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How to bleach wood logs with your own hands

Long -term wood in wood most often ends with the appearance of blue on it. Especially if the tree is periodically not covered with special protective compounds. In this case, in order to avoid decay of the tree, it is urgent to take measures to bleach it. We will consider how to whiten a wooden log house on your own.

Table of contents:

  1. How to bleach a log house: features and recommendations
  2. Prevention of appearance on wood: bleaching logs
  3. How to bleach a log house inside: means to bleach a log house
  4. How to bleach a log house at home: work order
  5. How to bleach a log log - recommendations
  6. How to bleach a log house at home

How to bleach a log house: features and recommendations

The presence of fungi or algae on the surface of the tree leads to the fact that it is covered with a grayish plaque. These microorganisms develop very quickly, especially inside the bath, since it is there that the conditions are suitable for their propagation: increased humidity and high temperature. Therefore, in the presence of the slightest stains of the blue on a wooden log house in the bath, you need to take care of bleaching.

After the installation of the log house, first of all, you should take care of preventive measures aimed at preventing mold on the surface of the tree. The main condition for its development is high humidity. Therefore, the tree is processed before installation with special protective compounds that prevent moisture from entering it inside. In addition, a high -quality ventilation system should be established in the room, which allows you to get rid of excessive humidity, at a time when the bath is not used for its intended purpose.

The outer part of the wood located on the street is also covered with special compounds, which periodically need to be updated. After all, it is affected by atmospheric precipitation, sharp changes in the temperature regime, moisture, wind, solar radiation.

Most often, the reason for the appearance of mold on wooden surfaces is the fact that after the first coating with protective compounds, they are removed over time, and the subsequent coating is not produced. In this case, mold appears on the surface of the tree, without removing which the wood rots very quickly and becomes unusable.

Another condition for the development of the fungus inside the house is the presence of sunlight. If in the future the walls of the bath are sheathed with panels or lining, then internal bleaching is not necessary. When covering a tree using a transparent varnish, it is necessary to bleach it without fail.

We offer to consider the option of whitening the bath using a tool called Bioshchit. With it, it is possible to get rid of wood -making mushrooms, various mold, gray wood. After applying the composition, the wood acquires an initial shade, without the destruction of its structure. With the help of this composition, almost any wood species are bleached.

The duration of the drug is about ten years. The composition provides protection against rot, fungus, insects, algae. After applying the drug to the surface of the tree, its structure remains unchanged, while vapor permeability also remains at the same level.

There are drugs designed for internal and external decoration of the building. Most often, the composition has a concentrated form that can be changed, in relation to the degree of wood damage.

To apply an antiseptic to the surface, use a roller. Pigmenting paint, a few hours after applying the composition, begins to bleach. After drying the surface, it is possible to secrete salt in a crystalline form, use ordinary water to remove it.

If the work is carried out indoors, then make sure that it is well ventilated. The temperature for applying the composition outside should be from 0 to 20 degrees. One square meter is consumed from one hundred to two hundred grams of material. If the mushroom hit the tree by more than three millimeters, then it is recommended to cover it in several layers.

A newer and stronger version of the bio -shield, is a composition called Biochit2. With its help, it is possible to bleach almost any wood of the most neglected form of damage.

When applying a bleach to the surface, use a hard brush or roller, make certain efforts, applying the composition to the surface, rub it well. Thus, it will be possible to significantly increase the efficiency of removal of the fungus.

Prevention of appearance on wood: bleaching logs

In order for the log house to serve you as long as possible, you must adhere to certain recommendations not only for its operation, but also for the transportation of logs. Before transporting logs to the construction site, it is necessary to cover them with protective compounds of weak action, such protection will be enough for them a little more than a week.

To prevent or slow down the development of the fungus on logs, you should take care of the proper storage of lumber. Incorrectly folded logs are a great place for the development of fungus. Therefore, at the place of installation of the log house, stacks must be present for ventilation. They are necessarily installed on dry soil, in the shadow part of the site. In addition, the presence of a special canopy should protect the tree from the effects of moisture on them. At the same time, the presence of additional ventilation between logs is mandatory.

Since the main sources of the development of fungus and mold are light and moisture. Having avoided these two sources, it will be possible to maintain the beam in maximum integrity and safety.

How to bleach a log house inside: means to bleach a log house

Almost all whitters for wood are based on the use of chlorine or hydrogen peroxide. The use of this or that composition should be justified by the nature of the damage to wood. The opinion that chlorine is a more dangerous substance for human health than hydrogen peroxide is erroneous. Both are quite toxic. Therefore, the choice of a protective agent for wood should be performed solely by the effectiveness of use.

These substances are oxidizing agents with high efficiency and are able to penetrate deep into the wood. Using these substances, it is possible to get rid of not only the fungus, but also from its dispute. However, it is not always possible to remove all spores of fungi, so the conditions for their development, after processing the tree, should also be prevented.

