, re -read a hundred reviews about companies on plastic windows, and decided to consult with those who have already gone this path. The manager made a good impression on us. We decided to order windows and were, very satisfied. The quality of the windows is not comparable to what we saw from other companies.

I was tokmat, did everything

I was musked, did everything correctly, with a roof on the 5th floor, they also made the interior decoration