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The gate of corrugated board independently: tips and recommendations

One of the most popular materials for making a gate is corrugated board. Among the advantages of this material, we note - its resistance to corrosion, moisture, temperature changes and other environmental factors. In addition, the wings of corrugated board have an attractive appearance and is well suited for any exterior. We will consider how to independently make a gate from corrugated board.

Table of contents:

  1. Advantages of manufacturing gate from corrugated board
  2. How to make a gate from corrugated board with your own hands: choice of material
  3. How to make a gate from corrugated board: selection of form and preparation of tools
  4. Corporal gate with forging photos and manufacturing technology
  5. Recommendations for the manufacture of a corrugated gate

Advantages of manufacturing gate from corrugated board

Before starting work on the gate, we offer to familiarize yourself with the features of such material as corrugated board. The corrugated board is gaining more and more popularity not only in the manufacture of fences, but also as a material for the construction of the gates and gates.

Among the main advantages of corrugated board, we note:

  • good operational characteristics - since this material is made from a profiled steel sheet covered with galvanizing, it does not lend itself to corrosion, tolerates moisture, cold and high temperature;
  • The inner side of the material has a varnish coating, and the external polymer - thanks to such protection, corrugated board does not change its color under the influence of solar radiation;
  • The material is easily installed and does not need additional equipment for working with it, you can build a gate in a few hours;
  • The leaf curved in an excellent form makes the material textured and attractive, the variety of plates gives the corrugated board the original shape, in addition, the color scheme of the material is quite diverse, so you can always choose a shade suitable for any exterior;
  • The corrugated board is easily washed with water, it does not need to be periodically painted or varnished;
  • the material provides additional sound insulation;
  • The duration of the operation of corrugated board is more than 30 years, provided that it is performed properly by cutting it, without the use of high -speed devices.

How to make a gate from corrugated board with your own hands: choice of material

Before starting work, you should decide on the size of the gate. Based on this, it is necessary to purchase material for the manufacture of a gate. In the process of designing and creating a sketch of the gate, determine the following parameters:

  • the optimal value of the width of the gate, the minimum value of 90-100 cm, otherwise, it will not be possible to carry furniture or other objects that have impressive sizes through the gate;
  • The height of the gate is determined in the ratio with the height of the fence, most often these values \u200b\u200bcoincide, the maximum value of the height of the fence and the gate in the ratio with SNiP standards is 2.2 m;
  • Please note that the supporting pillars should be deepened into the ground by 80-100 cm, this value is determined by the type of soil on the site, in the presence of too hard soil, it is enough to deepen the support by 70 cm, otherwise this value must be increased.

Greats from corrugated board photo:

If the fence is also equipped with the gate, then the optimal value of its sections is no more than three meters. The giant handle is installed at a height of about 95 cm from the ground. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to open the gate. The canopies are installed 250 mm from the upper and lower part of the gate.

For the manufacture of supporting pillars, we recommend using a profile pipe with a section of 6x6 or 8x8 cm. Keep in mind that the pipes will make the structure unstable and even dangerous.

When choosing corrugated board, see its marking, since this material is of three types: for fences and walls, for roofs and a universal version used both in the first and in the second case.

For the manufacture of a gate, corrugated board is best suited, having labeling S. This material, in turn, is divided into several types:

  • C8 - is characterized by an affordable cost, has a low wave of trapezoid, however, when installing this material, difficulties may occur, since it will require many screws that improve its opposition to the wind load;
  • 20C - corrugated board, having a slight cost, however, this material is the most optimal for the manufacture of a gate, the sheet has sufficient rigidity for functioning as a fence, as a result it is possible to get a strong and windproof coating, while the material is easily mounted compared to the previous option;
  • C21 - a more durable corrugated board than the previous option, the high rigidity of the ribs provides hardness of the structure, it is recommended to install in areas with an increased wind load.

The optimal thickness of the material for the manufacture of the fence is 5mm, and the height is from 180 to 220 cm. In addition, we recommend choosing a material that has an additional polymer coating that makes it wear -resistant.

How to make a gate from corrugated board: selection of form and preparation of tools

When choosing the shape and type of gate, first of all, you should focus on the fence or gate, near which it is installed. Most often, deaf gates of a rectangular or square shape are made from corrugated board. However, the option of making a gate in the form of an arch or semicircle is possible. Keep in mind that for the manufacture of this kind of gate a lot of experience will be required, primarily in changing the form of corrugated board.

It is not recommended to build a gate with a height of more than 200 cm, as it has too much load on the canopies. Too wide gate looks non -harmonious and roughly. Therefore, the optimal value of the width of the gate is about 90 cm.

Gate and gate from corrugated board photo:

In order to build a gate from corrugated board, certain tools will be required. In order to cut the corrugated board, use scissors for metal or hacksaw. It is not recommended to use a grinder in the process of cutting the material, since too much turns heating the material and lead to a violation of the integrity of the zinc coating. In this case, the metal a month after installation begins to be covered with rust.

