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DIY cellar

Any person who has his own cottage has repeatedly thought about the construction of the cellar. Such a thought comes to mind not only to summer residents, but also to other developers, because the temperature is maintained in the cellar that allows you to store any products, and they do not lose their taste, do not acquire extraneous odors and do not dry out. It is not rare that people decide to make a cellar under wine to gradually assemble their set of wines. Of course, this building needs any family that has its own economy and a large supply of food, blanks, sauerry and pickled vegetables.

Table of contents:

  1. What are the cellars
  2. Place for the cellar
  3. How to determine the level of groundwater
  4. Materials for the construction of a heating
  5. A pit for a cellar
  6. Waterproofing of the cellar
  7. Walls, ceiling and floor
  8. Cellars of the cellar
  9. Ventilation of the cellar
  10. The finish of the cellar
  11. Wiring in the cellar
  12. Insulation and operation of the cellar


What are the cellars

The functions of storing products, excluding a dry pantry, performs a reliable cellar, designed for long use, for decades. Previously, the most common building was considered the most common, and today more economical storage facilities are popular, which are placed under the house, garage, summer kitchen, canopy, shed or other household construction.

It is beneficial on the courtyard to have a vowel cellar, which, despite the complexity of the structure and some high cost, is universality and ensures high quality storage of products in the winter and summer periods. The cellar of the vowel is convenient in the southern regions of the country to preserve fruits and early berries.

Block storage facilities for two cells, which are located on the border of adjacent areas, are popular. The construction of building materials is reduced by 20-30%for their construction, a place is saved, and the construction of roads is simplified. If the cellar is made for two cells with one owner, then he is given the opportunity to provide separate storage of potatoes and other products in which the smells are not mixed.

Nowadays, the simplest cellars of our ancestors are in demand: trenches, earthen pits, half-pits, half-jacket cellars, underground storages, bacters. However, the simplest structure in design is an earthen cellar. On the land plot, it is also customary to erect cellars in the garage, cellars with a cellar, stone storages, vegetable labases, buildings with a collapse, buried chambers on a slope.

Place for the cellar

Before starting construction, it is necessary to accurately determine the place where you plan to build the cellar. Firstly, you need to immediately decide which storage you want to make: a separate structure or a cellar under the garage. It is worth noting that the cellar in the house is much better than the construction of a separate building. This storage does not occupy an extra place and has a convenient entrance, which is especially relevant in the winter cold.

The best platform for a separate cellar is a small elevation, where groundwater is far from the surface and sewage water is not stagnated for a long time. Such a place is pre -protected from the harmful effects of moisture, so waterproofing work will not be required.

It so happened that land plots in the inhabitants of our country are small, and in most cases the cellar are located under the house, garage, shed or veranda. If you have to build a new house from scratch, then you should first build a storehouse, and then the rest of the building. If you neglect this sequence, then the construction will become more complicated and will be costly from a financial point of view.

How to determine the level of groundwater

If the site on which it is planned to build a cellar, waterlogged and low, it is worth making a sand-gravel pour under the building to tear off the storage from the water. The level of the primer is determined in the spring, when it is high, or by water in the nearest wells and wells in the autumn season.

In places where groundwater lies shallowly, as a rule, juicy, bright grass grows. There are moisture-loving and swamp specimens: horsetails, forget-me-nots, coltsfoot, horse sorrel, reed, moshki and mosquitoes.

In the old days, the following technique was used to determine the location of groundwater. A faucet of low -powered wool, previously washed and dried, was placed on the ground cleared from turf, and a freshly condensed egg was laid on top. These ingredients were covered with clay pot and covered with turf.

If, after the egg and wool of sunrise under the vessel, they turned out to be completely covered with dew, then it could be concluded that the water was close. If the egg remained dry, and the wool became wet - the water is deep. If under the vessel, moisture does not appear at all there is no water at all or it is very deep.

Materials for the construction of a heating

The cellar is recommended to be built in the summer, because it is during this time of the year that groundwater is located at the lowest level. It is necessary to choose a favorable period when there is no precipitation, so that the boiler for the storage does not flood with water.

Given that the materials from which the cellar is built are located all the time in the humid environment, they should be carefully selected. After all, the owners often make mistakes that can no longer be fixed. When choosing materials for the construction of the storage, be careful about the reinforced concrete! Especially when it comes to a room for the content of root crops, vegetables and fruits.

