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Laying piece parquet

The piece parquet is truly durable and at the same time rather presentable finishing material. In addition, it is harmless to the environment, natural and reliable. We will consider how to lay a piece parquet further.

Table of contents:

  1. Features, advantages and pattern of piece parquet
  2. Fit parquet: Preparation for styling
  3. The main ways to lay a piece parquet
  4. Recommendations for choosing a piece parquet

Features, advantages and pattern of piece parquet

When conducting construction work of an elite class, most often a piece parquet is chosen for flooring. The popularity of this material is explained primarily by its good technical characteristics and presentability of appearance.

The piece parquet is not cheap pleasure, but, given all its advantages, the money spent on the floor decoration will be fully paid off during its operation. Parquet has a stripping shape, and all the strips have the same length. There are parquet in the form of wood texture or in the form of a certain pattern.

In relation to the type of sawing parquet, three main types are distinguished, in the form of tangential, radial and combined. In addition, five main varieties of parquet should be distinguished in relation to the type of saw:

1. A variety called a rustic on this parquet there are two or more color. The tree has a variety of texture, there is no strictness in observing patterns. This type of parquet is characterized by the most affordable cost with optimal operational characteristics.

2. The natural type of parquet involves the use of mixed sawing, in the process of its production. As a result, the excellent accuracy of the picture is obtained. This parquet is most popular, since it most optimally combines an acceptable cost with good quality.

3. Select - made of wood of the highest quality. The entire structure in the drawing is identical to achieve the attractiveness of appearance, this parquet is processed by both manual and automated devices. It differs in high cost.

4. The radial type of parquet is characterized by the largest uniformity and the same color. This coating belongs to the elite class, since its cost is quite high.

5. Gestr is the cheapest parquet, this parquet has a heterogeneous texture, small knots, drops up to one centimeter and other surface defects.

The piece parquet is distinguished primarily by a long service life. But, in the process of his choice, one should take into account the fact that the final technical characteristics of the material directly depend on the quality of the raw materials from which it was made.

In addition, each manufacturer uses individual equipment with which parquet is made. High -quality parquet is made of oak, ash, beech and maple varieties of wood. The life of the parquet depends on the chemical composition and structure of the tree.

In the process of making parquet, the best option will be a tree of deciduous varieties. Since, for example, a large amount of resin is contained in the khva, for example, which makes it difficult to conduct the process of processing it, and accordingly, the value of the parquet increases.

Parquet piece photo:

The piece parquet consists of homogeneous planks, which are made of whole wood massif. The upper part of the parquet is smooth. To make this material, it is necessary to use only a whole array and valuable wood species. The piece parquet oak is characterized by high strength and very attractive appearance. Each of the parquences has a spit-cancer, thanks to which they are fixed with each other. Each of the strips is distinguished by the presence:

  • rowers - the protruding parts of the parquet, which provide its connection with the neighboring bar, most often the comb has the length and width of 0.4 cm;
  • Pazami is called small snaps that are located on the side of the parquet, they are designed to install rowers in them.

There are left and right parquet boards, if the comb is located on the right, then the board is accordingly the right, otherwise the material is referred to the left -sided variety of parquet.

Among the advantages of piece parquet is highlighted:

  • high strength characteristics;
  • the duration of operation, which exceeds 20 years;
  • excellent sound insulator and a tender insulator;
  • The presence of a tree in the house allows you to create an atmosphere cozy and comfortable for living in the room, due to the fact that the tree regulates humidity;
  • ease of washing and care;
  • the possibility of grinding, restoration;
  • A variety of colors, textures, drawings;
  • The attractiveness and presentability of appearance.

Despite this, the piece parquet has certain shortcomings:

  • high price;
  • thorough preparation of the base for styling;
  • constant care, processing with oils and various kinds of means;
  • Professionalism in the process of laying.

Fit parquet: Preparation for styling

The first and fairly crucial stage of installation of the parquet is preparing the foundation for its styling. If there is a concrete screed on the floor, then it should be checked for evenness, any of the other types of coating, and first of all should be perfectly even.

For quiet purposes, a special construction rack is used, if there is a certain section of the gap in more than two millimeters between it and a certain section of the floor, the screed needs preliminary leveling or grinding using special equipment.

If you do not eliminate irregularities on the floor, then the parquet, after laying, will creak that will create discomfort on the floor. In addition, if there are cracks on the concrete screed, special mixtures are used to remove them.

The next stage involves the arrangement of the waterproofing coating. Keep in mind that before this process, the screed should dry completely. The most optimal waterproofing material for concrete screed is epoxy resin or reactive primer.

Next follows the stage of installation of a black flooring for parquet. Laying piece parquet on a black floor can significantly improve the qualities of this finishing material.

