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Advantages and disadvantages of polycarbonate canopies. How to make the design as efficiently as possible, what to pay attention to when building a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands

In recent years, polycarbonate has received great distribution and popularity. Greenhouses, a variety of awnings and many other designs from this material delight users with their simplicity and multifunctionality. We will devote today's article to the topic of polycarbonate canopies, in which we will find out all the nuances of this structure, as well as what to pay attention to in the manufacture of a polycarbonate canopy with our own hands.

Table of contents:

  1. The main properties of polycarbonate
  2. How to develop a project correctly
  3. Select the thickness of the material for a polycarbonate canopy
  4. The necessary tool for making a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands
  5. How to make a canopy frame
  6. Step -by -step instructions for the installation of a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands
  7. Polycarbonate care advice

The main properties of polycarbonate

Before talking about the manufacture of a polycarbonate canopy, it is necessary to understand what this material is, what species happens and what is its peculiarity. So, polycarbonate is a polymer that is used in various industrial spheres. It is produced from transparent granules, which turn into light, transparent sheets of plastic.

Polycarbonate can be the following types:

  • monolithic;
  • cellular;
  • channel (cellular).

The first two has gained wide application, the latter is quite rare. Monolithic polycarbonate is durable, relatively heavy sheets. This type is considered an excellent alternative to glass, it is much easier and more reliable. Monolithic plates are several shades and tones: transparent, matte, opaque. It differs from a cellular absence of an air layer.

Cellular polycarbonate is a material that inside has formed voids. They are called the other word, from this the symbolic name of the species. Cellular polycarbonate is multi -layer, the larger they are the stronger the sheet. Polycarbonate is quite resistant to blows and the occurrence of various cracks. It has a slight weight and is characterized by low thermal conductivity. This species is highly resistant to blows and has a protective film. When working with this type of polycarbonate, it is important to consider the method of attaching it. First you need to make a hole in the material and only then insert a self -tapping screw into it, and not just drive it into a sheet with a screwdriver. Under the influence of temperature, cellular polycarbonate has the property to expand. The table presents the main advantages and disadvantages of polycarbonate material.

Advantages of polycarbonate Disadvantages of polycarbonate
1. It has a feature of re -operation after processing. 1. Not resistant to ultraviolet rays, quickly loses its physical properties.
2. Resistant to low and high temperatures. 2. Injected to hydrolysis.
3. Light, durable, resistant to mechanical loads. 3. Under voltage, it quickly loses its mechanical and chemical properties.
4. It has a good light transmitting quality.  
5. Resistant to the acidic environment, various solutions and oxidizing agents.  
6. does not absorb moisture.  
7. Dice -flammable.  
8. Flexible.  
9. Easy to use. It has excellent soundproofing characteristics.  

Due to its versatility, polycarbonate is used in agriculture, auto and aircraft, etc.

How to develop a project correctly

Polycarbonate awnings are installed not only on the houses, they are used as shelters for pools, cars, near stores and other organizations. In today's article, we will consider a simple option for a polycarbonate canopy for a private house, which will be able to even beginners.

The initial stage in this case can be called the development of the project of the future structure, which will clearly represent the design, determine the size and calculate the amount of material necessary. Experts recommend inexperienced masters to pay attention to ready -made drawings of the simplest ideas.

At this stage, it is worth finally determining the type of material that will be taken as a basis. The choice of material directly depends on the purpose of the finished canopy and its dimensions. Using construction tools for measuring the area, measurements of the alleged territory for installing a canopy should be made and select the type of supports for it.

The result of Zhuku Zhotzhena behind the recording of a polycarbonate canopy

Select the thickness of the material for a polycarbonate canopy

The choice of polycarbonate panels for the construction of a canopy is a responsible matter, because the life of the structure depends on the material. Considering one or the type of plastic sheets, it is worth considering the number of annual precipitation in your area, the frequency of the crate of the planned canopy, etc. Polycarbonate sheets are a thickness of 4 to 25 mm, the optimal size for a canopy will become a sheet of 8-10 mm. Next, we consider these indicators in more detail.

Cellular polycarbonate has at least five varieties of panels of various thicknesses and structures. They differ among themselves forms of honeycombs, stiffeners and density itself. When choosing a mobile polycarbonate for a canopy, it is better to opt for the middle thickness of the sheets, this will be enough for the design to be resistant to a degree and a huge snow cover. Whatever cellular polycarbonate, he has excellent sound insulation.

Installation of a canopy of monolithic polycarbonate is no less successful choice. This type of material is implemented by 10 known modifications, which differ not only in thickness, but also with the structure of the surface of the panels, their shades and viscosity. The thickness of the monolithic panels is 2-6 mm, sheets up to 12 mm thick are produced according to individual orders. When choosing a monolithic polycarbonate, it is worth paying attention to the marking, as some models are not suitable for use in places close to the fire, others are used in medical institutions, etc. Depending on the purpose of the canopy, some masters, which often happens, combine the types of polycarbonate. This material is very popular in landscape design.


