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Clean the sewer in a private house with your own hands. Instruction, review of funds and video instruction

The sewage clogging occurs even with the most accurate use. This big trouble will cope with which sometimes it is not very simple. The sewer system is a pipeline coming from cranes and toilet to the drain pit. You can prevent the blockage in different ways, but it is still better to try to prevent such situations. Let's look at what causes of blockage in the pipes can be, how to clean the pipes, what are the most effective methods.

Table of contents:

  1. Causes Zasor in pipes
  2. How to clean clogging in pipes at home, the necessary means and devices
  3. Ways to eliminate blockages
  4. Chemical ways to eliminate blockage
  5. Mechanical methods for eliminating blockage
  6. How to effectively cope with suction in the bathroom pipes effectively
  7. How to clean the blockage in the pipes in the kitchen at home
  8. How to clean the blockage in the pipes at home and not spoil them
  9. Cleaning plastic pipes
  10. Falls prevention

Causes Zasor in pipes

The cause of any blockage is the accumulation of foreign substances in a particular place. They block the passage of water. The most common sources of such cases are:

  • the paper toilet paper does not cause a blockage very often, it is quite soft and dissolves in water, we are talking about newspaper paper, it is collected by a lump in places of rotation of the pipes or before the toilet;
  • rags these objects find themselves in the sewer system when the buckets or basins are empty after cleaning the room or with direct draining the machine into the toilet, compressed fibers can tightly clog the drain;
  • wool and hair are common for the clogging of pipes under showers and baths;
  • sand and particles of the Earth, they find themselves in the system after washing the shoes or paws of animals, these substances are collected in a siphon;
  • fat, not only after washing the dishes, is in the pipes, clogging the sewer, it also refers to soap containing some amount of fat, fat deposits are most often formed in the knees, in these places merged water costs some time and fat is laid on the walls of sewer pipes.

There are much more reasons for the clogging of the sewer system, but if we talk about multi -apartment skyscrapers, the inhabitants of which often utilize food waste, cat fillers and similar things in the sewer. In private houses, the attitude to the plum is more trembling. Therefore, these reasons are the most common in a private house.

How to clean clogging in pipes at home, the necessary means and devices

It is not difficult to find out the cause of the clog, especially if it occurred against the background of a relatively stable operation of the sewage system. It is enough to find out from each family member, were there any actions in relation to the toilet? Would you have a large amount of toilet paper, or a sponge, or any other item. As a rule, the answer will explain everything.

If the water takes place for a long time for a long time, for a long time, and the rest of the plumbing devices work properly, then the blockage occurred specifically at the site of the siphon, knees or the release of this plumbing item. Gradually settling substances, fat, food remnants after washing the dishes slowly but steadily worsening the quality of water waste, clogging the drain.

If the blockage happened unexpectedly without objective reasons, you can find out the location of the localization by plumbing devices. See what item has reduced the quality of the throughput and the cause should be sought in this place.

Ways to eliminate blockages

At the moment, there are many effective and effective ways to eliminate blockage. From grandfather methods using soda, to the use of the latest new products of household chemicals for cleaning pipes.

Even though the sewer system will be equipped with special filters, it is not always possible to avoid blocking. Perhaps, at least once in a lifetime, but everyone has come across a similar problem. Do not despair. There are three main ways to eliminate blockage and knowledge of theory, will help put the methods in practice, eliminate the blockage even to a serious compaction of substances in the pipe.

These options:

  • chemical method using special products of household chemicals;
  • a mechanical method using devices and tools;
  • hydrodynamic method using high water pressure.

Let us consider in more detail the most popular options.

Chemical ways to eliminate blockage

The use of modern chemicals allows you to quickly and effectively cope with a large number of blockages. In stores you can see a huge range of goods, such that you can not understand without outside help. Funds are sold in various forms:

  • liquid;
  • gel -like;
  • granular;
  • powder.

The similarity between all these forms in the main component - the basis of each means is caustic soda. Thanks to the substance, you can easily dissolve fat, grip of small waste, deposition of organic origin.

This method of elimination of blockage is considered very fast. Chemical ingredients, spreading through the sewer system, envelop the inner surface of the pipes and breaks down organic deposits. So trying to clean the blockage in the pipes, it is necessary to give preference to liquid agents. Solid and powdered act on deposits or blockage fragmented and remove the accumulations only partially. It is pointless to chase the brand when buying such a product, caustic innte is equally effectively struggling with a blockage in a tool from any manufacturer.

When buying goods, pay attention not to the price, but to the consistency.

But it should be understood that not all pipes can withstand the aggressive effects of chemicals. Depending on the material from which the pipes are made, you should also buy the product. The caustic soda should be used reasonably so as not to harm the integrity of human pipes and human health.

There are strict rules when using chemicals of household chemicals:

  • to avoid a serious chemical burn, you can work with drugs only in gloves;
  • it is extremely desirable to use a respirator to protect the respiratory system from toxic vapors.

You can use chemicals to remove clogging and to prevent their occurrence. For example, when using drugs every ten days, you can fully protect the sewer system from blockages. Fat simply cannot manage to be deposited and accumulate, hold out another garbage and go into a heap.

Mechanical methods for eliminating blockage

The mechanical methods of blockage are performed using any devices or objects. Consider the most popular options:

  • if you know exactly what caused a sharp blockage, you can get the item with hands by protecting them with rubber gloves, if there are no gloves, put on plastic bags;
  • if you fail to get the item with your hands, you can apply a hard wire with a bent end in the form of a hook;
  • with the help of a lobby, hydraulic blows can push the blockage from the narrowest area;
  • a plastic bottle can replace a plunger if it is not.

