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The system of protection against water leaks in the apartment. Features of installation and characteristics

Who had to face the situation of emergency water leakage, knows how many problems an unclosed crane, leakage in the water supply and heating system can bring. Water leakage causes large material problems, conflicts with neighbors and the need to do repairs. In addition, wiring may fail, closing all electrical appliances, electric shock and serious damage to health may occur. But engineering inventions of protection devices from the flood perform the functions of protecting against leaks and avoid such unpleasant situations. Protection protection complexes have been developed, which have similar functions, are in different demand. Let us consider in detail each of the most popular systems today.

Table of contents:

  1. The principle of operation of the system protection system
  2. Installation of a leakage protection system
  3. Types of protection systems against water leakage
  4. Device for monitoring the leaks of water Neptune
  5. A variety of protective systems of Neptune
  6. Comparison of existing protection systems

The principle of operation of the system protection system

The protective mechanism consists of such main parts:

  • control block;
  • water flow sensors;
  • cranes that automatically block the flow of water in the system of waterproof and heating system.

The principle of operation of protective equipment is simple. Signal sensors are located in places of possible leaks. Most often, this place is under the bathroom and shells, washing machines and water heating complexes. When contacting water, in case of leakage, the signal is supplied to the central unit that performs the controller's function. In this case, the controller gives a signal of an emergency and a quick -mounted crane prevents the flow of water in the system.

Installation of a leakage protection system

The mechanism, which is based on only three important elements: sensors, controller and controlled valve are mounted easily, with the standard installation procedure.

Before starting installation, you must carefully read the instructions of the mechanism, find out the features of the installation and use of the device. The location of the device and its components should be placed taking into account the characteristics of the dwelling and the location of places with a probable leak. The elements should be placed taking into account the permissible length of the wires, if the length is insufficient, the wire elements can be increased. Among the two possible options for the location of the mechanism, an underground location is recommended. This will not affect the aesthetic beauty of the room, in addition, it will eliminate false triggles and mechanical damage to parts of system protection. So the installation of a protective device is recommended during the period of repair work. The wires are hidden in the joints of tiles or other material.

The technology for installing the system against depressurization and leaks is quite simple.

To install a system of protection against leaks, a number of such actions must be performed:

  • install signal sensors in the necessary places;
  • mount a controlled valve;
  • connect the controller;
  • test the entire protective system.

Installation of signal sensors occurs according to two possible installation schemes: floor and internally. Installation of sensors by second type is preferable.

The floor version of the installation has its pros and cons. The sensor is installed on the floor, electrodes down, if there is a breakthrough in the water supply system, water when the sensor enters, triggers the protective mechanism and the controller will turn off the valve. The imperfection of the method is that false works occur, but the advantage is that you can install a protective system after installing plumbing and flooring. That is, for the installation of protection there is no need to violate the integrity of systems and objects.

The internal installation of the protective system involves the installation of sensors under the floor layer and the removal of the electrodes to the outer surface of the floor. To exclude the operation of protection with simple floor washing, the electrodes are installed above the floor level by several millimeters.

Installation of the valve will not require any effort: just screw the nipple or pipe into the end of the mounting crane. Joints are packed with a countrogike. Then the line of the distribution box is brought up, which feeds the shut -off node. The power consumption of the valve is very small: in non -working mode, it consumes about three watts, in working mode about twelve watts.

Connecting the controller begins with the fact that the system of the system is attached to the surface of the wall near the locking engine. It can be transferred to any convenient place. After that, the wires are laid, this requires additional costs of time, money and effort, so sensors transmitting radio signals are installed much faster than wired systems. The controller must be installed in a dry place, which eliminates the ingress of water on the device or permanent moisture in the room. During the installation of the device, electricity is disconnected, following safety precautions will eliminate the threat of current damage.

After this stage, the assembly stage of the device occurs. If the entire installation work was successful, the message after the diagnosis will appear in the form of a burning indicator. Green will signal the well -done work. The color of the indicator will change to red in case of leakage. This can be tested if you drop water on the sensor. The controller will work and the valve will be blocked. It will be possible to resume the water supply after pressing a special toggle switch on the controller shield.

The use of protective mechanisms is a 100 % guarantee from the development of a non -standard situation.

The installation instructions give a detailed description of the process and the sequence of actions. Any home master will be able to cope with the installation process, but it is still better to entrust this task to a professional.

Types of protection systems against water leakage

It is very important to relate to the issue of protecting dwellings from the leak of water responsibly. After all, the consequence of the flood can be not only large material costs, but also a threat to human health and life. You can protect yourself from water leakage using protective systems that reliably prevent a large amount of water. In this case, you can not worry about the spoiled coverage of the floor and furniture.

