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Painting wooden houses: photo, step -by -step instructions

The exterior decoration of a wooden house requires special attention, since the life of the building and its protection on any external influences depend on the quality of its implementation. We will consider how to choose the right paint for a wooden house and about the options for its staining.

Table of contents:

  1. Painting a wooden house: Choosing paint
  2. Painting a wooden house outside - Features of conduct
  3. Staining a new wooden house
  4. Painting an old wooden house
  5. Painting a wooden house inside: technology for conducting
  6. Painting the facade of a wooden house

Painting a wooden house: Choosing paint

Before moving on to the issue of choosing paint for wooden houses, we will try to understand the issue of aging or spoilage of the tree.

Wood is a living material that is aging sooner or later. In addition, it is destroyed under the influence of environmental influence, among which it should be noted:

  • weathing;
  • the effect of ultraviolet radiation;
  • precipitation;
  • the formation of fungus or mold;
  • insects.

As a result of this influence, the tree loses the attractiveness of the appearance and acquires a gray color. It also affects the quality of fibers, which become less durable.

Atmospheric precipitation, such as rain and snow leads to the swelling of the tree, then the ultravioletus dries and it deforms, changes the size and shape. Therefore, it is very important to provide reliable protection of wood from moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Since due to deformation of wood, the formation of cracks in which mold is located occurs.

In addition, beetles-eaters have a destructive effect on the tree, which in a few months are able to completely destroy the wooden house.

When a wooden house is located in an open area, near sources with high humidity, for example, at sea, it should be provided with a more reliable protection against moisture, for this special impregnations and paints are used, which include moisture -repellent components.

There are several types of solutions that are applied to the surface of a wooden house, among them are highlighted:

  • impregnation of antiseptic action;
  • acrylate paints;
  • Oil -based paints.

Antiseptic solutions are distinguished by high penetrating properties. They easily enter the wood to a depth of one centimeter. This factor provides reliable protection of the stairs from the influence of atmospheric precipitation, from the occurrence of fungus or mold. Among antiseptics, the compositions should be distinguished:

  • covering;
  • spraying purposes.

The second option has a transparent color, therefore, when applied, it allows you to maintain the beauty of the wood texture and the attractiveness of its appearance. The use of covering antiseptics allows you to completely color the tree, but at the same time retains its relief.

The use of acrylate colors is permissible if the wooden house is under constant exposure to moisture or atmospheric precipitation. This type of paints is characterized by good color resistance, in addition, the appearance of the building acquires a pleasant shine, which lasts a long time. Paints based on acrylates have high vapor permeability, so they do not interfere with the natural air exchange of the room. The texture of the paint itself is quite elastic and stable before the deformations of the tree.

The use of oil paints is very popular when staining wooden houses. They are distinguished by the highest level of stability before atmospheric precipitation. In addition, this type of paint is perfectly absorbed by wood. One of the disadvantages of oil paints is their slow drying, which lasts about 24 hours. In addition, with prolonged operation, the painted house loses its shine and from glossy turns into matte.

Painting wooden houses photo:

The use of any even the most high -quality paint has its own service life, which eventually expires. We offer to consider the average duration of the use of various colorful compositions on wooden surfaces outside the room:

  • Loosing antiseptics are able to last about five years;
  • Covering antiseptics have a longer period of use, which is about seven years;
  • Acrylate paints last up to ten years;
  • Oil solutions are able to cover the wooden surface of the house for about six years.

Painting a wooden house outside - Features of conduct

Before carrying out the staining of a wooden surface, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work to improve the qualities of wood. This stage helps to improve adhesion of paint and wood, while increasing the life of the coating.

Instructions for preparatory work before staining a wooden house:

1. Using a garden sprayer and brush with medium stiffness bristles, remove dirt, dust remnants and small inclusions from a tree. With the help of water, it will be possible to better remove dirt from the surfaces.

2. In the presence of gray-blue spots or mold on the surface of the house, it will need to be removed using special solutions.

3. To remove the resin, if any, a metal spatula is used, and a small hole that remains of it is covered with varnish solution.

4. To cover various steel parts in the form of hats from nails, screws, etc. Use anti -corrosion compounds.

5. After the completion of these work, the tree should dry for about 10-14 days, while it is necessary to ensure its coating using a plastic film. Take care of the presence of ventilation holes that help the tree dry.

Staining a new wooden house

This procedure includes several stages, namely:

1. Processing wood with a primer. The use of a primed antiseptic solution is a very important procedure that requires attentiveness, since it is the quality of the antiseptic that affects the adhesion of the paint with the surface and the protection of mold and fungus.

2. The staining process. The most important point of this procedure is to apply paint to a pre -dried surface. The paint should be applied in two or three layers. At the same time, applying the subsequent layer should be carried out after the previous one dries.

Tips for applying paint on wooden surfaces:

  • Try to periodically mix the paint in order to improve its color and uniformity;
  • To apply the paint, use a brush that will allow you to uniform distribution of paint on the surface;
  • To achieve the perfect color, it is recommended to use a coller with which a primer is applied;
  • Follow the weather before the start of staining, it should be dry, calm and at the same time not hot, since too strong sunlight contributes to the rapid drying of the paint, which should dry out gradually;
  • Application of paint and antiseptic should be longitudinal;
  • When staining the house from the bars, it should be noted that its end areas must be treated with a primer in several layers, since it is on them that a large amount of moisture accumulates during the rain;
  • The presence of subtexts or overlaps is unacceptable.

Painting an old wooden house

If there is mold on the surface of a previously painted wooden house, and the paint is peeling and has an unpresentable appearance, then it's time to think about its painting.

