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How to insulate the attic at home

One of the main places of heat loss in the house is the roof. This conclusion can be drawn thanks to practical observations and initial physics, because warm air tends to rise up. That is why the attic should be insulated. If you do not perform high -quality thermal insulation of the attic overlap at the stage of construction of the house, in the future, when the winter occurs from the ceiling, cold air can be very blowing. Armstrong suspension ceiling is an excellent solution for a private house. The question arises of how to insulate the attic at home. At the same time, the wishes of the owners of the houses can be completely different: the main thing for someone is that it is cheaper, to someone, so that the work is easier, and someone wants to insulate exclusively environmentally friendly or natural materials. Within the framework of this article, we will talk about the general technology of insulation of the attic and the materials that can be used for this.

  1. How can the attic can be insulated
  2. How to insulate the cold attic with filling materials
  3. How to properly warm the attic with roll materials
  4. How to insulate the attic with slab materials and mats
  5. Video: how to insulate the attic


Before moving directly to the materials for insulation, I would like to clarify a little why it is necessary to warm the attic in a private house and what function it performs. Our ancestors were not fools or ignoramuses, which is why the old houses cost more than 100 years, while the house is always warm, and the roof and wooden structures are always dry. What's the secret? The thing is that the perfect insulation is air. Free, natural, always present, and besides, is also amenable to change depending on the time of year. Previously, the roof was always made by gable, with such a bias, so that it was easily delayed on it snow. Also by the way, cheap insulation. Under the slut of the roof, a attic with one or two windows in the pediments of the house was made. When necessary, these windows were held closed, then the air, clamped in the attic, served as a heat insulator. In another situation, in the summer, for example, the windows were opened overnight so that the air cooled, and then closed in front of a hot day, thus controlling its temperature.

Snow cap on the roof of the house - perfect insulation

With the onset of winter, snow fell on the roof with a hat. Even in the most powerful colds of this natural insulation was enough so that the temperature does not fall below zero in the attic, even if on the street -25 C - + 25 C. At the same time, the roof slope was never insulated from the inside so that the snow would not be stuck, and the rafters remain open for diagnosis and repair. A heated attic with an insulated slope is no longer an attic, whatever shape it has. This is the attic, with everyone from here.

In modern construction, these principles also work. Therefore, let's talk about how to insulate the attic of a private house, which material is thermal insulation of the attic floor, i.e. Half of the attic or the ceiling of the house.


How can the attic can be insulated


First of all, the material for insulation of the attic is selected taking into account what the floor is made of. If it is made of wooden beams, and a wooden floor is covered on top, then you can use light bulk materials, roller and slab. Those. The choice is as large as possible. If the floor is a concrete plate, then for its insulation, you will have to use dense slab materials or, in extreme cases, heavy bulk, since a cement screed can be performed on top of them.

Embanding materialsfor insulation of the attic:

  • Sawdust;
  • Straw;
  • Reeds;
  • Buckwheat tyrs;
  • Ecowata (cellulose cotton wool);
  • Flax (bulk waste processing waste);
  • Glass wool;
  • Expanded clay;
  • Seaweed;
  • Slag;
  • Half from grain crops;
  • Foam granules.

Rolled materials For insulation of the attic:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Glass wool;
  • Linen;
  • Sea algae ramps.

Materials in plates and mats:

  • Straw;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Extruded polystyrene foam;
  • Seaweed;
  • Mineral wool in the stoves.

When choosing the better insulation of the attic, you should be guided by thermal insulation characteristics of the material, accessibility in a particular region, its ability not to change its properties with a temperature difference, ease of installation, and then using the room, and also important environmental friendliness, and better naturalness. For example, to build a wooden house and insulate the attic with a foam would be at least stupid, because the tree is breathing material, but there is no foam. As a result, the house will be damp and disgusting, and over time, wooden structures will begin to rot and deteriorate. And, of course, the choice of insulation will depend on the financial capabilities of the owner.


How to insulate the cold attic with filling materials


The insulation of the attic with fermented materials is the oldest, which has established itself for centuries. Most often, it is used if the floors are wooden, then it simply falls asleep between the lags.

The general technology of this insulation is as follows: a craft paper or other similar material (permamine, loose cardboard) or the overlap is smeared with clay on wooden floors, a thermal insulation material is poured on top, a layer, which is calculated taking into account the region of residence, and boards are laid down on top, along which you can will walk. The hatch leading to the attic is also insulated.

Rumors that natural heaters quickly cake are somewhat exaggerated. Therefore, without fear, you can choose the one that is most attracted and will be available.


Insulation of the attic using flax


To insulate the attic with your own hands, special skills do not need. Enough dexterity and elementary knowledge of physics. First of all, you should close all the cracks in the wooden floor. They can be covered with clay, or by modern materials. Then the craft paper is covered with a layer of 2 cm with clay layer.

