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Installation of the fence yourself

In order to protect your plot or house from extraneous invasion, it is fenced with a fence. There are many materials from which you can build a fence. When choosing a particular type of fence, it should be taken into account its features, appearance and qualitative characteristics. We will talk about how to install a fence yourself.

Table of contents:

  1. Varieties and installation of fences
  2. Metal fence installation technology
  3. Features of installation of a rabid fence
  4. Installation of concrete fence: recommendations and features of execution


Varieties and installation of fences

Fence - frames around the perimeter, except for the protective function, it should also be aesthetically attractive, decorating the yard. Depending on the materials from which the fence is built, it is wooden, stone, metal, combined, etc.

A wooden fence is quite easy to manufacture and an affordable option. The tree is easy to process, so it will not be difficult to build such a fence yourself. To fill in such a fence, not only wood is used, but also a strict lining, a board, a background.

Among the advantages of wood fences, we note:

  • environmental safety of wood and its harmlessness to human health;
  • ease of processing, the possibility of independent manufacture;
  • A variety of forms and textures;
  • Attractive appearance.

However, the wooden fence has certain disadvantages - it is rejoiced, differs in instability to moisture and temperature differences, needs periodic staining and care, is quickly destroyed under the influence of external factors.

The fence from the corrugated board is a rather popular fence option. The corrugated board is a form of a conventional metal sheet subject to profiling. Among the advantages of this material, its resistance to external stimuli, durability, the lack of need for additional care, a variety of colors and shapes are noted. However, if the material is incorrectly cut, then there is a risk of damage to the galvanized layer, in this case, the life of the fence is limited to several years, since it is covered with rust.

A stone fence is quite laborious in manufacture and expensive, but such a fence has an amazing appearance and reliably protects the site from outsiders. In addition, there is the possibility of choosing the shape and height of the stone fence. The option of combining stone with metal, wood or corrugated board is possible. The stone fence is distinguished by a long service life, it does not require additional care.

There are two types of concrete fences - monolithic and euros. The first option implies the installation of concrete plates, the weight of which reaches two tons, therefore, specialized equipment is used for their installation. Eurobar - is special concrete slabs that imitate various textures and are distinguished by an attractive appearance. Such fences are very popular as a fence not only for the home, but also for flower beds, front gardens. Among the advantages of concrete structures we note:

  • high strength and durability;
  • attractive appearance;
  • duration of operation;
  • the possibility of staining with various colors;
  • Resistance in front of the external environment.

However, for the installation of concrete panels, it is necessary to equip an additional concrete base in the form of the foundation.

An attractive appearance is distinguished by a fence made of brick. For the manufacture of the fence, bricks for cladding or ordinary brick are used. The design of such a fence is characterized by style, and with the correct installation of brick and its processing, the service life is about fifty years.

Such a fence also needs to arrange the base for it, it is quite expensive and requires special processing.

The cheapest variant of the fence is the installation of a rabid grid. For its fixation, special supporting pillars and wire living wires are used. When choosing a grid, try to pay attention to the presence of a galvanized or vinyl-polychlore coating on it, they will protect the grid from corrosion.

Metal fences are most often made of forged elements. They are forged manually or machine method. The first option allows you to get a unique invention, but its cost is very high. Machine forging is more expensive. The option of buying special modular systems is possible, from which you can independently assemble a finished system.

A rather original method of fence is the use of hedges as a fence. For their creation, shrubs and trees are used in one or two rows. Initially, in order to build a hedge, it is necessary to pull the cord, and plant plants in the relationship with it. However, this type of hedge needs constant care.

Metal fence installation technology

Before starting the manufacture of a metal fence, it is necessary to decide on the type of fence that will be built. Protective structures made of metal are:

  • protective;
  • forged;
  • metal profile (continuous and sectional).

Keep in mind that for working with metal you need to have experience working with a welding machine.

A fairly popular material for the manufacture of a fence is a metal profile, its widespread use is due primarily to the multifunctionality and good operational characteristics of the material. The metal profile has the necessary rigidity to protect the site, metal sheets are securely fixed on the supports, they are easily installed and, if necessary, are dismantled.

Installation of fence from corrugated board involves the use of materials in the form:

  • directly metallic profile;
  • support pillars on which the fence is installed;
  • galvanized screws;
  • steel corner;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • welding apparatus;
  • Sand, crushed stone and cement.

In order for the fence from the metal profile to serve you for many years, you must follow certain recommendations for its construction. Work should start with the marking of the territory. For these purposes, use the cord and pegs. Previously, the territory should be cleaned of weeds and garbage. The interval between the house and the fence should be at least three meters. It is not allowed to equip continuous fences between two different sections. To check the evenness of the markings, use the level or level.