If the mechanical methods were not effective, a chemical method is used.

How to effectively cope with suction in the bathroom pipes effectively

The cause of the blockage in the bathroom can be a pile of hair, the remains of soap, dirt, animal hair and similar objects. In this case, clogging arises gradually: first, the water leave is slower, then bad and as a result may not pass at all. This can cause great trouble. But before calling a specialist, you should independently try to eliminate the blockage in the pipes.

As a rule, at home, an effective tool for eliminating a clogged fragment of the system is a vantaz. This device is effective only when cleaning the bath. The algorithm for eliminating the problem is as follows:

  • so that during the operation of a plunger, the water pressure does not decrease, the overflow hole is clogged and water is collected;
  • it is necessary to arrange a plunger above the drain hole and pushed rhythmically to create high pressure, the vantuz is removed sharply, this makes the causing lump the cause of the blockage shift from the place and stop being a monolithic mass;
  • if there are no changes, it is recommended to pour boiling water into the drain pipe and, after a short time, repeat the actions with the cable.

As a rule, such manipulations will help to influence the blockage and eliminate it without contacting plumbing. Using boiling water guarantees that the blockage will be punched.

There are other options for eliminating blockage in the bathroom. They need to know them in order to influence the unpleasant situation in time and effectively.

No less effective is the use of a plumbing cable: it is a thick hard wire with a spiral. The tool is used as follows:

  • directly under the siphon, place a bucket or any other reservoir;
  • gently dismantle the siphon and inspect it if it is clogged with garbage, to clean it, if necessary,;
  • install a siphon in place;
  • if nothing has changed, and the water to leave is also slowly or does not pass at all, then the pipes are cleaned;
  • the siphon is removed again and the plumbing cable is immersed in the pipe;
  • as soon as the cable rises into something that has resisted, to turn the tool to the right and a jerk, we pull out the device and clean the garbage from the end of the cable;
  • no need to act with effort, otherwise the device can break in the system or spoil the integrity of the pipes.

You should very carefully clean plastic pipes, as there is a threat of damage.

How to clean the blockage in the pipes in the kitchen at home

You can clean the clogging of the pipe in the kitchen in any of the listed methods. And you can use the folk ways that give an effect. Here is some of them:

  • The use of soda and vinegar is a simple, economical and effective option: take soda and vinegar in equal amounts, pour soda into the drain hole, pour vinegar on top, the hole is closed for a couple of hours, after this time, hot water should be poured into the drain hole. This is an inexpensive way that will clean the blockage and does not damage the structure of the pipes. This method can also be used for the prevention of blockages in the future.
  • Heat soda in a dry pan for about twenty minutes, cool and dissolve in water, pour into a pipe. In terms of effectiveness, this method is comparable to the chemical tool for purifying pipes, but having the same effect, it is gentle.
  • The use of lemon is a safe and reliable option for eliminating blockage. It is necessary to squeeze the juice of one lemon or pour out a bag of lemon juice into the drain hole.
  • A concentrated salt solution also helps to eliminate foreign substances from pipes, in this method it is preferably to use a plunger.

How to clean the blockage in the pipes at home and not spoil them

Trying to eliminate the blockage, it should be remembered that the irrational use of chemicals can cause failure of plumbing equipment. The use of funds without taking into account the characteristics of the pipes, their material, can damage the structures. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the substance of household chemicals to eliminate the blockage taking into account the material from which the system and type of blockage are made. Metal or cast -iron pipes are clogged faster, subject to corrosion and easily accumulate on the walls of the deposit. Plastic pipes are clogged less often and it is easier to eliminate the blockage in them. Vantuz or chemicals effectively clean this kind of pipes. Mechanical or chemical methods are more suitable for metal pipes.

Cleaning plastic pipes

Due to its smooth inner surface, plastic pipes are less likely clogged, unlike cast -iron ones. But if the blockage occurs, then with a high probability it is either a bend or a turn in the system. You can clean such types of pipe using chemicals designed for plastic. In general, the pipes cleaning tools are already transferred, summing up, we can say that the blockage is eliminated as follows:

  • special chemicals, often with a poor result of one, use another tool, and it gives the result;
  • folk methods;
  • vantuz;
  • mechanical products are extremely neat.

Falls prevention

To avoid blockages, prevention should be systematically carried out. The complex of preventive actions will avoid troubles associated with the clogged pipes and the elimination of the defect. It is recommended to install special captors filters and finely mesh nets. All turns, knees and joints should be equipped with observation hatches and holes to control the condition of the pipes.

For prevention, the system is periodically washed with boiling water, soda and vinegar solutions. It should be ensured that large particles of garbage do not fall into the sewage system along with water. The implementation of such simple measures will save the sewer system in order.

If you still have questions how to eliminate the blockage yourself, watch the video how to clean the sewer at home and feel free to start eliminating troubles. To do this work with your own hands is quite affordable.





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Anonymous ( fast registration on the site)

Terrible pictures, interestingly,

Scary pictures, I wonder how much time should go to form such a raid?

My impression is that it is

My impression is that this was written by a down that cannot understand the essence of the perception of the smell from the sewage system of a private house !!! You can at least offer a moron how to get rid of the smell from sewer pipes in a private house !!!!!!!!!!!