The necessary tool for making a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands

Polycarbonate is one of those materials that is without problems processing various manual and electrical tools. It can be easily milling and thermoform. To work with polycarbonate panels for the manufacture of a canopy with your own hands, you need to prepare such working tools:

  • Construction knife;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • a hammer;
  • screws;
  • metal corners;
  • Electric jigsaw.

A number of working inventory depends on the type of material for the manufacture of supports for a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands.

The result of Zhuku Zhotzhena behind the recording of a polycarbonate canopy

How to make a canopy frame

Polycarbonate is our basis for a canopy, and for the manufacture of the frame it is necessary to choose another, profitable, durable, stable material. A metal frame is considered classic. For its assembly, a welding machine is used, as well as special fasteners. For small structures, aluminum is suitable, for overall structures you can take heavier types of metal.

Some owners collect wood frames, but in such cases the material should be qualitatively treated with antibacterial agents. The wooden frame involves laying the transverse beams, which should be carefully placed so that the design turns out to be proportional and durable.

The assembly of the frame is perhaps one of the most responsible and laborious processes in the manufacture of a canopy with your own hands. Its safety and durability will depend on the quality of the collected basis for the design.

Simplicity of assembly and reliability differs from the frames collected from a profile pipe. This option goes well with forged details, has an aesthetic appearance, etc. Professionals recommend to beginners in the process of assembling the canopy frame will turn to more experienced specialists for help.

Step -by -step instructions for the installation of a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands

Installation of a polycarbonate canopy takes a lot of time, even if it is a small structure. The entire process of work is carried out in a few steps, which can be briefly displayed as follows.

Step 1. Preparing a place for installing a structure.

Step 2. Preparation of pits for supports for a canopy.

Step 3. Assembly and installation of the frame.

Step 4. Installation of polycarbonate sheets.

Next, we consider in more detail each of the above steps.

The design of the structure is ready, with the material for the frame it was determined, the tools were prepared by the following stage of installation of the canopy is the preparation of the place for installing the structure. The territory must be removed from garbage, cleaned from excess soil layers. If it is supposed to build a car's canopy, then you can concrete the base or fall asleep with crushed stone. The original option is also the creation of eco -parking (with landscaping).

The result of Zhuku Zhotzhena behind the recording of a polycarbonate canopy

Capturing the terrain under the canopy should plan and measure the location of the supports and dig deep pits for their installation. When the pits are ready, the supports are located in places and fixed with concrete solution. Further work should be carried out after completely drying the fill. This will take about 4 days, all this time concrete needs to be sprayed with water to prevent cracks.

The most common option is the arched frame. The installed supports are interconnected by embedded parts, then horizontal beams are laid. At this stage, the design is called the upper viscous. Next, an arch is designed. This does not mean that the canopy must be bent, it can be fixed in a horizontal position. The finished metal frame is necessarily treated with anti -corrosion liquids and opened with paint. Frames for awnings at the porch are attached using special supports, which are driven directly into the wall.

The final stage is the installation and fixation of polycarbonate sheets.

It is better to cut the sheets of material in advance, a hacksaw will help in this, they also use a circular saw. Do not rush to remove the protective film from polycarbonate panels, it has a special markup on it, which will cut the necessary pieces more carefully. The roofing material is attached to the frame with stainless bolts and screws. If you have chosen a cellular polycarbonate, take care of the presence of special thermoshab. To fix the sheets at the joints, plastic (or aluminum) profiles are used. At this stage of work, the protective film from the material should be removed. An not unimportant moment for a polycarbonate canopy is the sealing of the sheet ends. As a sealant, an aluminum tape is most often used. This allows you to protect the structure from moisture penetration into the structure. When purchasing funds for processing the joints of polycarbonate material, it is worth paying attention to the presence of acrylic in the product. You should buy liquids without it.

The result of Zhuku Zhotzhena behind the recording of a polycarbonate canopy

Polycarbonate care advice

In order to prevent problems with polycarbonate coating in the next few years, it is necessary to observe the rules for caring for the material.

Firstly, you need to wipe the surface with a soft sponge and detergents with a simple composition.

Secondly, cleaning with various solutions of the White Spirt are not carried out on the side with a covered layer.

Thirdly, after any cleaning operation, the polycarbonate coating should be thoroughly washed with water.

In the event of microcracks on the surface of the material, it is better to immediately treat them with transparent silicone agents.

For detailed information on the correct installation of a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands, watch the video:





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