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Perforated panels: features, advantages, application

The development of the construction sphere with semi -steps entails a number of consequences that cannot go unnoticed. The need for building materials is growing exponentially, however, the amount of raw materials consumed is increasing. The immense niche in this area is occupied by building materials made of wood, which is often not able to get along with the desire to save natural resources. However, professionals made an attempt to find a compromise in this situation, which resulted in the creation of a qualitatively new building material perforated panels. In their characteristics, they are not inferior to their ancestors from whole wood, and sometimes surpass them, however, if you decide to buy a perforated panel, then make sure that its price is much more democratic for materials from whole wood. As for the scope of the use of perforated panels, it is extremely high and includes many directions that, like the production technology of perforated panels, will be considered in this article.


  1. Using perforated panels: historical facts
  2. Perforated panels: production features and varieties
  3. Features and advantages of perforated panels
  4. Scope of the use of perforated panels
  5. Perforated metal panels: Features of use
  6. Perforated panels for the kitchen: what material to prefer?
  7. Recommendations of specialists for working with perforated panels
  8. And finally: non -standard solutions using perforated panels


Using perforated panels: historical facts

It has long been the main building material was wood, which later gave way to a stone that soon did not fully live up to the full expectation of the inhabitants of the notorious stone castles, which was comfortable only in summer, when the walls were cool. In winter, this was not possible, since the stone walls freezed through. The builders of that time, trying to solve this problem, began to use wood for the interior decoration of stone premises, however, its insufficient strength characteristics and a tendency to burning and rotting limited its use as the main material for capital construction. Subsequently, in connection with the development of innovative technologies, the construction market introduced wood panels protected from decay and combustion, but its high price prevented the widespread popularization of the material. Soon, cheaper and less durable perforated MDF panels appeared, but even the presence of perforations could not provide full protection of the material from moisture. This has become a kind of impetus for the invention of the perforated panels of the high strength of the perforated panels of the XDF, the price of which, combined with the highest resistance to humidity, contributed to the massive use of perforated panels in various fields, and the main place among them was occupied by the decorative interior decoration of the room.

Perforated panels: production features and varieties

Perforated panels are a modern decorative finishing material with qualitatively new characteristics, used in various fields of production and construction. The most frequently perforated panels are made of high -fiber troops of high density (CDF) or drywall. In the first case, the basis of the material is not a whole woody canvas, but wood waste, namely wood chips. This contributes to the fact that the perforated panels are not inferior in environmental to finishing material from whole wood, and in some characteristics they are completely superior. They are less susceptible to deformations and the damaging effect of biological and atmospheric effects. If we talk about perforated panels of wood -fiber plates, the compulsory component of the production process is the pressing of wood chips, carried out hot and carried out under high pressure, which clearly helps to increase the density of the material, its resistance to temperature and humidity fluctuations.

Varieties of perforated panels:

First of all, it should be noted that the production of perforated panels is not limited to using high -strength wood -fiber slabs and drywall. Modern perforated panels can be made of metal and plastic, and if the use of the former is limited mainly by internal work, then perforated metal panels can be used not only for the decoration of the facades, but also in the engineering, industrial and commercial sphere. Perphocated plastic panels are also widely used in the process of external finishing work. Thus, the following varieties of perforated panels are distinguished:

  • Wood -fiber perforated high density panels (XDF);
  • Perforated metal panels;
  • Perforated plastic panels;
  • Plasterboard perforated panels.

In addition, there are more sophisticated modifications of this material. Depending on finding in a particular price category, distinguish between perforated panels trimmed with natural veneer, laminate and foil. Technologies also allow you to apply paint on the panel on one or two sides and grind.


The shape and size of the perforation is also the parameter variable and depends only on the fantasy of the manufacturer. The holes can be like a simple rectangular or round shape, or have decorative figured forms.

Features and advantages of perforated panels

Despite the fact that certain features and advantages of perforated panels depend on the material from which they are made, there are a number of general characteristics inherent in all types of perforated panels.