To install it, you will need to have boards from moisture resistant plywood. They are installed on a screed or on pre -laid lags. When choosing plywood, you should dwell on a material whose thickness is from 7 to 20 mm. Plywood should be cut by squares, thus, the floor will turn out to be more even. To lay plywood, you will need a special glue, keep in mind that a gap of 4-5 mm should be left between the squares to compensate for the thermal expansion of the tree. In addition, after gluing plywood, it is recommended to fix it on the surface with self -tapping screws. Try to drown their hats as deeply as possible so that they do not stick out of the floor. The resulting places of installation of self -tapping screws should be spaced using wood putty.

The main ways to lay a piece parquet

There are several options for installing piece parquet, the final result of which determines the appearance of the finished coating. We offer to get acquainted with them in more detail:

1. Laying parquet in the form of a Christmas tree.

This type of parquet laying allows you to get a fairly attractive coating, which is characterized by simple installation. The floors laid in this way are distinguished by the uniform distribution of the load. Therefore, there are practically no cracks in them.

The start of styling involves the division of the room into two equal parts using a special cord. Each side should be symmetrical to the other side. Therefore, the entire parquet is divided into two, absolutely equal parts, each pile of parquet is installed from a certain side.

Next, the parquet begins, it should have the appearance of a Christmas tree. The first 7-8 elements are collected separately, and then installed, since the installation of the first parts of the parquet is very complicated: it is difficult to install a board without slipping and a support point.

With the help of glue for piece parquet, the material is fixed on the surface. The adhesive should be poured in the center of the room, at the place of installation of the cord, and on it - install the previously assembled structure of 7-8 elements of the parquet. Please note that the installation of the right row should be strictly proportional to the location of the cord, and the left row is established already in accordance with the previously established right.

The installation of this parquet requires special accuracy and attentiveness, since the incorrectly installed one bar will lead to the bumps and not the asymmetry of the entire gender. Keep in mind that all skewers should be tightlynd to each other, you should not walk on the floor until the glue freezes. The slightest movements can spoil all the work.

The next styling is carried out on the right, and then on the left side of the center. Frisis is a decorative element that frames the parquet around the perimeter of the room. In addition, beacons can be installed not only in the center, but also diagonally. All work depends on the individual characteristics and shape of the room.

2. Installation of piece parquet in the form of deck masonry.

This laying method is in great demand primarily due to the simplicity of its implementation. This gender is not characterized by stability, instability before temperature influences, compared to the first method.

The deck laying of the parquet is based on the displacement of each of the strips half or a third compared to the previous one. In order for the floor to design more attractive, it is recommended to use the French scan in the process of laying it. This method implies the use of different in length and width of the parquet. If the parquet is laid in the corridor, then the strips are sent in the exit, and if in the bedroom or in the living room, then the parking is laid perpendicular to the entrance.

3. Square technology for laying piece parquet.

This styling method is divided into two more types:

  • Vietnamese;
  • Detailed.

The first option involves the location of the parquet planks in parallel to the wall. Installation of the lighthouse series is carried out in such cases:

  • square -shaped premises, this method is used in the wall, which is located opposite the door;
  • in a rectangular room.

The second option for laying parquet involves the location of parquet parts not directly, but at an angle - forty -five degrees. The appearance of the coating is characterized by originality and sophistication. However, this method has several disadvantages, among which:

  • difficulty in carrying out installation work;
  • A large number of waste.

The choice of one or another way of laying piece parquet with your own hands allows you to give the room the desired shape, sophistication and attractive appearance. Incorrectly selected parking is able to make the room too narrow or vice versa is too wide.

Recommendations for choosing a piece parquet

Before buying a parquet, you should familiarize yourself with the main varieties and features of the wood from which it is made:

1. Duba's piece parquet is the most popular and demanded option. Since it is the oak that is distinguished by the highest performance characteristics, affordable, good external characteristics. In addition, this type of tree tolerates moisture and mechanical influences well. But, the quality of the final product depends on the observance of all technological points of the manufacture of parquet, and especially drying wood. Keep in mind that the parquet from oak is prone to darkening over time, this should be taken into account before buying it.

2. Figus Parquet based on Buk - in accordance with strength, this type of parquet is not inferior to the oak. However, the beech type of parquet is more prone to deformation, less stable before moisture and mechanical influences. Parquet of beech is characterized by a beautiful yellowish color, this is what explains its popularity.

3. Maple piece parquet is characterized by high strength, but this type of parquet, with non -compliance with the technology of its manufacture, quickly becomes unusable.

4. Fitty parquet from Merbau - has the highest characteristics of stability before moisture. Since this type of tree has a large amount of resin in its composition. Therefore, parquet also has high strength and resistance before deformation.

5. Fitty parquet based on cherries is easy to process, less whimsical in care, differs in the presence of a wide colors, in which even pink shades are present.

In addition, the optimal dimensions of the piece parquet should be determined, which are suitable for the room. If the room is small, then the parquet should be minimal. The thickness of the piece parquet is determined in accordance with the black coating on which it will be laid.

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