Among the main compositions used in order to whiten a log in a wooden log house, we will highlight:

  • The Neromid bleach - is characterized by a fairly effective whitening effect, has become the most widespread and popular due to good quality whitening;
  • Senezh bleach, neo - is distinguished by a careful effect on wood, Efffo - deeply whiten the surface of the tree;
  • India - also has several compositions that provide both deep and careful bleaching.

The use of one or another composition can be either successful or not very. Therefore, before choosing a tool for bleaching wood, you should take into account all the individual characteristics of the tree for work. Before processing, the tree should not be covered with a film -forming composition, since in this case, the penetration of the composition into the inside of the wood will be difficult.

In addition, the effectiveness of the work is also determined by the climate and the time of work. The effect of bleaching at low temperature and high humidity is lower than under optimal conditions of 18 degrees of heat and humidity of 60%.

It is preferable to polish the wood before applying the composition. In this case, it will be possible to get rid of 10-20% of the blue. Before starting processing, determine the condition of the logs, in the presence of deep lesions on a wet log, it is necessary to increase the concentration of the composition without adding a lot of water to it.

If the wood for processing is dry, and the lesions are not deep and local, then observe the clear proportions indicated by the manufacturer. The use of a higher concentrate will lead to the destruction of the structure of the tree.

Do not pay attention to the low cost of the composition, buy protective equipment from trusted sellers with certificates that confirm the quality of the product. Pay attention to the date of manufacture of the composition, the highest performance in the compositions, from the moment of manufacture of which more than one, two months have not passed.

Therefore, answering the question than to whiten the blue of the log house, be guided primarily by the individual characteristics of the wood, the degree of its defeat, humidity, etc.

How to bleach a log house at home: work order

After transporting logs to the site, they are processed with protective compounds, before laying in a log house. In the presence of small localized lesions, it is enough to process only these areas. After applying the bleach, the surface of the logs is treated with an antiseptic composition, do not forget about the processing of ends and bowls.

Keep in mind that the antiseptic should be of high quality and preferably deep penetration. Applying after the bleach of the film -forming composition will lead to corruption of wood after a year of its operation. If the log was not bleached earlier, then the coating with an antiseptic is not necessary.

Next, the log house is installed under the canopy until completely dry. After the logs have dried up, they should be examined for blue. The storage of logs or too much rainfall is incorrect, may be the causes of the fungus. To process dark spots, also use the bleach. Next, a log house is grinded, with which it is possible to get rid of mechanical lesions of wood.

After the first grinding, in the presence of dark spots on the surface of the tree, they are bleaching. After the bleach is dry, the final grinding of the tree should be done with a small abrasive. Next, you should immediately cover the wood with an antiseptic composition, fire protection and finish impregnation.

Answering the question than to whiten the log house outside, first of all definitely, it is necessary to choose products from one manufacturer. Only in this case, it will be possible to achieve the highest possible whitening efficiency. In addition, before using the composition, study the instructions for its use well, optimal conditions for applying the solution and strictly adhere to these recommendations.

How to bleach a log log - recommendations

Some owners of baths do not want to use protective compounds for wood due to their non-ecological. However, most chlorine -containing compositions quickly evaporate, and the harm from the fungus for unprocessed wood is much higher than for the processed.

When performing an internal bleaching of the log house, take care of the presence of drafts that will help get rid of harmful components of the compositions. Perform work using a respirator. Since chlorine is capable of burning the breathing path.

Before using the bathhouse for its intended purpose, it is recommended to fel down the oven stove several times, for more thoroughly cleaning the tree from chlorine fumes.

In order to avoid the appearance of the fungus on wooden surfaces, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Provide good waterproofing of a wooden surface, especially in areas of contact with the foundation and roof;
  • When equipping the roof, build long overhangs that will provide reliable protection of the upper crowns from moisture;
  • In rooms with high humidity, a ventilation system should be organized, as well as moisture removal.

How to bleach a log house at home

Previously, when there were no special compositions for bleaching wood, improvised home remedies used this process. The first of them is salt. With the help of salt, it was possible to prevent the development of the fungus on the surface of the tree. However, this method was not possible to whiten the wood in this way.

The second composition for whitening the tree is whiteness. From this tool for washing things, it was possible to make an excellent bleach for wood. It is effective if the tree is affected outside. In order to whiten the inner part of the tree, it is necessary to loosen it a little, and then covered with white, rubbing it thoroughly into the tree.

The use of special concentrated bleaches is more efficient. In this case, it will be possible to save time and get a quality result. In addition, modern compositions are able not only to whiten the tree, but also to preserve its natural structure and color.

Another rather effective way to whiten wood is its grinding. Using this process, it is possible to get rid of a large amount of blue, located outside the tree. After the grinding, in the presence of dark spots, they are covered with a clarifier.

In the process of using factory compositions, take care of your safety. Use a respirator and glasses to avoid obtaining chemical burns. Hide these compounds from children and pets. Also, use gloves in the process of applying the composition. The main rule of high -quality whitening is the right concentrate for work. Dilute the composition exclusively according to the instructions. Excessive concentration of the bleach will lead to the death of a tree and the loss of its aesthetic characteristics.

How to bleach a log house from blackness:





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