Fire - linen insulation for attics

Fire waste from flax processing. The material is very cheap in some regions, resistant to fungi and microorganisms, does not rot, light. Mice do not start in the fire, since it is impossible to make a mink (nest) in it, it immediately crumbles, falling asleep. The material is coded, but it can always be added directly on top or replaced with new ones. An indisputable advantage of linen materials is that there are no problems with their disposal, it is enough just to scoop up from the attic, and then burn, which can not be said about the glass wool.

It is filled with a bonfire with a layer of 180 to 350 mm. It does not cover anything from above, for the convenience of walking through the attic you can lay out the boards, but do not fill the entire space, do not make a full -fledged floor. This will allow the material to breathe, give moisture. In the attic, ventilation is necessarily provided in the form of small or medium -sized windows. From time to time, the material is checked if it is slightly raw, the windows open to dry the space and flax.


Insulation of the attic with sawdust


Asking the question of how to properly insulate a cold attic, many are inclined to the old grandfather's way to warm with sawdust. This is especially true in the regions where there is a woodwork nearby, there you can buy sawdust for funny money or even get it for free in any quantity.

Insulation of the attic with sawdust

To begin with, as in the case of linen insulation, all the cracks in the floor are smeared with clay. On top you can sprinkle slightly with sand. It is necessary so that if the clay cracks, the sand falls asleep into the gap. Next, sprinkle all with slave lime with carbide. It will be protection against mice. We fill up with sawdust on top with a layer of 100,200 mm. Since sawdust is fuel, they were usually sprinkled with slag work on top. Especially in places around chimneys or other hot objects. Instead of slag, you can use other materials, for example, process sawdust antipyrens. Above the sawdust is also not covered, except for the boards on which you could walk.


Insulation of the attic by straw

Insulation of the attic by straw

Instead of sawdust, you can use straw or half from grain crops. A craft paper or peramyine is also laid under it, but you can smear the floor with clay layer up to 5 cm. A straw is immediately poured with a layer of 200,500 mm, depending on the region and the severity of winter colds. To reduce the flammability of straw, it can be smeared with clay layer of 1 2 cm on top. The same method is used against mice as with sawdust, or any other folk remedy.


Insulation of the attic ecowide


Ecowata Modern material, a product of newspaper processing and other waste paper with the addition of mineral binders and other additives that provide a low combustibility class.

Due to the fact that Ecowata can absorb moisture from the air in its fibers, it is not necessary to lay vapor barrier material, but it is still worth laying any film.

Insulation of the attic ecowide

Equata is immediately laid directly on wooden floors, this is done using a special blowing installation. This principle of installation allows you to make a layer of insulation monolithic, without a single gap, it will also contain a large amount of air that serves as a heat insulator. For many regions of Russia, a 250 mm is enough layer, but 300 and 500 mm layer can be equipped.

Important! After about 1 3 weeks, a protective crust is formed on top of the ecovy. This is a lignin that licks the fibers of the upper layer. Therefore, sometimes when installing this insulation, water spray is used to accelerate the process of lignin formation.

Due to the fact that Ecowata is coded, its layer is reduced, so when blowing, it should be used 5,15 % more than the planned number of ecowan.

Insulation of the attic with fiberglass


A fairly common way of insulation of attic flooring is to fall asleep of the fiberglass with a layer of 150 250 mm. This material, although it does not burn, does not rot, is not afraid of moisture, mice and microorganisms do not start in it, but it is quite toxic. During laying it on the floor of the attic, you should be surely dressed from head to toe in tight clothes, in gloves and with a respirator. After all the styling work, the clothes will have to be burned.

After the material is detained, it must be replaced with new ones, and some difficulties arise here, since the material is not disposed of in the usual way. The biggest inconvenience arises when there are no windows in the attic through which it can be thrown out into the street, and it has to be taken through the house.


Insulation of the attic by expanded clay

Floor screed with expanded clay

Expanded clay is very well suited to insulate concrete overlap. It is covered with a layer of about 200 250 mm, and a cement screed is poured on top with a layer of up to 50 mm. This allows you to make a floor in the attic, according to which you can not only walk freely, but also on which you can arrange or lay out unnecessary things. A cement-sand mixture for screed should not have a liquid, but a dense consistency, so as not to flow too much into the backfill of expense expense.


How to properly warm the attic with roll materials


Rolled materials are good for insulation by the fact that they can be laid in the space between lags up to 180 200 mm high. Basically, materials are used that are easily cut and quickly take the necessary shape.


Insulation of the attic mineral wool


Mineral wool modern thermal insulation material, widespread. It is often used to warm the attic, since it does not burn, does not rot, is not afraid of microorganisms and rodents, as well as moisture.