  • One of these advantages is universality of use perforated panels are used in many areas, among which architecture and design occupy a prominent place;
  • Wide selection and variety of design capabilities. This feature did not go unnoticed by professional designers who could not pass by new products that surprise with ornaments and intricate shades. Some species are characterized by shades that simulate natural wood, while other varieties, due to their bold brightness, will become the perfect finishing material for the design of modern interiors;

  • Ease of installation and dismantling measures. Despite the fact that most perforated panels are characterized by the durability and simplicity of installation measures, panels made of thin metal need to be careful in the installation process. This is due to the fact that such panels are often extremely sensitive to high humidity and require delicate treatment during work, since they are easily bend and undergo deformation processes;
  • The greatest versatility is characterized plastic perforated panels with laminated coating;
  • Wear resistance and non -possessions of temperature and humidity fluctuations make such panels resistant to steam, which makes them possible as decorative gratings for heating radiators;
  • Small weight of the material and external weightlessnessallow the use of material for the manufacture of almost weightless decorative partitions as part of the zoning of the room that will not clutter up the space and retain their mobility;

  • Ability to isolate and adjust sounds found its application in the manufacture of perforated acoustic wall panels, in demand in the arrangement of sound recording studios;
  • Environmental safety of the materialdue to the fact that phenols and epoxy resins are not used in the production of perforated panels, which completely eliminates harmful evaporation;
  • And, of course, cannot go unnoticed democratic cost perforated panels, thanks to this advantage of the final materials of the future.

Perforated panel photo

Scope of the use of perforated panels

Despite the fact that the use of perforated panels is very extensive and includes many industries, including construction, architectural, and trade, and even industrial spheres, it is necessary to identify the fundamental provisions regarding the use of perforated panels.

First of all, decorative perforated panels were created for use in the furniture industry, which implies the manufacture of exclusive designer furniture, decorative inserts for upholstered and cabinet furniture (bed back, exclusive chests of drawers, sofas, wardrobes, manufacturing facades for kitchen sets and furniture walls). The relevance of the use of perforated panels in furniture production is due not only to the decorative characteristics of the material, but also by its ability to provide high -quality ventilation of raw dishes or linen stored in cabinets decorated with panels;

Currently, designers are increasingly talking not about furniture using decorative panels perforated, but about interiors, where, in their opinion, this material will look most refined and profitable. For example;

Ceiling decoration, during which perforated ceiling panels will become an excellent alternative to suspended ceilings. The use of perforated ceiling panels for ceilings prone to constant effect of moisture, as well as, combined using perforated wall panels, to create a favorable acoustic environment in the room;

The use of perforated panels for the manufacture of decorative grilles and screens for heating radiators. This is due to the fact that the perforated XDF panels have the same thermal conductivity as the metal, but when exposed to steam on them, they are resistant to deformations, are not subject to corrosion processes and do not evaporate harmful substances when heated;

Also perforated panels are used to create ventilation and fireplace grilles;

Important! When decorating the ceilings, thin perforated panels (thickness is not more than 3 mm) are used, while for wall decoration more durable panels 5-6 mm thick.

The perforated Panels of the CDF have found their application in the field of business, where they are often used to design office interiors. In this industry, they are used to create optimal zoning of the space and divide the room into comfortable, efficiently ventilated and well -lit functional zones;

Trade and exhibition equipment is also often made using perforated panels, which guarantees exclusive appearance to executive stands, and respectability and good taste to the supplier demonstrated;

Perforated metal panels: Features of use

Perphocated metal panels also found their application in the field of business and film industry, where the ultramodern technology of the media facade is widespread. Abroad, this technology has been widespread for a long time, while in Russia its use only gaining momentum.

Important! Medifasad It is a planar structure consisting of LED modules that differ in shape and size. The design of the media facade involves the installation of the LED panel under a transparent facade screen or over the finished facade. The function of the facade screen is successfully performed by perforated metal panels, the use of which reliably protects the LED structure.

Perphored metal panels, like their wood -fiber analogues, were used in the manufacture of pavilions, stands and other trading equipment. The use of perforated metal sheets allows you to successfully implement the system of quick removal of hooks and shelves;

Perforated panels made of aluminum, thanks to their unique design, have found their application when creating advertising structures. The facades originally designed for decoration, aluminum perforated panels perfectly withstand sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity, and are also absolutely not susceptible to corrosion processes. Their widespread use is due to durability, slight weight, as well as the ease of installation and dismantling measures.