With its help, the appearance of the building will improve significantly, in addition, it will be possible to conduct experiments in choosing a color.

Before starting staining, carefully inspect the house for the presence of defects requiring repairs. The appearance of the side of the house, located in the west and in the south, are more susceptible to the loss of the appearance of the side.

The option of staining only worn out places is possible. Then you will need to purchase a paint of one shade from the previous one. In addition, it is better to choose paint from one manufacturer. But, if the house is recently bought, and information about the type of paint that it was covered is absent, then try to determine it yourself with the help of recommendations:

1. If the surface of the house was previously painted with acrylates -based paint, then by touch it resembles a thin layer of skin. Its cracking occurs in the ratio with the direction of the fibers.

2. After time, the color, on the surface covered with oil paint, becomes matte, and if you touch it, then traces similar to chalk remain on the skin. Its cracking occurs perpendicular to the fibers or fiber -like.

3. A layer of shellacting antiseptic, after a certain time, is refined. In the presence of a glossy surface, there is an opportunity in processing it using oil paints. In the absence of traces of an antiseptic, a coloring option is possible using acrylate paint.

A simpler way to determine the type of paint is to twist a dropped piece into a tube, if at the same time it is elastic and is well lend itself to twisting, then an acrylate -based paint was used, light crumbling signals its oil basis.

If the house was previously painted with oil paint, then for its restoration it should be purchased either an acrylate or oil type of paint.

Before staining, it is necessary to take care of cleaning the surface from the old paint with a metal brush.

If the house was in advance by acrylate paint, then it is recommended to use it for re -staining.

The stage of preparation of a wooden surface is very important, and requires special attention when performing it. First of all, the surface of the tree is cleaned from dirt and old paint with a metal scrap or brush. Next, the walls are washed with water spraying.

If there is mold, a special solution is required to remove it. In order to ensure a high strength of the surface of the surface with the paint, it is necessary to process it using an alkaline solution.

In the presence of old damaged boards, they should be replaced. There are three ways to remove paint from the surface:

  • metal brush;
  • scraper;
  • Chemical solutions.

The first two options relate to the mechanical method of removal of paint, they contribute to saving time, but affect the quality of the tree. The second option allows you to save the texture of the tree, but requires a very large amount of time to perform it. After processing the tree using chemical solutions, grinding is possible.

Tips for staining a wooden house:

  • apply paint in several layers;
  • In order to avoid discrepancy in the color of the paint, it is better to buy the required amount from one batch;
  • In the absence of grinding, the paint costs increase by twenty percent;
  • Application of paint with a second or third layer requires complete drying of the previous layers.

Painting a wooden house inside: technology for conducting

The domestic painting of the house made of wood should be approached with special attentiveness, since the result of staining its owners will be observed every day. In addition, the materials should be high -quality and non -toxic.

It is better to give preference to water -based paints, a special wax or varnish designed for interior decoration of the room.

Paints for the implementation of internal and external decoration are significantly different from each other, since the requirements for them are completely different.

Painting wooden walls inside the house should be performed with the presence of paint, which differs:

  • environmental safety and the availability of special documents that confirm it;
  • The lack of an unpleasant odor, as a rule, has paints, the basis of which is an organic solvent;
  • vapor permeability - helps to improve air exchange;
  • high level of mechanical wear resistance, since wet cleaning is constantly carried out in the house;
  • high stability before the influence of chemical fluids;
  • Low level of deduction of dirt.

To carry out the interior decoration of the stairs in a wooden house, it is recommended to use special varnish on a polyurethane basis. It is the presence of polyurethane in it that makes it more wear -resistant. For painting the walls of a wooden house, any water -based paints recommended for use on wooden surfaces are suitable.

Painting the facade of a wooden house

When staining the facade part of a wooden house, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

1. The surface before staining should be carefully prepared. To do this, it should be cleaned from dust, when applying the paint on a pre -stained surface, you should take care of the removal of the paint.

2. It does not need to save on the quality of the paint, before choosing it it is better to read reviews and check all certificates of conformity of product quality.

3. For high presentability of the appearance, clearly follow the staining instructions indicated by the manufacturer of the paint.

4. Each separate surface of the facade requires an individual approach in applying paint.

In addition to oil and acrylic paints, when staining the facade are used:

  • alkyd;
  • Reactive paints.

The first option creates two types of surfaces or matte or glossy. They are an alternative option for oil paints, but they do not require a large amount of time to dry and do not have an unpleasant odor. They differ in moisture resistance and increased protection against external influences.

When applying reactive paint, a film is created that does not pass the surface either water or any other substances. She is able to protect the tree from insects, rot and ultraviolet radiation. After all the components are mixed, there is a certain time for staining, after which the paint worsens the quality characteristics.

Features of staining the facade:

1. In the process of choosing a paint for the facade, you should take into account the climate of your region, since the coating should differ not only in stability before burnout, but also to protect the tree from the temperature difference.

2. Pay attention to the type of surface, paints to cover log boards differ among themselves. The logs should be covered with breathing paint, and the boards with a film. Therefore, the most acceptable option is water -based paint.

3. To improve the attractiveness of the appearance of the facade and for a more durable adhesion of the paint with the surface, it is necessary to treat it with an antiseptic, treated with an anti -scented primer and painted.

4. Before staining the facade of the house follows:

  • take care of the completion of all roofing work;
  • installations of the drainage system;
  • Eliminate wall defects.

When using water -based paint, staining should be carried out using a brush or roller made of natural materials.

There are many options for painting a wooden house, it all depends on the preferences of its owners, such as a tree and its texture. Therefore, in this matter, one should rely on these factors.





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Good article. Painting

Good article. Painting a wooden house