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Varieties of concrete floors. Do -it -yourself concrete installation instructions

The technology of its manufacture depends on where the concrete floor will be operated. Particular attention requires the technological process of manufacturing the concrete floor in the industrial zone, the main task of which is to withstand huge loads. As an alternative to the traditional coating, more and more often in apartments, houses and in warehouse areas are organized by modern polymer floors. About all the varieties of concrete floors and the methods of filling them will be discussed in this article.


  1. Varieties of concrete floors
  2. Pouring concrete floors
  3. DIY Polymer Concrete Paul
  4. Industrial concrete floor with your own hands

Choosing a concrete floor as a base, they expect:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • underwhelming in care;
  • nonsense;
  • the absence of mold and fungus with which wooden flooring is subject to.

Concrete floors photo

All this makes him a winning floor option, both in residential buildings and in wet and unheated premises. If you make a concrete floor with your own hands observing all the rules, then it will last more than one decade, without significant destruction.

Varieties of concrete floors

Conditionally, concrete floors are divided into 2 types: classic from concrete solution and bulk -term polymer.

  • If a concrete floor is made in a living room, for example in an apartment, then it is performed according to a standard scheme.
  • The situation is much more complicated in warehouse or production zones. Even before creating the project of the building, you need to calculate the estimated loads that will be provided in the future during operation. In addition, the degree of exposure to chemicals and temperature changes is determined, all this together has a strong effect on the concrete floor.
  • When pouring the floor in the warehouse, calculate the height of future racks and their maximum load. This will help give a real assessment to the supporting capabilities of the soil, which performs the function of the underlying layer. Taking all this into account, you get an economically profitable project of a concrete floor, as the method of reinforcement, a brand of concrete and the thickness of the fill will be correctly selected.

Pouring concrete floors

  • Burning polyurethane floorsthey have an aesthetic appearance without additional processing of the upper layer. Depending on the purpose, such coatings have a different degree of elasticity and strength. They withstand large loads, vibration, blows and temperature changes for a long time.
  • Pouring epoxy floorsthey have high strength characteristics, resistant to abrasion and chemical effects, and are also produced in a large color assortment. However, the elasticity and strength of the blows is low, but this can be corrected if the quartz filler is added to the composition.
  • Acrylic bulk floors They are highly resistant to strong temperature fluctuations, tensile strength. And thanks to resistance to ultraviolet, they are often used in open areas.

Tip: When choosing a particular type, you need to pay attention to the composition. If it contains additional strengthening additives, then it is called highly filled. When the composition is poured in its pure form of its subtle -layer name.

DIY Polymer Concrete Paul

Tools for installing bulk concrete floor:

  • container for mixing the solution;
  • needle roller;
  • wide metal spatula;
  • adhesive tape, screwdriver with a mixer nozzle;
  • level.

The mixture will need to be prepared, since on sale it is always sold in the form of two components. Mix the solution immediately before use.

Stages of work

  • The device of the polymer concrete floor begins with the preparation of the surface. The length of operation of the finished floor depends on the quality of these works.
  • If the floor is wooden, then it should be polished and dried. Next, fill all the seams between the boards with sealant and primed. It is also important to check the strength of the attachment of all the boards so that they do not go underfoot and there is no creak.
  • The concrete base, if it is old, is repaired with a sealant, which fill all the cracks. If its surface is too badly damaged, it is recommended to remove the upper layer and sand it. Due to the high porosity of the concrete base, it is primed in any case.

  • For a set of maximum strength, during work it is necessary to observe the temperature regime 5-25 C.
  • The prepared solution should not contain air bubbles, be evenly mixed, and in consistency resemble kefir. Work with it should be quickly, therefore, while one pours the solution on the base, the second immediately distributes it on the surface with a wide spatula. You need to move along a freshly planted floor in special shoes with high spikes. The craftsmen make them on their own, screwing them to the old pair of shoes along the piece of the board with nails.
  • After pouring the site, it is treated with a needle roller for 30 minutes to remove all air bubbles that are inevitably formed when pouring. After 30-40 minutes, the bulk floor will grab and bring it to mind will no longer be possible.

  • On average, the consumption of dry composition is 1.5 kg/m2 is a layer thickness of 10 mm.

Tip: When working with a bulk floor, there are harmful evaporates. Therefore, it is recommended to work in personal protective equipment. In addition, good ventilation should be provided in the room, this will accelerate the evaporation of the resins and the speed of setting the floor.

  • After 3 days, a finish layer is poured, the thickness of which is only 2-3 mm. When he gains strength, at will it can be treated with polyurethane varnish. This is necessary not only for a beautiful appearance, but also for better resistance to chemical compositions.
  • The frozen floor is a strong base, but it is often additionally decorated with a pattern. It is printed on a scale of 1: 1, laid on the floor and poured with a transparent layer of the bulk floor.

Industrial concrete floor with your own hands

  • First, you need to get acquainted with the floor project, which should have data on the location of the deformation seams. As well as an assessment of the characteristics of the soil, or rather the degree of its compaction (which should be at least 0.99). This will prevent cracking and destruction of the concrete platform with possible landing. If the density is insufficient, and there is no time to chop the construction for another year, then the surface is rammed with a rink or vibration plate.
  • Then make a sand pillow with a thickness of 15-20 cm. The height drop can be determined using a laser level, it should not exceed 5 cm.
  • If poured over the old concrete base, then you must first remove all the bulging metal or wooden elements. If there are large cracks or trenches, they are poured with concrete mixture and aligned.
  • The correct thickness of the concrete sex affects its durability. Often at this stage of construction they save, which leads to subsequent cracking and destruction. There are general recommendations in which the thickness of the filling on the already existing old concrete plate should not be less than 10 cm, and 15 cm on the ground base.