As materials for the construction of a cellar, you can use concrete slabs, wood, brick or the ground. It is not recommended to build a building made of metal, as there will be problems with maintaining the required temperature. If you have chosen the Earth as the main material, then the cellar must be sheathed inside with wood.

In order to correctly choose materials for the future cellar, you need to convey the type of soil. To make your storage last a long time, it is worth taking high -quality dry wood. Reiki made of wood should be well dried, polished, and then treated with an antiseptic, then dried again and already cover the floor with them.

A pit for a cellar

First, it is necessary to clean the place for the storage of the products from the turf - the upper soil layer, prepare the horizontal platform and mark the cellar scheme. At the same time, it is recommended to pay attention so that the diagonals of the building are equal, this is the most effective way that helps to accurately determine the rectangularity of the future building.

When erecting a storage on loose soil, the walls of the pit must have slopes to prevent crowning. With a high level of groundwater location, serious waterproofing work needs to be performed on the outer side of the walls, and the foundation pit should dig an order of magnitude more than the cellar itself is planned. You will have to add half a meter close on each side.

A hole for an earthen cellar must be digging manually, because the excavator violates the integrity of the soil. This, of course, is the most difficult stage in the construction of an underground storage. You should decide in advance where to move the land received during digging. It makes sense to sort the soil. For example, the upper fertile layer should be taken to the garden or to the garden, clay can be used for reverse backfill and floor equipment, the rest is best used for a collapse.

Waterproofing of the cellar

In the construction of the repository of root crops, the most important thing is to solve the issue related to the waterproofing of the cellar. Similar materials are divided into two types: non -pressure and anti -nap. Anti -navigable material for waterproofing is recommended when groundwater reaches the pressure of the water water. And the second type of material should be taken if the water level does not reach the floor surface.

The floor and walls of the cellar should be waterproof and durable. This is necessary so that the walls do not destroy under the influence of water. If a brick was selected for the construction of the cellar, then it must be treated with a cement mortar for higher strength. In addition, in order to increase strength, you can take a roofing material as an additional strengthening.

To protect your storage from the harmful effects of ground water, you can put a drainage layer designed for water release around the cellar. The drainage should be connected to a special well, which will be located near the cellar. Drainage is sold in any construction stores. Also, as a drainage, you can take broken brick, chips and pebbles. But in any case, it is worth equipping a drainage layer.

Drainage should be alternated with stolen soil, be sure to compact it. The execution of clay filling is considered more reliable. To reduce the pressure of groundwater, it is worth building a blind area for the drainage of water, the magnitude of which reaches a width of one and a half two meters. But when the storage is protected from the pressure of soil water, the waterproofing can be carried out with warmed bitumen to create a protective film.

Walls, ceiling and floor

The walls of the cellar can be laid out with a brick on a clay solution with the mandatory addition of sand. You can take a boot stone - granite, slate, sandstone, but not limestone, because it is quickly destroyed, in a solution of sand and lime. Regarding the thickness of the walls, they should be laid out in one brick or even half a brick depending on what the ceiling will rest on. Undoubtedly, the missile walls will be a little thicker.

In your cellar, the floor can be made of expanded clay, broken brick or gravel on a clay solution with compaction and waterproofing, as was done for walls (a layer of clay and bitumen, re -triggering roofing material). Such a floor will last a reliably for many years. You can make the floor in the repository earthen, which helps maintain a constant temperature in the cellar and neutralization of various odors. In addition, in such a field it is easier to make recesses for storing seedlings and carrots, as well as for growing cabbage heads.

Another component of the storage of the ceiling. The binder of the ceiling is performed from dried stems, thin boards and other materials, even synthetic, which do not emit any smell. Be sure to make a cellar lid.

Cellars of the cellar

The overlap of the cellar of the cellar under the building will be flat. But it should rely on beams or mainland soil. And in the open area, the ceiling can be gable or flat. With masterful performance, the visor is considered more practical.

For overlap in all cases, it is better to take PKZh slabs, you should lay boards for fascinating the ceiling under them. Bearing with a gable structure can be done flat or at an angle, filling the voids with slag or other thermal insulation material.