Next, pillars are installed - for this, the trench should be equipped under the poles. Next, sand is poured into them, supports are installed and concrete. The depth of the trench is equalized by the third part of the length of the supporting pillar. To check the evenness of the pillar, use the level. Further work is carried out after the concrete froze and acquires the desired strength.

In order to fix the sheets of metal profile on the support pillars, lags are installed. Most often, pipes from a metal profile are used as a lag. For their fixation, the use of a welding machine is recommended.

The final moment of installation of the fence from the corrugated board is to fix sheets on a previously prepared frame. In order to perform the editing of the profiled sheet on the fence, use galvanized self -tapping screws. They are resistant to corrosion and extend the fence service life. In the process of cutting a metal profile, use exclusively a hacksaw or scissors for metal. The use of a grinder is unacceptable, since it heats the metal and promotes the destruction of a galvanized layer. In this case, the metal profile is corroded and rust over time, losing attractiveness.

Features of installation of a rabid fence

The main advantages of net fences are the ease of installation and the most affordable cost compared to other fencing options. To install the net fence, you will need:

  • support pillars, the number of which depends on the perimeter of the fence;
  • nets;
  • steel cable;
  • Sand, crushed stone and cement.

The installation of a mesh fence with your own hands is performed quite quickly. Initially, you should mark the site on which work is carried out. The maximum interval between the supporting pillars is 200 cm. A conventional wire or welding machine is used as a net latch.

It is possible to buy ready -made sectional blocks on which there are steel corners and the grid is already welded. Using this design, the fence is installed on the site for an hour.

In any case, the reference poles are initially installed, it is also desirable that they are concreted. Next, they are already fixed on them. Follow the evenness of its location and the absence of sagging.

Another option for a metal fence is forged fence. This design looks spectacular and original. Among the advantages, we note:

  • attractiveness of appearance;
  • duration of operation;
  • lack of need for care.

However, the cost of such a fence is quite high, so if you need to protect a large territory in area, you will have to spend a lot. To install such a fence, the presence of materials in the form:

  • sand, crushed stone and cement;
  • stones for decoration;
  • tools for performing forging by the cold method;
  • Bulgarians;
  • paints and solvent;
  • welding apparatus;
  • additional decorative forged elements.

Do -it -yourself installation is performed using a special technology. Initially, a sketch is being developed, on which the appearance of the fence is determined. The more simple elements on the fence, the lower its cost. After removing measures and determining the appearance of the structure, the cutting of the metal begins and its connection with cold forging.

The most difficult process is the connection of all components among themselves. Each of the sections should be the same, otherwise, the fence will look asymmetrically. To protect the fence from corrosion and moisture, it is covered with special protective material and paint. Pi correct approach to its manufacture, the service life of such a fence will be at least 20 years.

Installation of concrete fence: recommendations and features of execution

Initially, the territory is marking, and the number of supporting pillars is determined. Further work depends on the type of concrete fence. If the fence consists of reinforced concrete plates, then specialized equipment will be required to install it. Such fences in private housing construction are practically not popular, they are most often used to protect industrial enterprises from extraneous invasion.

For fencing houses or plots, small concrete blocks with various kinds of decorative textures are most often used. The standard sections size is 200 cm in height and 50 cm in width. Such plates involve the arrangement of a small foundation.

There are two methods of installing plates:

  • installation of supports;
  • Alternate installation of supports and plates.

The first option implies the initial installation of supporting pillars. At the same time, you should accurately calculate the distance between the supports for installing the plates. The slightest errors will lead to a violation of the integrity of the entire structure. This installation method is less popular than the second, in addition, it is more time -consuming in execution.

We recommend that you initially install one support, then fix the slabs on it and mount the second support pillar. Thus, all work is carried out alternately, while at each of the stages, the fence is checked for evenness.

For additional decoration of the structure, it is painted in a previously certain color. Such plates are able to imitate brick, stone, wood, etc. They are durable, well tolerate the effects of moisture and other external stimuli, perfectly suited to any exterior. If necessary, in the turn of the fence, it is necessary to install two supporting pillars for fixing the plates. It is recommended to purchase caps on supports that will protect them from moisture and destruction, and also make the structure more attractive.

Installation of a fence without material is practically impossible. Although making it from improvised means is real. For these purposes, a vine, unnecessary wire, plants, plastic bottles and other production waste is used. The main quality to the fence received is the separation of the territory, protection of the site from extraneous invasion and aesthetic attractiveness.

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