  • Since production areas are always large, they are poured with separate areas. As a result, the seams are formed. Their main danger is uneven subsidence of the soil and the formation of changes in height in these places. Therefore, it is desirable to arrange them in the area of \u200b\u200bracks or zones, where there is no active movement and use of loaders. Also, the size of the poured areas depends on the location of the load-bearing columns, which is most often 5-6 m. It is necessary to fill the site completely, you can not leave it unfinished until the next day.
  • Next, lay a layer of PVC film. It will prevent cement milk from concrete to the ground. And when pouring into an existing concrete base, it will divide a new layer from the old, thereby prevent possible cracking due to uneven shrinkage of individual sections.

  • It is also important to create the effect of a floating floor. So that the floor is not deformed with the linear expansion of concrete under the influence of temperatures, a layer of foam or insolon with a thickness of 8-10mm is laid along the entire perimeter of the adjustment to the foundation and communications.
  • Next, the guides are installed according to the mark of the final floor. It is best to use special metal guides that can be removable or non -removable. Since they are released in a large range of sizes, it will not be difficult to choose them for the desired design thickness.

The most popular non -removable guides for installing a concrete floor:

  • Combiform It is made of steel with perforation to facilitate the structure. It has a polymer head. This rail is mounted on prepared reinforcement through welding. After the concrete hardening, the deformation head is removed, and the resulting seam is filled with sealant.
  • NS -mega or Delta This is a rigid metal guide that is left in the solution. It has a deformation seam. It is also welded to the reinforcement.
  • Treform Concrete guide, has high rigidity, which guarantees the absence of deflection when pouring the solution.
  • As removable guides, you can use a channel or a metal pipe. They are placed along the edges of the pouring site, and after solidifying the flooded area, they are removed. Such gaps between the sites create a shrinkage gap. The guides that are located along the walls are removed immediately while the solution is soft. If the project provides, then at the stage of installation of guides they also install trays for draining water, hatches for wells, etc.

  • Next is the stage of reinforcement. Depending on the requirements for the supporting abilities indicated in the project, the concrete floor is reinforced with metal nets, fiber or a voluminous frame is knitted. Fiber is often used not as independent reinforcement, but for additional strength to the metal frame.

Reinforcement selection advice:

  • the finished grid is chosen for areas with low load, for example, pedestrian areas or car parking. Installation is made with an overlap in 1-2 cells and fixed with wire;
  • the volumetric frame is selected for the greatest strength. The diameter of metal or fiberglass rods corresponds to the calculated strength of a particular floor. They should be located in the thickness of concrete, without touching the base. For this, they are placed on special navigation supports. All rods are associated with a minimum overlap of 20 cm;
  • a steel fiber for reinforcement significantly reduces labor costs and the cost of a concrete industrial floor. On average, its consumption is 30-35 kg/m3 of concrete solution. It must be added before laying on the construction site. Fiber is added to the automyxer and mixed thoroughly. This method is suitable only when using high -quality concrete and a carefully prepared sandy base.

  • A concrete solution is served by a pump from an automixer. The card should be filled in one appointment. To achieve the high strength of the upper layer, it is not recommended to add anti -control additives to concrete.
  • When the entire card is filled with a solution, it is compacted and drilled by air bubbles through special equipment, for example, release. This is most carefully done along the walls and supporting elements. The entire area of \u200b\u200bthe filling is required to pass at least 2 times.
  • After pouring all the cards, the solution is left for 3-4 hours to set (in rainy or cold weather this time may increase). And they begin to smell the concrete surface with special machines for concrete finishing work. To make sure that you can start work, you need to step on the concrete, the trace of the boot must delve into 2 cm, but no more.

Tip: Sometimes for decoration they use a faster method with vacuuming equipment, but this method can give too much shrinkage. Therefore, it is recommended to wait for the natural exposure of concrete solution.

  • Concrete finishing machines for machining are compact manual or self -propelled. In both cases, food discs are used. Having passed the entire area at low speeds, the hardening mineral composition is evenly distributed on the surface. The recommended consumption of which is 5-9 kg/m2. It is left for a set of strength. It is impossible to moisturize it, he must take all the necessary moisture from the concrete floor. As soon as it darkens, you can start further machine grout.

  • As soon as the work is finished, they immediately distribute the remaining half of the hardware and also wait for a set of strength and darken. At the end, the grout is carried out several times, changing the direction of movement.
  • To gain maximum strength, the upper layer, it is wiped with blades, which are first placed with a small angle of inclination and gradually increased in the course of work. The result is a smooth surface.
  • When the concrete is hardened, it is important that moisture does not evaporate from it. To do this, use sler (composition contributing to moisture powers). It is sold in liquid form and applied with a roller. To reduce it, you can simply cover the entire area with a film. In hot weather, it is recommended to additionally moisten on top of the film once a day.
  • When the concrete grabs, the strobes are made on the fresh coating with a diamond disk perpendicular to the cold seams. They will perform the function of heat -shrinkable seams. Their depth is 1/3 of the thickness of the fill.
  • Frusted polyethylene is laid in the seam. Its thickness should be slightly larger, the width of the seam. It is compacted to a depth of 1 cm. Then the remaining space is coated with sealant and with the help of a pistol all space is filled with sealant.


  • it is important to use dry hardening for industrial concrete floors. Thanks to the composition with high -firm cement, the coating has high wear resistance and low watering characteristics;
  • when using the strengthening, you must be prepared that after drying it on the surface, microcracks can form due to shrinkage, this does not affect the quality of the floor.

The flooring of the floor with concrete is an economically profitable option for flooring for any rooms, from apartments, to production area. For a low price, a truly strong coating is obtained, which can be decorated with any floor material.

Do -it -yourself concrete floor video





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