Shops offer various protection systems against leakage of different manufacturers:

  • Neptune;
  • Hydropoline;
  • Stop flow of rainbow;
  • Aquastop;
  • Aquajah.

The structure of protective complexes is completely identical. They consist of:

  • signal sensors reporting on an emergency;
  • cranes overlapping pipes in case of a flood;
  • controller who gives the command about the non -allowance of water.

Device for monitoring the leaks of water Neptune

For more than five years, the organization special systems and technologies has been practiced on the release of protective systems. Neptune is the result of the work of this company. Among the main advantages of the protective system, you can indicate the following:

  • technology safety;
  • reliability;
  • convenience of the device;
  • warranty from the manufacturer.

Many protective devices work at a tension of two hundred twenty volts. A shock of such a force is extremely dangerous for human health and life. In an accident from the leak, a person is in contact with water and a current blow becomes even more dangerous. The company took into account this moment and the new mechanisms of protective devices from leakage work work with a voltage of twelve volts.

Neptune is an extremely reliable protective system, since the stop of water flow in the pipes occurs within twenty seconds. The system is equipped with an autonomous and uninterrupted power source. This allows you to protect the home from water leaks even in the absence of electricity in the house. The program of the system has a monthly automatic self -cleaning of the ball damper. This allows you to clean the system of oxidations and lime plaque.

The system is very convenient, two sensors are included, although this is not enough to protect the apartment, additional elements should be purchased. About thirty sensors are needed for medium -sized apartment. Installation in places of probable leaks will protect the room from the flood.

The warranty from the manufacturer is given to the device that was bought from an official representative for a period of three years.

A variety of protective systems of Neptune

Protective systems are intended to identify and suspend the consequences of non -Turmetics in water supply and heating systems. Changing the color of the indicator from green to red and sound alerts report a non -standard situation. Neptune systems are represented by the following types of equipment:

  • Neptune mini 2n;
  • Neptune Base;
  • Neptune Prow.

1. A device for monitoring the water leak of Neptune Mini 2n.

The device kit includes a standard set from the controller of water leaks, a ball valve and a sensor that controls the violation of tightness.

The functions that the device performs is the following:

  • control of leakage in the system and flow of water;
  • auto blocking of water intake during the response of the sensor;
  • sound and light notice of emergency;
  • the ability to perform tasks in the absence of voltage in the network.

Neptune Mini 2N is used in private dwellings, offices, shops, warehouses.

2. The device for monitoring the water leakage of Neptune Base has a basic configuration: sensors (2 pieces), ball valve, controller.

The system performs the following functions:

  • controls the flow of water;
  • automatically blocks the supply of water in the event of an emergency;
  • produces light and sound notification;
  • monthly carries out the tap crashes.

It is used in private dwellings and public organizations.

3. The device for monitoring the water leak of Neptune Prow is presented by the basic configuration from the controller, ball crane and sensor that controls the leak of water.

Among the main functions performed by the protective system, it is highlighted:

  • control of water flow;
  • auto blocking of waterproof during emergency operation of the sensor;
  • the ability to control and prevent leakage with the electricity disconnected;
  • targeting allows indication in four areas;
  • alert using sound messages and light alerts of an emergency;
  • auto drive of cranes once a month;
  • made for professional installation;
  • auto digging of cranes when voltage drops in an alternative power source.

Like other varieties of mechanisms that control the emergency leakage of water are used in private dwellings and in public places.

An additional module has the function of sending an SMS message about the emergency situation to the owner of the apartment, provided that the leak happened during its absence.

Comparison of existing protection systems

There are many mechanisms of different manufacturers serving as protection against depressurization of the water supply or heating system. But the most popular are the mechanisms of the following branded stamps: Neptune, Aquajaul, Hydropolis.

A number of mechanisms of the brand brand of Neptune are represented by nine varieties of protection systems: five wired and four wireless apparatus.

Hydropolis and aquajah have a similar control principle. Each of the systems is a reliable apparatus and performs the functions of blocking the water source and notification of an emergency.

As practice shows, it is more advisable to acquire high -quality and reliable technique for protecting against emergency depressurization of water supply and heating systems than to experience extremely unpleasant moments for resolving conflicts with neighbors, the cost of large means for repairing and restoring things spoiled by water.

If there are questions regarding the principles of the operation of protective systems from the flow of water, about the rules of installation and operation, watch the video in which the answers to all the questions are given and it is described in detail about the main nuances of the mechanism.





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Anonymous ( fast registration on the site)

I recently found out that

I recently found out that there are such protection systems from the flood. In terms of characteristics and price, I liked the Neptun If the leak is detected, the system independently blocks the supply of hot and cold water, saving from the flood, this is very convenient.