However, the use of metal perforated panels is not limited to the field of trade. They are actively used in the engineering industry for the production of air conditioning and ventilation systems. The production of elevators, filters and automotive industry also does not do without the use of perforated panels;

They also found their application in the food industry, where, using perforated metal panels, beer equipment, apparatus for oil extraction plants, equipment for confectionery factories and pasta, and, of course, equipment for drying and filtering.

Perforated panels for the kitchen: what material to prefer?

Despite the fact that the kitchen and the bathroom are one of those rooms, when decorating which there are a lot of difficulties with the choice of finishing materials, perforated panels are also used during their repair process. The main question in this case is only the choice of material, which is due to the microclimatic features of the kitchen, namely a combination of high temperature and humidity. Moreover, a large number of drops of fat often settle on walls and furniture, which determines the stability of the materials used to constant washing and cleaning agents.

Important! Often, experts recommend abandoning the use of perforated panels in the kitchen, since fat and dust particles will accumulate in small holes, which will contribute to the problematic and difficult to eliminate material pollution. However, this issue was resolved by modern experts who decided to launch a new production line perforated panels with large perforation holes.

However, this did not solve the problem of choosing the material. In this regard, professionals recommend abandoning the kitchen decoration with metal perforated panels, since they are not resistant to humidity, are subject to corrosion and damage to abrasive substances contained in cleaners. In addition, they are not protected from the settlement of soot and dust, and the formation of condensate. A wooden and plastic panels were an alternative option for finishing the kitchen, a special place among which is occupied by laminated panels.

Recommendations of specialists for working with perforated panels

  • The perforated XDF panels can be interfered, painted and covered with other paints and varnishes;
  • Before painting, it is recommended to produce their priming, which can be carried out using alkyd primer paint, as well as alkyd paint in 10-15 %dilution of white spirit;
  • The painting of the panels is carried out using water-dispersion or oil paint applied in two layers. It is recommended to be painted using a spray bottle or car spray, while in the process of spraying the paint the panel should be in a horizontal position;
  • Before the direct implementation of installation, the perforated Panels of the CDF are left in the destroyed room for 24-48 hours, which is necessary in order for the panels to take the temperature and humidity of the environment, which will further prevent their deformation;

Important! While you left the panels in the room, all of their 4 faces should be open, which can be achieved by leaning them against the wall. This is necessary for their favorable dwelling in the microclimatic conditions of the room.

  • In the process of installing panels in the framework, it is important to make at least 15 % of the thickness and 0.07 % in length, which is associated with a change in the humidity of the room over various seasons. This contributes to a slight change in the size of the panel, which can lead to its deformation.
  • In the process of carrying out the cutting of the panel, experts recommend using a circular saw (if cutting is carried out on a production scale) and at home an electrician or a hacksaw equipped with small teeth. Cutting the panel is carried out on the front side.
  • There are also certain features of the transportation of perforated panels, the non -compliance of which can lead to their damage. It is important to consider that being at low negative temperatures, the panels freeze, but this does not cause their damage. Having transported, do not unpack the material right away that it will cause condensate formation on their surface. To prevent this, it is necessary to leave them in a packed state for some time in the warmth.

And finally: non -standard solutions using perforated panels

The appearance of new finishing materials gives an impetus to the development of modern original design ideas. Perforated panels made of drywall are no exception. The know-how of modern manufacturers was the production of perforated panels with curly holes combining with their backlight, which will create original accents in the interior design. Using this material, you can scatter the stars on the ceiling or decorate it with delicate rose petals. To make the interior truly unique, you can create multi-layer structures from lighting materials. Using perforated plasterboard partitions with backlight, you can carry out competent zoning of the room and at the same time place the necessary light accents.

Zoning of small premises can also be carried out using perforated partitions that will help to hide the sub -focus, visually narrowing the space and communications, and will also allow us to experiment with lines and forms.

Having done this, you will see that the room may look different, more comfortable and comfortable, and having bet on the competent zoning of the room, you will understand that simply square meters can be turned into a full functionally significant and aesthetically attractive room.





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