In order to build a gelt frame, the presence of a welding machine will be required. Without skills in working with this device, hire an experienced weld, especially if the gate has a non -standard shape. In order to get a gate of the same shape as the sketch will require the presence of a devil.

In order to fix the corrugated board on the frame from profiled pipes, it will require the presence of screwdrivers and metal screws. If the support pillars are not installed, then a manual or electric drill is also required, with which pillars for pillars will be equipped. With the help of crushed stone, a pillow is equipped, and a column is poured with a concrete solution to give it the necessary rigidity.

The scrap will be required in order to compact crushed stone during the installation of supporting pillars. To prepare concrete solution, it is recommended to use a concrete mixer. In addition, you will need a roulette, level and a square with which it will be possible to check the gate for evenness.

Corporal gate with forging photos and manufacturing technology

We offer to get acquainted with the option of making a simple gate from corrugated board, on which there are forging elements. If the support pillars are not yet installed on the site, then you should first of all take up the installation. Since after pouring the pillars they should stand for several days before the capture of the concrete solution.

Initially, the location of the supports should be determined. Next, determine the depth of the drilling of wells under them. If the height of the support pillar is up to 1.5 m, then it is enough to equip a recess of about 50 cm. Otherwise, the depth of the pit will be about 1-1.5 meters.

The accuracy of the installation of the pillars is checked using the cord previously stretched on the site. In order to get even holes, use a garden drill. Install the pillars in a ratio with a plumb line and fill them with crushed stone, the last 15 cm of recesses are poured with a concrete solution.

If the soil on the site is characterized by high heaving, then the process of installing the supporting pillars will pass somewhat differently. The depth of depression should be increased by 30-40 cm. After its arrangement, about 15-20 cm of recess should be covered with a crushed stone. Next, a concrete pillow is equipped with a thickness of about 8-10 cm, after which the support pillars filled with concrete are installed.

Further actions to make a gate from corrugated board with your own hands involves the manufacture of a frame. To do this, use the square to mark the profile and create an angle of forty -five degrees on it.

Keep in mind that when using profile pipes, it should be installed in such a way that its wide part is in a perpendicular position in relation to the fence. Otherwise, the gate will not acquire the desired stiffness, and there will be many problems with the installation of the lock.

Next, you should install the pipes on a flat surface and connect them with each other by welding. The evenness of the angles is checked using the level. Measure the width of the frame and install one or two, depending on the height of the gate, horizontal jumpers. After that, two canopies are welded to the frame for the gate.

The next stage is the installation of the lock on the gate. In this case, it is recommended to use any locks designed for outdoor installation. Their main quality is resistance before corrosion and temperature changes.

Most often, special narrow -profile locks are used for gates used on products from profiled pipes. In order to install the castle on the corrugated gate by forging, perform the following actions:

  • mark the location of the lock;
  • drill holes for round parts, use a ball to finish holes;
  • Using a grinder, two cuts should be equipped under the case of the castle, the third gap should be diagonal, then the corrugated board should bend and cut it off with the help of scissors for metal in the required size;
  • In order to accurately determine the size of the lock, spread it with lipstick or chalk;
  • Install the overlays after the full sheathing of the gate with corrugated board.

In order to sheathe the gate using corrugated board, it is enough to measure the right amount of material and cut it according to the shape of the gate. To fix the material, use metal screws, 3.5 cm long.

Recommendations for the manufacture of a corrugated gate

We offer to get acquainted with the tips that will help build a high -quality gate with your own hands:

1. If the height of the gate exceeds 2 meters, then it is recommended to install an additional insert and the crossbar. Thus, the load on the reference poles will significantly decrease.

2. In addition to metal pipes, structures made of brick, stone or concrete are the support pillars.

3. After pouring the pillars with a concrete solution, it is recommended to wait about a week to completely solidify the solution.

4. Pipes for the frame should be cleaned of rust and foreign inclusions, then they should be treated using anti -corrosion impregnation.

5. Keep in mind that the distance between the lower part of the gate and the ground should be at least 10 cm. Thus, even in ice, the gate will function normally.

6. In order for the strength of the gate to be higher, you should equip the diagonal parts on its frame.

7. After welding the frame, welding seams should be cleaned with sandpaper. Further, the entire structure is degreased and covered with anti -corrosion impregnation, only after its drying is the design is painted in the desired color.

8. In order to avoid opening the gate in both directions, it is recommended to install support from the corner.

9. In order to install the gate on the reference poles, it is recommended to use standard metal loops or polymer canopies.

10. To fix the awnings on the support column, anchor bolts and dowels are used.

11. After performing all installation work, check the working capacity of the gate.

The gates of corrugated board with the gate are able to decorate any yard. In addition, such a structure is durable, practical and most importantly - durable.

Do -it -yourself gate with your own hands video:





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