The plates are welded in the crest of the slabs and rested on the taurus beam, and the bottom is rested on the mainland soil. This reduces the loads on the walls and removes the wastewater penetrating through the earthen flooring. In the absence of PKS plates, the ceiling can be arranged from plane -cement materials, for example, from sheets of slate, having previously laid a strong support under them. The seams must be covered with bitumen or cement mortar, and bulk soil - well compacted.

Ventilation of the cellar

Simultaneously with waterproofing work, it is worth taking care of the ventilation of the cellar, which should be made and exhaust. To do this, it is necessary to provide two air ducts special holes in the ceiling and ceiling, securely fix them and compact. Exhaust and suction pipes or boxes are placed in different ends of the cellar around the perimeter. Moreover, the suction pipes must be attached closer to the floor, and the exhaust ones are closer to the ceiling. In the duct, it is recommended to make cerebral curtains to regulate the temperature in the cellar and ventilation in the cellar.

Smash hosts begin to build a cellar when there are all the necessary materials at hand, but do it in a short time, as well as a film or tarpaulin under a canopy. Thus, during the rain, the structure will not get wet, the mainland will remain solid, the insulation is dry, and the structure will turn out to be solid and high -quality.

The finish of the cellar

When there is a ceiling, walls and floor, ceilings and coverage of the storage are arranged, you still need to streamline the doors, entrance, bins, and also think about lighting. In addition, the cellar, which is located in open areas, needs to be well decorated.

The thresholds of the cellar should be well covered. Doors in the cellar are usually two metallic external and wooden internal. It is better to make the latter from oak or any solid wood. The design should be surely covered with oil paint on a high -quality primer.

Each owner at his discretion solves issues related to internal equipment. We will only say that the best materials are duralumin or solid tree. But iron can quickly rust, so it should be avoided.

The external arrangement of the root crop storage is reduced to the lingering of a spent and compacted land, as well as the device of drains. You can equip your storage with a thermostat for the cellar and surround the berry bushes, but not by trees, because their roots grow and destroy the walls.

Inside the cellar, it is necessary to install how much auxiliary racks for the installation of shelves designed for conservation, and lattice bins for storing various vegetables. Particular attention must be paid to the device of a comfortable staircase. To save the internal space of the storage, the staircase can be made rather steep, be sure to equip it with a handrail.

Wiring in the cellar

It is advisable to have electric lighting in the cellar. Lanterns and kerosene lamps saturate the storage with an unpleasant odor, which is not so easy to disappear. The wiring in the cellar is usually made external, but isolated. It is recommended to use wires with double insulation and copper veins. But it is better to contact the consultants sellers to find out which cable is best for use in cellars.

Electric bulbs should be covered with a protective cap. Place bulbs exclusively in dry places, using only moisture -proof material. The safest option is to place the lamp in the vestibule. It is customary to place the switches at the entrance at an altitude of about 1.5 meters. It is forbidden to make sockets in the cellar.

Insulation and operation of the cellar

As a rule, if the cellar is built under the house, then in this case it does not need insulation. However, if the storage is dug under the non -heated room, then you should ask how to insulate the cellar, door and ceiling. For this, wood sawdust, foam and mineral wool materials are suitable. However, each such material has its own defects of the sawdust is rotted, mineral wool attracts dampness, and the foam becomes an ideal bridgehead for rodents.

Like any room storage rooms, the cellar should be kept clean. In the summer, it is imperative to carry out drying and ventilation. In the structure, flammable kerosene and gasoline cannot be kept. And the point here is not only in fire safety, because the caustic smell of these substances is well absorbed by products, which makes them unusable.

For good drying, it is not enough to open ventilation pipes and pipes, because cold and heavy air is kept in the room, and natural craving is not created because of this. Usually, for drying, it is worth installing a stove-stove and warming the walls. You can also create traction for drying in a traditional way using ordinary candles.

Thus, the cellar is a room without which no avid summer resident will do. You can build a storage for products directly under the house itself or in any part of the personal plot. The choice of location, materials and methods of their use for the installation of the cellar depends on certain features of the area.





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Anonymous ( fast registration on the site)

If the cellar under the house is like

If the cellar under the house, how to do ventilation with the release of the pipe through the ceiling ????