Insulation of the attic mineral wool

Below on a wooden floor, a vapor barrier film is necessarily laid, the joints of which are glued with special tape, because cotton wool absorbs moisture, but practically does not give it.

On top of the film you can lay mineral wool rolls. During work, you must be dressed in dense clothes, as in the case of fiberglass. Vata accepts its full -fledged dimensions for 15,120 minutes. It does not need to be covered with anything from above, but you can lay boards for walking. The waterproofing material for protecting cotton from leaks is covered only under the roof.


Insulation of the attic with algae lamps

Sea algae ramps

Algae ramps are beautiful natural material for insulation of attics. Thanks to sea salt and iodine, which are saturated with algae, mice do not start in them, and they also do not rot and are not afraid of microorganisms. The ramps are firm mats from the sea grass of the zoster. In thermal insulation properties, this material is in no way inferior to modern synthetic materials. One of the main advantages is environmental friendliness, as well as the fact that the ramps practically do not burn, only slightly smolder and do not emit toxic substances.

Algae are not afraid of moisture, so there is no need to vapor canine, you can immediately lay the ladies with a layer of up to 200 mm or more on the floor. On top you can equip a wooden floor or lay boards for walking.

The use of algae for thermal insulation of the attic is very useful for the health of residents of the house, as they provide ideal conditions and microclimate in the room, and also release useful iodine into the air.


Insulation of the attic linen insulation

Linen insulation in rolls

Modern linen heater is produced in the same rolls as mineral wool. Only their advantage in absolute environmental friendliness. Len is a great choice for insulation of the attic of a wooden house or a house from other environmentally friendly materials of Saman, for example.

Before laying the roll material, all the cracks in the floor should be sealed with clay, another vapor barrier is not necessary. The linen insulation is covered with linen, neatly joining and without leaving cracks.


How to insulate the attic with slab materials and mats


It makes no sense to insulate a wooden overlap with plate materials, although this is possible. Basically, such materials are used to thermal insulation of concrete slabs. With the subsequent arrangement of the floor in the attic.


Insulation of the attic with polystyrene or extruded polystyrene foam

Insulation of the attic by polystyrene foam

Foam or polystyrene foam is not very dense material, but it can be used to warm the attic. But extruded polystyrene foam is ideal for these purposes, since it is much denser. Before laying polystyrene or extruded polystyrene foam, the floor slab must be checked for irregularities. The surface should be leveled so that thermal insulation slabs can be carefully laid. A vapor barrier material should be laid on the aligned surface.

Next, the plates are laid in a checkerboard pattern, and the joints are sealed with mounting foam. After the foam dries, it is necessary to fill the cement-sand screed with a layer of about 4 5 cm on top. After the screed dries, it can be operated as the floor of the attic.


Insulation of the attic reeds


Kamysh slabs began to be made relatively recently, when the demand for environmentally friendly materials began to gain popularity. According to the thermal insulation properties, the reeds are no worse than modern materials. Even without processing them with antipyrens, the combination class G2 G3, and after processing G1. What can not be said about foam and EPS, which burn and release toxic substances.

Kamysh insulation

With reed slabs, both wooden and concrete floors can be insulated. At the same time, the steam tank is optional. And on top you can equip a wooden floor or flooring.

The modern market is full of various thermal insulation materials, and sellers try to praise them, attributing non -existent virtues. Therefore, in conclusion, I would like to say, choosing material for insulation of the attic, focus on the general concept of the house and life priorities. If your house is made of environmentally friendly wood, then the insulation should be natural, so you will not only save the wood, but also your health. If your house is made of foam blocks or other non -hearing material, you can use mineral wool, it will no longer be worse.


Video: how to insulate the attic





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then it can be more important for

it can be more important for a person than a warm and cozy house, where the whole family gathers in the evenings. Making the house comfortable is the task of the hostess, but to make it truly warm is the owner’s duty. However, very often a situation arises when the window blocks are replaced, the walls are insulated, the heating system is in perfect order, and the heat from the house flows like water through the fingers. What is the reason? But from the school course of physics, everyone knows well that warm air rises up, which means the ceiling is the most likely place for continuing heat loss. And if in multi -storey buildings you should not pay attention to this, because there is another apartment above you, then the owner of the house in the private sector will sooner or later think about how to insulate the ceiling. The flood can be insulated both from the side of living rooms and the attic. Which of these methods to choose depends on a lot. If the house is repaired and plasterboard structures are already installed, breaking them for the sake of insulation is stupid. But if repairs using suspended ceilings are only in the plans, it is worth using the moment to accommodate the insulating layer in the inter -ground space. However, insulation of the ceiling from the attic is much more effective. In order to insulate the ceiling from the attic side, it is necessary to first throw away the entire accumulated trash from there and clean the beams of the overlap from the old insulation. As the main heat -insulating material, mineral wool or polystyrene is most often used. And to buy these materials, go to *store *.

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